Imagine preaching love above all 2000 years ago



Communism will win in the end
May 21, 2020
Thats exactly what Jesus did
Jesus saved the thief and the prostitute

Even nowadays many people would be against such a thing but Jesus did that...2000 years ago

I mean WTF thats an insanely beautifull message

Ofc you may discuss if Jesus was really the Son of God, if he was a jew, a christian or a muslim or whatever, but none of those things should be more important than his message and his guts to spread it by that time
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Thats exactly what Jesus did
Jesus saved the thief and the prostitute

Even nowadays many people would be against such a thing but Jesus did that...2000 years ago

I mean WTF thats an insanely beautifull message

Ofc you may discuss if Jesus was really the Son of God, if he was a jew, a christian or a muslim or whatever, but none of those things should be more important than his message and his guts to spread it by that time
Love is bullshit love is why you have stacies only chasing chad dick we’re mammals meant to breed with women love has no place in the equation
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Matthew 15, 22-24:

22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.

24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Love is bullshit love is why you have stacies only chasing chad dick we’re mammals meant to breed with women love has no place in the equation
Who cares really bro you only need Jesus forget Stacy n Chad please.
buddha mogs tbh
Who cares really bro you only need Jesus forget Stacy n Chad please.
Christianity and all other religions like it is cope almost every one of these Jewish based religions weren’t spread by peace they were spread by gunpowder and iron by the alpha males of society who used it like the useful tool it is to control dumb fucks like you who will bend over to whoever whispers the best cope in the form of a god into your ears.
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Christianity and all other religions like it is cope almost every one of these Jewish based religions weren’t spread by peace they were l spread by gunpowder and iron by the alpha males of society who used it like the useful tool it is to control dumb fucks like you who will bend over to whoever whispers the best cope in the form of a god into your ears.
Thats literally non-important

The only important thing to notice here is a nigga's insanely beautifull message on a insanely violent world
He was more about warning people about sins and how they could lead them to a terrible eternal dead-end.
He saved the thief and prostitute go by letting them go... so that they may have a chance to think over their mistake and repent from it.

If they were to be stoned to death that moment, then they would be in hell. This is why life is a gift and it is very precious.
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Even tho i definetly agree that Isa (alayhi a salam) is a great man, a Mighty Messenger of Allah and The Beloved Messiah, i must say that the story of the prostitute is not true at all, and deemed as a fabrication by christian scholars.

The verse in question is found in John 8: 7 and it is the next: 'When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

This story is a complete fabrication according to biblical scholarship and historians. First, it is only to be found in the modern Gospel of John, such an event which we would consider significantly important doesn't appear in the rest of the Gospels and testimonies.

But even most importantly, the story is completely absent in all of the ancient manuscripts of the Gospel of John, it is not found in 'Papyrus 66', 'Papyrus 75' both written around 200 C.E. It is neither to be found in the Codex Sinaiticus nor in the Codex Vaticanus, both from around 300 C.E.

All of the oldest manuscripts of John seem to skip that story, they all lack John 7: 53-8: 11. The first time this story appears is in the Codex Bezae which dates from between approximately 400 C.E. and 500 C.E.

Also, several biblical scholars have noted that the writing style of this story in particular is clearly distinct from the writing that can be found both before and after the story. It uses a large number of words and phrases that are otherwise alien to the rest of the gospel, again, suggesting that it was written by a different hand. Very few to none biblical scholars will argue in favor of this passage being authentic.

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