Internet ruined the world



Taking a break from the autism
May 29, 2019
Internet was a big mistake that should be eradicated from the face of Earth. It's sad to see what internet has done to this generation of young men. Back then no matter how ugly or short men were they still enjoyed life. If they had trouble getting laid they vented to their best friends and they already felt better, they didn't make a fucking international incel community out of it. Men didn't waste hours and hours of their lives with dumb shit like memes, youtube videos or forums. They didn't despair in front of a monitor wishing to be dead hanging in their apartment. They had healthy dopamine receptors and enjoyed the small things of life. This is what people did before the internet:
Dreamstime xs 23186374 1

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Nihilism was cope mental masturbation that only non-nt eccentric philosophers cared about and not the fucking general consensus among the population. Do you really think your ancestors thought about ''muh life ultimately has no meaning''? No, they enjoyed every bit of it and were THANKFUL to be alive. Just look at this whole quarantine bullshit. Nobody back then would have given a shit if the government had told them to stay indoors. They would have gone outside as usual but today's men are actually happy the government give them an excuse to rot away.
It's fucking over and this is the most brutal Blackpill. Men with the testosterone levels of an old lady who are too awkward to start a real life conversation with actual human beings. Men roping at an alarming rate. Men flushing their only youth away. Men who don't see any meaning in life. It's over.


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  • JFL
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  • JFL
Reactions: Nosecel, Mr.cope, Patient A and 4 others
didn't read
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  • JFL
Reactions: Saltner, Deleted member 1973, Patrick Baitman and 9 others
Its over
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4804, Edgar, Deleted member 6401 and 3 others
its over for u
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and TheAscendedOne
Absolutely, people in the past didn’t need to do a gay ass dopamine reset, they did one everyday. But with internet, you have instant gratification every second and still live meaninglessly

And internet culture is prolly nuking people’s IQ and attention span
  • +1
Reactions: KingCartierrr23, Deleted member 4804, janoycresva and 14 others
Internet was a big mistake that should be eradicated from the face of Earth. It's sad to see what internet has done to this generation of young men. Back then no matter how ugly or short men were they still enjoyed life. If they had trouble getting laid they vented to their best friends and they already felt better, they didn't make a fucking international incel community out of it. Men didn't waste hours and hours of their lives with dumb shit like memes, youtube videos or forums. They didn't despair in front of a monitor wishing to be dead hanging in their apartment. They had healthy dopamine receptors and enjoyed the small things of life. This is what people did before the internet:
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Nihilism was cope mental masturbation that only non-nt eccentric philosophers cared about and not the fucking general consensus among the population. Do you really think your ancestors thought about ''muh life ultimately has no meaning''? No, they enjoyed every bit of it and were THANKFUL to be alive. Just look at this whole quarantine bullshit. Nobody back then would have given a shit if the government had told them to stay indoors. They would have gone outside as usual but today's men are actually happy the government give them an excuse to rot away.
It's fucking over and this is the most brutal Blackpill. Men with the testosterone levels of an old lady who are too awkward to start a real life conversation with actual human beings. Men roping at an alarming rate. Men flushing their only youth away. Men who don't see any meaning in life. It's over.
dont worry man, covid-19 will ruin it even more
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and TheAscendedOne
Internet was a big mistake that should be eradicated from the face of Earth. It's sad to see what internet has done to this generation of young men. Back then no matter how ugly or short men were they still enjoyed life. If they had trouble getting laid they vented to their best friends and they already felt better, they didn't make a fucking international incel community out of it. Men didn't waste hours and hours of their lives with dumb shit like memes, youtube videos or forums. They didn't despair in front of a monitor wishing to be dead hanging in their apartment. They had healthy dopamine receptors and enjoyed the small things of life. This is what people did before the internet:
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Nihilism was cope mental masturbation that only non-nt eccentric philosophers cared about and not the fucking general consensus among the population. Do you really think your ancestors thought about ''muh life ultimately has no meaning''? No, they enjoyed every bit of it and were THANKFUL to be alive. Just look at this whole quarantine bullshit. Nobody back then would have given a shit if the government had told them to stay indoors. They would have gone outside as usual but today's men are actually happy the government give them an excuse to rot away.
It's fucking over and this is the most brutal Blackpill. Men with the testosterone levels of an old lady who are too awkward to start a real life conversation with actual human beings. Men roping at an alarming rate. Men flushing their only youth away. Men who don't see any meaning in life. It's over.
Listen up kid
You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. You are all singing, all dancing crap of the world
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: Incoming, janoycresva, Zdeweilx and 8 others
internet is a good thing if you have a life tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, Deleted member 6401 and TheAscendedOne
2000s was the best time to be an adolescent male and unfortunately the last good time at all
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, SHARK, Gren and 1 other person
2000s was the best time to be an adolescent male and unfortunately the last good time at all
We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. ... Our Great War's a spiritual war…
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4804, Edgar, Deleted member 6401 and 1 other person
Boomers ruined the world.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Gren and TheAscendedOne
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


