Is injectable Test good for treating slow/delayed puberty?



Nov 3, 2019
I feel like my development is a complete dumpster fire.I grow in height pretty well (5'11 and growing) but for some reason, I still look like I'm 15 even though I'm like 18 (turned 18 last month). My voice hasn't matured fully and it is literal suifuel. I have decent hair growth everywhere (my facial hair growth is kinda wack though) but I still look like a kid. It's just the youthful look that kills me literally. Is test the only way to speed up my growth? I'm afraid that it can fuck with my growth plates and test levels in the long run. I wish I didn't look like a kid because it's kind of unattractive in my country. Will running it with AI's during cycle help? Are there any other methods that could help me that aren't as risky as test?
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It will fuck up your test levels and fuse your growth plate prematurely you're fucking 18 lol wait another 3 years
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I feel like my development is a complete dumpster fire.I grow in height pretty well (5'11 and growing) but for some reason, I still look like I'm 15 even though I'm like 18 (turned 18 last month). My voice hasn't matured fully and it is literal suifuel. I have decent hair growth everywhere (my facial hair growth is kinda wack though) but I still look like a kid. It's just the youthful look that kills me literally. Is test the only way to speed up my growth? I'm afraid that it can fuck with my growth plates and test levels in the long run. I wish I didn't look like a kid because it's kind of unattractive in my country. Will running it with AI's during cycle help?
no, injectable testosterone will shrink your testicles and reduce your T production forever before you can notice any masculinization on your face.
the only thing you can do is taking Ashwagandha + fenugreek to increase your testosterone naturally.
also check your estrogen level
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Was in the exact same position as you man, in confirmation of what "6'4 looks maxer" said, my endocrinologist said that at 17 (when I was at 5'8) that 5'8 would be my final height, but when I started treatment on testosterone my height shot up durastically with crazy stretch marks and everything everyone was shocked (verging on 6'5 now and every other bone also kept growing on the treatment including shoulder width and all that) if you have any other questions pm me becuase I've been in the exact situation
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yes, its used to clincally to treat delayed puberty and jump start it

it has a great track result with little long term health implications

However, if there are significant psychosocial concerns, a short course of an anabolic steroid may increase growth, and puberty can be induced by giving testosterone to boys

before you roid yourself i suggest you look for trt options
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Was in the exact same position as you man, in confirmation of what "6'4 looks maxer" said, my endocrinologist said that at 17 (when I was at 5'8) that 5'8 would be my final height, but when I started treatment on testosterone my height shot up durastically with crazy stretch marks and everything everyone was shocked (verging on 6'5 now and every other bone also kept growing on the treatment including shoulder width and all that) if you have any other questions pm me becuase I've been in the exact situation
Will do. Height isn't my biggest concern, it's just the consequences in the long run regarding shit like fertility, test levels etc. I've heard that Test C was used for boosting your body's development when you have delayed puberty. It might be the youth gene, I don't know, but it's a blessing to some and a curse to others.
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It will fuck up your test levels and fuse your growth plate prematurely you're fucking 18 lol wait another 3 years

your growth plates fuse because testosterone aromatises into estrogen

and this increased estrogen causes the growth plates to fuse

using an ai while roiding will negate this completely. the only downside is if not dosed correctly your estrogen levels might be too low
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yes, its used to clincally to treat delayed puberty and jump start it

it has a great track result with little long term health implications

before you roid yourself i suggest you look for trt options
Isn't TRT a long term thing though? I've heard coming off is a pain in the ass afterwards. I don't want to use it for gains but I thought a cycle would be more appropriate for this case.

your growth plates fuse because testosterone aromatises into estrogen

and this increased estrogen causes the growth plates to fuse

using an ai while roiding will negate this completely. the only downside is if not dosed correctly your estrogen levels might be too low
What AI will be good for that matter? I've heard proviron is an AI (correct me if im wrong)
Will do. Height isn't my biggest concern, it's just the consequences in the long run regarding shit like fertility, test levels etc. I've heard that Test C was used for boosting your body's development when you have delayed puberty. It might be the youth gene, I don't know, but it's a blessing to some and a curse to others.
I wish so greatly that I found earlier, there is no looksmax without blackpill though and who knows how that could have effected me at a young age. I just wish I could have done my growth al completely correctly and not gone in the sun 7 hours per day during the summer time and everything, and with stuff like test treatment just known exactly what dose to do to prioritise facial development and height (new endocrinologist with greater knowledge told me I would have been 6'8 if I had done slower incremental test increases, so would've been pretty sick being 6'8 but anyway.
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Isn't TRT a long term thing though? I've heard coming off is a pain in the ass afterwards. I don't want to use it for gains but I thought a cycle would be more appropriate for this case.

