Introduction to the greatest heightmaxx ever discovered: regeneration of growth plates via growth factors and MSCs

regeneration of growth plates
the method

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This thread include the procedure to reactivate or/and regenerate growth plates (while being targeted and safe), written in a comprehensive and understandable way. This method is adapted for home use.
While it might seem difficult at first, dont be discouraged and trust me. Its not.
Various difficult words will be used. Refer to the end of the thread for definitions (defined as symbole "*").
This guide is already in order. Make shure to follow it to the letter.

Goal: localized bone growth during and after puberty (until growth plates fusion*). You can visualize it as a second growth spurt.
This procedure is also relevant to widen the clavicles, but we’ll talk about that in details later.

Advantages and disadvantages:

🟩 - Low systemic* sides, possibility to choose where you want growth to happen (growth plates targeting as we will see later), only working option after puberty beside LL* while being cheaper and less invasive.
I also strongly believe this procedure to be more effective than hgh* and ai* combined during puberty.

🟥 - Expensive, experimental, and dangerous is poorly executed.

 dont do if:

-Autoimmune Diseases*.
-Previous Trauma or Surgical Complications.
-Genetic Disorders Affecting Growth Plate Function.
-Chronic Inflammatory Conditions.
-Severe Skeletal Malformations or Deformities.
-You are above 30 (bones are likely already fully ossified with little to no possible growth).
-You are below 16.

the cost of the whole procedure range from 10k to 40k per year everything involved. The price can be reduced if you buy from another country or buy in big quantity/to cheap sellers for exemples. I will also give various ways to reduce the price during the thread.
The dosages will be given later during the procedure.
⚠️ - Start by only buying an ultrasound device (made for home use) and an ultrasound/conductive gel if not included with the ultrasound. Proceed to phase 1 once bought before buying the rest.

-Allogeneic* mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs*)
(I wont include the method to use your own MSCs (aka autologous* MSCs) because of the impossibility at home and the overal complexity and risks. PM me if you really want it).

-growth factors* (BMP-2, IGF-1, and FGF-2)
Could be used topically, but the results wont be as significants so we’ll use injectable solutions.

-an ultrasound device made for home use
Get one for the cheapest you can; make shure that the quality is correct (get one with an high-frequency linear probe (7-15 MHz) if possible).

-fridge that can go down to -20°C
You could use a normal fridge but it wouldnt be suitable - we will talk about it in details later.

-2 types of single usage syringes:
: 1 ml to 3 ml syringe with a 25 to 30 gauge needle.
2: 3 ml to 5 ml syringe with a 22 to 27 gauge needle.
Type 1 (for growth factors): Number of growth plates you choose × 27(if you inject 1 time every 2 week) or 54( if you inject 1 time a week)=
Type 2 (for stem cells): Number of growth plates you choose × 14(if you inject 1 time a month) or 27 (if you inject 1 time every 2 week)=

-Conductive/ultrasound gel if not provided with the ultrasound

-(Optionnal): an automatic injector to replace syringes if you are uncomfortable using them.


This procedure will be officially released in around 10 years or slightly more. Wait is an option. Here we wont be able to reconstitute totally new growth plates since it requiere a biologic scaffold, which is impossible to create or buy.

-Phase 1: growth plates and how to determine their conditions
-Phase 2: bloodwork before the injections
-Phase 3: how to buy and store compounds
-Phase 4: the injections
-Phase 5: post injections
-Phase 6: additional compounds
-Phase 7: excepted growth per age
-Phase 8: potencial risks
-Phase 9: how to recognize that the procedure is working
-Bonus: the science behind the procedure

growth plates and how to determine their conditions

-Choosing the targeted growth plates
-learn the emplacement of growth plates on the body
-Determine the state of growth plates

This step is necessary as it will allow us to anderstand the state of your growth plates.
You only need the gel and the ultrasound as mentionned earlier.

Choossing the targeted growth plates

You will first need to choose the growth plates you’d like to target (choose carefully those growth plates will determine where you will get growth).
I chose the ones with the best height gain potencial. Just make your choice between them.
The price is obviously exponential to the number of growth plates you choose.

I recommend legs since its there that you have the most potencial for growth.
Arms length will be decreased compared to the rest of the body, but I don't think it's a big problem. You can choose to add growth plates that contribute to arms lengh if thats an issue for you.

1) 2 growth plates in the legs: distal femur and proximal tibial.
You ideally want to choose both growth plates, but if you are really short on money choose only one, just keep in mind that the result will likely be divided by 2.

2) upper body: lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) and thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12).
I do not recommend this option. There is no real targetable growth plates in the upper body. Results could be unsignificant.

3) Bonus: clavicles.
Optionnal, work for frame gains. May also help balancing the results. Concidere it if your frame is already bad. There’s 4 growth plates in the clavicles (2 per side).
You can choose to only target 2. The same for each sides. If you opt for that option, the growth plates located at the medial end of the clavicle is the best option.

Learn the emplacement of growth plates on the body

Now that you chose, we can continue with the next step:
Find the growth plates you chose on the pictures.

1) legs(4 growth plates in total - 2 per leg)

Proximal tibial
Images 1

Located near the hip joint at the top of the femur (the red bones on the left picture).
Represented as the upper growth plate (the line) in red on the right picture.

Distal femur

Located just below the knee joint, at the top of the tibia (the red bones on the left picture).
On the right picture, represented as the upper growth plate (the line) in red on the right picture.

2)upper body (not recommended)

thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12)
Thoracic spinal cord injury

lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5)
Lumbar spinal cord injury 1 600x399


Clavicules (2 growth plates per side)
Shoulder bone anatomy collarbone 8700284e 812e 4497 8d95 bfdb0a00c9d1 1024x1024
Peds1 hcfjel

There’s one growth plate at the lateral end, and one at the medial end.
Growth plates are represented as the 2 white lines on each part of the bones (last picture).

Determine the state of the growth plates

Now that you know where the growth plates are,

1) Make shure that you have both the gel and the device with you.

2) Apply the gel to the area of the growth plate, position the ultrasound probe perpendicular to the skin and scan the area, moving slowly in circular motion to create an image of the underlying bone structure.
There might be an explanatory note with the ultrasound. If so follow it.

3) locate the growth plate:

-Look like a a black line (cartilage) between 2 lighter bones on the ultrasound.
if the quality of your ultrasound is low or if your plate are closed since a long time be very careful to any line or pseudo line that may look slightly darker than the rest. Ajust the depth and gain of the ultrasound to see it as clearly as possible.
If you see that line, you can continue and start the procedure. Otherwise you may still try but the results could not be significant or even be null (growth plates likely already fused and became bones. If thats the case you’ll have to wait until they release the full procedure - the risk of complications increase in that case).

If you see a line only for a part of the growth plates you are targeting:
Make shure that you really dont see it. If thats the case only target the ones that are open on both sides (if only one is open on one side it automatically exclude both from the procedure).

Repeat this process for each growth plate you chose🔄

bloodwork before the injections (recommended)

Do one if you are cautious and dont want to take any risks.
You want everything to be normal and ideally good.

What to test:

-Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) or Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) Evaluates kidney function, electrolyte balance, glucose levels, and overall metabolic health.

-Liver Function Tests (LFTs)
ensure that the liver is functioning well.

-Growth Hormone (GH)
To check baseline levels of growth hormone.

-Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1)
assess baseline levels and understand the growth potential.

-Sex Hormones (Testosterone/Estrogen)
To evaluate hormonal status

-Bone-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase *(BAP):
important for baseline bone health assessment.

After the bloodwork, you may notice that you have high E2 (Estrogen). You can add an aromatase inhibitor to the stack if thats the case.
Dont worry we will talk about that in details around the end of the thread.

how to buy and store compounds

-where to buy the stem cells and growth factors
-stock the compound adequately

where to buy the compounds

I will link some websites where you may be able to buy those compouds. If you dont find them or if you think that they are too expensive do your own research/ ask by answering to this thread.

Just check the purity and cell viability (for Stem cell should be >85% after thawing).
Its better if you buy it from a reputable and certified laboratory or biobank if you can.

⚠️The most expensive compound in the stack is by far stem cells. Try to buy it from another country and do everything you can to get it as cheap as possible.
Make shure that it is human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)

buying growth factors should be way easier. Here’s a link thats supposedly legit (thx to @vzyxzs ).

stock the compounds adequately


Make shure that it come pre-prepared in vials that are ready for immediate use.
The vials should be airtight, opaque, and labeled correctly with details such as the date of freezing and cell type.

Store them as per the supplier’s instructions and typically refrigerated at minimum 4°C (standard fridge temperature). Just put the box in the fridge if possible.

⚠️ crucial imformation: stem cells (MSCs) can only be kept 24 to 48h in a normal fridge ( ≈ 4°C ) including transport time. Its not ideal at all. If you choose this option you’ll need to inject immediately and you can’t more than one dose at a time.

What i recommend
: Buy, rent /bought second hand a small fridge that can go down to -20°C (will cost you around 500$. Maybe less). Stem cells can be kept 1 week ideally, and up to 2. You’ll have way more time.

You can also choose to buy a special fridge that can go down even more if you want to keep stem cells longer, but you’ll need a special electricity installation and the price will be way higher.

Growth factors:

Same as stem cells, store them as per the supplier’s instructions. (most of the time minimum 4°C)
Same as stem cells, The vials should be airtight, opaque, and labeled correctly with details such as the date of freezing and growth factor type.

At 4°C, growth factors you can keep it up to 2 weeks.

You can keep it up to a year if you use a -20°C fridge.
You are now able to buy a complete 1 year supply in only one time.

