Is life on your own worth living?



Nobody mogs like Gaston
Feb 3, 2022

Recently been completely socially isolating and getting into a vibe of never socializing or dating ever again in my life. It's just been too frustrating and disappointing, so I rather avoid it.
I have no friends, family, relationship, nothing. On an average day I don't say a single word to another human-being.

Life can work this way or not? Tbh it's what I've been doing for the past years anyways, and it's not been working out great.

Maybe somehow I can make it work though.
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@MoggerGaston never get up my friend. As jews ( @enchanted_elixir ) said never climb the tree with weak roots. Keep going bro @nathan @cromagnon
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Depends if there’s a chance for ascension
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How old are u
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@MoggerGaston never get up my friend. As jews ( @enchanted_elixir ) said never climb the tree with weak roots. Keep going bro @nathan @cromagnon
legit advice
I am being sent to climb a tree with weak-roots, which is why I got into this situation in the first place. It's a futile strategy.
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Depends if there’s a chance for ascension
Maybe, but you can't count on it and therefore you can't include it in your ambitions.
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legit advice
I am being sent to climb a tree with weak-roots, which is why I got into this situation in the first place. It's a futile strategy.
Broather you need some help stay safe tag someone you belive in like @ryuken or @Gaygymmaxx and never forget i m with you ❤️
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Broather you need some help stay safe tag someone you belive in like @ryuken or @Gaygymmaxx and never forget i m with you ❤️
thanks brother. It's good to read words of encouragement when you are at your lowest.
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thanks brother. It's good to read words of encouragement when you are at your lowest.
As a man with good "post to rep ratio" you are the jew @enchanted_elixir needs
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Not over, you still have lots of time for a relationship and a social life. You need to start working on it as soon as possible no bullshit, best way to get results is by having a goal and focusing on it everyday. Listen and act upon your needs.

Living alone is accepting defeat
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Recently been completely socially isolating and getting into a vibe of never socializing or dating ever again in my life. It's just been too frustrating and disappointing, so I rather avoid it.
I have no friends, family, relationship, nothing. On an average day I don't say a single word to another human-being.

Life can work this way or not? Tbh it's what I've been doing for the past years anyways, and it's not been working out great.

Maybe somehow I can make it work though.
Broather you need some help stay safe tag someone you belive in like @ryuken or @Gaygymmaxx and never forget i m with you ❤️
I been in da same shit it doesn't concern me that much tbh ima go back to school soon but I really don't give af about socializing

I'm just looksmaxding to be a main character

Heterochromia by January. 👺
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Recently been completely socially isolating and getting into a vibe of never socializing or dating ever again in my life. It's just been too frustrating and disappointing, so I rather avoid it.
I have no friends, family, relationship, nothing. On an average day I don't say a single word to another human-being.

Life can work this way or not? Tbh it's what I've been doing for the past years anyways, and it's not been working out great.

Maybe somehow I can make it work though.
You not interested in having a family and children? it’ll bring alot of joy (if you do it successfully :forcedsmile:)
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Reactions: MoggerGaston
Not over, you still have lots of time for a relationship and a social life. You need to start working on it as soon as possible no bullshit, best way to get results is by having a goal and focusing on it everyday. Listen and act upon your needs.

Living alone is accepting defeat
It's very hard tbh.
Like I remember when I was 22yo I still had a lot of energy and vigour in me to try and socialize as much as possible, date, self-improve, etc. Try to change my life around.

Now at 29yo I feel like my mind is starting to accept defeat and stops wanting to try new things. I am fighting my own brain at this point.
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ramblings of a frustrated narcy
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For me, yes, I enjoy it
You need hobbies and good copes. At least me because I am kinda autist.
It may affect me at 50 or something though
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You not interested in having a family and children? it’ll bring alot of joy (if you do it successfully :forcedsmile:)
Not something I even think about considering the fact I can't even get a girlfriend, let alone a wife/mother.

If I want kids I am thinking about surrogacy, which has its own problems but seems more realistic than finding a wife/mother.
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That was me 2020-2023, in my little cabin by the ocean. With that set up I had, I was ok not meeting anyone, I was at peace. Because it felt so congruent to my non-NT, agoraphobic, lonerist soul.

But I was forced out of it last year and moved to a much busier area. I’ve tried a little bit to make friends and meet girls but what little I’ve tried told me to stop trying, literally nothing good has happened as far as that. I haven’t gotten one sign from the universe that I’m on the right path, like I used to get. I’ve never felt so lonely or been so depressed. I don’t wanna be alone, but if I’m forced to then I want it to be on my terms again.
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Reactions: MoggerGaston
It's very hard tbh.
Like I remember when I was 22yo I still had a lot of energy and vigour in me to try and socialize as much as possible, date, self-improve, etc. Try to change my life around.

