Is Height More Important Or Face?

Deleted member 14138

Deleted member 14138

Jun 1, 2021
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If you're tall and white you can get away with non chad face. HTN face plus height is ideal

But depends what height your talking about?
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very rarely discussed topic :unsure:

height is a multiplier for frame, face etc. thats it imo.
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A mans face hasnt made me turn around Even once in My life. A 6'5 height Will, most of The Time its accompanied with thought process "really, you blessed THIS motherfucker with height?"
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Height is king. Fuck this "it's a multiplier" stuff. You people aren't really considering how short a man can truly be. And how glaring and unavoidable it is to notice when a man is short.

Face? Look, faces simply don't come that ugly that often. People see a noticeably short man, or a noticeably short person period, and they're gonna be like "Oh wow, that person is short." Faces simply don't trigger that kind of reaction often enough. It is more common to be too short than it is to be ugly enough in the face that people actually react to you.
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When it comes to attraction: In my experience, it depends on the women.
Alot of girls prefer face over height, others prefer height over face.
Overall, both is important.

When it comes to respect from other man, height is king.
But keep in mind, no fucking person will respect a tall person who acts submissive.
Personality plays a big role in getting respect - on the long term, a small aggressive guy can be more intimitading than a huge submissive guy.
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idk bro but I got myself them boots that give me 1 inch and I be walking around at 6'2:feelsgood:
Height is king. Fuck this "it's a multiplier" stuff. You people aren't really considering how short a man can truly be. And how glaring and unavoidable it is to notice when a man is short.

Face? Look, faces simply don't come that ugly that often. People see a noticeably short man, or a noticeably short person period, and they're gonna be like "Oh wow, that person is short." Faces simply don't trigger that kind of reaction often enough. It is more common to be too short than it is to be ugly enough in the face that people actually react to you.
not saying height doesn't matter g, it absolutely does. i'm 6"4 tbf so I have no idea what it's like. before I ascended, I'd get 0 stares etc, was pretty much invisible to birds. once my face looked good, complete opposite. life changing. thats why i think its a multiplier.

yeah short dudes literally get shit on for being short by girls for the sake of it, even if they're just minding their own fuckin business. i've seen it happen in person at parties etc and it's fuckin brutal. you're completely right, a too short guy is far more common than a too ugly guy. i'm sorry you've had to experience that.
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it depends on the situation
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id say that its (F) 60% (H) 40%
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I was at the gym today, and there was a 195-2 meter guy with insane broad shoulders and a very ripped body. He looked so powerful and dominant that every manlet big ripped guy looked like a clown next to him. Just like he is from a different and more worthy species than everybody else.
His face was even a bit below average. But that couldnt stop him from being a extreme confident mogging machine.
2 young girls couldnt stop looking and talking about him.
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I'd say height matter more the shorter you are. If you are 5'7 every inch you get on top of that is literally a god send and will improve your overall stature dramatically. After 5'10 the affects slow down and after 6'2 it's not going to help you.

The reason why tall guys like Looksoverall complain about face so much is because they are already beyond the point where height will help them. But if your 5'6 unless if your face is really ugly height will be your biggest issue.

Really to be secure you gotta be above 5'8 and have a decent looking face. If you are below 5'8 or below an attractive looking face you will struggle.
honestly, the extra inches above 6"2/3 really get underestimated imo. on occasion i fraud 6"7 and trust me, if your face is good and you want to stand out its insanely effective. you get treated like a literal god. making 6"2 chads look like manlets and mogging them to death is so funny.

below 5"8 without a good face it's totally over yea. i know plenty of guys with average to slightly below average faces who get pussy, but they're all like 5"10 at the minimum. manlets can get something if they try hard enough, but they'll never slay.
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wait ppl still believe the face meme? bro that was 2017 looksmax get with the times. height makes women wet face just gets social media followers
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I'd say height matter more the shorter you are. If you are 5'7 every inch you get on top of that is literally a god send and will improve your overall stature dramatically. After 5'10 the affects slow down and after 6'2 it's not going to help you.