Additional important tips:

-In the fridge, put the growth factors and the stem cells and far as possible, growth factors in front and stem cells behind.

-Try to avoid light in contact with the compounds as much as possible.

-Let both the growth factors and stem cells 20 minute out at home temperature before putting them in the fridge.

-4°C fridge refer to the normal lowest temperature your fridge can go. Using a thermometer to verifie the temperature is recommended.

-try to take out of the fridge the right quantity, or else you might create damages by getting them out too often (temperature changes are damaging the structure of compounds).

the injections

-Regularity of injections and models of syringues
-prepare compounds to injections
-dosages and advices pre injections

Before starting mesure yourself barefoot just after waking up and without counting your hairs. Write down the exact height.
Also be shure to have a picture of the state of your growth plates taken with the ultrasound to compare later.

We will inject 2 types of compounds.
A type of stem cells called MSCs,
And 3 type of growth factors,
BMP-2, IGF-1, and FGF-2.

You’ll also need the ultrasound and the gel. Make shure to have both close to you.

The full duration of the procedure is one year. You can choose to increase it up to 2 years or to decrease it depending on your needs.

regularity of injections and models of syringue

Growth factors: 1 time a week or 1 time every 2 weeks.
Stem cells: 1 time every 2 weeks or 1 time every 4 weeks.

For optimal efficiency you want growth factors to be injected 2 time more than stem cells.
You will inject growth factors alone 1 time out of 2. Its normal.

the right models of syringes for stem cells and growth factors are:

stem cells: 3 ml to 5 ml syringe with a 22 to 27 gauge needle.
growth factors
: 1 ml to 3 ml syringe with a 25 to 30 gauge needle.

You will change all the syringues every sessions. Never use a syringue for more than 1 session. You will use 1 syringue of the right type as indicated before per growth plate.

Note: Growth factors can be used alone(without MSCs) if you have financial problems, but the effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Prepare compounds to injection

We first need to thaw and prepare the compounds to injection (i will explain how to do so for both liquid and powder forms and for both -20°C and 4°C fridge temperatures).
Dont forget that you’ll have to inject quickly after preparation.

For growth factors(same process for all 3):


-If stored at -20°C, take the vials of liquid growth factors out of the fridge and allow them to thaw slowly at room temperature. This may take 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the volume.

If stored in a fridge at 4°C, let it sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.

Once thawed and ready for use, transfer the liquid growth factor into the adequate syringe.


-Take the vial of powdered growth factor out of the fridge (same process for both 4°C and -20°C) and let it warm to room temperature for 10-15 minutes.

-Inject the diluent (sterile water, saline, or buffer solution) slowly into the vial containing the powder with a sterile syringue and needle. Be carefull to draw up the appropriate amount of diluent as indicated by the manufacturer’s instructions.
-Gently swirl the vial until the powder fully dissolves. Do not shake vigorously, as this could damage the protein structure of the growth factor.
-Once the growth factor is fully reconstituted, use a sterile syringe to draw the solution into the syringe. Make shure that no air bubbles remain.

For stem cells:


If from a -20°C fridge: Transfer the stem cells from the -20°C freezer to a 4°C refrigerator. Allow them to thaw gradually in the refrigerator for a few hours.
After the cells have been moved to 4°C and thawed for the recommended time, you can then bring them to room temperature (about 20-25°C) for a short period before injection. Ensure this step is done quickly, ideally within 15-30 minutes, to minimize any risk of compromising the cells.

If from a 4°C fridge: Bring to room temperature for 10mn.

You can fill the syringue with the compound, again, make shure that no air bubbles remain.

To take the right dosage, just convert the unit used for the compound and change it to mL (the unit written on the syringue) then fill the syringe until the liquid reaches the desired unit.

dosages and advices pre injections

you previoulsy choosed which growth plates you wanted to inject in. Those are the ones and only places where you will inject, one after the other.

Make shure to respect these crucial steps before injecting:

1) Syringes are perfectly sterile and your skin is disinfected.
3) Know how to recognize growth plates, look at point 2, the methodology is there too if you are not familiar with the usage of the ultrasound (which will be used during injections).
4) You will inject 5 times all around each growth plate for both compounds (all the injections will be in a localized area of 1cm or less all around the growth plate). Try to inject as evenly as possible.
5) For the first time injecting, use growth factors 2-3 days before stem cells. You’ll inject both at the same time after that (still inject growth factor first then, even if its only slightly).
6) We will start with lower dosages and gradually increase for both stem cells and growth factors:
First, you’ll use 25% of the dosage, then you’ll go up to 50%, 75%, and then 100%, upgrading of 25% each sessions. Look for any sides. If you dont face any continue to increase until you reach 100%; you will continue with that dosage for the rest of the procedure.
7)Be consistent in the doses administered to each growth plate and the timing of injections. Ensure equal distribution on both sides of the body (e.g., right and left limbs).
8)inject shortly before sleep for better results.

Dosages: keep in mind that you have to multiplie this amount by the number of growth plates you want to target. For exemple: if im targeting legs, and i choose distal femur and proximal tibia: i multiplie by 4 the total amount of product i need for each compound. (There’s 1 distal femur and 1 proximal tibia per leg).
Also dont forget to divide by 5 the amount since you inject 5 times per growth plate for both growth factors and stem cells.

Ideal Dosages(MSCs/stem cells)

Age 16-20: 1-2 million MSCs per growth plate.

Age 21-25: 3 million MSCs per growth plate.

Age 26-30: 4 million MSCs per growth plate.

You can choose to use reduced dosages as following if you have trouble finding money:

Age 16-20: 0.5-1 million MSCs per growth plate.

Age 21-30: 1-2 million MSCs per growth plate.

Ideal dosages growth factors:

: 0.5mg per growth plate.

IGF-1: 50µg per growth plate.

FGF-2: 50µg per growth plate.


First take the ultrasound device, and use it as usual to project a picture of the zone of injection. Find nerves and veins.(Nerves will appear as echogenic structures and veins as pulsations or color changes on the ultrasound)
You can also use the 2 pictures here:
Illustration human figure most important parts body such as brain heart lungs kidneys spine ne

The picture on the right represent veins, and the picture on the left nerves.

select 5 injection points where you are shure to avoid them and mark them. After doing so, dont stop the ultrasound.

growth factors:
you will inject the 3 growth factors one after the other, in the order of your choice. Dont forget to inject evenly 5 times all around the growth plates for each of them as explained earlier.

With the ultrasound still activated, slowly inject just beneath the skin into the soft tissue, in the direction of the growth plate. Usually this is subvutaneous or slightly intramuscular. 1 to 2cm deep depending of your bodyfat%(if average do 1.5cm, if important do 2cm, and if little do 1cm). While injecting, make shure again to avoid veins and nerves.

While you are pushing the needle in your skin, you should be able to see it on the ultrasound (you may not always be able to see it as easily dependently of the growth plate). Move the needle to place it in the desired location, near the growth plate. Once the needle is in place remove it VERY slightly (reduce the chance of hitting a vein), then inject the compound. You should be able to see it spreading on the ultrasound in the surrounding tissue, which confirms correct placement.

repeat this operation 5 times, for the 5 injections points 🔄
Dont forget to use alcohol to resterilize the needle after each injection.

Now change the syringue to the right one for stem cells as said before,

For Stem Cells:

The process is the same, except that it should be injected slightly deeper, but still into the soft tissue around the growth plate, not into the bone itself. Around 1.5 to 3cm deep depending of your bodyfat %.

After injections, re-scan the area to ensure that the injected solution is located correctly near the growth plate. There should be no leakage into unintended areas

remember: After you stop the injections, growth may continue for some weeks to month, its normal.

post injections/session

-What to do and not do
-muscle strengthening

I am now going to give you some advices once a session of injection is done and during the time between sessions.

What to do and not do

What to do:
-Hydration: stay very hydrated. Never feel thirsty.
-Nutrition: this step is crucial. Eat as much as you can (foods with a lot of proteins if possible).
-posture: try to stand up straight.
-sleep: you need to sleep for as long as you can and as deep as you can. There’s multiple guides for that on the forum.
-Sleep posture:
Side Sleepers: Use a pillow between the legs to keep the spine aligned.
Back Sleepers: Use a pillow under the knees to relieve pressure on the lower back.
-if you notice any important side. Dont ignore it.

What to not do:

-High-Impact Sports or Activities: Limit activities that involve jumping, running, or other high-impact movements, as they can place undue stress on the growth plates.
-Prolonged Inactivity.
-dont take any other treatment.

-dont smoke or drink.

You should also stretch(increase the effectiveness of the procedure, reduce sides and incomfort).
I included stretches for each growth plate you can target. Just choose the right ones.
You will stretch just before sleep. Everyday.

1) Lower Body Stretches (legs growth plates)

-Hamstring Stretch:
Sit on the floor with one leg extended and the other bent. Reach toward your toes on the extended leg, keeping your back straight.

-Quadriceps Stretch:
Stand and hold onto a wall or sturdy object for balance. Pull one foot toward your glutes, keeping your knees together. Push your hips slightly forward for a deeper stretch.

-Hip Flexor Stretch:
Kneel on one knee and step the opposite foot forward. Push your hips forward while keeping your back straight.

-Calf Stretch:
Stand facing a wall, place your hands against it, and step one foot back, keeping both feet flat. Lean forward to feel a stretch in the back leg.

-Adductor Stretch:
Sit with your feet together and your knees bent out to the sides. Hold your feet and gently push your knees toward the ground using your elbows.