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Reactions: Arkantos, Deleted member 6401, TheAscendedOne and 1 other person
Being subhuman and being born with a big nose has ruined my world
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Reactions: Zdeweilx, Deleted member 6401, Deleted member 2227 and 1 other person
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Ah shit u beat me to it
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Incoming, Arkantos, Deleted member 6401 and 3 others
Didn’t read but yea I agree
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
Listen up kid
You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. You are all singing, all dancing crap of the world
We are all singing all dancing crap of the world
You are not your JOB or how much money you have in the bank
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Toth's thot, Deleted member 6401 and Deleted
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Ah shit u beat me to it
I think it goes even further back. Agricultural revolution ruined humanity, our primitive lifestyle was best suited for us.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
Indeed it did son,
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
more like internet ruined YOUR chance at enjoying the world
you wouldnt be saying this if u were goodlooking and tall lol, you'd be like "wow thanks for the info guys! i finally ascended thanks to this forum!"
youd be happy each time you scroll on social media and you get validation from girls and your peers, you'd use the internet for online hookups and to find a girlfriend and then when you go to sleep you'd say "wow, the internet sure is great, it's so useful and im thankful for it"
  • +1
Reactions: Incoming, PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Deleted member 5892 and 1 other person
more like internet ruined YOUR chance at enjoying the world
you wouldnt be saying this if u were goodlooking and tall lol, you'd be like "wow thanks for the info guys! i finally ascended thanks to this forum!"
youd be happy each time you scroll on social media and you get validation from girls and your peers, you'd use the internet for online hookups and to find a girlfriend and then when you go to sleep you'd say "wow, the internet sure is great, it's so useful and im thankful for it"
Lol actually the whole Blackpill shit is so popular BECAUSE OF internet. Never in history of mankind has it been so beneficial to be good looking. Because of tinder and social media now the pressure that is put on men to be good looking is through the roof. This is the point. Before internet being good looking wasn't as important as now so men either ugly or average looking enoyed their lives way more than now.
  • +1
Reactions: Nero, Deleted member 6401 and wagbox
face is everything and always has been
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
more like internet ruined YOUR chance at enjoying the world
you wouldnt be saying this if u were goodlooking and tall lol, you'd be like "wow thanks for the info guys! i finally ascended thanks to this forum!"
youd be happy each time you scroll on social media and you get validation from girls and your peers, you'd use the internet for online hookups and to find a girlfriend and then when you go to sleep you'd say "wow, the internet sure is great, it's so useful and im thankful for it"
Romantic relationships are honestly not the biggest issue tbh especially when many women have a n-count so high you’d think they were a prostitute. Before the internet a guy just had to be top 20% of his social circle or town. Now you must be top 10-20% at the minimum in your city or country. That’s just to slay or “date” for a short time. If you want a good LTR with someone who’s a virgin or hasn’t taken enough peen from strangers for them to care about you beyond a superficial level you’ll have to be even higher on the smv ladder to be consistent. Beyond that it’s just luck tbh. That’s why many people are frauding so hard or going to other countries. For better or for worse you didn’t have to do that decades ago. The dating economy is like the real US economy. The “middle class” is shrinking. If you’re average nowadays you’re going to be choosing from an alpha widow, single mom or chad’s sloppy seconds more than likely.
  • +1
Reactions: Mewcel and Vidyacoper
Internet was a big mistake that should be eradicated from the face of Earth. It's sad to see what internet has done to this generation of young men. Back then no matter how ugly or short men were they still enjoyed life. If they had trouble getting laid they vented to their best friends and they already felt better, they didn't make a fucking international incel community out of it. Men didn't waste hours and hours of their lives with dumb shit like memes, youtube videos or forums. They didn't despair in front of a monitor wishing to be dead hanging in their apartment. They had healthy dopamine receptors and enjoyed the small things of life. This is what people did before the internet:
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Nihilism was cope mental masturbation that only non-nt eccentric philosophers cared about and not the fucking general consensus among the population. Do you really think your ancestors thought about ''muh life ultimately has no meaning''? No, they enjoyed every bit of it and were THANKFUL to be alive. Just look at this whole quarantine bullshit. Nobody back then would have given a shit if the government had told them to stay indoors. They would have gone outside as usual but today's men are actually happy the government give them an excuse to rot away.
It's fucking over and this is the most brutal Blackpill. Men with the testosterone levels of an old lady who are too awkward to start a real life conversation with actual human beings. Men roping at an alarming rate. Men flushing their only youth away. Men who don't see any meaning in life. It's over.
yes bro. I agree 100%, check out my post

