I’m starting to think testosterone actually affects your face

Deleted member 10615

Deleted member 10615

Brachy pride worldwide
Nov 5, 2020
I have a friend who seems very high t tbh, has gotten into a few fights, does boxing, from a rough place and background and other things

what I noticed about him is he has a huge fucking chin and jaw, his jaw and chin literally resemble that blonde Russian dude of the rocky movie he might even chin mog him, but his upper face like under eyes and midfsce are recessed so it leads me to believe he has excess testosterone and it stimulated his chin and jaw he also has a browridge but that could be from boxing and before anyone asks he doesn’t have an underbite and he has good teeth and a wide palate compared to most people

Maybe the water and food is tampered with and thy put estrogen or some shit in the food that would explain the lack of masc looking guys at my high school and me seeing a lot more masc looking men 60+

what are your guys thoughts does t effect bones?
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Of course it does.

But its more comples that just testosterone = more manly.

Injecting test after puberty won't do anything and injecting test during pubery also won't have the same effect as having naturally higher testosterone levels.

Also if he has naturally high test, chances are his prenatal test (and all the other relevant hormones) were/are high too.
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Kinda water tbn but i think its mainly prenatal test. I have high t aswell (978 ng/dl) but my face is femenine and recessed, though its likely from mouthbreathing more than anyhting else.
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Kinda water tbn but i think its mainly prenatal test. I have high t aswell (978 ng/dl) but my face is femenine and recessed, though its likely from mouthbreathing more than anyhting else.
1000 ng/dl was average testosterone 30 years ago lol
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Of course it does.

But its more comples that just testosterone = more manly.

Injecting test after puberty won't do anything and injecting test during pubery also won't have the same effect as having naturally higher testosterone levels.

Also if he has naturally high test, chances are his prenatal test (and all the other relevant hormones) were/are high too.
Good take

do you think there is something in water or packaged food nowadays I barley see guys around my age in high school that look masc but I see plenty of older guys that look high t and when I say older I’m talking 60+
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too much testosterone can turn into estrogen. be careful
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Body-fat is inversely related to testosterone.
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  • Hmm...
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Good take

do you think there is something in water or packaged food nowadays I barley see guys around my age in high school that look masc but I see plenty of older guys that look high t and when I say older I’m talking 60+
Yh bro environment is fcked.. We have half the t of previous generations
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Kinda water tbn but i think its mainly prenatal test. I have high t aswell (978 ng/dl) but my face is femenine and recessed, though its likely from mouthbreathing more than anyhting else.
My mates midface and under eyes seems to be recessed somewhat aswell, how come his Mandabile and chin didn’t do the same?
1000 ng/dl was average testosterone 30 years ago lol
not surprisng, still 978 is definitely above average nowdays
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My mates midface and under eyes seems to be recessed somewhat aswell, how come his Mandabile and chin didn’t do the same?
They are big like Robert pattinson's.. His bones saved him (Robert) although he is a recessed subhuman
wide sharp jaw and cheekbones, browridge, flat sloped forehead, tall nose bridge, "angry" orbitals, testosterone contributes to this
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its just genetics like everything else i can guarantee you his dad must also have a huge fucking jaw and chin like he does..

So if his father was high T obviously he would be manly looking as well
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Yh bro environment is fcked.. We have half the t of previous generations
Fuck bro that is sad as, I think there is definitely something on food and water aswell as lack of masculine father figures and modern diet +all this gay soy shit becoming the norm and mainstream
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its just genetics like everything else i can guarantee you his dad must also have a huge fucking jaw and chin like he does..

So if his father was high T obviously he would be manly looking as well
Genes for sure play a huge part, today I saw a mother and daughter but the daughter was only like 10 but they had a very similar bone structure near identical
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Good take

do you think there is something in water or packaged food nowadays I barley see guys around my age in high school that look masc but I see plenty of older guys that look high t and when I say older I’m talking 60+
Yeah, i do think that there is a correlation, however its impossible to say how exactly is it correlated without a proper study.

Also, while more "testosterone = more" manly might be true, "more testosterone = better looks" certianly isn't.

If a man has good genes, he will be good looking regardless. Look at my avi, he's not exactly overflowing with testosterone.

However, there probably are guys who would have looked good if their test was higher, meaning that their genetics were more suited for a high T appearance, not a feminine one.
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Body-fat is inversely related to testosterone.
Do people who burn fat easier have higher t? Is fast metabolism and high t related?
Do people who burn fat easier have higher t? Is fast metabolism and high t related?
No, fat converts T to E2. If you get to low body-fat you'll have much higher T.
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Maca / maca root / maca multivitamin is an insanely good estrogen blocker. 100% recommend it
You were saying to much t can be bad sometimes? How much do you think would be to much? I need to go to the doctors soon I will ask for my t to be checked I’m going to get cortisol tested aswell to see if that is what is causing my acne and slight wrinkles
Genes for sure play a huge part, today I saw a mother and daughter but the daughter was only like 10 but they had a very similar bone structure near identical
thats why i always laugh at the autists here who say if only i had eaten better more vegetables i would have been a chad no you fucking autists yoyr genese are just shit...