-Glute Stretch:
Lie on your back with one foot placed on the opposite knee. Grab the back of the supporting leg and gently pull toward your chest.

2) Joint Mobility (do this part no matter what growth plates you chose)

-Hip Circles:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips. Slowly rotate your hips in a circle, first in one direction, then the other.

-Ankle Circles:
Sit or stand and lift one foot off the ground. Rotate your ankle slowly in a circular motion, 10 times in each direction.

-Knee Rotations:
Stand with feet together and knees slightly bent. Place your hands on your knees and rotate them in small circles, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

-Hip Bridges:
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Push through your heels to lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees.

3) Upper Body Stretches (clavicles growth plates)

-Shoulder Stretch:
Extend one arm across your chest and hold it with the opposite arm, keeping the extended arm straight. Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides.

-Chest Stretch:
Stand in a doorway, place your hands on the frame, and gently lean forward until you feel a stretch in your chest and shoulders.

4) spine stretches(spine/upper body growth plates)

-Cat-Cow Stretch:
Begin on all fours. Alternate between arching your back (cow pose) and rounding it (cat pose) in a fluid motion.

-Cobra stretch:
Lie face down with your palms under your shoulders. Push your upper body off the floor, keeping your hips down, and gently arch your back.

Repeat each stretch 3 times.

muscle strengthening

Lastly, here’s a program for the muscles, also hepling with the procedure.
you’ll need some cheap and common equipements. Either buy them or find an alternative. Adapt this program to your needs. Its not fixed.

Lower body strength

1. Bodyweight Squats
Reps: 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

2. Glute Bridges
Reps: 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

3. Lunges
Reps: 3 sets of 10 reps per leg.

4. Calf Raises
Reps: 3 sets of 15 reps.

Core and Stability

1. Planks
Duration: Hold for 30-45 seconds, 3 sets.

2. Bird Dogs
Reps: 3 sets of 10 reps per side.

3. Side Planks
Duration: Hold for 20-30 seconds per side, 3 sets.

Upper Body Strength

1. Push-Ups
Reps: 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

2. Resistance Band Rows
Reps: 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

3. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Reps: 3 sets of 10 reps (use light weights).

Do this program 3-4 times a week.

additional compounds

Optionnal compounds to increase the effects of the initial procedure (ranked by effectiveness).

All those compounds should be used in the evening.

1) -somatropine( hgh ) + mk677* - (same dosages for both)
2) -somatropine( hgh )
: Start at 1iu and increase to 3iu over the next 2-4weeks.

3) -mk677
Dosage: Start with 10-15 mg daily. After 1-2 weeks, you can increase to 25mg per day.
You may also want to cycle it for better effectiveness (every 6 month 2 weeks off).

4) -aromatase inhibitor (only if high E2 after bloodwork)
i recommend aromasin
: 12.5 mg every other day.

5)- SAG: could increase the effectiveness of this procedure of around 20%.
Sadly dosages or ways of administrations are unclear so i dont inlude it to the procedure. starting doses range from 1–10 mg/kg in animals models. Thats all i found. If you find a way to use it for humans tag me

Building blocks: (i dont include dosages, those are very easy to find. Just make shure to take a fairly important dose). They are not in order.

-collagen (morning before eating with water).
-vitamin C (morning before eating with water).
-sam-e* (morning before eating with water).
-calcium (morning while eating).
-Vitamin D (morning while eating).
-vitamin k (morning while eating).
-boron (morning while eating).
-omega 3 (morning while eating).
-multivitamins (2 time a day while eating).
-magnesium (just before sleep).
-zink (just before sleep).
-arginine (just before sleep).
-ornithine (just before sleep).
-glutamine (just before sleep).
-melatonin (just before sleep).

recognize signs that the procedure is working

The most obvious: you are growing(mesure yourself barefoot and compare it with the before. It might take will take up to 6 month before seeing significant results but growth will be exponential from that point).

What to do:

Daily ultrasound check
take the photo you made at the start and compare, first to see the results, and second to detect any anormal growth (very unlikely but could happen if you did something wrong).

Here’s what to look for on the ultrasound

-Signs of healthy, well-defined cartilage.
-Look for increases in the thickness of the cartilage or changes in the surrounding tissue.
-The space between the epiphyseal (end of the bone) and metaphyseal (shaft of the bone) region is indicative of active growth. A larger gap is a good sign.
-Check for any changes in the overall bone structure and density around the growth plate. Healthy bone development around the treated area is a good sign of effective therapy.
-also make shure that there are no unexpected abnormalities or negative changes in the surrounding bone or cartilage that could indicate issues with the treatment.

Blood work: (one time a month or every 2 month)

Help to see if the procedure is working, and prevent sides.

What to test:

To monitor results:

Indicates bone formation and turnover. Increased levels suggest that bone remodeling is actively occurring.

Bone-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase (BAP):
Elevated levels indicate increased osteoblast activity and bone formation.

C-Terminal Telopeptide* (CTX):
A marker for bone resorption. Moderate increases can suggest bone turnover, but excessively high levels could indicate undesirable bone loss so be careful about that.

Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1):
Monitor IGF-1 levels to confirm whether growth factors are having their intended effect. Elevated levels indicate that the injected IGF-1 is functioning as expected.

Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF-2):
Check FGF levels to see if injections are elevating levels, ensuring that tissue regeneration and bone repair are being stimulated.

Testosterone/Estrogen Levels (if aromatase inhibitor)
check that the E2 level decreases.

General health:

Complete Blood Count (CBC):
This test checks for overall immune function and can help detect infections or abnormalities in blood cell production due to the procedure.

Liver Function Tests (LFTs):
Liver enzymes such as AST, ALT, and bilirubin should be monitored to ensure that the procedure and the administered growth factors are not stressing the liver.

Kidney Function Tests:
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels help assess kidney function, ensuring the kidneys are not being adversely affected by the treatment.

Glucose and Insulin Levels:
Hgh related compounds can affect glucose metabolism. Monitoring blood sugar levels ensures there are no unintended effects, such as insulin resistance or blood sugar imbalances.

Excepted growth per age:

Remember that those are estimations.

Age 16-20:
1-Year Treatment:
2-Year Treatment:

Age 21-25:
1-Year Treatment:
2-Year Treatment:

Age 26-30
1-Year Treatment:
2-Year Treatment

Potencial risks:

1. Unintended Growth or Imbalance
If growth factors are not administered uniformly or if injections are not precisely targeted, there can be an imbalance in growth. This could result in uneven or asymmetrical growth of bones or other tissues.
5-10% chance of happening if errors are committed. Less than 1% otherwise.

2. Complications Related to Growth Factors
Can cause joint deformities or other complications.
2% chance of happening with high dosages.

3. Hormonal imbalance
Prolonged use of growth factors like IGF-1 or BMP-2 can affect the body’s natural hormonal balance impacting overall health.
Less than 1% chance of happening with adequate dosages.

4. Systemic effects
Although intended to be localized, there is a risk that growth factors or stem cells could have some systemic effect, while being minor due to the small amount of product.
Less than 1% chance of happening.

anderstand the science behind this procedure

1. Growth Plates and Endochondral Ossification
Growth plates(or epiphyseal plates) are regions of hyaline cartilage located at the ends of long bones, which are responsible for longitudinal bone growth. Bone growth at the growth plates occurs via endochondral ossification, process in which cartilage is replaced by bone tissue.

Endochondral Ossification Stages:
-Proliferation Zone: Chondrocytes (or cartilage cells) divide and form columns of cells, increasing the length of the bone.
-Hypertrophic Zone: The chondrocytes enlarge and begin to calcify.
-Calcification Zone: The cartilage matrix becomes calcified, and the chondrocytes die off, leaving the mineralized cartilage scaffold.
-Ossification Zone: Osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) replace the calcified cartilage with bone tissue.

2. Growth Plate Stimulation via MSCs and Growth Factors:
The concept behind this procedure is to reactivate or stimulate growth plates by introducing both mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and growth factors that promote bone growth.

The Role of MSCs in Growth Plate Reactivation:

When injected into or near growth plates, MSCs help replenish the chondrocyte population, aiding the continued process of endochondral ossification.
In the presence of specific growth factors (discussed below), MSCs are encouraged to differentiate into chondrocytes and osteoblasts, which prommote new cartilage formation and bone growth.

A. Mesenchymal Stem Cells:
MSCs are multipotent stromal cells that have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), and chondrocytes (cartilage-forming cells).

B. Growth Factors:
Growth factors are signaling molecules that regulate cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and tissue regeneration. The three key growth factors that are used in this procedure are BMP-2, IGF-1, and FGF-2.

1. Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2):
BMP-2 is crucial for inducing osteogenesis and chondrogenesis. It plays a key role in promoting the differentiation of MSCs into osteoblasts and chondrocytes. In the context of the procedure, BMP-2 accelerate the process of chondrocyte differentiation, enhance cartilage formation at the growth plate, and promote new bone formation.

2. Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1):
IGF-1 is an anabolic growth factor that stimulates the proliferation of chondrocytes and osteoblasts. It is essential for both the expansion of cartilage in the growth plate and for bone elongation.

3. Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2):
FGF-2 is involved in the proliferation and differentiation of various cell types, including chondrocytes and osteoblasts. It plays a supportive role in maintaining the health of the cartilage and in stimulating growth plate activity.

3. Outcomes:
The MSCs and growth factors are injected into specific growth plate regions. The goal is to mimic the natural developmental process of endochondral ossification, even in a post-adolescent body where growth plates may have started to close or ossified.