What AI will be good for that matter? I've heard proviron is an AI (correct me if im wrong)
trt isnt longterm in your case

many old dudes with low t decide to cruise on it for life to get good t levels

but in your case you wont need to be on it for long, it will just jumpstart puberty. if your case is treated clinically it will be easy to get off it and youll get mild side effects

the ai depends on what cycle youre taking
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trt isnt longterm in your case

many old dudes with low t decide to cruise on it for life to get good t levels

but in your case you wont need to be on it for long, it will just jumpstart puberty. if your case is treated clinically it will be easy to get off it and youll get mild side effects

the ai depends on what cycle youre taking
Lol at this if he starts taking test at 18 his hpta system will never develop fully foolish advice
Would you mind sharing both your parents' height? Dying to know given your whole situation.
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you're a late bloomer, you'll grow. Don't go an inject yourself with test.
After a year of T my body morphed from a 170lb boy to a 215lb man. I'm much harder, veinier, harrier, thicker skin, etc. Looked like a child before, now I look older than I am.
you're a late bloomer, you'll grow. Don't go an inject yourself with test.
I can’t take it anymore, fren.

After a year of T my body morphed from a 170lb boy to a 215lb man. I'm much harder, veinier, harrier, thicker skin, etc. Looked like a child before, now I look older than I am.
What was your dosage?
It's ranged from 180mg/wk to 600mg/wk
did you ever get your bloods taken before your first cycle? if so what was your test lvl?
It's ranged from 180mg/wk to 600mg/wk
don't know much about test, but will your testicles shut down anyway by just doing low dosed cycles?
After a year of T my body morphed from a 170lb boy to a 215lb man. I'm much harder, veinier, harrier, thicker skin, etc. Looked like a child before, now I look older than I am.
hows your skin?
Was in the exact same position as you man, in confirmation of what "6'4 looks maxer" said, my endocrinologist said that at 17 (when I was at 5'8) that 5'8 would be my final height, but when I started treatment on testosterone my height shot up durastically with crazy stretch marks and everything everyone was shocked (verging on 6'5 now and every other bone also kept growing on the treatment including shoulder width and all that) if you have any other questions pm me becuase I've been in the exact situation
how did you get that tall?
did you ever get your bloods taken before your first cycle? if so what was your test lvl?
400NG/DL almost exactly. Soyboy tier.

don't know much about test, but will your testicles shut down anyway by just doing low dosed cycles?
Yes they will.

hows your skin?
Looks rougher. Like when you touch the skin of someone with low T or a girl it has that soft feel to it. My skin isn't like that anymore.
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400NG/DL almost exactly. Soyboy tier.

Yes they will.

Looks rougher. Like when you touch the skin of someone with low T or a girl it has that soft feel to it. My skin isn't like that anymore.
What did you use to go back to baseline levels? HCG?
400NG/DL almost exactly. Soyboy tier.
okay interesting, got mine tested and I was at 952ng/dl and my igf was 500ng/dl.

I am a teenager though so it makes sense.
What did you use to go back to baseline levels? HCG?
I'm on for life. The one time I pct'd I used hcg then clomid for 6 weeks and also nolva for the first two weeks of that.
okay interesting, got mine tested and I was at 952ng/dl and my igf was 500ng/dl.

I am a teenager though so it makes sense.
I was 18 and active when I got it tested lol. Mirin high natty T, you're lucky.
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I was 18 and active when I got it tested lol. Mirin high natty T, you're lucky.
fuck that though, I'd rather blast as soon as my puberty has ended, jfl.
I had the same idea towards being on test for life. But then after your first pct when you deflate and see yourself turn back into a normie your mind convinces itself to stay on for life. Happens to the majority of steroid users.
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I had the same idea towards being on test for life. But then after your first pct when you deflate and see yourself turn back into a normie your mind convinces itself to stay on for life. Happens to the majority of steroid users.
I’ll put it to consideration, not 100% on it.
I feel like my development is a complete dumpster fire.I grow in height pretty well (5'11 and growing) but for some reason, I still look like I'm 15 even though I'm like 18 (turned 18 last month). My voice hasn't matured fully and it is literal suifuel. I have decent hair growth everywhere (my facial hair growth is kinda wack though) but I still look like a kid. It's just the youthful look that kills me literally. Is test the only way to speed up my growth? I'm afraid that it can fuck with my growth plates and test levels in the long run. I wish I didn't look like a kid because it's kind of unattractive in my country. Will running it with AI's during cycle help? Are there any other methods that could help me that aren't as risky as test?
Boost it naturally
Boost it naturally
It’s not about the boost. It’s more about the development issues I face. I doubt natural test boosters will help with my voice’s full maturation or anything that I need exactly.
It’s not about the boost. It’s more about the development issues I face. I doubt natural test boosters will help with my voice’s full maturation or anything that I need exactly.
Its genetical if test boosters lifting ,sleeping and gym wont do it neither will steroids

Look in to exercises for deeper voices if you are really worried brah

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