is it possible to create the perfect martingale betting system and use it on the financial market like stocks, forex, options, derivatives etc ???



Jul 15, 2022
my idea was to just martingale the best odds i can find, ideally searching imp streaks and exploiting them, also deduce if the martingale streak goes wrong then what would have happened then and taking hedging precautions.

another idea was to say buy x and sell it for for more than you bought, and if you fail to sell it for more, then you buy an even more expensive item and try to sell it for more, and so on, martingale style, progressive increasing of the betting size by purchasin ever more expensive products until u get that one sale that covers all your previous losses

obviously the only problem for martingale system is the limited bankroll u have, but i bet if i was elon musk with 300 billion i could run successfull martingales, no doubt

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