If successful, the coordinated activity of MSCs and growth factors would lead to increased chondrocyte activity in the growth plates, resulting in new cartilage formation followed by its replacement with bone tissue. Over time, this process would lead to the elongation of the bones targeted, leading to an increase in height.


In this guide, we saw how to regenerate growth plates activity, step by step, in a simple manner.
It took days of efforts to make this thread, which i choose to release for free to all of you.
Sorry for my grammar. There might be some errors.
I hope that this will be useful, dont hesitate to share your experience if you chose to undergo this procedure.
Ask if you have any question.

I wish all of you good luck.


Growth plate fusion: Process in which growth plates turn into bones.
Systemic: That affect the whole body.
LL: Leg Lengthening chirurgy.
Hgh: Hormone naturally produced by the pituilary gland in the brain. Well known for its effect on height increase during puberty, anti aging effect
and muscle building potencial.

ai: Aromatase inhibitors, are, as their names indicate, inhibiting the action of the enzyme aromatase, which convert androgens to estrogen.
Osteoporosis: Bone disease that is characterized by a decrease in bone density and quality.
Hyperthyroidism: A condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone.
Hypothyroidism: The opposite of hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones.
Autoimmune Diseases: Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own cells and tissues, mistaking them for foreign agents.
Allogeneic: Biologic material from someone else body.
autologous: Biologic material from your body.
MSCs: stem cells(or unassigned cells)that can differenciate in 4 cells type:
-Osteoblasts (bone cells)
-Chondrocytes (cartilaginous cells)
-Adipocytes (fat cells)
-Myocytes (muscle cells)

Mk677: Chemical that stimulates the secretion of growth hormone (GH) by mimicking the action of ghrelin, a natural hormone that stimulates hunger and GH secretion.
Sam-e: Chemical that the human body produces naturally from the amino acid methionine and ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Its link to growth is difficult but powerful.
Bone-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase (BAP): BAP is an enzyme produced by osteoblasts (cells responsible for bone formation). Its concentration in the blood is an indicator of bone formation.
C-Terminal Telopeptide: CTX is a marker of bone resorption, the process by which bone tissue is broken down. Its a fragment released when type I collagen (an important protein in bones) is broken down.
Osteocalcin: Osteocalcin is a protein produced by osteoblasts and is involved in bone mineralization. It is often used as a marker of bone formation.

@hoeseeker111 @cuh4cuh @sb2214 @cc_7373 @LegitUser @org3cel.RR @oppastoppathe2nd @vzyxzs @pandal @bazinga @greycel @Schizotypalcel
@MA_ascender @PeakIncels @UZB_Strebl @NZb6Air @dookielooksmaxxer
@mlbmogger252 @elemanzelvadre @cashmerefraud @FwDelta @okwiwhd
@Jonas2k7 @jordanisbetterthanu @gigell @cucklord @aerooooo @JohnBaza
@mewingmaxxer @psychomandible @nathan @sub5incel125 @got.daim
@maxxerlord @Alexanderr @enchanted_elixir @Greypiller @übermog @greycel @osteobaxx @Dendoni @CoreSchizo @fkf3655 @yue @enriquecel @Feza
@boss8055 @jboard @billymidnight @looks>books @PsychoH @ArdaxHG
@hybobu @deepfuckingvalue @Washa_bhai @Sapphiremaxxing @aids
@givemeheight @malignant @5.5psl @Kelly Oubre Jr @(In)CelibatePsycho2
@looksmaxxing223 @Asxender @Joshrc @ProCoper @100potential @johann
@ryuken @lowtiernormy69 @They_are_all_whores @s6hizo @cavy @SomethingIsWrong @cooldude1231 @overbad @aboriginalmaxxing @Norwegian LTN @overbad @Galens @lain @andrei.vly @ZAATOP4
@magicfucktard22 @odux @highschoolmaxxer @Jova @cyrillic @oily703
@KT-34 @freshd2k123 @omnilegent @Noyas @iberianlurker @akz @tweaqo
@smoth @paradise1488 @Ziv @helpmeascend @ResurgentSoldier @nietzsche @irkkedmulatto @44mgs @deea112 @Hammeruntilchad2009
@psychomandible @wyatt737 @AscendingHero @rgvmogger07 @ghaztt
@JohnBaza @uN01 @shizuku11111 @TheTD7 @rahrahrahrah @tempelcat4
@asdvek @temelyeterliliktest @valentisxm @Foidmaxxer @menas @malignant @blackpilledarab @lucifer6969 @magazanis @AvoidYaTrent t
@notchicolachowski @Iblamealex @monkeyman296 @Niggamaxxer @smashfreak @ErbCel @EsteMog @Jacobb @hardstyle @symphony
@Abdullahm06 @Rosefan4everNofags @Linus1888 @curryltn @enriquecel
@Onewithmoss @Hersheys @man733 @cadee @Angutoid @gabbeascend @BrutalMogger @Disrupted Gene @tomish. @user.chris

I do no encourages the use of any substance. This guide is for purely educational and theoretical purposes. We must always seek medical advices before taking any action that could endanger our health. I do not sell anything and i made this post in the only purpose of educate.
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first dnrd
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  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: playxiing, goober55, prodigy_Ix and 23 others
Short richcels jumping for glee rn
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  • JFL
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Reactions: playxiing, PostivityCore, looks>books and 20 others
So this is the method you talked about? I thought it was good JFL this is absolute bullshit and don't trust one study or two even three. Studies are BS & nobody is this rich on the forum. If they were, they wouldn't be here. BS method JFL and i thought it was good ngl.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: prodigy_Ix, Jova, dsheppa and 17 others
All these supplements wont go to your closed growth plates jfl the HGH will give you acromegaly
IMG 0536
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: prodigy_Ix, polsub5, John666282 and 15 others
Just tried, didn't work
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: playxiing, prodigy_Ix, looks>books and 11 others
So this is the method you talked about? I thought it was good JFL this is absolute bullshit and don't trust one study or two even three. Studies are BS & nobody is this rich on the forum. If they were, they wouldn't be here. BS method JFL and i thought it was good ngl. You lied to us.
Low iq
  • +1
Reactions: playxiing, enchanted_elixir, andreschad and 4 others
Bro said cheaper than LL and then said 40k per year JFL
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: playxiing, prodigy_Ix, venomsnake and 21 others
Thank god even though i am utterly subhuman i will never have to resort to such schizophrenia by virtue of being 6'3.

DNRD btw
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: prodigy_Ix, wastedspermcel, Mewton and 7 others
dnrd boyo
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger
Bro said cheaper than LL and then said 40k per year JFL
Less than 10k
Its 40k if you pay everything full price and at max cost
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger
if this is only the introduction then how fucking long is the actual guide?
  • +1
Reactions: sb23 and BrutalMogger
Gotta love this shit

  • +1
Reactions: PostivityCore, Deleted member 108703, litaz and 4 others
Thank god even though i am utterly subhuman i will never have to resort to such schizophrenia by virtue of being 6'3.

DNRD btw
I'd rather be subhuman and 5'8 than have your face and be 6'3 you ugly fuck
  • JFL
Reactions: Mewton, It'snotover, vzyxzs and 1 other person
This procedure will be officially released in around 10 years or slightly more.
holy fuck dude, manlets had hope and now it's gone. nobody is waiting that long. manlets on suicide watch rn brutal
  • JFL
Reactions: Mewton and Newday*V3
holy fuck dude, manlets had hope and now it's gone. nobody is waiting that long. manlets on suicide watch rn brutal
What a fucking retard
I mean its not new 99% lf your takes are dumb as shit
  • JFL
Reactions: benchcrab
Not even a guy like clavicular who bangs his face against walls to look more like a buffoon and it's on steroids would try shit like this..
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: CalulArgintiu59, wastedspermcel, Deleted member 100504 and 4 others
I skipped rope bhai, creating microfractures? Will I be able to achieve 6'6?
  • JFL
Reactions: maxxerlord and LegitUser
regeneration of growth plates
the method

View attachment 3144054


This thread include the procedure to reactivate or/and regenerate growth plates (while being targeted and safe), written in a comprehensive and understandable way. This method is adapted for home use.
While it might seem difficult at first, dont be discouraged and trust me. Its not.
Various difficult words will be used. Refer to the end of the thread for definitions (defined as symbole "*").
This guide is already in order. Make shure to follow it to the letter.

Goal: localized bone growth during and after puberty (until growth plates fusion*). You can visualize it as a second growth spurt.
This procedure is also relevant to widen the clavicles, but we’ll talk about that in details later.

Advantages and disadvantages:

🟩 - Low systemic* sides, possibility to choose where you want growth to happen (growth plates targeting as we will see later), only working option after puberty beside LL* while being cheaper and less invasive.
I also strongly believe this procedure to be more effective than hgh* and ai* combined during puberty.

🟥 - Expensive, experimental, and dangerous is poorly executed.

 dont do if:

-Autoimmune Diseases*.
-Previous Trauma or Surgical Complications.
-Genetic Disorders Affecting Growth Plate Function.
-Chronic Inflammatory Conditions.
-Severe Skeletal Malformations or Deformities.
-You are above 30 (bones are likely already fully ossified with little to no possible growth).
-You are below 16.

the cost of the whole procedure range from 10k to 40k per year everything involved. The price can be reduced if you buy from another country or buy in big quantity/to cheap sellers for exemples. I will also give various ways to reduce the price during the thread.
The dosages will be given later during the procedure.
⚠️ - Start by only buying an ultrasound device (made for home use) and an ultrasound/conductive gel if not included with the ultrasound. Proceed to phase 1 once bought before buying the rest.

