Is anyone else concerned about HorribleTeeth's last post?

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Peter Griffin full punjabi movie English 240p 2018
Sep 10, 2018
I think the nigga killed himself. He hasn't said anything since his last post and he deleted all his youtube video's. Gone too soon
He hasn't been on since 7th of november, come back man :feelsbadman:
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Anyone in his position would rope
I would argue that this was done to draw attention, it could be useful for people to monitor the active users and see if he ever uses his account. Could there be a fancy way a moderator could do this? If he did kill himself I blame the black pill/incel victim complex, and I will continue my crusade against it.
Anyone in his position would rope
Do explain, I've never heard of him
I would argue that this was done to draw attention, but it could be useful for people to monitor the active users and see if he ever uses his account. Could there be a fancy way a moderator could do this? If he did kill himself I blame the black pill/incel victim complex, and I will continue my crusade against it.

Do explain, I've never heard of him
He was a 35 year oldcel. He had low test and was having no luck with the laddies. I can see why he roped but I'm still against it
I remember he pmd me and asked for a honest rating. I guess that might have pushed him over the edge.
I would argue that this was done to draw attention, it could be useful for people to monitor the active users and see if he ever uses his account. Could there be a fancy way a moderator could do this? If he did kill himself I blame the black pill/incel victim complex, and I will continue my crusade against it.

Do explain, I've never heard of him
35 yo, non-virgin baldcel, 6'3, sub 4 face, horrible teeth, small penis, his only luck on tinder was with landwhales and beasts, i think he was also stuck in a dead-end job that he hated
Someone did a morph of his face and transformed him into a Chad. He probably got so depressed since a few mms of bone is all it takes, that he decided to go ahead and rope.
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35 yo, non-virgin incel, 6'3, sub 4 face, horrible teeth, small penis, his only luck on tinder was with landwhales and beasts, i think he was also stuck in a dead-end job that he hated
Someone did a morph of his face and transformed him into a Chad. He probably got so depressed since a few mms of bone is all it takes, that he decided to go ahead and rope.
over for whites how many times do I have to say this, OVER for whitecels
I remember he pmd me and asked for a honest rating. I guess that might have pushed him over the edge.
Oh boy it's truly over for @battlefieldincel
You're gonna get charged with incitement to suicide if this goes viral
Dude was preety normie looking tbh, he could have had a normie life easily + i think women look for for wealth and financial security when its like 30s early 40s to a much more more degree. Not getting an atleast ok looking wife must have been caused by some problem unknown to us.
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35 yo, non-virgin baldcel, 6'3, sub 4 face, horrible teeth, small penis, his only luck on tinder was with landwhales and beasts, i think he was also stuck in a dead-end job that he hated
Someone did a morph of his face and transformed him into a Chad. He probably got so depressed since a few mms of bone is all it takes, that he decided to go ahead and rope.
fuck man I'd kill just to have that (6'3, non virgin, i'll take the side effects)
fuck man I'd kill just to have that (6'3, non virgin, i'll take the side effects)
6'3 with an ugly face, a small dick, and baldness vs 5'10 with a good face, a normal dick, and NW0 hairline (or so i'm assuming)
hmmm sounds like a tough choice
He should've OGRE MAXXED
Oh boy it's truly over for @battlefieldincel
You're gonna get charged with incitement to suicide if this goes viral
He thought he was a 4 PSL. I told him that he was a 2.5. I also told him that at his age money could compensate for his lack of looks.
He thought he was a 4 PSL. I told him that he was a 2.5. I also told him that at his age money could compensate for his lack of looks.
:confused::feelswow: Damn man your ratings are very harsh
6'3 with an ugly face, a small dick, and baldness vs 5'10 with a good face, a normal dick, and NW0 hairline (or so i'm assuming)
hmmm sounds like a tough choice
Yeah I wouldn't take that thanks for the perspective. I have a small dick though.
if I remember correctly it was him who rated someone a 1/10 ahahahahahahahhah
I have a rule of thumb that I take into account where I double any rating a bitter incel gives to someone, but even with it that's too harsh
6'3 with an ugly face, a small dick, and baldness vs 5'10 with a good face, a normal dick, and NW0 hairline (or so i'm assuming)
hmmm sounds like a tough choice
Basically bald jsanaza assuming a small dick vs Paul Newman
And he called me a low tier normie. Imagine how good looking I must be. :forcedsmile:
Even the ugliest most deformed truecel would probably get rated a 4 or 5 if he asked a female :feelshaha: "hehe ur like a 5/10 but i still think u have a great personality teehee" @battlefieldincel says it the way it is, doesn't give a fuck just like Donald Trump :chad::chad::chad::chad:
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Even the ugliest most deformed truecel would probably get rated a 4 or 5 if he asked a female :feelshaha: "hehe ur like a 5/10 but i still think u have a great personality teehee" @battlefieldincel says it the way it is, doesn't give a fuck just like Donald Trump :chad::chad::chad::chad:
Legit, I would send my pics to Hamid first once I recover. Only he can give the correct ratings.
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death to him, long live me:feelshmm:
He thought he was a 4 PSL. I told him that he was a 2.5. I also told him that at his age money could compensate for his lack of looks.
2.5 damn.
Sure he roped after that.
I once told him i wouldnt want to end up like him, that is to say bald old and incel
2.5 damn.
Sure he roped after that.
I once told him i wouldnt want to end up like him, that is to say bald old and incel
I'm pretty sure he realised this isn't the best place for his mental health and left lol.
Don't know who that is but I hope he's alright. :cry:
I...I really don't care. Hope he isn't dead or somethin but he really didn't contribute much here
Shit yeah just searched and tried to find his youtube channel. I hope he didn't rope :cry:.
Does anyone actually make it?
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thats why everyone needs less stressful job and to lift at gym

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