Imagine believing climate change.



6'1" Gymmaxed Moroccan - From Western-Europe
Sep 20, 2022

Teresa Ribera, Spain's minister of ecological transition, utilized a private jet to travel to a climate conference. However, just 100 meters before reaching the designated meeting point, she disembarked from the car and opted to ride a bicycle instead. Clown world.
  • JFL
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Climate change is real
Its just the activists are hypocrites, dumb nafri nigger
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  • JFL
Reactions: n0rthface, Deleted member 17244, Deleted member 31445 and 1 other person
So they play you and you fall for it.
People do things for being comfortable all the time and obviously she wants to look good for camera
People do things for being comfortable all the time and obviously she wants to look good for camera
Yeah, cause its fake.

If it were a real danger like they say, the government would try to save humanity.

But they don't so it obviously is just a tactic to take away freedom by putting the blame on the consumer.
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Yeah, cause its fake.

If it were a real danger like they say, the government would try to save humanity.

But they don't so it obviously is just a tactic to take away freedom by putting the blame on the consumer.
It won't wipe humanity out and they put resteiction on companies all the time
t won't wipe humanit
If you watch that movie by Al Gore he claims that it will. Guess that the "science" isn't consistent then lol.
they put resteiction on companies all the time
Only western nations and not really. If it were as dangerous as they claim they would concentrate on nuclear energy but they shut it off completly here and concentrate on coal, but now try to restrict the average persons life, which is obiously the end goal here.
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Its getting colder
Climate change is real
Its just the activists are hypocrites, dumb nafri nigger
Climate change my ass you stupid brainwashed chink. They keep talking about climate change nonstop, but then they hop on private jets to attend these meetings. They preach about riding electric vehicles, but they're handing out massive contracts to companies that pollute the air. They're just trying to line their own pockets while imposing ridiculous rules on the rest of us. The only thing that seems real is deforestation, not this whole idea of the world heating up.
  • JFL
Reactions: RAMU KAKA
Climate change my ass you stupid brainwashed chink. They keep talking about climate change nonstop, but then they hop on private jets to attend these meetings. They preach about riding electric vehicles, but they're handing out massive contracts to companies that pollute the air. They're just trying to line their own pockets while imposing ridiculous rules on the rest of us. The only thing that seems real is deforestation, not this whole idea of the world heating up.
Are you serious?
If you believe in blackpill, surely you'd believe in climate change, greenhouse effect, etc. Do you seriously think there's no consequence whatsoever from China and other industrial nations burning fossil fuels to create cheap shit you and me throw away?
I mean, politicians being shitty people or having commonplace habits shouldn't even be surprising if you're a blackpiller.
And you should also want it to be real! It'll bring and end to this pointless mog filled life of have and have-nots.
If you watch that movie by Al Gore he claims that it will. Guess that the "science" isn't consistent then
Ok and? And al gore isn't a scientist unless you have the consensus saying climate change would end humanity. He did win a nobel prize but for
Gore is probably the single individual who has done most to rouse the public and the governments that action had to be taken to meet the climate challenge. “ even tho people had issue with the novie
Only western nations and not really. If it were as dangerous as they claim they would concentrate on nuclear energy but they shut it off completly here and concentrate on coal, but now try to restrict the average persons life, which is obiously the end goal here.
Every country does efforts including china. People are scared fukoshima and chernoble caused alot of fear.. and the waste and I belive it cost more if the other is plentyfull like coal.

And politican wanna get voted in sp they pander
Climate change my ass you stupid brainwashed chink. They keep talking about climate change nonstop, but then they hop on private jets to attend these meetings. They preach about riding electric vehicles, but they're handing out massive contracts to companies that pollute the air. They're just trying to line their own pockets while imposing ridiculous rules on the rest of us. The only thing that seems real is deforestation, not this whole idea of the world heating up.
You must be retarded if you think climate change is not real and the average temperature of the world didnt rise compared to 500 years ago


I said that climate change is real, its just that the activists are hypocrites that do the opposite of what they say, stupid 50 IQ nafir sand monkey learn how to read you clinically retarded shithole morrocan

I would stomp the skulls your entire worthless sandnigger family and shatter them into millions of tiny little pieces and stomp their disgusting little subhuman brains out into a gooey pink paste. I'd force your subhuman 5'4 sandnigger runt of a father to helplessly jerk off in a corner while your sandnigger mom chokes her disgusting recessed maxilla on my big Kinh cock just like your females did to my Kinh conquerors after we raped and slaughtered their entire families, you filthy sandnigger rape baby leftover mutt. Then I'd force your dad to brutally rape you while you watch helplessly like the little baby bitch you are, then I'd carve out all his organs slowly and painfully and force feed them to you while your mom watches in glee as I eliminate her disgusting spawn and its subhuman father and make both of them suffer.

