In 1981, an incel tried to assassinate president Ronald Reagan just so he could gain attention of his oneitis



Islamist jihadi and intersectional feminist
Nov 21, 2022
Screenshot 20240714 172945 1

Americans are fucking weird AF.

Imagine trying to asssinate the president of the no.1 country just so you can get attention for your oneitis. She was ugly AF too. If he was on .org during those days maybe he would've realised there are many others like him too. Except they know it's pointless to try to impress these foods when only chad lives rent free in her head.




He is released now and enjoying life. Time heals everything. We realise our oneitis was just a fantasy and that existed in our minds.

  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: FailedNormieManlet, flippasav, 14vic and 6 others
He looks like a German user who posts here.
  • JFL
Reactions: Trilogy, RichardSpencel, IAMNOTANINCEL and 2 others
a bitch can really make niggas do this shit
kinda crazy lol
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep, IAMNOTANINCEL and SecularIslamist
she turned out to be lesbian in the end
  • JFL
Reactions: T50 Demon
its too crazy cucks do everything for pussy its over
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
View attachment 3030615

Americans are fucking weird AF.

Imagine trying to asssinate the president of the no.1 country just so you can get attention for your oneitis. She was ugly AF too. If he was on .org during those days maybe he would've realised there are many others like him too. Except they know it's pointless to try to impress these foods when only chad lives rent free in her head.

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He is released now and enjoying life. Time heals everything. We realise our oneitis was just a fantasy and that existed in our minds.

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They shouldve shown him pictures of his oneitis with other men while he was stuck in there
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
a bitch can really make niggas do this shit
kinda crazy lol
I wouldn't be surprised if this nigga had the same motive.



He has the perfect face for it. Meanwhile, John Hinckley was at least looksmatched with Jodie Foster.
  • +1
Reactions: RichmondBread and alurmo
  • JFL
Reactions: T50 Demon
considering the left's rhetoric of comparing trump to hitler, it's more likely this was one of the dunces who bought into the propaganda. reagan never caused the left to chimp out this much, so it makes sense his assassin could be motivated by something more personal
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
jodie foster was sexy tbh


  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: RichmondBread and SecularIslamist
Some guys even bully subhumans just to impress their oneitis too
  • +1
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