Know a nigga thats literally poor as fuck and anorexic yet he is still 6ft3 with a huge skull wann a know why cuz his dad like 6ft2 and big skull ...
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  • Hmm...
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You were saying to much t can be bad sometimes? How much do you think would be to much? I need to go to the doctors soon I will ask for my t to be checked I’m going to get cortisol tested aswell to see if that is what is causing my acne and slight wrinkles
I went on HGH for a month and developed a bit of gyno. I basically spiked my t and some of it turned into estrogen lol. I would recommend a hormone balancing therapy so everything's in check
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I had high testosterone as a teenager, result = wide jaw + gynecomastia(fuck)
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wide sharp jaw and cheekbones, browridge, flat sloped forehead, tall nose bridge, "angry" orbitals, testosterone contributes to this
What is flat slopes forehead? Is that a flat yet slightly sloped forehead at the same time?
841AF8C1 6391 4040 8871 3EFAA9484BA8
Is this a flat sloped? Just flat or just sloped?
Its also possible that his current t levels are low. What matter to agressive and dominant behaviour is that whenever he looks into the mirror, he sees a agressive dominant face. This gives him permission to act like he looks. Also feedback from other people since childhood plays a big role on how you act, and what you do.
Forget about bone growth from boxing or high testosterone.
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So it’s when you start developing boobs? That shit is fucked yo makes me cringe, makes me cringe more then any ugly face that just looks so wrong and strange on a man
when your testosterone is too high, part of it is converted to estrogen (creating the breasts) and is only cured with surgery
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Its also possible that his current t levels are low. What matter to agressive and dominant behaviour is that whenever he looks into the mirror, he sees a agressive dominant face. This gives him permission to act like he looks. Also feedback from other people since childhood plays a big role on how you act, and what you do.
Forget about bone growth from boxing or high testosterone.
He moved to my school a few months ago from a close by country and was fairly quiet, but he took me up on my offer of having a ciggertr together at school and he smokes and dinks and arrives to school high so he is low inhb for sure, the way he acts around me is good he seems like a chill asf dude and we got on well and that isn’t something easy for me as I’m a naturally quiet person, he seems low inhb and high t but not in a bully sort of way just a I don’t take shit from anyone and I can handle myself kind of way + he is very low inhb
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Yeah, i do think that there is a correlation, however its impossible to say how exactly is it correlated without a proper study.

Also, while more "testosterone = more" manly might be true, "more testosterone = better looks" certianly isn't.

If a man has good genes, he will be good looking regardless. Look at my avi, he's not exactly overflowing with testosterone.

However, there probably are guys who would have looked good if their test was higher, meaning that their genetics were more suited for a high T appearance, not a feminine one.
What would you say are important traits that on guys that make them good looking but but not necessarily a trait of high t?
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What would you say are important traits that on guys that make them good looking but but not necessarily a trait of high t?
Eyebrows and supraorbital

So much of a man's attractivness is in his supraorobital shape, position and the eyebrow shape (which is determined by the supraorbital to a large degree)

Look at my avi - other than his eyes, his face looks rather average. But thanks to his eye area, he is a psl god.

And the other important thing is good enough PFL - pfl is especially important on aesthetic/feminine guys. Only masc chads can pull off having small eyes.

Also, rectangular face shape. But that goes for any type of a man.
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What would you say are important traits that on guys that make them good looking but but not necessarily a trait of high t?
Deep set eyes, long eye lashes and good brows, eye colour halo, thin or medium thickness nose with somewhat high nose bridge and neautral tip, full lips, nice hair ect I could go on and on but those are some attractive traits and I don’t think t plays a roll in them there are probably a few more tho
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Eyebrows and supraorbital

So much of a man's attractivness is in his supraorobital shape, position and the eyebrow shape (which is determined by the supraorbital to a large degree)

Look at my avi - other than his eyes, his face looks rather average. But thanks to his eye area, he is a psl god.

And the other important thing is good enough PFL - pfl is especially important on aesthetic/feminine guys. Only masc chads can pull off having small eyes.

Also, rectangular face shape. But that goes for any type of a man.
Yea long pfl is good on both genders I think men and women look better with positive tilt eyebrows even though mens eyebrows should sit lower than a womens
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Of course it does.

But its more comples that just testosterone = more manly.

Injecting test after puberty won't do anything and injecting test during pubery also won't have the same effect as having naturally higher testosterone levels.

