Important message about looks from a copping Bluepiller



Ascend or Rope
Oct 3, 2018
My insecurity about my looks started a few years ago, when I saw pictures of myself from the profile view especially. I was only a little self-conscious at the start, but with time it took over my life. I also found Mike Mew and was certain that my mouth breathing had caused this problem.

I'm 18 years old, and I can relate with the frustrations this can cause as I have went through 2 years of depression and anxiety because of this. I know you said that you would rather stick to the face and jaws, but I would like to say what helped me mentally, as it might also help you in someway:
The thing I would recommend you to try, and what helped me a lot, is to find yourself and understand the reason why we people always strive after perfection. We live in a superficial world and we have been brainwashed to think that we have to be perfect to be happy. A constant strive after perfection isn't the key though, and It will never make you happy. The thing you have to do is to find your inner self, the one that lies beyond your physical body and learn about the ignorance of everyday people.
It took me a long time trying to find peace, to find myself and to stop caring what people thought about me. I'm still in the process of learning, but things that helped me in the process, was to research the spiritual side of life, to meditate and eat healthy. This helped me getting the feeling of real happiness that I hadn't felt for a really long time back. Furthermore, a stronger form of confidence that I never had before.
An attractive face can certaintly help in this society, but It will never define who you are as a person. Never think that you're the person that people make you out to be, don't live in the box that society has put you in. The moment you rest within yourself, is the moment that people will see you for the person that you really are. A good quote for me is: Don't think less about yourself, think about yourself less.
Too some extent I'm actually happy that I have this problem, because it led me to a higher understanding of myself, that I maybe wouldn't have gotten If i was born with amazing genes.


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How do you guys ignore such good advices?
What a fucking cope.

Guess what, guy who copes by saying he's "happy that I have this problem because it led me to a higher understanding of myself"

All the good looking kids laughing in the hallway as you silently watched from middle school, high school, college, all had amazing lives filled with more euphoria, validation, and pleasure than you will ever will. And they didn't need a damn second of "self understanding" for any of that.

The only reason you say this is because you HAVE to. The reality is, your life is MISERABLE because you are different and inferior to good looking people. You know why good looking people don't think about this "self understanding" cope shit? Because they don't need to. Because their lives are great as is. Meanwhile you need to grasp on to ANY concept you can to prevent yourself from a mental breakdown from realizing the truth all along: you have an inferior life.
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All the good looking kids laughing in the hallway as you silently watched from middle school, high school, college, all had amazing lives filled with more euphoria, validation, and pleasure than you will ever will. And they didn't need a damn second of "self understanding" for any of that.
Tbh finding yourself is important must people have no idea who tf THEY actually are and just spit preprogrammed societal or family bullshit or try to be different and edgy but end up achieving the opposite

But yes he’s coping and he’s coping hard I hate when people use spirituality as cope I find it insulting honestly
Tbh finding yourself is important must people have no idea who tf THEY actually are and just spit preprogrammed societal or family bullshit or try to be different and edgy but end up achieving the opposite

But yes he’s coping and he’s coping hard I hate when people use spirituality as cope I find it insulting honestly
Who are you?
Guess what? Not a single word
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coping for wasted youth. truth is u would never come to realize this if you hadn't been ugly. ur happiness is just you comparing ur currect situation to the past when u were "depressed". " muh better time". Yes not everyone is perfect, but being even close to it (psl 4.5+) maybe gives u a life without u sinking into a shiity hole and then coming out of it enlightened. adaptation is part of your biology.

adaptation = COPE
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Life isn't about finding yourself. Or finding anything. Life is about creating yourself. And creating things.
Also this is COPE
What a fucking cope.

Guess what, guy who copes by saying he's "happy that I have this problem because it led me to a higher understanding of myself"

All the good looking kids laughing in the hallway as you silently watched from middle school, high school, college, all had amazing lives filled with more euphoria, validation, and pleasure than you will ever will. And they didn't need a damn second of "self understanding" for any of that.

The only reason you say this is because you HAVE to. The reality is, your life is MISERABLE because you are different and inferior to good looking people. You know why good looking people don't think about this "self understanding" cope shit? Because they don't need to. Because their lives are great as is. Meanwhile you need to grasp on to ANY concept you can to prevent yourself from a mental breakdown from realizing the truth all along: you have an inferior life.

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