Is it even possible to build muscle as a natty without good genes?


Deleted member 20704

Doesn't vibe with humans much anymore.
Jul 12, 2022
I remember in my "lean phase" I was 140 lbs. at 5'10", 12% bodyfat and tried to put on muscle ... it was impossible. I had 11 or 12 inch arms for 6+ months doing splits, bodybuilding workouts/routines, 3-4x a day workouts for month after month to see no gains....

I gave up on both the gym and muh lean because I tried both and made no progress ... I could only be filled out if fatter, or lean but have twig arms/no muscle. Basically it felt like a trade off: be fatter with some muscle or be very lean with zero muscle/look like a twink

So basically is it even possible for average, non-blessed dudes to be natty, lean and have noticeable muscle? Because it wasn't for me...

I even tried a shit ton of SARMs years ago (RAD-140/Testolone) and they just made me get acne and sick, barely any difference with muscle.

I ate 150+ grams of protein a day, good balanced diet/macros, carbs, not much cardio, etc. and I looked 100% DYEL at 12% bf yet niggas here would have told me to go down to 120 lbs. or something to look even punier. Bottom line, is it a waste of time for most guys to bother natty? I even tried gear & it barely helped although I didn't use it that long because of the shit sides like bloat, malaise/test flu, etc.
I remember in my "lean phase" I was 140 lbs. at 5'10", 12% bodyfat and tried to put on muscle ... it was impossible. I had 11 or 12 inch arms for 6+ months doing splits, bodybuilding workouts/routines, 3-4x a day workouts for month after month to see no gains....

I gave up on both the gym and muh lean because I tried both and made no progress ... I could only be filled out if fatter, or lean but have twig arms/no muscle. Basically it felt like a trade off: be fatter with some muscle or be very lean with zero muscle/look like a twink

So basically is it even possible for average, non-blessed dudes to be natty, lean and have noticeable muscle? Because it wasn't for me...

I even tried a shit ton of SARMs years ago (RAD-140/Testolone) and they just made me get acne and sick, barely any difference with muscle.

I ate 150+ grams of protein a day, good balanced diet/macros, carbs, not much cardio, etc. and I looked 100% DYEL at 12% bf yet niggas here would have told me to go down to 120 lbs. or something to look even punier. Bottom line, is it a waste of time for most guys to bother natty? I even tried gear & it barely helped
I'm natty and have average genetics probably and have built a fair bit of muscle
I'm natty and have average genetics probably and have built a fair bit of muscle

Anyone else in your family more natually muscled? I think maybe the problem is my dad ... Plenty of DYEL guys on his side of the family.

I have a cousin with broad shoulders and a good physqiue but there are more robust guys on his side whereas my dad is tall but ectomorph
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I remember in my "lean phase" I was 140 lbs. at 5'10", 12% bodyfat and tried to put on muscle ... it was impossible. I had 11 or 12 inch arms for 6+ months doing splits, bodybuilding workouts/routines, 3-4x a day workouts for month after month to see no gains....

I gave up on both the gym and muh lean because I tried both and made no progress ... I could only be filled out if fatter, or lean but have twig arms/no muscle. Basically it felt like a trade off: be fatter with some muscle or be very lean with zero muscle/look like a twink

So basically is it even possible for average, non-blessed dudes to be natty, lean and have noticeable muscle? Because it wasn't for me...

I even tried a shit ton of SARMs years ago (RAD-140/Testolone) and they just made me get acne and sick, barely any difference with muscle.