-Allogeneic* mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs*)
(I wont include the method to use your own MSCs (aka autologous* MSCs) because of the impossibility at home and the overal complexity and risks. PM me if you really want it).

-growth factors* (BMP-2, IGF-1, and FGF-2)
Could be used topically, but the results wont be as significants so we’ll use injectable solutions.

-an ultrasound device made for home use
Get one for the cheapest you can; make shure that the quality is correct (get one with an high-frequency linear probe (7-15 MHz) if possible).

-fridge that can go down to -20°C
You could use a normal fridge but it wouldnt be suitable - we will talk about it in details later.

-2 types of single usage syringes:
: 1 ml to 3 ml syringe with a 25 to 30 gauge needle.
2: 3 ml to 5 ml syringe with a 22 to 27 gauge needle.
Type 1 (for growth factors): Number of growth plates you choose × 27(if you inject 1 time every 2 week) or 54( if you inject 1 time a week)=
Type 2 (for stem cells): Number of growth plates you choose × 14(if you inject 1 time a month) or 27 (if you inject 1 time every 2 week)=

-Conductive/ultrasound gel if not provided with the ultrasound

-(Optionnal): an automatic injector to replace syringes if you are uncomfortable using them.


This procedure will be officially released in around 10 years or slightly more. Wait is an option. Here we wont be able to reconstitute totally new growth plates since it requiere a biologic scaffold, which is impossible to create or buy.

-Phase 1: growth plates and how to determine their conditions
-Phase 2: bloodwork before the injections
-Phase 3: how to buy and store compounds
-Phase 4: the injections
-Phase 5: post injections
-Phase 6: additional compounds
-Phase 7: excepted growth per age
-Phase 8: potencial risks
-Phase 9: how to recognize that the procedure is working
-Bonus: the science behind the procedure

growth plates and how to determine their conditions

-Choosing the targeted growth plates
-learn the emplacement of growth plates on the body
-Determine the state of growth plates

This step is necessary as it will allow us to anderstand the state of your growth plates.
You only need the gel and the ultrasound as mentionned earlier.

Choossing the targeted growth plates

You will first need to choose the growth plates you’d like to target (choose carefully those growth plates will determine where you will get growth).
I chose the ones with the best height gain potencial. Just make your choice between them.
The price is obviously exponential to the number of growth plates you choose.

I recommend legs since its there that you have the most potencial for growth.
Arms length will be decreased compared to the rest of the body, but I don't think it's a big problem. You can choose to add growth plates that contribute to arms lengh if thats an issue for you.

1) 2 growth plates in the legs: distal femur and proximal tibial.
You ideally want to choose both growth plates, but if you are really short on money choose only one, just keep in mind that the result will likely be divided by 2.

2) upper body: lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) and thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12).
I do not recommend this option. There is no real targetable growth plates in the upper body. Results could be unsignificant.

3) Bonus: clavicles.
Optionnal, work for frame gains. May also help balancing the results. Concidere it if your frame is already bad. There’s 4 growth plates in the clavicles (2 per side).
You can choose to only target 2. The same for each sides. If you opt for that option, the growth plates located at the medial end of the clavicle is the best option.

Learn the emplacement of growth plates on the body

Now that you chose, we can continue with the next step:
Find the growth plates you chose on the pictures.

1) legs(4 growth plates in total - 2 per leg)

Proximal tibial
View attachment 3144055View attachment 3140760
Located near the hip joint at the top of the femur (the red bones on the left picture).
Represented as the upper growth plate (the line) in red on the right picture.

Distal femur
View attachment 3144056View attachment 3140761
Located just below the knee joint, at the top of the tibia (the red bones on the left picture).
On the right picture, represented as the upper growth plate (the line) in red on the right picture.

2)upper body (not recommended)

thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12)
View attachment 3140788

lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5)
View attachment 3140766


Clavicules (2 growth plates per side)
View attachment 3140816View attachment 3140838
There’s one growth plate at the lateral end, and one at the medial end.
Growth plates are represented as the 2 white lines on each part of the bones (last picture).

Determine the state of the growth plates

Now that you know where the growth plates are,

1) Make shure that you have both the gel and the device with you.

2) Apply the gel to the area of the growth plate, position the ultrasound probe perpendicular to the skin and scan the area, moving slowly in circular motion to create an image of the underlying bone structure.
There might be an explanatory note with the ultrasound. If so follow it.

3) locate the growth plate:

-Look like a a black line (cartilage) between 2 lighter bones on the ultrasound.
if the quality of your ultrasound is low or if your plate are closed since a long time be very careful to any line or pseudo line that may look slightly darker than the rest. Ajust the depth and gain of the ultrasound to see it as clearly as possible.
If you see that line, you can continue and start the procedure. Otherwise you may still try but the results could not be significant or even be null (growth plates likely already fused and became bones. If thats the case you’ll have to wait until they release the full procedure - the risk of complications increase in that case).

If you see a line only for a part of the growth plates you are targeting:
Make shure that you really dont see it. If thats the case only target the ones that are open on both sides (if only one is open on one side it automatically exclude both from the procedure).

Repeat this process for each growth plate you chose🔄

bloodwork before the injections (recommended)

Do one if you are cautious and dont want to take any risks.
You want everything to be normal and ideally good.

What to test:

-Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) or Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) Evaluates kidney function, electrolyte balance, glucose levels, and overall metabolic health.

-Liver Function Tests (LFTs)
ensure that the liver is functioning well.

-Growth Hormone (GH)
To check baseline levels of growth hormone.

-Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1)
assess baseline levels and understand the growth potential.

-Sex Hormones (Testosterone/Estrogen)
To evaluate hormonal status

-Bone-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase *(BAP):
important for baseline bone health assessment.

After the bloodwork, you may notice that you have high E2 (Estrogen). You can add an aromatase inhibitor to the stack if thats the case.
Dont worry we will talk about that in details around the end of the thread.

how to buy and store compounds

-where to buy the stem cells and growth factors
-stock the compound adequately

where to buy the compounds

I will link some websites where you may be able to buy those compouds. If you dont find them or if you think that they are too expensive do your own research/ ask by answering to this thread.

Just check the purity and cell viability (for Stem cell should be >85% after thawing).
Its better if you buy it from a reputable and certified laboratory or biobank if you can.

⚠️The most expensive compound in the stack is by far stem cells. Try to buy it from another country and do everything you can to get it as cheap as possible.
Make shure that it is human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)

buying growth factors should be way easier. Here’s a link thats supposedly legit (thx to @vzyxzs ).

stock the compounds adequately


Make shure that it come pre-prepared in vials that are ready for immediate use.
The vials should be airtight, opaque, and labeled correctly with details such as the date of freezing and cell type.

Store them as per the supplier’s instructions and typically refrigerated at minimum 4°C (standard fridge temperature). Just put the box in the fridge if possible.

⚠️ crucial imformation: stem cells (MSCs) can only be kept 24 to 48h in a normal fridge ( ≈ 4°C ) including transport time. Its not ideal at all. If you choose this option you’ll need to inject immediately and you can’t more than one dose at a time.

What i recommend
: Buy, rent /bought second hand a small fridge that can go down to -20°C (will cost you around 500$. Maybe less). Stem cells can be kept 1 week ideally, and up to 2. You’ll have way more time.

You can also choose to buy a special fridge that can go down even more if you want to keep stem cells longer, but you’ll need a special electricity installation and the price will be way higher.

Growth factors:

Same as stem cells, store them as per the supplier’s instructions. (most of the time minimum 4°C)
Same as stem cells, The vials should be airtight, opaque, and labeled correctly with details such as the date of freezing and growth factor type.

At 4°C, growth factors you can keep it up to 2 weeks.

You can keep it up to a year if you use a -20°C fridge.
You are now able to buy a complete 1 year supply in only one time.

Additional important tips:

-In the fridge, put the growth factors and the stem cells and far as possible, growth factors in front and stem cells behind.

-Try to avoid light in contact with the compounds as much as possible.

-Let both the growth factors and stem cells 20 minute out at home temperature before putting them in the fridge.

-4°C fridge refer to the normal lowest temperature your fridge can go. Using a thermometer to verifie the temperature is recommended.

-try to take out of the fridge the right quantity, or else you might create damages by getting them out too often (temperature changes are damaging the structure of compounds).

the injections

-Regularity of injections and models of syringues
-prepare compounds to injections
-dosages and advices pre injections

Before starting mesure yourself barefoot just after waking up and without counting your hairs. Write down the exact height.
Also be shure to have a picture of the state of your growth plates taken with the ultrasound to compare later.

We will inject 2 types of compounds.
A type of stem cells called MSCs,
And 3 type of growth factors,
BMP-2, IGF-1, and FGF-2.

You’ll also need the ultrasound and the gel. Make shure to have both close to you.

The full duration of the procedure is one year. You can choose to increase it up to 2 years or to decrease it depending on your needs.

regularity of injections and models of syringue

Growth factors: 1 time a week or 1 time every 2 weeks.
Stem cells: 1 time every 2 weeks or 1 time every 4 weeks.

For optimal efficiency you want growth factors to be injected 2 time more than stem cells.
You will inject growth factors alone 1 time out of 2. Its normal.

the right models of syringes for stem cells and growth factors are:

stem cells: 3 ml to 5 ml syringe with a 22 to 27 gauge needle.
growth factors
: 1 ml to 3 ml syringe with a 25 to 30 gauge needle.

You will change all the syringues every sessions. Never use a syringue for more than 1 session. You will use 1 syringue of the right type as indicated before per growth plate.

