Is 150g of protein enough to build muscles?



Asexual peaceful balkan monk
May 5, 2019
For a 80kg person like me?
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You need a lot of cholesterol
Pig brain is a good source
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yeah 150grams is cool IF carbs are also high and ur bulking
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0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight when bulking
1 gram per pound of bodyweight when cutting
Anymore is a waste, eat carbs instead.
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For a 80kg person like me?
way too much unless you are doing steroids, i'm assuming you are consuming that much protein to build muscle without hormonal intervention, right? otherwise eating that much protein is a huge waste of money as proteins are the most expensive macro in the whole world. If you are natty and want to build muscle, you don't even need to worry about protein supplementation if you have a good diet.

Another good reason to eat that many proteins is if you are diabetic or pre diabetic and want to control your insulin levels by reducing carbs and replacing them with protein. But you mentioned that you want to build muscle, so, you want to increase your insulin levels because insulin is a very good anabolic substance that helps to stimulate muscle growth, for example, bodybuilders that do steroids also do insulin.
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how is this an overkill? this is more or less the ideal for lifting in his weight, and especially good for weight loss (if he still does it)
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how is this an overkill? this is more or less the ideal for lifting in his weight, and especially good for weight loss (if he still does it)
he's fat or skinny fat probably. you need to count lean mass x 2 = highest amount of protein.
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way too much unless you are doing steroids, i'm assuming you are consuming that much protein to build muscle without hormonal intervention, right? otherwise eating that much protein is a huge waste of money as proteins are the most expensive macro in the whole world. If you are natty and want to build muscle, you don't even need to worry about protein supplementation if you have a good diet.

Another good reason to eat that many proteins is if you are diabetic or pre diabetic and want to control your insulin levels by reducing carbs and replacing them with protein. But you mentioned that you want to build muscle, so, you want to increase your insulin levels because insulin is a very good anabolic substance that helps to stimulate muscle growth, for example, bodybuilders that do steroids also do insulin.
But on the internet everyone talks how you should do 2g per Kg of bodyweight to build muscles, thats like 160g for me lmao

This is my meal plan:
-100g white rice
-100g lentils
-250g chicken breast
-5 eggs
-300g mixed veggies
-1 banana
-100g peanut butter
-50g olive oil or butter
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That's 1,87 grams per kilogram of bodyweight. It's good but 2,3 grams per kilogram could be better. I recommend 184 grams of protein for you.
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he's fat or skinny fat probably. you need to count lean mass x 2 = highest amount of protein.
I would still not classify this as an overkill, more protein is almost always better for muscle gain
also I am pretty sure OP is cutting
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I don't understand where these overkill comments come. That's 1,87 g per kg, not a lot, it's a moderate amount. Consider 2,3 g per kg.
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I would still not classify this as an overkill, more protein is almost always better for muscle gain
also I am pretty sure OP is cutting
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But on the internet everyone talks how you should do 2g per Kg of bodyweight to build muscles, thats like 160g for me lmao

This is my meal plan:
-100g white rice
-100g lentils
-250g chicken breast
-5 eggs
-300g mixed veggies
-1 banana
-100g peanut butter
-50g olive oil or butter
Yea I’ve heard that too
So 150 g is OK for you, but consider upping protein intake to 184 g.
depends what you are eating tbh, dont fall for the bulking meme.
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I don't understand where these overkill comments come. That's 1,87 g per kg, not a lot, it's a moderate amount. Consider 2,3 g per kg.
From studies i have read, there were no differences between 1.6g per kg and 2.0g per kg for buildijg muscles when bulking
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So 150 g is OK for you, but consider upping protein intake to 184 g.
No thats overkill, read studies on it, people have build almost the same muscle on as little as 1.4g per kg
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From studies i have read, there were no differences between 1.6g per kg and 2.0g per kg for buildijg muscles when bulking
you are bulking?
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No thats overkill, read studies on it, people have build almost the same muscle on as little as 1.4g per kg


"To gain muscle, most people should aim for 1.6[–2.4 g/kg." ????

1.6 is enough
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"To gain muscle, most people should aim for 1.6[–2.4 g/kg." ????

1.6 is enough
Nope. But you do as you wish. Why did you even ask if you have already made up your mind?
Nope. But you do as you wish. Why did you even ask if you have already made up your mind?
Cause im kind of coping cause i have no clue how to reach 180g protein,
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110-130g should be fine I guess
Cause im kind of coping cause i have no clue how to reach 180g protein,
There were times were I only eat 80g protein per day and 1600 calories and grew like a motherfucker while doing some pushups here and then at 17
Well i have no clue what to do for now, im skinnyfat
cut, bulking is a massive meme tbh, you can still build muscle if you eat enough protein and you are new
low bf is way better
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cut, bulking is a massive meme tbh, you can still build muscle if you eat enough protein and you are new
low bf is way better
Im not really new, already did go to the gym for almost 1 year but stopped going 1 year ago. So not sure if this means im new. I did build good muscle on 120g of protein back then thi
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Im not really new, already did go to the gym for almost 1 year but stopped going 1 year ago. So not sure if this means im new. I did build good muscle on 120g of protein back then thi
after a year you lose all of your gains, but you will gain muscle now very fast though because of muscle memory
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Whey protein powder is cheap.
after a year you lose all of your gains, but you will gain muscle now very fast though because of muscle memory
USER SCOPED TEMP DATA orca image 1619288559362 6791788481687865890

