Is He Roiding Or Natty?



Face, Height, Frame, Dick
Oct 15, 2019
No, his shoulder aren't big enough
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Reactions: Lev Peshkov
You can never say someone is not on roids, even if they look like shit. That physique is maintainable as a natty for a few weeks maybe (very low BF with full muscles). If that's his year-round physique, lol.
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  • Woah
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Where is his neck? Looks like he has a 14 inch neck.
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Reactions: Hero of the Imperium and Lev Peshkov
Could be natty. He's just angle frauding hard
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Reactions: Krezo, Deleted member 1680, Incoming and 1 other person
small chance he’s a natty if he doesn’t look like that year round and is a manlet but higher chance he’s juicing tbh
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Reactions: Deleted member 4209, Deleted member 1680 and Lev Peshkov
small chance he’s a natty if he doesn’t look like that year round and is a manlet but higher chance he’s juicing tbh
One of his videos says he's 183lbs. I'd guess his height is 5'9" to 5'10"
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
hard to tell
his body can be achieved natty but with medium difficulty
jfl if he roids and still looks like this
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It depends on his height, if he is smaller than 5'9 then it's possible (good lighting, pump + water retention).
He doesn't have big delts and barely any traps (those are usually dead giveaways of juicing).
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Reactions: dridrimo
100% roiding, would bet my life on it srs
It depends on his height, if he is smaller than 5'9 then it's possible (good lighting, pump + water retention).
He doesn't have big delts and barely any traps (those are usually dead giveaways of juicing).
hard to tell
his body can be achieved natty but with medium difficulty
jfl if he roids and still looks like this

Lol at this cope, most guys on gear never reach this kind of physique in their lifetimes.
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Reactions: Deleted member 4209, Deleted member 470, Incoming and 1 other person
Large muscles
Low bodyfat

Choose two.
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C40108FA 71EF 4B5E 9DCF 154A88747223

Most likely on gear, based on his instagram profile and through his progress duration. He also has that downwards fringe haircut in all of his pics - this type of haircut is common in the juicing community because it hides your hairline from recession which happens when you’re blasting.
  • JFL
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View attachment 437977
Most likely on gear, based on his instagram profile and through his progress duration. He also has that downwards fringe haircut in all of his pics - this type of haircut is common in the juicing community because it hides your hairline from recession which happens when you’re blasting.
Brutal graycel. You'll be big.
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Reactions: schmaltz and Deleted member 1680
He is roiding and also losing his hair
View attachment 437977
Most likely on gear, based on his instagram profile and through his progress duration. He also has that downwards fringe haircut in all of his pics - this type of haircut is common in the juicing community because it hides your hairline from recession which happens when you’re blasting.
Wide hips... He learnt how to fraud in the after
rule of thumb: if you have to ask....
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
View attachment 437977
Most likely on gear, based on his instagram profile and through his progress duration. He also has that downwards fringe haircut in all of his pics - this type of haircut is common in the juicing community because it hides your hairline from recession which happens when you’re blasting.

that motherfuckers wrist grew

just look at the breadth of his wrist both b efore and after

that motherfuckers wrist grew

just look at the breadth of his wrist both b efore and after


That will happen if you lift weights. Bone density increases to match load. Probably exacerbated by roids tho.
What would you consider low bodyfat?
IS 13% low?

I've generally heard a few main percentages quoted as staples. 5-13%, 14-17% and 20%+ being competition low, naturally fit and lean and chunky respectively. I've also heard that it's very hard to measure BF accurately tho.

I know that Athlean X (Jeff) boasts 5% BF. I find it hard to believe really, he's probably more like 7 or 8%.

I don't really care about BF% really. I don't look good gaunt so I don't care about dropping below 10% (which is hard work). I also think that Jeff would probably look better and less like an oldcel if was at least 12%, too.
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No way to tell for sure, however, is that physique obtainable naturally? Most likely. Most people on the internet will just say roids while stuffing their mouth with Doritos.

Also in those pics he clearly has a pump and the lighting is good, but a very aesthetic physique nevertheless.
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A natty could conceivably look like this if they were pumped, standing in flattering lighting, and re-carbing after a cut. It is a temporary and situational look, he won't look anything like this most of the day. I had a similar physique natty (just not as good arms). But just because a physique is conceivably natty isn't proof of it. There are literally thousands of kids with similar and worse physiques roiding their brains out.
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ya’ll need to understand that theres PLENTY of guys who are on gear and look natty as fuck. You don’t need to look “out of this world” to be on steroids.
Theres always gonna be dudes that would rather blast a few cycles to get their ideal physique instead of grinding for 5+ years to reach their natty potential.
ya’ll need to understand that theres PLENTY of guys who are on gear and look natty as fuck. You don’t need to look “out of this world” to be on steroids.
Theres always gonna be dudes that would rather blast a few cycles to get their ideal physique instead of grinding for 5+ years to reach their natty potential.

ccan you make a steriod/test thread pls?
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