Note: Growth factors can be used alone(without MSCs) if you have financial problems, but the effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Prepare compounds to injection

We first need to thaw and prepare the compounds to injection (i will explain how to do so for both liquid and powder forms and for both -20°C and 4°C fridge temperatures).
Dont forget that you’ll have to inject quickly after preparation.

For growth factors(same process for all 3):


-If stored at -20°C, take the vials of liquid growth factors out of the fridge and allow them to thaw slowly at room temperature. This may take 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the volume.

If stored in a fridge at 4°C, let it sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.

Once thawed and ready for use, transfer the liquid growth factor into the adequate syringe.


-Take the vial of powdered growth factor out of the fridge (same process for both 4°C and -20°C) and let it warm to room temperature for 10-15 minutes.

-Inject the diluent (sterile water, saline, or buffer solution) slowly into the vial containing the powder with a sterile syringue and needle. Be carefull to draw up the appropriate amount of diluent as indicated by the manufacturer’s instructions.
-Gently swirl the vial until the powder fully dissolves. Do not shake vigorously, as this could damage the protein structure of the growth factor.
-Once the growth factor is fully reconstituted, use a sterile syringe to draw the solution into the syringe. Make shure that no air bubbles remain.

For stem cells:


If from a -20°C fridge: Transfer the stem cells from the -20°C freezer to a 4°C refrigerator. Allow them to thaw gradually in the refrigerator for a few hours.
After the cells have been moved to 4°C and thawed for the recommended time, you can then bring them to room temperature (about 20-25°C) for a short period before injection. Ensure this step is done quickly, ideally within 15-30 minutes, to minimize any risk of compromising the cells.

If from a 4°C fridge: Bring to room temperature for 10mn.

You can fill the syringue with the compound, again, make shure that no air bubbles remain.

To take the right dosage, just convert the unit used for the compound and change it to mL (the unit written on the syringue) then fill the syringe until the liquid reaches the desired unit.

dosages and advices pre injections

you previoulsy choosed which growth plates you wanted to inject in. Those are the ones and only places where you will inject, one after the other.

Make shure to respect these crucial steps before injecting:

1) Syringes are perfectly sterile and your skin is disinfected.
3) Know how to recognize growth plates, look at point 2, the methodology is there too if you are not familiar with the usage of the ultrasound (which will be used during injections).
4) You will inject 5 times all around each growth plate for both compounds (all the injections will be in a localized area of 1cm or less all around the growth plate). Try to inject as evenly as possible.
5) For the first time injecting, use growth factors 2-3 days before stem cells. You’ll inject both at the same time after that (still inject growth factor first then, even if its only slightly).
6) We will start with lower dosages and gradually increase for both stem cells and growth factors:
First, you’ll use 25% of the dosage, then you’ll go up to 50%, 75%, and then 100%, upgrading of 25% each sessions. Look for any sides. If you dont face any continue to increase until you reach 100%; you will continue with that dosage for the rest of the procedure.
7)Be consistent in the doses administered to each growth plate and the timing of injections. Ensure equal distribution on both sides of the body (e.g., right and left limbs).
8)inject shortly before sleep for better results.

Dosages: keep in mind that you have to multiplie this amount by the number of growth plates you want to target. For exemple: if im targeting legs, and i choose distal femur and proximal tibia: i multiplie by 4 the total amount of product i need for each compound. (There’s 1 distal femur and 1 proximal tibia per leg).
Also dont forget to divide by 5 the amount since you inject 5 times per growth plate for both growth factors and stem cells.

Ideal Dosages(MSCs/stem cells)

Age 16-20: 1-2 million MSCs per growth plate.

Age 21-25: 3 million MSCs per growth plate.

Age 26-30: 4 million MSCs per growth plate.

You can choose to use reduced dosages as following if you have trouble finding money:

Age 16-20: 0.5-1 million MSCs per growth plate.

Age 21-30: 1-2 million MSCs per growth plate.

Ideal dosages growth factors:

: 0.5mg per growth plate.

IGF-1: 50µg per growth plate.

FGF-2: 50µg per growth plate.


First take the ultrasound device, and use it as usual to project a picture of the zone of injection. Find nerves and veins.(Nerves will appear as echogenic structures and veins as pulsations or color changes on the ultrasound)
You can also use the 2 pictures here:
View attachment 3142359View attachment 3144059
The picture on the right represent veins, and the picture on the left nerves.

select 5 injection points where you are shure to avoid them and mark them. After doing so, dont stop the ultrasound.

growth factors:
you will inject the 3 growth factors one after the other, in the order of your choice. Dont forget to inject evenly 5 times all around the growth plates for each of them as explained earlier.

With the ultrasound still activated, slowly inject just beneath the skin into the soft tissue, in the direction of the growth plate. Usually this is subvutaneous or slightly intramuscular. 1 to 2cm deep depending of your bodyfat%(if average do 1.5cm, if important do 2cm, and if little do 1cm). While injecting, make shure again to avoid veins and nerves.

While you are pushing the needle in your skin, you should be able to see it on the ultrasound (you may not always be able to see it as easily dependently of the growth plate). Move the needle to place it in the desired location, near the growth plate. Once the needle is in place remove it VERY slightly (reduce the chance of hitting a vein), then inject the compound. You should be able to see it spreading on the ultrasound in the surrounding tissue, which confirms correct placement.

repeat this operation 5 times, for the 5 injections points 🔄
Dont forget to use alcohol to resterilize the needle after each injection.

Now change the syringue to the right one for stem cells as said before,

For Stem Cells:

The process is the same, except that it should be injected slightly deeper, but still into the soft tissue around the growth plate, not into the bone itself. Around 1.5 to 3cm deep depending of your bodyfat %.

After injections, re-scan the area to ensure that the injected solution is located correctly near the growth plate. There should be no leakage into unintended areas

remember: After you stop the injections, growth may continue for some weeks to month, its normal.

post injections/session

-What to do and not do
-muscle strengthening

I am now going to give you some advices once a session of injection is done and during the time between sessions.

What to do and not do

What to do:
-Hydration: stay very hydrated. Never feel thirsty.
-Nutrition: this step is crucial. Eat as much as you can (foods with a lot of proteins if possible).
-posture: try to stand up straight.
-sleep: you need to sleep for as long as you can and as deep as you can. There’s multiple guides for that on the forum.
-Sleep posture:
Side Sleepers: Use a pillow between the legs to keep the spine aligned.
Back Sleepers: Use a pillow under the knees to relieve pressure on the lower back.
-if you notice any important side. Dont ignore it.

What to not do:

-High-Impact Sports or Activities: Limit activities that involve jumping, running, or other high-impact movements, as they can place undue stress on the growth plates.
-Prolonged Inactivity.
-dont take any other treatment.

-dont smoke or drink.

You should also stretch(increase the effectiveness of the procedure, reduce sides and incomfort).
I included stretches for each growth plate you can target. Just choose the right ones.
You will stretch just before sleep. Everyday.

1) Lower Body Stretches (legs growth plates)

-Hamstring Stretch:
Sit on the floor with one leg extended and the other bent. Reach toward your toes on the extended leg, keeping your back straight.

-Quadriceps Stretch:
Stand and hold onto a wall or sturdy object for balance. Pull one foot toward your glutes, keeping your knees together. Push your hips slightly forward for a deeper stretch.

-Hip Flexor Stretch:
Kneel on one knee and step the opposite foot forward. Push your hips forward while keeping your back straight.

-Calf Stretch:
Stand facing a wall, place your hands against it, and step one foot back, keeping both feet flat. Lean forward to feel a stretch in the back leg.

-Adductor Stretch:
Sit with your feet together and your knees bent out to the sides. Hold your feet and gently push your knees toward the ground using your elbows.

-Glute Stretch:
Lie on your back with one foot placed on the opposite knee. Grab the back of the supporting leg and gently pull toward your chest.

2) Joint Mobility (do this part no matter what growth plates you chose)

-Hip Circles:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips. Slowly rotate your hips in a circle, first in one direction, then the other.

-Ankle Circles:
Sit or stand and lift one foot off the ground. Rotate your ankle slowly in a circular motion, 10 times in each direction.

-Knee Rotations:
Stand with feet together and knees slightly bent. Place your hands on your knees and rotate them in small circles, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

-Hip Bridges:
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Push through your heels to lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees.

3) Upper Body Stretches (clavicles growth plates)

-Shoulder Stretch:
Extend one arm across your chest and hold it with the opposite arm, keeping the extended arm straight. Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides.

-Chest Stretch:
Stand in a doorway, place your hands on the frame, and gently lean forward until you feel a stretch in your chest and shoulders.

4) spine stretches(spine/upper body growth plates)

-Cat-Cow Stretch:
Begin on all fours. Alternate between arching your back (cow pose) and rounding it (cat pose) in a fluid motion.

-Cobra stretch:
Lie face down with your palms under your shoulders. Push your upper body off the floor, keeping your hips down, and gently arch your back.

Repeat each stretch 3 times.

muscle strengthening

Lastly, here’s a program for the muscles, also hepling with the procedure.
you’ll need some cheap and common equipements. Either buy them or find an alternative. Adapt this program to your needs. Its not fixed.

Lower body strength

1. Bodyweight Squats
Reps: 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

2. Glute Bridges
Reps: 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

3. Lunges
Reps: 3 sets of 10 reps per leg.

4. Calf Raises
Reps: 3 sets of 15 reps.

Core and Stability

1. Planks
Duration: Hold for 30-45 seconds, 3 sets.

2. Bird Dogs
Reps: 3 sets of 10 reps per side.

3. Side Planks
Duration: Hold for 20-30 seconds per side, 3 sets.

Upper Body Strength

1. Push-Ups
Reps: 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

2. Resistance Band Rows
Reps: 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

3. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Reps: 3 sets of 10 reps (use light weights).

