IM's (TellYourSonThis) insight into the way woman sees man. Content is too good for Shit-Posting section

Deleted member 6908

Deleted member 6908

Looks, Charisma, Masculine Virtues
May 12, 2020
For those that don't know him this is a user from twitter. 100k+ followers and very high IQ. Incredibly well-read.

He made this thread in the form of tweets and I am gonna share them here with you in order. I recommend every man here reads this.

Tweet 1;
She leverages fragility to appear charming and nonthreatening, for it is only through anaesthetisation she may win. Realising she cannot compete with him directly, she opts to disarm him to achieve her own ends, and she goes about this through displays of cuteness and gentleness.

Tweet 2:
As you will note, the very woman that is nice and gentle to the strong man, is mean and uncouth to the weak one. Her character is as such, non-fixed, highly variable, reactive, and contingent on her evaluation of a man's strength. Charm and seduction are how she eats.

Tweet 3:
Women who are genuinely kind to weak men outside of a charitable or philanthropic context, where such behaviour is expected and therefore conducive to her reputation, are incredibly rare. Aristocracy's rare in women in so much as self-interest almost always outcompetes nobility.

Tweet 4:
It is easy for a woman to be kind to the needy - to children, and to the frail - this is, whilst desirable, not extraordinarily rare. What is rare, is a woman who views a man without status, strength or anything to offer her as anything more than sub-human.

Tweet 5:
This is perhaps the greatest indicator that woman's true station is beneath man, relying on him, for it is her reliance which makes her intolerant. Men who are kind to the needy, are kind to the needy in their entirety without exclusion of any group - their nobility is greater.

Tweet 6:
Men can afford to be kind to all, because they rely on none but themselves. Women cannot afford to be kind to weak men, because they rely on men. Therefore the highest charity and nobility in conduct to the weak and needy can only come from a king. Kindness comes from strength

Tweet 7;
This is to say, whilst the average woman is more frequently caring of the weak and needy than the average man, the scope of that care is limited to infants as per her bodily design, her fellow woman, and the frail and injured. For weak men, she has nothing but disgust.

Tweet 8:
Therefore the weakest of our men with potential, can only be helped by the men they're in competition with, men strong enough to be kind enough to be paternal to their lesser brothers. And that is why paternalism is kingly, for it achieves a nobility the feminine cannot.

Tweet 9:
In conclusion, whilst women are more commonly charitable, the depths of their charity is shallower. /fin
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  • JFL
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Actually quite based tbh ngl. Women have selective compassion towards chad. Everyone else is disposable cannonfodder.
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  • So Sad
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Actually quite based tbh ngl. Women have selective compassion towards chad. Everyone else is disposable cannonfodder.
But even that is conditional. If the chad gets beaten into a deformed subhuman he loses all of his value.
The situation is everchanging, who has value to whom and why.
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Women cannot afford to be kind to weak men, because they rely on men.
like the text in OP overall.

Above quote though = outdated mostly in the West at this moment.

Because women can get free money from the state, or their own income, and/or alimony (which the government forces an ex of her to pay up, or else theymake the dudes life hell).
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didnt read lol, i just know the dude is a legit incel no gf no pussy beta. telllurson this, ugly ass nigga u aint ever touch pussy u aint havinf kids LOL
didnt read lol, i just know the dude is a legit incel no gf no pussy beta. telllurson this, ugly ass nigga u aint ever touch pussy u aint havinf kids LOL

He probably is a subhuman looking incel who only gets pussy from escorts, but that doesn't change that what he is saying is the truth.

You wanna act like a degenerate and play the man instead of the ball, then do that, but TellYourSonThis opens your eyes.
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