I’m Starting to Think Height+Frame is Everything


Deleted member 5349

Feb 18, 2020
Most of the so called “chads” you see in real life are really just normie in the face, but what separates them from other men is their height and frame. Height and frame exude strength and dominance and will always make you attractive in some way even with a below average face. From an evolutionary viewpoint, women are biologically hardwired to pick the strongest and most violent men that can kill other men and accumulate resources for raising offspring. Height and frame determine the amount of muscle mass you can build and thus your intimidation factor and overall strength. Their are many studies indicating that height and frame account for up to 80% of female attraction. A good face is rare, so it will always be attractive, but with height+frame+thick bones, you will never be incel even if you are subpar in the face. This is why guys like Connor Murphy and David Laid who aren’t gigachad in the face can slay hard on tinder and irl, cuz they have the height and frame combo that gives them super high appeal

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Nigga Face is everything stop coping
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Nigga Face is everything stop coping
The study I liked shows that height and frame account for up to 80% of female attraction. Also in my experience, most of the guys that slay in college are normie in the face and would get told it’s over here based on face alone, but they have the height and frame that makes girls chase them
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The study I liked shows that height and frame account for up to 80% of female attraction. Also in my experience, most of the guys that slay in college are normie in the face and would get told it’s over here based on face alone, but they have the height and frame that makes girls chase them
No bruh FACE is everything I can’t even bothered to show proof cause there’s plenty just go on to tiktok or any social media app and it will prove me right
No bruh FACE is everything I can’t even bothered to show proof cause there’s plenty just go on to tiktok or any social media app and it will prove me right
Yeah, a good face is rare, so it will always be attractive, and good faces look very good on camera, so by the nature of social media it’s very appealing. But in motion, frame+height exudes primal strength and will always make women around you moist
stop deluding yourself, you know why that study shows that height+frame is more important?
It is because society is fixated on the idea that if you are unattractive you can change it easily by gyming etc etc. imagine if a study was released to the public saying face is everything... and it is the one thing you can't change nearly as easily, noone would publish that. the article just gives guys false hopes abouthow gym could make them attractive
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