I ate 150+ grams of protein a day, good balanced diet/macros, carbs, not much cardio, etc. and I looked 100% DYEL at 12% bf yet niggas here would have told me to go down to 120 lbs. or something to look even punier. Bottom line, is it a waste of time for most guys to bother natty? I even tried gear & it barely helped although I didn't use it that long because of the shit sides like bloat, malaise/test flu, etc.
Not everyone is built like a pussy
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Yeh ofc just takes over half a year atleast
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Anyone else in your family more natually muscled? I think maybe the problem is my dad ... Plenty of DYEL guys on his side of the family.
most of my male relatives are either fat, skinny-fat or muscular-fat.
your low T
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Yes it is but as you said you'll be severely limited by your genetics. Body recomp as a natty is an absolute joke
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Prob shit genetics so either accept that or start taking steroids
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I remember in my "lean phase" I was 140 lbs. at 5'10", 12% bodyfat and tried to put on muscle ... it was impossible. I had 11 or 12 inch arms for 6+ months doing splits, bodybuilding workouts/routines, 3-4x a day workouts for month after month to see no gains....

I gave up on both the gym and muh lean because I tried both and made no progress ... I could only be filled out if fatter, or lean but have twig arms/no muscle. Basically it felt like a trade off: be fatter with some muscle or be very lean with zero muscle/look like a twink

So basically is it even possible for average, non-blessed dudes to be natty, lean and have noticeable muscle? Because it wasn't for me...

I even tried a shit ton of SARMs years ago (RAD-140/Testolone) and they just made me get acne and sick, barely any difference with muscle.

I ate 150+ grams of protein a day, good balanced diet/macros, carbs, not much cardio, etc. and I looked 100% DYEL at 12% bf yet niggas here would have told me to go down to 120 lbs. or something to look even punier. Bottom line, is it a waste of time for most guys to bother natty? I even tried gear & it barely helped although I didn't use it that long because of the shit sides like bloat, malaise/test flu, etc.
Nigga you need to eat more jfl you retard

Doesn't matter how much steroids or protein you eat if you aren't bulking you will see nothing. You def didn't eat as much as you think you did.
Not everyone is built like a pussy

I gained a shit ton of strength but still have that ectomorph, unfilled out look when lean. Definitely not pussy because I trained deadlifts and got to 3+ plates raw with double overhand so I had a Hulk grip many said but I still looked puny or DYEL/unimpressive bodywise.
Nigga you need to eat more jfl you retard

Doesn't matter how much steroids or protein you eat if you aren't bulking you will see nothing. You def didn't eat as much as you think you did.

Well duh I was trying to get lean and muh abs ... How could you have abs and eat so much? Bulking is just getting fatter if not on big gear

I cut down to get lean, it's nonsense to then say I needed to eat more to gain muscle when I already said I could be fatter + filled out more
Well duh I was trying to get lean and muh abs ... How could you have abs and eat so much? Bulking is just getting fatter if not on big gear

I cut down to get lean, it's nonsense to then say I needed to eat more to gain muscle when I already said I could be fatter + filled out more
Your mistake was not bulking while on gear. You could had abs while bulking + being lean to fill out your frame.

You only get 'fatter' if you dirty bulk lol just don't overdo it. You need to lean bulk. You did it all wrong. You shouldn't have a great physique really fast. Bodybuilding takes years if u want to slay and have an aesthetic body nigga.

You're kinda autistic taking the 'muh women like lean guys' when they are 90% of the time going after the larger athletic guys that look like they could stomp on skinny fags

Just don't ogremaxx whatever you do
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Over training (4times a day kek) or shit diet
Anyone can get decent physique after gymmaxxing, or maybe you have good physique already, show pics
You probably have androgen receptors that are not sensitive. Women love that shit though. Low T + poor androgen receptors is ideal for slaying in 2022.
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Train till failiure, one or two reps more even if you can do more.
I have the same experience. Never even got to 3pl8 deadlift, best was 120kg X 5.

Now I just do calisthenics because what's the point of weights if you're genetically capped so low that even the weight of your body is a struggle?

Steroids helped a bit but not a panacea. Natty lifting was about 2/3 of my gains and steroids the last 1/3.

All my family are skinnyfat, showing even with a calorie surplus their bodies only hold the bare minimum of muscle to not just collapse.

That said, once I'm fully lean I'll be 180 lbs, it's not horrible, still looks athletic, but definitely no fitness model.
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