Is it stupid to be contemplating a wig over a transplant?



Feb 16, 2019
I've been looking into hair transplants for a while now, and i'm basically at the point where I have the money and stuff, and i'm about to book in my date with the Turkish clinic (need to book a few months in advance so i'm looking to book soon for March or so). Also want a rhino so looking into whether I could get it done in turkey at the same time

I hate the fact that the transplant takes like 6 months before it starts to look ok and is close to the finished article. Before that you have the scab stage, then the ugly duckling stage as the hair falls out and you look weird, then the super whispy stage, and eventually (6-12 months) you look human again - hopefully with a new, improved hairline

But that means basically no going out and certainly no approaching girls for like 5 months. That's a long time. I only get laid through mass cold approach. And i'm old. So 5 months of no approaching is a long time

I saw a vid earier of some dude who has a blog on youtube of him attaching his hair system, and it looks amazing! It's a super thin 0.03mm 'skin' base.

I'm like nw 3. I could make multiple templates out of 1 hair system. Instant perfect hair. Better than even the best transplant in the world.

The tiny risk of someone noticing (maybe if the light hits the skin at just the right point or something) is what's largely putting me off! I'd need to move to the other side of the globe! Or the fact that maybe, in person, they're not as undetectable as they appear to obe based on the vids/blogs i've seen

Tempted to order one tonight but I hate to just literally waste like £150 if I decide I don't like it or whatever

Anyone here had a transplant OR wore a hair system have any thoughts?
I've been looking into hair transplants for a while now, and i'm basically at the point where I have the money and stuff, and i'm about to book in my date with the Turkish clinic (need to book a few months in advance so i'm looking to book soon for March or so). Also want a rhino so looking into whether I could get it done in turkey at the same time

I hate the fact that the transplant takes like 6 months before it starts to look ok and is close to the finished article. Before that you have the scab stage, then the ugly duckling stage as the hair falls out and you look weird, then the super whispy stage, and eventually (6-12 months) you look human again - hopefully with a new, improved hairline

But that means basically no going out and certainly no approaching girls for like 5 months. That's a long time. I only get laid through mass cold approach. And i'm old. So 5 months of no approaching is a long time

I saw a vid earier of some dude who has a blog on youtube of him attaching his hair system, and it looks amazing! It's a super thin 0.03mm 'skin' base.

I'm like nw 3. I could make multiple templates out of 1 hair system. Instant perfect hair. Better than even the best transplant in the world.

The tiny risk of someone noticing (maybe if the light hits the skin at just the right point or something) is what's largely putting me off! I'd need to move to the other side of the globe! Or the fact that maybe, in person, they're not as undetectable as they appear to obe based on the vids/blogs i've seen

Tempted to order one tonight but I hate to just literally waste like £150 if I decide I don't like it or whatever

Anyone here had a transplant OR wore a hair system have any thoughts?
Hairtransplantion is superior to hairpiece (imo). Imagine what would happen if your hairpiece were to come off, or glue were to run down your head, you'd be a joke. Hairtransplant or shave it.
Nah, it's not stupid to look at systems. I'm wearing one now and I'm really happy I went this route. My older brother did a transplant, so I got to see the pros and cons at close hand, and I decided it wasn't for me. His wasn't a bad surgical result, but he is not happy with the look and is thinking of a system too. You mentioned the year-long period when you look like shit, but there is also the stress about whether the grafts will take, and the worst thing is that even if the surgery is 100% successful the final result is still thin and transparent. He still has to use concealers to get a decent look. Simply there is no way you can get a full head of hair from a transplant. You don't look bald anymore, but you don't look like you still got your full hair either. This is the stuff they don't tell you.

I was advised to get a lace system, because I do a lot of sport, and it allows your sweat to escape. It's not really like a "wig" as such - more like a fine gauze patch that you stick on your bald area. It is pretty near weightless, and when it's off you can see right through it. There is a bit of maintenance, but it's very undetectable. No one has spotted that I'm wearing anything, including girls I have slept with. Also, no way is it going to come off - the glue is real strong, and has to be soaked off with a solvent. It's better than I was expecting when I first started investigating.

Feel free to ask any questions.
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Reactions: CarnivoreDiet, wristcel and Deleted member 3202
Stop reading at “turkish”.
Stop reading at “turkish”.

That's what I thought too but for us in Europe, Turkey is a great option and some doctors there are even better AND cheaper than mainland Europe.
That's what I thought too but for us in Europe, Turkey is a great option and some doctors there are even better AND cheaper than mainland Europe.
Turkey are the best for hair transplants
wow thanks for writing such a detailed response, i was looking into HT but your post made me reconsider it. Is there a website where you can choose the hair system and also how long does the hair system lasts?

Mine came from an on-line place called Toplace. If your interested, there is a really good forum for hair replacement on the Hairlosstalk board, with several very helpful knowledgable guys. That is how I got started. I am on my second system. First one lasted about 4.5 months. Current one is over 5 months and still looking good. You can PM me if you want to see a few pics of my system. Don't want to put them up here in case I am recognised.
Mine came from an on-line place called Toplace. If your interested, there is a really good forum for hair replacement on the Hairlosstalk board, with several very helpful knowledgable guys. That is how I got started. I am on my second system. First one lasted about 4.5 months. Current one is over 5 months and still looking good. You can PM me if you want to see a few pics of my system. Don't want to put them up here in case I am recognised.
In theory if someone was to stand close to you and concentrate on your hairline (I can literally imagine my friends doing that as we take the piss out of each other since we are Brits, and scrutinize each others hairlines etc) would it be obvious?
You would have to be right up against my forehead, like 2 or 3 inches, and you would have to know what you are looking for. The only situation where that closeness could happen is lying beside a chick in bed. Never happened so far.
You would have to be right up against my forehead, like 2 or 3 inches, and you would have to know what you are looking for. The only situation where that closeness could happen is lying beside a chick in bed. Never happened so far.
thanks. Yeah, I kind of suspected that.
A number of my friends are balding and as part of the 'banter' it's honestly not unusual for one of them to kind of 'inspect' one of our heads in the pub to see who's balding the most lol. (usually they do this on the back of someones head as opposed to the actual hairline)
I just imagine one of them looking close at my head (to look for signs of recession) and then noticing the lace/plastic lol

I was planning to book my transplant just after Christmas, although tempted to order a hair system whilst there's a Christmas sale on
The thing is, unless you know a bit about hair systems, you wouldn't really know that what you are seeing is lace - it just looks like baby hairs or tiny creases in your skin. Thinskin pieces are different - the plastic skin is visible at very close quarters.

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