Also if he has naturally high test, chances are his prenatal test (and all the other relevant hormones) were/are high too.
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I went on HGH for a month and developed a bit of gyno. I basically spiked my t and some of it turned into estrogen lol. I would recommend a hormone balancing therapy so everything's in check
you got gyno cuz of prolactin from hgh not from T JFL over for you if you inject shit without knowing what it does
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you got gyno cuz of prolactin from hgh not from T JFL over for you if you inject shit without knowing what it does
All men actually have mammary glands but estrogen is what actually causes the growth. Prolactin also makes the nipples puffier and high prolactin likely signals estrogen to work differently at the receptor sites on the glands behind the nipples. But it is estrogen causing the “comastia” part of “gyno”. Gyne-comastia pretty much translating as “Female-Growth” from Greek I think. Getting surgery soon :blackpill::blackpill::feelsgood:. Had it since before/the very start of puberty.

There’s not much that can be done about puberty induced gyno unfortunately. Even controlling prolactin and estrogen during puberty could still cause someone prone to gyno to get it, and cause a lot of unwanted side effects too.


don’t do roids.
get a good surgeon
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All men actually have mammary glands but estrogen is what actually causes the growth. Prolactin also makes the nipples puffier and high prolactin likely signals estrogen to work differently at the receptor sites on the glands behind the nipples. But it is estrogen causing the “comastia” part of “gyno”. Gyne-comastia pretty much translating as “Female-Growth” from Greek I think. Getting surgery soon :blackpill::blackpill::feelsgood:. Had it since before/the very start of puberty.

There’s not much that can be done about puberty induced gyno unfortunately. Even controlling prolactin and estrogen during puberty could still cause someone prone to gyno to get it, and cause a lot of unwanted side effects too.


don’t do roids.
get a good surgeon
i had pubertal gyno roided and it stayed the same was rubbing dht and taking high dose vitamin k2 + d3 good to hear ur getting rid of it i am planning on getting the gland removed soon too
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i had pubertal gyno roided and it stayed the same was rubbing dht and taking high dose vitamin k2 + d3 good to hear ur getting rid of it i am planning on getting the gland removed soon too
Yeah hard truth is that nothing works for it. The surgery will boost your confidence a lot. Try to find a surgeon that doesn’t look tacky (ie; videos all over YouTube and spamming ads on google. They’re more likely to botch you. €5-10k should be normal.

Chad gyno surgeons won’t even reply to your emails/calls at first until you literally keep forcing for a consultation (ie; ringing their secretaries for weeks). Trashy “surgeons” will be calling you back 30mins after you send an email and will continue to call from different numbers until they realise they won’t convert you as a sale.

There’s a lot of terrible gyno surgeons so best of luck finding one you feel safe with. They do chest sculpting, lipo around the estro-fat etc to make sure you’ll look aesthetic afterward
They are big like Robert pattinson's.. His bones saved him (Robert) although he is a recessed subhuman
most attractive guy according to golden ratio lol
It's mainly prenatal testosterone.

Jordan Barrett has a super high pren T face, but his pubertal T was probably around 400-500.

Most ftms look like soyboys that don't finish puberty.


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it does.
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It's mainly prenatal testosterone.

Jordan Barrett has a super high pren T face, but his pubertal T was probably around 400-500.

Most ftms look like soyboys that don't finish puberty.



Look at his body,


His test levels during puberty I doubt were very high.
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Look at his body,


His test levels during puberty I doubt were very high.
Natural T levels don't affect muscle mass too much.

Also it's obvious that facial developement doesn't depend on T as there's a lot of mogger stacies with gigajaws.
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It's mainly prenatal testosterone.

Jordan Barrett has a super high pren T face, but his pubertal T was probably around 400-500.

Most ftms look like soyboys that don't finish puberty.


Bruh how can u think Jordan Barrett looks like high T? I am not gay but I would legit fuck him in his ass looking at how feminine he fucking looks. Jordan would maybe be one of the most successful MtoF transgenders if he ever tried.

This is a high T face:
Colton haynes actor backgrounds face profile wallpaper preview
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Bruh how can u think Jordan Barrett looks like high T? I am not gay but I would legit fuck him in his ass looking at how feminine he fucking looks. Jordan would maybe be one of the most successful MtoF transgenders if he ever tried.

This is a high T face:
View attachment 1155203

His facial structure and eyes are high pren T.

Look at jimsonbobson.

Really high pren T facial features.

But his pubertal T was probably dogshit.
  • Ugh..
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His facial structure and eyes are high pren T.

Look at jimsonbobson.

Really high pren T facial features.

But his pubertal T was probably dogshit.

How so? He looks feminine as hell.
Jimson has a square shaped forehead, compact midface with above average fWHR, a thick jaw chin, and mid mandible, and a square shaped chin. All traits associated with high prenatal T.
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Ofc it does. It's mostly prenatal t exposure that matters.
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