Is free will real?



No face for your fucked up mind
Aug 1, 2022
We know our Brian makes a decision before we even consciously know what decision we made

Essentially when I decided to post this thread my brain already knew that before I did

And even if u argue u are ur brain there are many other factors that determine free will

Having free will is impossible since for me to be posting this in the first place many things had to be invented before I was even typing this. I would never had the choice to make this post if I was born 100 years ago

Iq and location is also something you don’t chose and will drastically change ur life

Free will is only true if we have complete control over the universe so we’d need to be a god to have true free will
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It is also possible everything meant to happen already happened in the universe and our memory is just processing it this way
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We know our Brian makes a decision before we even consciously know what decision we made

Essentially when I decided to post this thread my brain already knew that before I did

And even if u argue u are ur brain there are many other factors that determine free will

Having free will is impossible since for me to be posting this in the first place many things had to be invented before I was even typing this. I would never had the choice to make this post if I was born 100 years ago

Iq and location is also something you don’t chose and will drastically change ur life

Free will is only true if we have complete control over the universe so we’d need to be a god to have true free will
You got a point
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No, there’s a cause and effect circumstantial explanation for everything, any one person’s control is just a small part of it. It’s basic logic to me that we live in a determined universe, so from there my next questions are if it’s pre-determined, pre-destined, something like a simulation. And especially because of stuff that I’ve lived through, including near death experiences, I lean towards yes.
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You got a point
I mean these words given are very complicated since I’d argue we are more imprisoned than actually free

If u take the word free will seriously it means having total control of every circumstance

And we rarely if ever do ur whole life happens by chance and could be changed completely with the smallest difference
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Yes. God gave man free will to resist the temptations of sin. The struggle is our salvation.
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I mean these words given are very complicated since I’d argue we are more imprisoned than actually free

If u take the word free will seriously it means having total control of every circumstance

And we rarely if ever do ur whole life happens by chance and could be changed completely with the smallest difference
True the most „free will“ se experience is by choosing between a few things we don’t acctually have the power to di whatever we want. If you are broke and only have bread and vegetables at home you can’t eat whatever you can only eat those two things
No such thing as free will, everything has been pre-determined.

Does that mean everything you do is pointless? Maybe, maybe not.

Personally, I just go with the flow.

Nothing matters, and that's okay.
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Yes. God gave man free will to resist the temptations of sin. The struggle is our salvation.
The problem is some ppl in that logic would have less choice than others

Let’s say someone is born in a Christian family and the other is born in a satanic family

Who do u think will have an easier time maintaining faith?

So is the second kid really free?
We know our Brian makes a decision before we even consciously know what decision we made

Essentially when I decided to post this thread my brain already knew that before I did

And even if u argue u are ur brain there are many other factors that determine free will

Having free will is impossible since for me to be posting this in the first place many things had to be invented before I was even typing this. I would never had the choice to make this post if I was born 100 years ago

Iq and location is also something you don’t chose and will drastically change ur life

Free will is only true if we have complete control over the universe so we’d need to be a god to have true free will
Not in Gaza city bro!
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We know our Brian makes a decision before we even consciously know what decision we made

Essentially when I decided to post this thread my brain already knew that before I did

And even if u argue u are ur brain there are many other factors that determine free will

Having free will is impossible since for me to be posting this in the first place many things had to be invented before I was even typing this. I would never had the choice to make this post if I was born 100 years ago

Iq and location is also something you don’t chose and will drastically change ur life

Free will is only true if we have complete control over the universe so we’d need to be a god to have true
I think everyone has a destiny set by some force from before they were born and there is only a few times in life they can change the trajectory so in short no you don't have free will
We know our Brian makes a decision before we even consciously know what decision we made

Essentially when I decided to post this thread my brain already knew that before I did

And even if u argue u are ur brain there are many other factors that determine free will

Having free will is impossible since for me to be posting this in the first place many things had to be invented before I was even typing this. I would never had the choice to make this post if I was born 100 years ago

Iq and location is also something you don’t chose and will drastically change ur life

Free will is only true if we have complete control over the universe so we’d need to be a god to have true free will
yes its real , Can i do what i want to rn?

yes , then its real nothing elese matters
I think everyone has a destiny set by some force from before they were born and there is only a few times in life they can change the trajectory so in short no you don't have free will
This thought came to my mind:

The writer begins the story without knowing how it will end.

But there is another technique. The writer has come up with characters and has already conceived the ending to which he will lead all the characters. How they will reach the end, the writer does not yet know, but he will lead them to an already known point. That is, in the course of the story, all sorts of unexpected turns/accidents are possible, but these accidents do not affect the final ending.
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I assume you are calling the force I was talking about the writer correct ? Because in that case I agree I believe the "writer" is creating everyone's story while they live it even if the writer already has a plan he can deviate from the plan in individual story's but the big story will always remain the same
No... I think the best way to put this is, you can't decide to want to choose the things that we do, you don't make yourself and don't create your personality so your decisions are really just the result of processes that were beyond the scope of your consciousness, your decisions and choices are just that final conscious state of agreeing and identifying with something that was determined by a causal chain that you weren't aware of, it's really just witnessing the result of what your brain and genetical predispositions pushed you to.

Things just have an effect on you and you make your decision based on this effect and you can't account for why it has such an effect and why you don't get the opposite effect, think about it... even picking an ice cream parlor which seems like as free of a decison as you'll ever make isn't quite like that, your taste buds which were developed beyond your consciousness and decision already did the picking for you, or perhaps you were introduced from a certain flavor from a young age though no choice of your own either and that drew you to it. Can you account for why you like a certain flavor, did you choose to like that flavor? No. Like I said, the illusion of free will is nothing but identifying with your choices at that final conscious state, but you did not choose or create the process that would make you the kind of person that would pick vanilla ice cream. It's just looking at the surface without diving any deeper, or judging a movie because of its last 5 minutes. For free will to be real we would first of all need to have this magical component that is self-caused and self-defermined, completely independent of its history and prior causes, we would need to have an independent magical neuron that we have control over and that allows us to want what we want in the first place. Saying free will is real is like saying that we have this magical component driving our will that's exempt from the physical laws of cause and effect of the universe which is absurd.

Sorry for the long post, I'm really well-versed in free will so I have a lot to say about it.

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Our lives are guided by the subconscious we live in a continuous hallucination created by the jews. We convince ourselves that there is free will only to do coping. We do not think, our brain operates on its own automatically.

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