The reason why tall guys like Looksoverall complain about face so much is because they are already beyond the point where height will help them. But if your 5'6 unless if your face is really ugly height will be your biggest issue.

Really to be secure you gotta be above 5'8 and have a decent looking face. If you are below 5'8 or below an attractive looking face you will struggle.

This is what I'm talking about. When most people think "short" they aren't really thinking "short." They're thinking "Oh, somewhere around 5'8." No. How about 5'5? No face is saving that. But there are more 5'5" men in the world than there are men whose faces trigger the same reaction as seeing a 5'5" man.
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It's all relative. But honestly any extreme deficiencies in height or face are going to be bad. A 5'3 guy with a good face or a 6'4 guy with an ogre face are both fucked. I would rather be 5/10 face and 5'9 then either of those.

I would say height is less important solely for the fact that you will have an overall worse life if your face is really ugly vs being a manlet. I don't think less of a short guy beyond maybe viewing him as slightly less manly. If you see a guy with a truecel face he lives on hard mode even when it comes to just making friends.

Even after the black pill I still will get automatic negative feelings when I am around ugly dudes. Some guys just have faces that look like criminals or they just look disgusting. Vs with short height it mainly would affect you with girls sure guys might think less of you or tease you but no one will shun you from everyday social scenarios (even girls).
Ive never seen anyone with a truecel face. Worst was probably a Guy that had over 1cm of gummy smile. Bimax would easily Fix him to 6/10

I was in The army with a 5'3 Guy. Thats fucked up life
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very rarely discussed topic :unsure:

height is a multiplier for frame, face etc. thats it imo.
Yeah. Rarely discussed, if ever at all. This must be the first thread in years discussing the possibility of height being a factor for attraction
I've seen guys with pretty bad faces. Maybe not truecel tier but they are just unpleasant to look at. Pretty much every guy who mouth breathed in childhood fits this description a little.
Its really rare though. You see bland inoffensive 5/10 soyboys by The dozen. But they Are not ugly
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Ugly guys are more common then you think. But a lot of the men could raise their psl by 1-2 points even without surgery. Because they are fat have gross teeth acne ect. I guess height is something you cannot affect at all pretty much.

I don't think so. Whatever the facial equivalent of being 5'5" is, I'm pretty sure it's much much rarer than being short. A face that makes people go "Whoa..." those are just too rare.
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You all are really gonna make @runescapeaddict1996 rope with these responses
Yeah having a truly ugly face is more rare (although not as rare as you seem to think) this makes it more damaging when you see one. I think face affects your overall life more especially beyond dating while height is more limited to girls or dominance.

An 11 year old with an attractive normal looking face will be treated better then a kid with an ugly face. Unless if your height makes you ugly most guys won't care and women just won't view you as a sexual option. Vs if your ugly it will affect how people view you.

I was ugly and short in my childhood (at different times) When I was 13-14 I had really bad acne braces glasses and I was so skinny I looked sick because I couldn't eat properly. I cared about girls back then but really it wasn't being rejected by girls that hurt I was rejected in general. No one wanted to talk with me no one extended a hand to me. People wanted to avoid me.

At 15-16 I fixed my acne had contacts no braces and look normal but I hit puberty later so I was like 5'3 back then when everyone else was 5'8. Being the shorter guy in a class was humiliating but people treated me more like a clown rather then avoiding me. No one avoided me or looked at me like I was disgusting. I am 5'9 now still have an average face honestly being ugly was worse then being shorter.
Height is definitely more important. Im a quarter under 5'4". My dating life has been virtually non existent, but ive managed to get only women close to 6 feet, why? im trying to come up with theories.
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I said anyone on either extreme will struggle immensely. 5'6 is bad enough but 5'4 that's literally average female height in some cases below average.
Yeah and its frustrating that the only women in my league are tall. The short women never want me.
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Race > face > height > frame
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I am curious do taller women date you as a fetish like are they dom or something kek?
No. It was just the normal thing. We didn't do anything weird.
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What? just be white will get you so far outside of the west
Oh. there's this guy that comes around my way all the time who's a black supremicist.
Is race really a separate trait? I mean I think race is just a factor that affects face and height. Asian guys for example are shorter and have more feminine faces this would only affect already exist category of face height and frame.
I personally think being either too black or too white is a bad thing. But if you are somewhere in the middle - it doesn't matter what your race is.
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Is race really a separate trait? I mean I think race is just a factor that affects face and height. Asian guys for example are shorter and have more feminine faces this would only affect already exist category of face height and frame.
Yes, race is a social construct. There is a thread where a woman rated Salludon a 9 then dropped to a 7 due to him being Indian
This is tricky but I've seen many men under 5'8" kill it with women but all had an above average face (7-8). I believe their are thresholds. If a man is under 5'5" it's basically over for him for 99% of women even if he has a great face. However, he can get hookups in a niche market if he's great in bed/big D.

