Imagine how badass it would be to walk around like this



Feb 8, 2019

It's impossible to really lose as a masculine beast.

At worst people will be repulsed by you, but still show respect and submission, and at best you will get girls who are into this kind of shit.

Oh and of course you will always intimidate males, it's the ultimate win.

As a "pretty boy" or even masthetic guy you will of course have more appeal, but there will always be the kinds of people who will belittle you for not being maculine enough.

Most people (healthy minded ones) don't care about this small percentage of people, but guys like me do.

I would fear being shamed on for my lacking masculinity more than for my lacking looks.

I will never take steroids, but I would certainly like being big.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Zeta ascended, Demir and mr contemptuous
With all that gear he's still a framelet

Anyone who's even 1 inch taller and has wider shoulders, doesn't matter how much muscle they have, will mog this guy
  • Hmm...
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With all that gear he's still a framelet

Anyone who's even 1 inch taller and has wider shoulders, doesn't matter how much muscle they have, will mog this guy
How is he a framelet you delusional kike snake?

25" bideltoid easy
lmao i watch his shit unironically everday, but now he stopped uploading or is rarely active

are u german OP?
With all that gear he's still a framelet

Anyone who's even 1 inch taller and has wider shoulders, doesn't matter how much muscle they have, will mog this guy
coped 2 death
  • +1
Reactions: CurryKing, Deleted member 6963 and SayNoToRotting
lmao i watch his shit unironically everday, but now he stopped uploading or is rarely active

are u german OP?
In der Tat mein Geselle
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963C26B0 88F7 4F94 864B 48FBA3B85D8E

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Mogs the living shit out of all those skinny queers
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It's the same shit as Phil Heath. Look at this morph of him.
Phil Heath and Markus Rühl don't even remotely have the same physique.

Phil is widely known for his narrow shoulders, while Markus is known for the exact opposite.

Next to Phil, Markus would look about the same as Big Ramy



And in case of Markus it's not only muscles, he has been taking all kinds of growth assisting drugs since when he was around 17-18, which must have also massively assisted his natural clavicle/ribs growth until around 25.
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Looks gross tbh and his 'wife':sick:

It's the same shit as Phil Heath. Look at this morph of him.
phil has literally one of the worst clavicles for a bodybuilder, he doesnt look that wide from the front, watch vids of him and compare to rühl or bigramy

It's impossible to really lose as a masculine beast.

At worst people will be repulsed by you, but still show respect and submission, and at best you will get girls who are into this kind of shit.

Oh and of course you will always intimidate males, it's the ultimate win.

As a "pretty boy" or even masthetic guy you will of course have more appeal, but there will always be the kinds of people who will belittle you for not being maculine enough.

Most people (healthy minded ones) don't care about this small percentage of people, but guys like me do.

I would fear being shamed on for my lacking masculinity more than for my lacking looks.

I will never take steroids, but I would certainly like being big.

hast du schon mal emir omeragic gesehen? google den mal
His girl has more jacked arms than I do
  • WTF
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his face went so shit


peaked mid twenties

Can't relate. That guy looks like a retarded fucking freak.
that always happens to mass monster freaks, they all become toad faced. Don't recall that happening to arnold, wonder if it has to do with all the hgh/slin.

The OG bodybuilders didnt blast the amount of roids the guys of today do,lower doses for longevity.
  • +1
Reactions: Framletgod
The OG bodybuilders didnt blast the amount of roids the guys of today do,lower doses for longevity.
Some guys in that era would have been pushing the limits and blasting mega doses but none achieved the level of size we see today. It's the insulin and hgh/igf-1 that's responsible for this new level of freakishness.
  • +1
Reactions: Framletgod and SayNoToRotting
Some guys in that era would have been pushing the limits and blasting mega doses but none achieved the level of size we see today. It's the insulin and hgh/igf-1 that's responsible for this new level of freakishness.
ye true check out craig golias

  • Woah
  • JFL
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insane bideltoid increase

yet his face looks the same rip
do they mew?
  • So Sad
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He would murder you with pure ease
He’s confirmed he’s a 6’3 framelet 140 pound anorexic stick he’s a master in coping for his shit genetics
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Reactions: SayNoToRotting
@Tsukuyomi 🌙

