Insscrease wrist size



Aug 22, 2024
How do I increase my wrist size at 17, I have pretty ssmall wrists
Just go to the gym, train your forearms specifically if you're unhappy with progress.
Contrary to popular belief on this forum, steroids are NOT the only way to get bigger!!
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Contrary to popular belief on this forum, steroids are NOT the only way to get bigger!!
We don't think it's the only way.

It's just much more faster and gives better results
Isn’t wrist size genetic
Yeah, I was talking about muscle-building in general.

Most people however don't really have large wrists. well built forearms and fat distribution tend to make the illusion that someone has big wrists. Most of the time, differences are marginal.

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We don't think it's the only way.

It's just much more faster and gives better results
Well, yes, that's water.
Point is that a lot of users here, especially as of recent, are very young and/or very naive, and will take copious amounts of steroids only to fuck their endocrine system up in just a 12-week cycle.
I wouldn't recommend any AAS to a kid at 17, it's going to hinder them long-term. Don't be so caught up with immediate results.
you cant tbh
just eat more, train your forearms, and pray that you're a hyper responder
Well, yes, that's water.
Point is that a lot of users here, especially as of recent, are very young and/or very naive, and will take copious amounts of steroids only to fuck their endocrine system up in just a 12-week cycle.
I wouldn't recommend any AAS to a kid at 17, it's going to hinder them long-term. Don't be so caught up with immediate results.
roids is the only way for 90% of ppl to look good
the truth is, most don't have good muscle building genetics, composition or just generally shit test to E ratios
roids is the only way for 90% of ppl to look good
the truth is, most don't have good muscle building genetics, composition or just generally shit test to E ratios
Composition? As in your muscle to fat? You don't need steroids to get a better body composition..
Sure, a lot of people don't have great genetics for building muscle, and more will have crappy hormone levels. But recommending steroids to somebody who has implied they have not even tried exercising to get a bigger wrist is retarded.
It's more like people are impatient and have poor discipline, so they don't give themselves the opportunity to make these feats naturally since they don't want to give up burgers and cake.

The understanding that steroids will expedite results is elementary, the understanding that steroids can and will permanently destroy your endocrine system, not so much.
If your first recommendation to somebody who wants to get bigger is 'take steroids' then you're a fucking idiot and loser.

Nobody needs steroids. If you think you do, you're lazy.
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Composition? As in your muscle to fat? You don't need steroids to get a better body composition..
Sure, a lot of people don't have great genetics for building muscle, and more will have crappy hormone levels. But recommending steroids to somebody who has implied they have not even tried exercising to get a bigger wrist is retarded.
It's more like people are impatient and have poor discipline, so they don't give themselves the opportunity to make these feats naturally since they don't want to give up burgers and cake.
If your first recommendation to somebody who wants to get bigger is 'take steroids' then you're a fucking loser.
why would you waste time 'gotta get my protein in bro, I lift 5x a week brah, got 225 bench in a year I mog' when you can eat whatever you want, lift twice a week and hit 225 in 2 weeks training with roids. Smh bluepill cuck.
Roids are the best thing on the planet and if you can't handle cruising trt you're a bitch. 90% of ppl are skinnyfat or either have crappy muscle building genetics. Therefore, roids are basically necessary to ascend.

I wish I hopped on earlier. The 'side effects' of roids and 'muh long term effects' are heavily overrated. Steroids are quite safe, ppl like you just make it seem like they're hell on earth which they are not. Doubt you have ever researched roids or even ran a cycle
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Grow your forearms, they'll look much bigger if you have small wrists
why would you waste time 'gotta get my protein in bro, I lift 5x a week brah, got 225 bench in a year I mog' when you can eat whatever you want, lift twice a week and hit 225 in 2 weeks training with roids. Smh bluepill cuck.
I won't even discuss your comment about calling me bluepilled because I recommended against PEDs at 17, we can agree to disagree.

Roids are the best thing on the planet and if you can't handle cruising trt you're a bitch. 90% of ppl are skinnyfat or either have crappy muscle building genetics. Therefore, roids are basically necessary to ascend.

I wish I hopped on earlier. The 'side effects' of roids and 'muh long term effects' are heavily overrated. Steroids are quite safe, ppl like you just make it seem like they're hell on earth which they are not. Doubt you have ever researched roids or even ran a cycle
Steroids are not necessary to ascend :lul::lul::lul: As aforementioned, steroids can expedite your progress, sure, nobody is denying that.
They can also cause, but at the very least, expedite underlying health issues that could be easily avoided by taking care of your gut.

The fact you make steroids seem like this miraculous invention for building muscle, making comments like "you can eat whatever you want" essentially just implies laziness and impatience; an unwillingness to actually put in any effort to see improvement in yourself.

I have not taken AASs, I have taken PEDs. I do not regret taking PEDs. I do not intend to take AASs at any point in the future because I don't need to, but I won't demonise taking them. It's just dumb to take testosterone at 17 years old because you want bigger wrists, you'll just suppress your hormones at the height of your puberty, and if you disagree with me on that, then I won't even acknowledge anything further that you say.
I won't even discuss your comment about calling me bluepilled because I recommended against PEDs at 17, we can agree to disagree.

Steroids are not necessary to ascend :lul::lul::lul: As aforementioned, steroids can expedite your progress, sure, nobody is denying that.
They can also cause, but at the very least, expedite underlying health issues that could be easily avoided by taking care of your gut.

The fact you make steroids seem like this miraculous invention for building muscle, making comments like "you can eat whatever you want" essentially just implies laziness and impatience; an unwillingness to actually put in any effort to see improvement in yourself.