If a man is under 5'8" he will struggle unless he's at least a upper tier say 7+.

If a man is under 6 ft he will struggle unless he's a 6+

Overall if a man is average or below it really doesn't matter what his height is he's going to have a difficult time in this day and age.

Now can a 10 in the face get a woman if he's under 5'5" without the sexaul niche market? I have no idea but that's so rare so it's an irrelevant topic most likely.

Personally I'm 6'1" and if I were to judge my face off of the ratios and using the charts I would say no higher than an 8.5 no lower than a 7. However some women may rate me overall as lower than a 7 because I have a lean frame (fairly broad shoulders but small 7.1 inch wrists). Perhaps a niche market of girls that perfer a larger frame.

Overall no rejections except from one black woman in my lifetime but I only approached maybe 20 times in my entire life. I've had 47 women in my lifetime from school/job approach or make it obvious they liked me. I've had one girl say she liked that I was tall, 3 said they like my athletic physque but the rest liked me because of my face.

Face is slightly more important possibly but I believe women will give you a chance even if you're short or just average if you have an above average face or great face. From my perspective and experience the face is nearly everything but I'm 6'1" so I never had to deal with the shortness mostly just skinny wrists damnit. Not much I can do in that area as working out hasn't done anything, maybe I'll do some bone smashing. LOL

These threads never end, it's been like this for years
Hair > race > height > face
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Height is king. Fuck this "it's a multiplier" stuff. You people aren't really considering how short a man can truly be. And how glaring and unavoidable it is to notice when a man is short.

Face? Look, faces simply don't come that ugly that often. People see a noticeably short man, or a noticeably short person period, and they're gonna be like "Oh wow, that person is short." Faces simply don't trigger that kind of reaction often enough. It is more common to be too short than it is to be ugly enough in the face that people actually react to you.
Ofc if you're a dwarf, height is your main problem. But usually, when you are average in both (height and face), face would be the most important to improove.
Face is more important unless shorter than 5'9
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Ofc if you're a dwarf, height is your main problem. But usually, when you are average in both (height and face), face would be the most important to improove.

Problem is, people have a stunted definition of "dwarf," so they're not counting the actually short men. "Oh no they're dwarves. They don't count." There are more dwarves than you know. More viscerally short men than there are viscerally ugly men.
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deformed face > manlet > Face > Height
the extra inches above 6"2/3 really get underestimated imo.
It's because the 6'2-6'4 want to cope that they are at height where your benefits are capped. Heights taller than that affect less than 2% of male population.

In real life its not true at all. I've seen women absolutely beaming when listening 6'8 guys talk about literally anything. They could be talking about dragon ball z power levels or their shit texture.
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Most people don't got the face that can save them from being 5'7/5'8 doesn't matter how much they did, plus out of dating market they will also get fucked in another part of life which can serious effect on your dating life such as mentality (personality) money (Carrer short man earn less) status (short man get treated like a joke in the group) most of the time.
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height on top of the food chain

height > face > frame
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Height Allows you to get your girlfriend looksmatch over your shorter look alike competition.
The reason you see most tall guys with girlfriends is their picked for LTR over a 5'8 guy with the same face. So that 5'8 guy will have to date DOWN and not get his looks match without compensation below.

Shorter guys need to compensate with personality, status, money, and body. Height guys already have an edge. on their same looking conmp

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