This is what Markus Rühl would do to you:

Shred GIF - Shredder MrBurns Simpsons GIFs

@Ritalincel you know the drill
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@Ritalincel very disappointed
why bump the shittiest thread in the world
  • +1
Reactions: yougottadowhatyougot and Deleted member 1464
terrible thread, bodybuilders look like clowns and suck at fighting

if you want to look like this you're probably a fragile cuck with dreams of one day finally overcompensating for his micropenis
suck at fighting
What a painful normie delusion.

"Bodybuilders- big muscles but all fluff. am I right?!!! HAHAHAH"

Bigger muscles = greater strength,

and strength is a crucial key in fighting, as will many professional fighters confirm. There is a reason weightclasses exist
overcompensating for his micropenis
another one of those normie memes. Can you believe it?
  • +1
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imagine saying normie unironically
  • +1
Reactions: yougottadowhatyougot
What a painful normie delusion.

"Bodybuilders- big muscles but all fluff. am I right?!!! HAHAHAH"

Bigger muscles = greater strength,

and strength is a crucial key in fighting, as will many professional fighters confirm. There is a reason weightclasses exist

another one of those normie memes. Can you believe it?
Fighting is a retarded looksmin anyway. Just be intimidating and you'll probably never see a fight in your life. In face most people don't fight unless they live in a bad area or actively search for one. I don't get why any fighting abiltity comes into play, c
imagine saying normie unironically
Everytime you post I lsoe 10 braincels. Your IQ is actually comically low.
That came out of nowhere, project much?

it's a fact, weak (p4p) slow twitch dominant muscles, low mobility/flexibility, low endurance, bodybuilders are not built for fighting, they are built to stand on a stage and have other men tell them if they look enough like clouds or not

and above all, they are grotesque, if you actually want to look like the guy in the video, you are severely messed up in the head
imagine saying normie unironically
Weird strawmanning- we all say that word, you included.

Why are you on a streak to insult me everytime you encounter me for the most petty, forced reasons?

I had so much better relations with your alt @shotcaller from
Everytime you post I lsoe 10 braincels. Your IQ is actually comically low.
Weird strawmanning- we all say that word, you included.

Why are you on a streak to insult me everytime you encounter me for the most petty, forced reasons?

I had so much better relations with your alt @shotcaller from
never have had an alt

that is a sick name tho lol
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weak (p4p) slow twitch dominant muscles, low mobility/flexibility, low endurance
jesus christ are you serious? Fast twitch fiber muscles are more common in short distance sprinters, which have to be more buff anyway. Slow twitch muscles are long distance runners and they have light bones and shit frame so it's easier to carry less weight. Just fucking lol that you managed to relate bodybuilding to "muh slow twitch fibers"

bodybuilders are not built for fighting
Point to to me where I said they were good fighters? I suggest you come out of your cumbrain mentality and actually read what I'm typing. Never said that, just saying it doesn't matter. If you're in an area where you have to fight anyway, it's fucking over for you
jesus christ are you serious? Fast twitch fiber muscles are more common in short distance sprinters, which have to be more buff anyway. Slow twitch muscles are long distance runners and they have light bones and shit frame so it's easier to carry less weight. Just fucking lol that you managed to relate bodybuilding to "muh slow twitch fibers"

Point to to me where I said they were good fighters? I suggest you come out of your cumbrain mentality and actually read what I'm typing. Never said that, just saying it doesn't matter. If you're in an area where you have to fight anyway, it's fucking over for you

you have no idea what you're talking about, bodybuilders specifically avoid training fast twitch (lower reps higher intensity) because it's worse for building muscle volume, they have larger muscles than olympic powerlifters due to slow twitch hypertrophy

"Point to to me where I said they were good fighters? I suggest you come out of your cumbrain mentality and actually read what I'm typing. Never said that, just saying it doesn't matter. If you're in an area where you have to fight anyway, it's fucking over for you"

you said it was a projection, i responded with no, it's a fact, and then explained why, the entire thread is about intimidating people with muhh big retarded muscles, i can't believe i even have to explain that

you don't seem very smart so i'd avoid throwing around words like cumbrained
it's a fact, weak (p4p) slow twitch dominant muscles, low mobility/flexibility, low endurance
All of that doesn't matter if you outweigh your oponent by 50+ lbs of raw muscle and can end the fight with only a single punch or throwing yourself onto him.

