Imagine how horrific the world would be if the red pill was right

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New Poster

Feb 22, 2019
And the world was some Hobbesian nightmare for social status and money. You would have to work 80 hours a week to grind for a stacy who you would have to constantly run game on while you mean mug every guy around you to mate guard. It would be legit hell to even date a fatty. I kinda like the blackpill world. It’s much cozier. You either get to slay without much effort or you can settle for a fatty/uggo or you can rot in peace. If the red pill was right about women, I think I would drive a zeppelin into the ground and kill myself.
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Only right about retaining women for ltrs, you need money and resources , blackpill can only get u short term slays if you have nothing else til the women realised u were just some random gl guy , then she meets a guy who has looks + resources, who do you think she is going to stay with long term?

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