I have not taken AASs, I have taken PEDs. I do not regret taking PEDs. I do not intend to take AASs at any point in the future because I don't need to, but I won't demonise taking them. It's just dumb to take testosterone at 17 years old because you want bigger wrists, you'll just suppress your hormones at the height of your puberty, and if you disagree with me on that, then I won't even acknowledge anything further that you say.
I agree with you on the fact absolutely no one should take roids to increase wrist size :lul:
Roids in puberty is always more riskier but in my honest opinion the benefits far outweigh the negatives. That's just me tho.
Ofc my preference for roids comes out of impatience. For me and many others it worked magic and is easy. You can have side effects but it's so easy to mitigate them if you know what you're doing.
I'd rather take roids and enjoy my life than spend 2 years in the gym eating in a bloating surplus while it would take me 2 months with roids and never be bloated or fat.
I agree with you on the fact absolutely no one should take roids to increase wrist size :lul:
Roids in puberty is always more riskier but in my honest opinion the benefits far outweigh the negatives. That's just me tho.
Ofc my preference for roids comes out of impatience. For me and many others it worked magic and is easy. You can have side effects but it's so easy to mitigate them if you know what you're doing.
I think we have mutual agreement then. Sorry for being aggressive in my arguments, I poorly interpreted your initial statement.

I just personally think that taking steroids because you're impatient, at least for most, is not a good idea. Not so much the case for you because you seemingly know what you're doing, but for others, especially younger guys who aren't familiar with concepts as rudimentary as PCT, it's not smart. Which is unfortunately the case for a lot of guys on here lulled into taking shit because of how talked up steroids are.

At the end of the day, 90% of drugs exist because of people being impatient or incapable of managing their own health by taking care of themselves. I'm no angel when it comes to this.

I'd rather take roids and enjoy my life than spend 2 years in the gym eating in a bloating surplus while it would take me 2 months with roids and never be bloated or fat.
You don't get bloated when taking what?
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I think we have mutual agreement then. Sorry for being aggressive in my arguments, I poorly interpreted your initial statement.

I just personally think that taking steroids because you're impatient, at least for most, is not a good idea. Not so much the case for you because you seemingly know what you're doing, but for others, especially younger guys who aren't familiar with concepts as rudimentary as PCT, it's not smart. Which is unfortunately the case for a lot of guys on here lulled into taking shit because of how talked up steroids are.

At the end of the day, 90% of drugs exist because of people being impatient or incapable of managing their own health by taking care of themselves. I'm no angel when it comes to this.

You don't get bloated when taking what?
Forsure yeah, people who have no clue how a cycle is supposed to be done safely shouldn't ever try to mingle with PEDs. I'm sorry too for calling you a bluepill cuck :feelscry:.

I started going to the gym when I was 16, I trained natty for 2 years, tracking every calorie in the book and destroying my body 5x a week. It was literal hell for me, I was caught up in the just go gym and mog brah mindset that I completely neglected my social life and studies. Since last year I've dedicated most of my time into studying PEDs and how to safely run them. Since then I've been experimenting with various cycles. I'm permablasting winstrol and anadrol low dose to be permanently debloated and I'm currently just running TRT. september I'm going on halotestin for the first time. It's just a major improvement in my life since I can party and have a social life again while looking my best with no effort.

I admit I'm going overboard with the PEDs but I'll start toning it down after this halotestin cycle.
simply test works wonders for most people, when someone asks me about roids or how they should go about it I always urge them to just go on a test only cycle for the first time
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Forsure yeah, people who have no clue how a cycle is supposed to be done safely shouldn't ever try to mingle with PEDs. I'm sorry too for calling you a bluepill cuck :feelscry:.
I forgive you :y'all:

simply test works wonders for most people, when someone asks me about roids or how they should go about it I always urge them to just go on a test only cycle for the first time
I'll run a 12-week cycle at like 250mg soon enough, probably during end-of-year break from uni. Interesting about the debloating effects of Winstrol and Anadrol.

It's just a major improvement in my life since I can party and have a social life again while looking my best with no effort.
This is understandable. Realistically, it's very hard, impossible even to have a perfect diet like I preach.

Glad that you are presumably taking it all as safely as you can, and seeing improvements 🙏:)(y)
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I'll run a 12-week cycle at like 250mg soon enough, probably during end-of-year break from uni. Interesting about the debloating effects of Winstrol and Anadrol.
mirin, winstrol and anadrol are godsent since they keep my brain from going insane and keep me lean year-round. They're the most potent DHT derivatives and I like these the most, but be aware you have to run a perfect liver-control with them or they could destroy your liver for life.

Good luck with your cycle :feelsahh::feelsahh:

This is understandable. Realistically, it's very hard, impossible even to have a perfect diet like I preach.

Glad that you are presumably taking it all as safely as you can, and seeing improvements 🙏:)(y)
forsure, a good diet is a must still when cruising. It's just not number one priority when your goal is to gain muscle. Thankyou bhai :p
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mirin, winstrol and anadrol are godsent since they keep my brain from going insane and keep me lean year-round. They're the most potent DHT derivatives and I like these the most, but be aware you have to run a perfect liver-control with them or they could destroy your liver for life.

Good luck with your cycle :feelsahh::feelsahh:
Thanks legend. I'm super conscious about my hormones, getting bloodwork done every fortnight to month and having it interpreted by a GP at my uni while I'm taking isotretinoin, so would definitely be keeping track of gut health.
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Thanks legend. I'm super conscious about my hormones, getting bloodwork done every fortnight to month and having it interpreted by a GP at my uni while I'm taking isotretinoin, so would definitely be keeping track of gut health.
forsure, always good to have a third party guiding you. Your hormones shouldn't get that out of control with a test cycle, you'll probably bounce back quite quick after. Be safe bhai :p
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