join our discord server
If there was no internet I'd probably still have friends jfl and be more NT
Soon there will be realistic virtual reality and we can all go to the beach and have fun social contact whilst looking like chad in the virtual world. It will be great, much better than getting bullied and rejected from such a life.
Soon there will be realistic virtual reality and we can all go to the beach and have fun social contact whilst looking like chad in the virtual world. It will be great, much better than getting bullied and rejected from such a life.
Yes and we should live in castles on the sky forever...
join us based gods

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Soon there will be realistic virtual reality and we can all go to the beach and have fun social contact whilst looking like chad in the virtual world. It will be great, much better than getting bullied and rejected from such a life.
I would intentionally create such an ogre that you would start laughing
Romantic relationships are honestly not the biggest issue tbh especially when many women have a n-count so high you’d think they were a prostitute. Before the internet a guy just had to be top 20% of his social circle or town. Now you must be top 10-20% at the minimum in your city or country. That’s just to slay or “date” for a short time. If you want a good LTR with someone who’s a virgin or hasn’t taken enough peen from strangers for them to care about you beyond a superficial level you’ll have to be even higher on the smv ladder to be consistent. Beyond that it’s just luck tbh. That’s why many people are frauding so hard or going to other countries. For better or for worse you didn’t have to do that decades ago. The dating economy is like the real US economy. The “middle class” is shrinking. If you’re average nowadays you’re going to be choosing from an alpha widow, single mom or chad’s sloppy seconds more than likely.
youre right tbh. my views have changed since then. i dont care about slaying or online hookups or online dating. after a while ive realised that getting a girlfriend who you can actually pair bond with is what matters, and now that's almost impossible as a non-chad unless you completely luck out. Years ago before the internet and before hook-up culture everyone stood a chance at actually finding a decent girlfriend/maybe even an ideal virgin girlfriend. now that chance is reserved only to the very top chads and those who get completely lucky.
i cant cope anymore.
  • +1
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Nero, Mr.cope and 3 others
youre right tbh. my views have changed since then. i dont care about slaying or online hookups or online dating. after a while ive realised that getting a girlfriend who you can actually pair bond with is what matters, and now that's almost impossible as a non-chad unless you completely luck out. Years ago before the internet and before hook-up culture everyone stood a chance at actually finding a decent girlfriend/maybe even an ideal virgin girlfriend. now that chance is reserved only to the very top chads and those who get completely lucky.
i cant cope anymore.
Its over for many men
  • +1
Reactions: Nero and Vidyacoper
That's what i'm saying man.

Internet poisoned everything.
  • +1
Reactions: SpearOfOrion
Well theres no turning back
if they shutdown internet for 2days literally riots will happen everywhere.there is no turning back now accept and evolve
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Reactions: Nero
womens rights ruined the world
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Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel and Deleted member 5892
What is this cope
Life has never been better for the top of society. Cry for not being born chad upper-middle class tbh.
Yes it did
  • +1
Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel
Dating apps and social media ruined the sexual market, tipping it to females favor.
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Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel
plot twist you're writing this on the internet

it's really over.
  • JFL
Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel
The world was ruined long before any of us here existed
  • +1
Reactions: needsolution and Incoming
Read twice , gotta agree

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