Then I'd make your mom brutally torture you with extensive lingchi, slicing you slowly and painfully to death piece by piece while you scream in pain and beg for mercy like the helpless little baby faggot you are. Then I'd implant my genetically superior Kinh seed into her, the Ubermensch sperm she begs for to replace the inferior disgusting worthless genetics of your worthless little cucked faggot nafri subhuman father that I brutally tortured to death. Your nearing extinction race is genetically inferior to mine in every conceivable aspect and the gap is only getting bigger and bigger at an astounding rate. Your entire bloodline is worth less than the disgusting dog shit under my boots that I scrape off with utter contempt, your fucking place under your Kinh master you disgusting little shitskin faggot. Look at the type of shit you post and your post ratio, you are a complete genetic dead end autistic KHHV shitstain subhuman who will never amount to anything in your entire worthless disgusting shithole life and will die broken, lonely, and unloved.
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  • JFL
Reactions: n0rthface
People only believe in it because they are told to believe it. If they were told to believe something else they would. If we didn't have that then society wouldn't function, so I try not to get too triggered at people for trusting authority.
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  • JFL
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No i am joking, i am posting all this to troll you incels.
There are significantly more devoted and deranged trolls here, so you never know. Anyway, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't that fucking retarded.
If you believe in blackpill, surely you'd believe in climate change, greenhouse effect, etc. Do you seriously think there's no consequence whatsoever from China and other industrial nations burning fossil fuels to create cheap shit you and me throw away?
I mean, politicians being shitty people or having commonplace habits shouldn't even be surprising if you're a blackpiller.
And you should also want it to be real! It'll bring and end to this pointless mog filled life of have and have-nots.
Indeed, it is evident that climate change has an impact, but it may not be as significant as portrayed by certain entities. Climate change is being utilized as a means to achieve particular objectives, similar to how the LGBTQ movement is presented in an appealing manner while potentially concealing unfavorable aspects. Regarding the idea of wanting life to end, as an HTN there is no reason for me to rope or be nihilistic.
You must be retarded if you think climate change is not real and the average temperature of the world didnt rise compared to 500 years ago

View attachment 2318250

I said that climate change is real, its just that the activists are hypocrites that do the opposite of what they say, stupid 50 IQ nafir sand monkey learn how to read you clinically retarded shithole morrocan

I would stomp the skulls your entire worthless sandnigger family and shatter them into millions of tiny little pieces and stomp their disgusting little subhuman brains out into a gooey pink paste. I'd force your subhuman 5'4 sandnigger runt of a father to helplessly jerk off in a corner while your sandnigger mom chokes her disgusting recessed maxilla on my big Kinh cock just like your females did to my Kinh conquerors after we raped and slaughtered their entire families, you filthy sandnigger rape baby leftover mutt. Then I'd force your dad to brutally rape you while you watch helplessly like the little baby bitch you are, then I'd carve out all his organs slowly and painfully and force feed them to you while your mom watches in glee as I eliminate her disgusting spawn and its subhuman father and make both of them suffer.

Then I'd make your mom brutally torture you with extensive lingchi, slicing you slowly and painfully to death piece by piece while you scream in pain and beg for mercy like the helpless little baby faggot you are. Then I'd implant my genetically superior Kinh seed into her, the Ubermensch sperm she begs for to replace the inferior disgusting worthless genetics of your worthless little cucked faggot nafri subhuman father that I brutally tortured to death. Your nearing extinction race is genetically inferior to mine in every conceivable aspect and the gap is only getting bigger and bigger at an astounding rate. Your entire bloodline is worth less than the disgusting dog shit under my boots that I scrape off with utter contempt, your fucking place under your Kinh master you disgusting little shitskin faggot. Look at the type of shit you post and your post ratio, you are a complete genetic dead end autistic KHHV shitstain subhuman who will never amount to anything in your entire worthless disgusting shithole life and will die broken, lonely, and unloved.
Shut your mouth you worthless dog eater. If you believe what the media tells you then you deserve to be hanged. Go somewhere else to win social credit system points, there is nothing to gain here.
and incels being incels fall for it
There are significantly more devoted and deranged trolls here, so you never know. Anyway, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't that fucking retarded.
JFL you people really think i was trolling? I am serious. You are getting fooled by the media and politicians. They are burning through their money and flying on jets cruising on yachts. But yet you are still here defending them;

Rap Game No GIF by Lifetime
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Shut your mouth you worthless dog eater. If you believe what the media tells you then you deserve to be hanged. Go somewhere else to win social credit system points, there is nothing to gain here.
I would stomp the skulls your entire worthless sandnigger family and shatter them into millions of tiny little pieces and stomp their disgusting little subhuman brains out into a gooey pink paste. I'd force your subhuman 5'4 sandnigger runt of a father to helplessly jerk off in a corner while your sandnigger mom chokes her disgusting recessed maxilla on my big Kinh cock just like your females did to my Kinh conquerors after we raped and slaughtered their entire families, you filthy sandnigger rape baby leftover mutt. Then I'd force your dad to brutally rape you while you watch helplessly like the little baby bitch you are, then I'd carve out all his organs slowly and painfully and force feed them to you while your mom watches in glee as I eliminate her disgusting spawn and its subhuman father and make both of them suffer.

