Inconsistent voice



dead inside
Aug 11, 2019
My voice has been very inconsistent in pitch and clarity for more than three years. I used to have kind of a deep voice but now it's sometimes hoarse, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes deep etc. I do smoke but smoking didn't change my voice at all. What causes voice pitch fluctuations like this and how can I keep my vocal chords relaxed for a more consistent pitch? Maybe it's a lung issue because my voice was perma-hoarse and high-pitched when I had breathing problems and has improved since my lung function did as well.
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I have the same problem
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Same problem.
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we change our mannerism/tone/pitch depending on the situation or environment, you are just paying attention to it.
we change our mannerism/tone/pitch depending on the situation or environment, you are just paying attention to it.
I don't chose this, it feels kinda vocal chord relaxation/lung related tbh. Sometimes my voice is deep naturally and sometimes I can't speak with a deep voice at all without losing the tone.
I don't chose this, it feels kinda vocal chord relaxation/lung related tbh. Sometimes my voice is deep naturally and sometimes I can't speak with a deep voice at all without losing the tone.
not sure, might be a lung issue or you could be speaking through the throught and not diaphram
I don't chose this, it feels kinda vocal chord relaxation/lung related tbh. Sometimes my voice is deep naturally and sometimes I can't speak with a deep voice at all without losing the tone.
idk might be a lung issue. People keep saying speak through the diaphragm and not throat whatever that means.. I notice a similar thing as most posters have commented on so I think it's just being aware of the change that you notice but idk
Every man experiences this to some extend, except from maybe very low IQ mouthbreathers.

I have noticed that my voice is influenced by many factors which shape my current physiological state.
  • For example if I had enough sleep the last 2 days and ate well, my voice tends to be more deep and strong compared to when I had a stressfull schedule the last days, ate like shit and slept 6 hours on average.
  • Exessive masturbation tends to make my voice more high pitched and flimsy. Regular normal sex tends to do the opposite.
  • Mindset also contributes a lot in my experience. If I am unsure of myself and anxious in a social situation, my voice tends to be weaker and more high pitched. Even if I become aware of my voice in that situation, I can't really compensate by speaking louder. It's really astonishing.
  • If I neglect my exercise routine and sit on my ass all day, my voice tends to be weaker.
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Every man experiences this to some extend, except from maybe very low IQ mouthbreathers.

I have noticed that my voice is influenced by many factors which shape my current physiological state.
  • For example if I had enough sleep the last 2 days and ate well, my voice tends to be more deep and strong compared to when I had a stressfull schedule the last days, ate like shit and slept 6 hours on average.
  • Exessive masturbation tends to make my voice more high pitched and flimsy. Regular normal sex tends to do the opposite.
  • Mindset also contributes a lot in my experience. If I am unsure of myself and anxious in a social situation, my voice tends to be weaker and more high pitched. Even if I become aware of my voice in that situation, I can't really compensate by speaking louder. It's really astonishing.
  • If I neglect my exercise routine and sit on my ass all day, my voice tends to be weaker.
I'm wondering why middle-aged to elderly men (especially smokers and drinkers) often have a voice that's consistent and always deep, without these fluctuations.
I'm wondering why middle-aged to elderly men (especially smokers and drinkers) often have a voice that's consistent and always deep, without these fluctuations.
I haven't noticed that this is the case. But I would speculate that this could be because you become more "settled" in your 30s and onwards. You know your place in the world and you have been through a lot of challenges already. You become more stable and it becomes harder to get you off guard. I have read that a couple of times in blogpost from oldfags on /pol.

Also on the topic of smoking and drinking:
Regular smoking obviously makes your voice more low pitch and coarse. But I think it's a purely phsical effect on your voice cords and probably not healthy.
Alcohol is a Gaba agonist and makes you more relaxed and self confident, which would explain the effects on your voice (see the point about mindset above).
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record your voice and post it here
you basically need to break through it, if your voice changed multiple times, you need to 'break' it, its kinda funny how i figure this out.
basically stretch your vocal cords by stretching your neck, teach yourself to breathe from diaphragm and hum when you stretch.
especially in the morning
also only drink water, no cigars, alcohol, sodas, juices...
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My voice has been very inconsistent in pitch and clarity for more than three years. I used to have kind of a deep voice but now it's sometimes hoarse, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes deep etc. I do smoke but smoking didn't change my voice at all. What causes voice pitch fluctuations like this and how can I keep my vocal chords relaxed for a more consistent pitch? Maybe it's a lung issue because my voice was perma-hoarse and high-pitched when I had breathing problems and has improved since my lung function did as well.
Good Poster tbh
A shame I dont read a single Word
Regular smoking obviously makes your voice more low pitch and coarse. But I think it's a purely phsical effect on your voice cords and probably not healthy.
Alcohol is a Gaba agonist and makes you more relaxed and self confident, which would explain the effects on your voice (see the point about mindset above).
As I said, smoking did not change my voice at all. Drinking did neither.
record your voice and post it here
you basically need to break through it, if your voice changed multiple times, you need to 'break' it, its kinda funny how i figure this out.
basically stretch your vocal cords by stretching your neck, teach yourself to breathe from diaphragm and hum when you stretch.
especially in the morning
also only drink water, no cigars, alcohol, sodas, juices...
Sounds interesting even though I've never heard of "breaking the voice" before. Can't really do the humming here because I don't live alone and it would be quite embarrassing to autistically hum like Matthew McConaughey in 'Wolf of Wall Street' lol. Gonna try the stretching though.
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