Besides, since when have PSL users ever cared about practicality anyway?

Even if bodybuilders couldn't fight for shit, they would still look damn intimidating. And isn't that all that matters?
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specifically avoid training fast twitch
Fast twitch and slow twitch fibers are ratios, as in genetics. It doesn't matter what you train. Reflexes depend on your fast twitch ratio.
you said it was a projection, i responded with no, it's a fact, and then explained why, the entire thread is about intimidating people with muhh big retarded muscles, i can't believe i even have to explain that
I said it's projestion because fights have nothing to do with intimidation. You're not trying to intimidate your friends, but everyone around you. Being a good fighter won't do shit. NO one mentioned fighting, which is why it's a porjection.
I literally explained this in my first reply being intimidating doesn't mean winning or losing a fight. I don't know where you live, but the number of fights you win has nothing to do with how intimidating you are. A 5'5 manlet that took muy thai isn't intimidating, even if he "muh won 4 fights"
you don't seem very smart so i'd avoid throwing around words like cumbrained
Jfl says the one who's worrying about fighting. What are you in middle school? How does your fighting ability have any impact on your life you dumbass?
You are literally a cumbrain. You need to sit doewn and acctuall read every reply instead of skipping through it. The number of dyslexic aspies on here are concerning.
Fast twitch and slow twitch fibers are ratios, as in genetics. It doesn't matter what you train. Reflexes depend on your fast twitch ratio.

Are you fucking retarded? I said it's projesction because fights have nothing to do with intimidation> You're not trying to intimidate your friends, but everyone around you. Being a good fighter won't do shit.

I literally explained this in my first reply being intimidating doesn't mean winning or losing a fight. I don't know where you live, but the number of fights you win has nothing to do with how intimidating you are. A 5'5 manlet that took muy thai isn't intimidating.

Jfl says the one who's worrying about fighting. What are you in middle school? How does your fighting ability have any impact on your life you dumbass?
You are literally a cumbrain. You need to sit doewn and acctuall read every reply instead of skipping through it.
dn rd
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Fast twitch and slow twitch fibers are ratios, as in genetics. It doesn't matter what you train. Reflexes depend on your fast twitch ratio.

I said it's projestion because fights have nothing to do with intimidation. You're not trying to intimidate your friends, but everyone around you. Being a good fighter won't do shit. NO one mentioned fighting, which is why it's a porjection.
I literally explained this in my first reply being intimidating doesn't mean winning or losing a fight. I don't know where you live, but the number of fights you win has nothing to do with how intimidating you are. A 5'5 manlet that took muy thai isn't intimidating, even if he "muh won 4 fights"

Jfl says the one who's worrying about fighting. What are you in middle school? How does your fighting ability have any impact on your life you dumbass?
You are literally a cumbrain. You need to sit doewn and acctuall read every reply instead of skipping through it. The number of dyslexic aspies on here are concerning.

yeah, like i thought, you have zero clue what you're talking about

"fights have nothing to do with intimidation"

take a long look at that sentence and then bash your head into your keyboard untill you generate one that isn't so retarded

"A 5'5 manlet that took muy thai isn't intimidating"

a 5'5 manlet with a moderate build who does mma and knows he can fight and the people he know's know he can fight is more intimidating and more respected than a 5'5 manlet who took roids and hgh untill he turned into a grotesque cloud

bodybuilders like this are a joke irl and being one is dumber and a bigger failo than fighting, you would know that if you stopped watching anime and left the house
This entire threead is a fucking joke. Lol@ the fact you took it seriously in the first place

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Joined Feb 9, 2019 Messages 2,677

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