Then I'd make your mom brutally torture you with extensive lingchi, slicing you slowly and painfully to death piece by piece while you scream in pain and beg for mercy like the helpless little baby faggot you are. Then I'd implant my genetically superior Kinh seed into her, the Ubermensch sperm she begs for to replace the inferior disgusting worthless genetics of your worthless little cucked faggot nafri subhuman father that I brutally tortured to death. Your nearing extinction race is genetically inferior to mine in every conceivable aspect and the gap is only getting bigger and bigger at an astounding rate. Your entire bloodline is worth less than the disgusting dog shit under my boots that I scrape off with utter contempt, your fucking place under your Kinh master you disgusting little shitskin faggot. Look at the type of shit you post and your post ratio, you are a complete genetic dead end autistic KHHV shitstain subhuman who will never amount to anything in your entire worthless disgusting shithole life and will die broken, lonely, and unloved.
I would stomp the skulls your entire worthless sandnigger family and shatter them into millions of tiny little pieces and stomp their disgusting little subhuman brains out into a gooey pink paste. I'd force your subhuman 5'4 sandnigger runt of a father to helplessly jerk off in a corner while your sandnigger mom chokes her disgusting recessed maxilla on my big Kinh cock just like your females did to my Kinh conquerors after we raped and slaughtered their entire families, you filthy sandnigger rape baby leftover mutt. Then I'd force your dad to brutally rape you while you watch helplessly like the little baby bitch you are, then I'd carve out all his organs slowly and painfully and force feed them to you while your mom watches in glee as I eliminate her disgusting spawn and its subhuman father and make both of them suffer.

Then I'd make your mom brutally torture you with extensive lingchi, slicing you slowly and painfully to death piece by piece while you scream in pain and beg for mercy like the helpless little baby faggot you are. Then I'd implant my genetically superior Kinh seed into her, the Ubermensch sperm she begs for to replace the inferior disgusting worthless genetics of your worthless little cucked faggot nafri subhuman father that I brutally tortured to death. Your nearing extinction race is genetically inferior to mine in every conceivable aspect and the gap is only getting bigger and bigger at an astounding rate. Your entire bloodline is worth less than the disgusting dog shit under my boots that I scrape off with utter contempt, your fucking place under your Kinh master you disgusting little shitskin faggot. Look at the type of shit you post and your post ratio, you are a complete genetic dead end autistic KHHV shitstain subhuman who will never amount to anything in your entire worthless disgusting shithole life and will die broken, lonely, and unloved.

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they’re gonna drill for oil in Antarctica once it melts and it’ll be new wild west

Teresa Ribera, Spain's minister of ecological transition, utilized a private jet to travel to a climate conference. However, just 100 meters before reaching the designated meeting point, she disembarked from the car and opted to ride a bicycle instead. Clown world.

Climal change is a source of income. Giving it importance is a job, which is a source of income, fame, for the people doing it.

Objectively speaking, it's worth having a climate conservation department in the government. The people getting paid for this have to work. That's the result you see.
She is paid for this publicity, because technically it is indeed better to conserve the climate. Now who knows of her budgets and advantages?

This hag should receive 0 attention for her clownery.
Climal change is a source of income. Giving it importance is a job, which is a source of income, fame, for the people doing it.

Objectively speaking, it's worth having a climate conservation department in the government. The people getting paid for this have to work. That's the result you see.
She is paid for this publicity, because technically it is indeed better to conserve the climate. Now who knows of her budgets and advantages?

This hag should receive 0 attention for her clownery.
Tldr it might as well be a way to siphon tax payer money for their people. It probably is to some degree tbh
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they’re gonna drill for oil in Antarctica once it melts and it’ll be new wild west
But antartica is huge, toward the center of it in Summer it's perma darkness like some horror video game. It's super windy all the time. There are huge fissures in the ice that can swallow you if you misstep It's subdivided and sectioned off to a bunch of different nations, and there musn't be much oil there.
Best place to live as an incel tbh. Low population density, mostly darkness so you never have to see your face, potential for random unexpected death.
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