Do this program 3-4 times a week.

additional compounds

Optionnal compounds to increase the effects of the initial procedure (ranked by effectiveness).

All those compounds should be used in the evening.

1) -somatropine( hgh ) + mk677* - (same dosages for both)
2) -somatropine( hgh )
: Start at 1iu and increase to 3iu over the next 2-4weeks.

3) -mk677
Dosage: Start with 10-15 mg daily. After 1-2 weeks, you can increase to 25mg per day.
You may also want to cycle it for better effectiveness (every 6 month 2 weeks off).

4) -aromatase inhibitor (only if high E2 after bloodwork)
i recommend aromasin
: 12.5 mg every other day.

5)- SAG: could increase the effectiveness of this procedure of around 20%.
Sadly dosages or ways of administrations are unclear so i dont inlude it to the procedure. starting doses range from 1–10 mg/kg in animals models. Thats all i found. If you find a way to use it for humans tag me

Building blocks: (i dont include dosages, those are very easy to find. Just make shure to take a fairly important dose). They are not in order.

-collagen (morning before eating with water).
-vitamin C (morning before eating with water).
-sam-e* (morning before eating with water).
-calcium (morning while eating).
-Vitamin D (morning while eating).
-vitamin k (morning while eating).
-boron (morning while eating).
-omega 3 (morning while eating).
-multivitamins (2 time a day while eating).
-magnesium (just before sleep).
-zink (just before sleep).
-arginine (just before sleep).
-ornithine (just before sleep).
-glutamine (just before sleep).
-melatonin (just before sleep).

recognize signs that the procedure is working

The most obvious: you are growing(mesure yourself barefoot and compare it with the before. It might take will take up to 6 month before seeing significant results but growth will be exponential from that point).

What to do:

Daily ultrasound check
take the photo you made at the start and compare, first to see the results, and second to detect any anormal growth (very unlikely but could happen if you did something wrong).

Here’s what to look for on the ultrasound

-Signs of healthy, well-defined cartilage.
-Look for increases in the thickness of the cartilage or changes in the surrounding tissue.
-The space between the epiphyseal (end of the bone) and metaphyseal (shaft of the bone) region is indicative of active growth. A larger gap is a good sign.
-Check for any changes in the overall bone structure and density around the growth plate. Healthy bone development around the treated area is a good sign of effective therapy.
-also make shure that there are no unexpected abnormalities or negative changes in the surrounding bone or cartilage that could indicate issues with the treatment.

Blood work: (one time a month or every 2 month)

Help to see if the procedure is working, and prevent sides.

What to test:

To monitor results:

Indicates bone formation and turnover. Increased levels suggest that bone remodeling is actively occurring.

Bone-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase (BAP):
Elevated levels indicate increased osteoblast activity and bone formation.

C-Terminal Telopeptide* (CTX):
A marker for bone resorption. Moderate increases can suggest bone turnover, but excessively high levels could indicate undesirable bone loss so be careful about that.

Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1):
Monitor IGF-1 levels to confirm whether growth factors are having their intended effect. Elevated levels indicate that the injected IGF-1 is functioning as expected.

Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF-2):
Check FGF levels to see if injections are elevating levels, ensuring that tissue regeneration and bone repair are being stimulated.

Testosterone/Estrogen Levels (if aromatase inhibitor)
check that the E2 level decreases.

General health:

Complete Blood Count (CBC):
This test checks for overall immune function and can help detect infections or abnormalities in blood cell production due to the procedure.

Liver Function Tests (LFTs):
Liver enzymes such as AST, ALT, and bilirubin should be monitored to ensure that the procedure and the administered growth factors are not stressing the liver.

Kidney Function Tests:
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels help assess kidney function, ensuring the kidneys are not being adversely affected by the treatment.

Glucose and Insulin Levels:
Hgh related compounds can affect glucose metabolism. Monitoring blood sugar levels ensures there are no unintended effects, such as insulin resistance or blood sugar imbalances.

Excepted growth per age:

Remember that those are estimations.

Age 16-20:
1-Year Treatment:
2-Year Treatment:

Age 21-25:
1-Year Treatment:
2-Year Treatment:

Age 26-30
1-Year Treatment:
2-Year Treatment

Potencial risks:

1. Unintended Growth or Imbalance
If growth factors are not administered uniformly or if injections are not precisely targeted, there can be an imbalance in growth. This could result in uneven or asymmetrical growth of bones or other tissues.
5-10% chance of happening if errors are committed. Less than 1% otherwise.

2. Complications Related to Growth Factors
Can cause joint deformities or other complications.
2% chance of happening with high dosages.

3. Hormonal imbalance
Prolonged use of growth factors like IGF-1 or BMP-2 can affect the body’s natural hormonal balance impacting overall health.
Less than 1% chance of happening with adequate dosages.

4. Systemic effects
Although intended to be localized, there is a risk that growth factors or stem cells could have some systemic effect, while being minor due to the small amount of product.
Less than 1% chance of happening.

anderstand the science behind this procedure

1. Growth Plates and Endochondral Ossification
Growth plates(or epiphyseal plates) are regions of hyaline cartilage located at the ends of long bones, which are responsible for longitudinal bone growth. Bone growth at the growth plates occurs via endochondral ossification, process in which cartilage is replaced by bone tissue.

Endochondral Ossification Stages:
-Proliferation Zone: Chondrocytes (or cartilage cells) divide and form columns of cells, increasing the length of the bone.
-Hypertrophic Zone: The chondrocytes enlarge and begin to calcify.
-Calcification Zone: The cartilage matrix becomes calcified, and the chondrocytes die off, leaving the mineralized cartilage scaffold.
-Ossification Zone: Osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) replace the calcified cartilage with bone tissue.

2. Growth Plate Stimulation via MSCs and Growth Factors:
The concept behind this procedure is to reactivate or stimulate growth plates by introducing both mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and growth factors that promote bone growth.

The Role of MSCs in Growth Plate Reactivation:

When injected into or near growth plates, MSCs help replenish the chondrocyte population, aiding the continued process of endochondral ossification.
In the presence of specific growth factors (discussed below), MSCs are encouraged to differentiate into chondrocytes and osteoblasts, which prommote new cartilage formation and bone growth.

A. Mesenchymal Stem Cells:
MSCs are multipotent stromal cells that have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), and chondrocytes (cartilage-forming cells).

B. Growth Factors:
Growth factors are signaling molecules that regulate cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and tissue regeneration. The three key growth factors that are used in this procedure are BMP-2, IGF-1, and FGF-2.

1. Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2):
BMP-2 is crucial for inducing osteogenesis and chondrogenesis. It plays a key role in promoting the differentiation of MSCs into osteoblasts and chondrocytes. In the context of the procedure, BMP-2 accelerate the process of chondrocyte differentiation, enhance cartilage formation at the growth plate, and promote new bone formation.

2. Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1):
IGF-1 is an anabolic growth factor that stimulates the proliferation of chondrocytes and osteoblasts. It is essential for both the expansion of cartilage in the growth plate and for bone elongation.

3. Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2):
FGF-2 is involved in the proliferation and differentiation of various cell types, including chondrocytes and osteoblasts. It plays a supportive role in maintaining the health of the cartilage and in stimulating growth plate activity.

3. Outcomes:
The MSCs and growth factors are injected into specific growth plate regions. The goal is to mimic the natural developmental process of endochondral ossification, even in a post-adolescent body where growth plates may have started to close or ossified.

If successful, the coordinated activity of MSCs and growth factors would lead to increased chondrocyte activity in the growth plates, resulting in new cartilage formation followed by its replacement with bone tissue. Over time, this process would lead to the elongation of the bones targeted, leading to an increase in height.


In this guide, we saw how to regenerate growth plates activity, step by step, in a simple manner.
It took days of efforts to make this thread, which i choose to release for free to all of you.
Sorry for my grammar. There might be some errors.
I hope that this will be useful, dont hesitate to share your experience if you chose to undergo this procedure.
Ask if you have any question.

I wish all of you good luck.

Growth plate fusion: Process in which growth plates turn into bones.
Systemic: That affect the whole body.
LL: Leg Lengthening chirurgy.
Hgh: Hormone naturally produced by the pituilary gland in the brain. Well known for its effect on height increase during puberty, anti aging effect
and muscle building potencial.

ai: Aromatase inhibitors, are, as their names indicate, inhibiting the action of the enzyme aromatase, which convert androgens to estrogen.
Osteoporosis: Bone disease that is characterized by a decrease in bone density and quality.
Hyperthyroidism: A condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone.
Hypothyroidism: The opposite of hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones.
Autoimmune Diseases: Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own cells and tissues, mistaking them for foreign agents.
Allogeneic: Biologic material from someone else body.
autologous: Biologic material from your body.
MSCs: stem cells(or unassigned cells)that can differenciate in 4 cells type:
-Osteoblasts (bone cells)
-Chondrocytes (cartilaginous cells)
-Adipocytes (fat cells)
-Myocytes (muscle cells)

Mk677: Chemical that stimulates the secretion of growth hormone (GH) by mimicking the action of ghrelin, a natural hormone that stimulates hunger and GH secretion.
Sam-e: Chemical that the human body produces naturally from the amino acid methionine and ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Its link to growth is difficult but powerful.
Bone-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase (BAP): BAP is an enzyme produced by osteoblasts (cells responsible for bone formation). Its concentration in the blood is an indicator of bone formation.
C-Terminal Telopeptide: CTX is a marker of bone resorption, the process by which bone tissue is broken down. Its a fragment released when type I collagen (an important protein in bones) is broken down.
Osteocalcin: Osteocalcin is a protein produced by osteoblasts and is involved in bone mineralization. It is often used as a marker of bone formation.