Everyone is telling me i am too skinny and bullshit like that which is irritating me. Should i really cut or bulk? Thought? I measured my bf with the navy method and got 17%
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View attachment 1105945

Everyone is telling me i am too skinny and bullshit like that which is irritating me. Should i really cut or bulk? Thought? I measured my bf with the navy method and got 17%
Eat normal calories maybe slightly +100 or -100 and Lift Till you Build some muscle
Bilking is retarded
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But on the internet everyone talks how you should do 2g per Kg of bodyweight to build muscles, thats like 160g for me lmao

This is my meal plan:
-100g white rice
-100g lentils
-250g chicken breast
-5 eggs
-300g mixed veggies
-1 banana
-100g peanut butter
-50g olive oil or butter
First of all, is this all you eat in the whole day? this is way too little if building muscle is what you are aiming for. With some quick calculations, you are consuming:

130 calories on rice
116 calories on lentils
412 calories on chicken breast
250-300 calories in eggs (if they are medium sized eggs)
100~ calories in bananas
600 calories in peanut butter (being generous)
400 to 500 calories in olive oil or butter

Adding all that, you are consuming at most 2200 calories a day (2158 calories to be exact) and this is about the same caloric needs that the average sedentary male of 18-30 years of age needs in order to just exist.

And i'm not even adjusting for for your height, weight (80kg, higher than average) the exercise you are doing at the gym and weather where you live, so, before you even worry about your protein consumption, you need to worry about your caloric intake otherwise all you are doing right now is lowering your weight by being on a caloric deficit, and you can't build muscle by being on a caloric deficit (unless you are obese which you are not by being 80kg, unless your height is 5 foot or less?).

The good thing i can notice about your current diet is that you chose good organic food that's also cheap, i'd advice you to add some oatmeal, pasta, milk and maybe more bananas and eggs which are cheap and while the pasta is not high on protein, it's high on carbs which you need in order to up your caloric intake to about 2800 calories a day (i would even aim to 3000 calories a day to increase your metabolism)
Eat normal calories maybe slightly +100 or -100 and Lift Till you Build some muscle
Bilking is retarded
Gonna eat like 2000 calories and lift and measure myself everyday and will see how it goes
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Gonna eat like 2000 calories and lift and measure myself everyday and will see how it goes
Yeah I do the same now tbh I’m 17% bf or smth have more muscle than you but it’s not that Crazy difference like 2-3 kg more
And Iam eating 2000 aprox
1700 on some days
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First of all, is this all you eat in the whole day? this is way too little if building muscle is what you are aiming for. With some quick calculations, you are consuming:

130 calories on rice
116 calories on lentils
412 calories on chicken breast
250-300 calories in eggs (if they are medium sized eggs)
100~ calories in bananas
600 calories in peanut butter (being generous)
400 to 500 calories in olive oil or butter

Adding all that, you are consuming at most 2200 calories a day (2158 calories to be exact) and this is about the same caloric needs that the average sedentary male of 18-30 years of age needs in order to just exist.

And i'm not even adjusting for for your height, weight (80kg, higher than average) the exercise you are doing at the gym and weather where you live, so, before you even worry about your protein consumption, you need to worry about your caloric intake otherwise all you are doing right now is lowering your weight by being on a caloric deficit, and you can't build muscle by being on a caloric deficit (unless you are obese which you are not by being 80kg, unless your height is 5 foot or less?).

The good thing i can notice about your current diet is that you chose good organic food that's also cheap, i'd advice you to add some oatmeal, pasta, milk and maybe more bananas and eggs which are cheap and while the pasta is not high on protein, it's high on carbs which you need in order to up your caloric intake to about 2800 calories a day (i would even aim to 3000 calories a day to increase your metabolism)
Bro i meant 100g of rice in lentils raw, not cooked. 100g of lentils and rice raw are 350kcal each. Also i forgot to add 100g of sunflower seeds which are almost 600 kcal. So i would be consuming over 3000 calories daily
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Bro i meant 100g of rice in lentils raw, not cooked. 100g of lentils and rice raw are 350kcal each. Also i forgot to add 100g of sunflower seeds which are almost 600 kcal. So i would be consuming over 3000 calories daily
The more you eat the more you grow only on Tren legit
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Bro i meant 100g of rice in lentils raw, not cooked. 100g of lentils and rice raw are 350kcal each. Also i forgot to add 100g of sunflower seeds which are almost 600 kcal. So i would be consuming over 3000 calories daily
i also forgot to add the 300 grams of veggies that should be about 150 calories, adding all that, then you are eating about 3000 calories and this is a good amount o food for someone that's 5'10, weighs 80kg and wants to build muscle, just remember to adjust the diet every month, always with a surplus of at least 200-500 calories and you should be good. If you are new hitting the weights, i'd advice you to train for strength and not for looks, strength is easily measured, looks is not, but the stronger you are, the better you look.
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So you are gaining muscles on only 1800 calories? Wow
I bought dumbbells and bench and started working out a week ago we gonna see
But I remember when I was 17 I used to doo pushups and some rows my calories were about 1700-1800 bodyfat was 15%
and I grew lean mass Effortlessly
I want those times again
Most jacked motherfucker in Highschool back then jfl also took m stack doubt it that it made anything but I put on 3 kg in 2 -3 months
What I wanna say is
If your body wants to grow it will as long as it’s not starved

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