Is 8 inches in the massive range?



Jun 1, 2019
this is a humble-brag.
is 8 inches big enough to run giga cock game?
yes bro
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Idk mines abt 20 inches so id say no sorry OP but ur a faggot kys shit thread btw
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15 inches or death
brag please do rope immediately
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Touch the ground or cope.
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this is a humble-brag.
is 8 inches big enough to run giga cock game?
it's definitely enough to be really big and a novelty, but it's not massive yet
no cock for your face though
It’s mad
it's definitely enough to be really big and a novelty, but it's not massive yet
no cock for your face though
its massive. I’m 8.5 bp and I can’t have sex with most girls without hurting them

Op run gigacock game
It’s mad

its massive. I’m 8.5 bp and I can’t have sex with most girls without hurting them

Op run gigacock game
it is massive, actually don't know what i was thinking
it's big enough to be too big and is overall massive but on the lower end of massive
whether or not it's massive really depends on girth though, op post girth
8 inch pencil dick isn't really massive
mine is 8 in
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How about 4.3 inches?
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mogs @dicklet4incher by almost 10%
Ever seen a Greek statue? They are all hung like grapes. Very small. @dicklet4incher fails to understand that having a micro is a good thing for Greeks, its in their culture. Its like a turtle hating the fact it has a shell.
@dicklet4incher is in the same league as the great Greek heroes like Achilles and Zeus.
Life fuel for him tbh.
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Ever seen a Greek statue? They are all hung like grapes. Very small. @dicklet4incher fails to understand that having a micro is a good thing for Greeks, its in their culture. Its like a turtle hating the fact it has a shell.
@dicklet4incher is in the same league as the great Greek heroes like Achilles and Zeus.
Life fuel for him tbh.

achiless had a massive dick, keep coping son
achiless had a massive dick, keep coping son
Ever seen a Greek statue? They are all hung like grapes. Very small. @dicklet4incher fails to understand that having a micro is a good thing for Greeks, its in their culture. Its like a turtle hating the fact it has a shell.
@dicklet4incher is in the same league as the great Greek heroes like Achilles and Zeus.
Life fuel for him tbh.

Priapus is a god of fertility, protector of horticulture and viticulture. His statue, holding a wooden sickle in his hand, was used in the Roman gardens as scarecrow, and his enormous penis as a threat against thieves.


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Priapus is a god of fertility, protector of horticulture and viticulture. His statue, holding a wooden sickle in his hand, was used in the Roman gardens as scarecrow, and his enormous penis as a threat against thieves.
If you knew anything at all about ancient greek mythology you would know that his enormous phallus was permanently erect, and it was a curse put on him. The Greeks favored small penis cels.
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If you knew anything at all about ancient greek mythology you would know that his enormous phallus was permanently erect, and it was a curse put on him. The Greeks favored small penis cels.
the greeks also favored pederasty
the statues were created by men btw
ancient greece owned 😎
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its technicly massive in the west (if you live in africa you are screwed)
but remember there is ALWAYS bigger @Einon has a 9 INCH cock NINE he could cuck you at ANY point if you lived in the same area
Ever seen a Greek statue? They are all hung like grapes. Very small. @dicklet4incher fails to understand that having a micro is a good thing for Greeks, its in their culture. Its like a turtle hating the fact it has a shell.
@dicklet4incher is in the same league as the great Greek heroes like Achilles and Zeus.
Life fuel for him tbh.
yeah but the point is that the ancient patriarichal greek goverment doesnt exist anymore so culture changed after its death
you cant imagine how cucked the goverments are the past 45 years
fucking 4rth wave feminist cuckolds that let BBCS in just to mog us
all the women are openly size queens and fat acceptance feminists
GOD if my dick was just 2 inches bigger just do i would be out of this shithole and would be to asia by now but no
im trapped here
that absoluetly doesn't mean anything, dicks in the statues were small in the ancient greece because of the their art style. achilles has confirmed 10inch dick

They were small because greeks needed to fit into little boy's butts
its technicly massive in the west (if you live in africa you are screwed)

No he wouldn't LOL. average size in Congo is like 7 Inches.

8 Inches is well above average everywhere in the world.

but remember there is ALWAYS bigger @Einon has a 9 INCH cock NINE he could cuck you at ANY point if you lived in the same area

Where is @Einon from?

You know man i think your penis obsession is bit getting out of hand. i mean i understand you have a small member so that's why you're so passionate about this but worrying and thinking about dick size 24/7 can't be good for your mental health.
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@Einon has a 9 INCH cock NINE he could cuck you at ANY point if you lived in the same area
No he wouldn't LOL. average size in Congo is like 7 Inches.

8 Inches is well above average everywhere in the world.
You know man i think your penis obsession is bit getting out of hand. i mean i understand you have a small member so that's why you're so passionate about this but worrying and thinking about dick size 24/7 can't be good for your mental health.
my mental health was way fucked before i discovered all of this so the only thing left for me to do is to preach the truth
btw isnt it funny that only 8 inchers say this stuff to me? "dont obsess about dick bro everything is fine face>dick LOL"
i dont get why talking about dick all day is different about the other 95% of the people here talking about face / height?
they are both important smv factors but dick is more important imo so why is it any different?
Anything less than 12 is just a manclit tbh
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What am i Coping about exactly? link some studies if you want to prove me wrong instead of saying Cope.

my mental health was way fucked before i discovered all of this so the only thing left for me to do is to preach the truth
btw isnt it funny that only 8 inchers say this stuff to me? "dont obsess about dick bro everything is fine face>dick LOL"
i dont get why talking about dick all day is different about the other 95% of the people here talking about face / height?
they are both important smv factors but dick is more important imo so why is it any different?

Preach the truth? everybody already knows that Bigger=better applies to pretty much everything in Men. only people who deny this are Coping Incels or oblivious Normies.

BTW i'm not a 8 Incher. i have 19cm/7 Inched dick.
What am i Coping about exactly? link some studies if you want to prove me wrong instead of saying Cope.
the "world average" is crealy flawed its estimated to be around 5.5 inches but it seems 90% of the people here and im not joking are 7 inch +
i have checked a lot of dick threads here obviously so i came up with this conclusion

What am i Coping about exactly? link some studies if you want to prove me wrong instead of saying Cope.

Preach the truth? everybody already knows that Bigger=better applies to pretty much everything in Men. only people who deny this are Coping Incels or oblivious Normies.

yes but they underastimate the power of it saying shit like face>dick or size matters only if she accepted your looks first or some bs
my goal is to show everyone that the dickpill is limitless it can save you alone if you have any other major flaw or it can destroy you if you dont have the requirements
BTW i'm not a 8 Incher. i have 19cm/7 Inched dick.
its 7.4 inch whats the difference?
Where is @Einon from?

You know man i think your penis obsession is bit getting out of hand. i mean i understand you have a small member so that's why you're so passionate about this but worrying and thinking about dick size 24/7 can't be good for your mental health.
I'm bulgarian,bro.
Are you planning on surgery?
Maybe, man.

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