@hoeseeker111 @cuh4cuh @sb2214 @cc_7373 @LegitUser @org3cel.RR @oppastoppathe2nd @vzyxzs @pandal @bazinga @greycel @Schizotypalcel
@MA_ascender @PeakIncels @UZB_Strebl @NZb6Air @dookielooksmaxxer
@mlbmogger252 @elemanzelvadre @cashmerefraud @FwDelta @okwiwhd
@Jonas2k7 @jordanisbetterthanu @gigell @cucklord @aerooooo @JohnBaza
@mewingmaxxer @psychomandible @nathan @sub5incel125 @got.daim
@maxxerlord @Alexanderr @enchanted_elixir @Greypiller @übermog @greycel @osteobaxx @Dendoni @CoreSchizo @fkf3655 @yue @enriquecel @Feza
@boss8055 @jboard @billymidnight @looks>books @PsychoH @ArdaxHG
@hybobu @deepfuckingvalue @Washa_bhai @Sapphiremaxxing @aids
@givemeheight @malignant @5.5psl @Kelly Oubre Jr @(In)CelibatePsycho2
@looksmaxxing223 @Asxender @Joshrc @ProCoper @100potential @johann
@ryuken @lowtiernormy69 @They_are_all_whores @s6hizo @cavy @SomethingIsWrong @cooldude1231 @overbad @aboriginalmaxxing @Norwegian LTN @overbad @Galens @lain @andrei.vly @ZAATOP4
@magicfucktard22 @odux @highschoolmaxxer @Jova @cyrillic @oily703
@KT-34 @freshd2k123 @omnilegent @Noyas @iberianlurker @akz @tweaqo
@smoth @paradise1488 @Ziv @helpmeascend @ResurgentSoldier @nietzsche @irkkedmulatto @44mgs @deea112 @Hammeruntilchad2009
@psychomandible @wyatt737 @AscendingHero @rgvmogger07 @ghaztt
@JohnBaza @uN01 @shizuku11111 @TheTD7 @rahrahrahrah @tempelcat4
@asdvek @temelyeterliliktest @valentisxm @Foidmaxxer @menas @malignant @blackpilledarab @lucifer6969 @magazanis @AvoidYaTrent t
@notchicolachowski @Iblamealex @monkeyman296 @Niggamaxxer @smashfreak @ErbCel @EsteMog @Jacobb @hardstyle @symphony
@Abdullahm06 @Rosefan4everNofags @Linus1888 @curryltn @enriquecel
@Onewithmoss @Hersheys @man733 @cadee @Angutoid @gabbeascend @BrutalMogger @Disrupted Gene @tomish. @user.chris

I do no encourages the use of any substance. This guide is for purely educational and theoretical purposes. We must always seek medical advices before taking any action that could endanger our health. I do not sell anything and i made this post in the only purpose of educate.
I took the risk of putting my time into making a guide like that but i knew already why no one was doing it anymore.
It doesnt matter if your thread is good or not. most replies will be hate and almost no one will be grateful for it.
This forum will never change
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: playxiing, benchcrab, Corpuscula and 16 others
Not even a guy like clavicular who bangs his face against walls to look more like a buffoon and it's on steroids would try shit like this..
Its less risky than taking steroids for exemple. Just talk abt something you have no knowledge on theory
I'd rather be subhuman and 5'8 than have your face and be 6'3 you ugly fuck
5'8 i was 5'8 when i was 10 lmao yuck
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed
Its a good thread but yeah before i get money ill be fucking old fuuuuuuck.

Good job anyways, you have my approval
  • +1
Reactions: Mewton and mathis
w thread
  • Love it
Reactions: mathis
High-effort, but ultimately just mental masturbation since no one's gonna do it.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Corpuscula, Mewton, garoupilled_ and 10 others
no one in this forum wants to ascend. everyone wants to drag you down with them jfl. :lul:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: darodcel, Mewton, Abdullahm06 and 4 others
I took the risk of putting my time into making a guide like that but i knew already why no one was doing it anymore.
It doesnt matter if your thread is good or not. most replies will be hate and almost no one will be grateful for it.
This forum will never change
stop crying, i'm reading it atm
High-effort, but ultimately just mental masturbation since no one's gonna do it.
ehh i would probably do it just need to save up money for half a year or so
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Newday*V3 and mathis
High-effort, but ultimately just mental masturbation since no one's gonna do it.
Honestly i will. I less than 5 years i’ll be on it. I would have never done this thread and include that much info if i thought that no one would do. I guess thats most peoples need to do it too. That someone try it for them
  • +1
Reactions: (In)CelibatePsycho2 and pandal
  • +1
Reactions: kingNash, NZb6Air and pandal
100% legitimate.

Thanks for formalizing all these ideas.

(I think only the injection in the upper body is extreme, the chance of reaching the
spinal cord is very high)

Great chance of it working, the users who criticized it are against even the use of peptides, there is no reason to open space for such
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: playxiing, andreschad and mathis
Niggas saying good thread acting like they know whats his talking about JFL:feelstastyman:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: playxiing, Corpuscula, (In)CelibatePsycho2 and 7 others
ehh i would probably do it just need to save up money for half a year or so
If you have any question before or during the procedure you can always ask me
  • +1
Reactions: andreschad and Mewton
ehh i would probably do it just need to save up money for half a year or so
What age are you, and what job do you have that it'd take just half a year to save up 10K-40K?
Honestly i will. I less than 5 years i’ll be on it. I would have never done this thread and include that much info if i thought that no one would do. I guess thats most peoples need to do it too. That someone try it for them
For how high-risk it seems, and the type of money involved, there's simply no way I wouldn't have all of it thoroughly, and I mean thoroughly fact-checked by a medical specialist or two. No doubt you've done your research, but ultimately, you don't know what you don't know.
  • +1
Reactions: sb23, LegitUser and pandal
would a freezer work instead of a fridge though?
  • +1
Reactions: mathis
  • +1
Reactions: playxiing, auitistsurvior, sb23 and 1 other person
If we get AGI within the next 10 years, then its highly probable a lot of this will be solved and perfected very soon, so I'm not worried. AI will either give us a utopia or a dystopia.
  • +1
Reactions: andreschad, axm, givemeheight and 3 others
What age are you, and what job do you have that it'd take just half a year to save up 10K-40K?

For how high-risk it seems, and the type of money involved, there's simply no way I wouldn't have all of it thoroughly, and I mean thoroughly fact-checked by a medical specialist or two. No doubt you've done your research, but ultimately, you don't know what you don't know.
18. im in uni rn and get 1k euros a month as im living abroad. by the time i turn 19 ill have at least 4-5k saved up cause ill work a part time job a couple months from now
What age are you, and what job do you have that it'd take just half a year to save up 10K-40K?

For how high-risk it seems, and the type of money involved, there's simply no way I wouldn't have all of it thoroughly, and I mean thoroughly fact-checked by a medical specialist or two. No doubt you've done your research, but ultimately, you don't know what you don't know.
I really though abt it for a long time
I though abt every possibitity and looked at every single sides that could possibly happen
Its less risky than taking tren for exemple.
The only risk is not doing what i said. But i get that it may be difficult for some
  • +1
Reactions: sb23 and pandal
If we get AGI within the next 10 years, then its highly probable a lot of this will be solved and perfected very soon, so I'm not worried. AI will either give us a utopia or a dystopia.
Yep. Look up stem cells and biologic scaffold. When we’ll be able to use that height growth wont be a problem anymore
Crazy to think that its already possible they just wont release it
  • +1
Reactions: sb23 and pandal
  • +1
Reactions: mathis
Cancer speedrun, high iq though:Comfy:
  • +1
Reactions: andreschad
I really though abt it for a long time
I though abt every possibitity and looked at every single sides that could possibly happen
Its less risky than taking tren for exemple.
The only risk is not doing what i said. But i get that it may be difficult for some
It's not really about the effort or time you put in, it's the fact you're not a trained specialist in the areas of endocrinology, orthopedics, rheumatology, radiology, hematology, or pharmacology. You have limited competency in these domains, which makes you very vulnerable to the Dunning-Kruger effect. Despite your research efforts, there are likely numerous blindspots in your understanding - complex drug interactions, long-term physiological impacts, and potential complications that only years of specialized medical training can fully anticipate. Even experienced doctors consult with colleagues on complex cases.
  • +1
Reactions: Mewton, axm, Deleted member 91702 and 5 others
I took the risk of putting my time into making a guide like that but i knew already why no one was doing it anymore.
It doesnt matter if your thread is good or not. most replies will be hate and almost no one will be grateful for it.
This forum will never change
Do you guarentee I won't die following this procedure and no liver damage or shit like that ?
Listen what I'm gonna try it out need 2 months to arrange equipments and if your guys don't get my messages anytime after 2 months be sure this is pure toxic cope and death injection
Do you guarentee I won't die following this procedure and no liver damage or shit like that ?
Listen what I'm gonna try it out need 2 months to arrange equipments and if your guys don't get my messages anytime after 2 months be sure this is pure toxic cope and death injection
You wont.
Where did the post go wtf
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 78087

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