Is Enclomiphine on Trt cope?



Mar 22, 2024
Title, Im hopping on Trt if enclomiphine will make sure i wont have raisins as testicles and ill actually be able to have children
Hcg 1000 UI a week, tamoxifen or exemestane 12.5 mg every other day on 500mg a week cycle
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TRT completely shuts your natural testosterone production down, taking Enclomiphene to restart it while on TRT is pointless. Enclomiphene is taken if someone wants to go off TRT and restart their natural production. You can't have your cake and eat it.
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TRT completely shuts your natural testosterone production down, taking Enclomiphene to restart it while on TRT is pointless. Enclomiphene is taken if someone wants to go off TRT and restart their natural production. You can't have your cake and eat it.
oof, i might actually need to just try and max my test naturally because i do not want to take any risks of being infertile forever or in general
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oof, i might actually need to just try and max my test naturally because i do not want to take any risks of being infertile forever or in general
You won't lol Arnold blasted le roids and still has kids bro
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You won't lol Arnold blasted le roids and still has kids bro
i did a little research, fertility or sperm count comes back after a couple weeks, and after 2 months goes back to normal (on avg) so i might still hop on T and cop some hcg or enclomiphine and take it post cycle
Title, Im hopping on Trt if enclomiphine will make sure i wont have raisins as testicles and ill actually be able to have children
why didnt u take enclo when u started your cycle
i didnt start shit lol, also apparently it only does shit after your cycle
I was wondering what would happen if I took enclo for a week then started a cycle while I continue to take enclo.
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don't get TRT it's a joke. the test you can get with prescribtion from pharmacy is some fucking fast burn fast thrown peptide and you can only use it 1ml/250mg once every 3 weeks, it is mainly used by very old man suffering from andropause. it is used for making below average into average, not some life hack like test E

start with 10-12 week cycle use 1ml/250mg test E a week; if youre 65kg or lower then stay, otherwise you can up it to 0.75ml twice a week then 1ml twice a week see if your body can handle them. I wouldn't recommend using tren. to find a reliable test E seller you should research local bodybuilding forums
most common hcg that is sold where I live is pregnyl (hcg is kind of expensive)
most common tamoxifen is nolvadex, if you don't feel good on tamoxifen take aromasin which contains exemestane but most people prefer tamoxifen
if you are younger than 20 do not use testesterone
if your balls shrink it is not important and it will revert when you get off cycle
go to urology and say you have symptoms for low T and want to take hormone and liver function (blood) test before, during and after the cycle to keep track of your health
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Cause the nigga done tren year round 😭

don't get TRT it's a joke. the test you can get with prescribtion from pharmacy is some fucking fast burn fast thrown peptide and you can only use it 1ml/250mg once every 3 weeks, it is mainly used by very old man suffering from andropause. it is used for making below average into average, not some life hack like test E

start with 10-12 week cycle use 1ml/250mg test E a week; if youre 65kg or lower then stay, otherwise you can up it to 0.75ml twice a week then 1ml twice a week see if your body can handle them. I wouldn't recommend using tren. to find a reliable test E seller you should research local bodybuilding forums
most common hcg that is sold where I live is pregnyl (hcg is kind of expensive)
most common tamoxifen is nolvadex, if you don't feel good on tamoxifen take aromasin which contains exemestane but most people prefer tamoxifen
if you are younger than 20 do not use testesterone
if your balls shrink it is not important and it will revert when you get off cycle
go to urology and say you have symptoms for low T and want to take hormone and liver function (blood) test before, during and after the cycle to keep track of your health
im not sure man, im 16 and i have low T 219ng/dl, im worried that i wont grow and develop fully because of my low T but thank you alot for the info i appreciate it
im not sure man, im 16 and i have low T 219ng/dl, im worried that i wont grow and develop fully because of my low T but thank you alot for the info i appreciate it
Don't use it yet, testesterone along with estrogen blockers will stunt your growth permanently you will never be dimorphic

Use hgh if youre short but try to increase T naturally with supplements exercise sun etc
You will still have plenty of time after 20 for your face to change with testesterone abuse

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