Now at 29yo I feel like my mind is starting to accept defeat and stops wanting to try new things. I am fighting my own brain at this point.
This happened to me but at 17
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ramblings of a frustrated narcy
not narcy whatsoever, I have been tested for this personality disorder 3 months ago officially and didn't score much at all in 'narcy'.
Not enough to induce further testing, let alone diagnose me of a narcy personality disorder.

I am not saying I don't have personality flaws or mental issues, but they have nothing to do with narcissism.

I have been tested for every single personality disorder, autism, IQ, everything. They do a lot of testing at the ward.

Autism: No.
IQ: 128
Personality disorders: None, except that I do have Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD).

Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a mental health condition that involves chronic feelings of inadequacy and extreme sensitivity to criticism. People with AVPD would like to interact with others, but they tend to avoid social interactions due to their intense fear of rejection.

Avoidant personality disorder and social anxiety disorder(SAD) share similar behaviors. But they’re distinct conditions.
Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) happens when you have an intense and ongoing fear of being judged by others. This leads people with SAD to avoid social situations.
People with AVPD also avoid social situations and relationships. But it has to do with their low self-esteem, not anxiety.
For me, yes, I enjoy it
You need hobbies and good copes. At least me because I am kinda autist.
It may affect me at 50 or something though
what are your hobbies/copes?
That was me 2020-2023, in my little cabin by the ocean. With that set up I had, I was ok not meeting anyone, I was at peace. Because it felt so congruent to my non-NT, agoraphobic, lonerist soul.

But I was forced out of it last year and moved to a much busier area. I’ve tried a little bit to make friends and meet girls but what little I’ve tried told me to stop trying, literally nothing good has happened as far as that. I haven’t gotten one sign from the universe that I’m on the right path, like I used to get. I’ve never felt so lonely or been so depressed. I don’t wanna be alone, but if I’m forced to then I want it to be on my terms again.
Same here where if I am completely alone and isolated, I actually don't feel that bad at all.

I feel the most lonely when I do make an effort to socialize with people, yet nothing comes out of it, that's when I feel the most lonely.
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For some people it's better than being around others

U need some interactions with humans, but I'd rather live alone and keep to myself
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what are your hobbies/copes?
You need something that you can create things with. I like making music for ex. I also actually genuinely enjoy codecelling and am trying to get better to make cool projects with it. That's the best way to have a good time killer.
Besides that typical stuff, gaming, anime/manga, nature-celling
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You need something that you can create things with. I like making music for ex. I also actually genuinely enjoy codecelling and am trying to get better to make cool projects with it. That's the best way to have a good time killer.
Besides that typical stuff, gaming, anime/manga, nature-celling
Cool stuff. Music, coding, chilling with gaming/anime/nature. Sounds like a chill life.

I have a creative mind myself, yet I have never really committed myself into something in terms of creativity. I think my standards are too high where I feel like I need success/fame from whatever I do otherwise I consider it a waste of time/effort. And then you never get into it.
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Cool stuff. Music, coding, chilling with gaming/anime/nature. Sounds like a chill life.

I have a creative mind myself, yet I have never really committed myself into something in terms of creativity. I think my standards are too high where I feel like I need success/fame from whatever I do otherwise I consider it a waste of time/effort. And then you never get into it.
I'm similar tbh, but the only way to get there is career celling.
Get enough money/reputation to have independence and good funding -> fund mogger products
Having a lot of goals in art or career gives you good enough copes where you don't need people. Good purpose too.
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I'm similar tbh, but the only way to get there is career celling.
Get enough money/reputation to have independence and good funding -> fund mogger products
Having a lot of goals in art or career gives you good enough copes where you don't need people. Good purpose too.
How do you deal with the loneliness or lack of social appreciation of your work/effort? Or is it something you don't think about?

I could see myself becoming a mogger career-wise, but then feeling increasingly discouraged by the fact that most people simply don't care about you since they have no close personal relationship with you. It's merely a business transaction type socializing.
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With .org there is meaning

Recently been completely socially isolating and getting into a vibe of never socializing or dating ever again in my life. It's just been too frustrating and disappointing, so I rather avoid it.
I have no friends, family, relationship, nothing. On an average day I don't say a single word to another human-being.

Life can work this way or not? Tbh it's what I've been doing for the past years anyways, and it's not been working out great.

Maybe somehow I can make it work though.
Not. At. All.
How do you deal with the loneliness or lack of social appreciation of your work/effort? Or is it something you don't think about?

I could see myself becoming a mogger career-wise, but then feeling increasingly discouraged by the fact that most people simply don't care about you since they have no close personal relationship with you. It's merely a business transaction type socializing.
Well, honestly it's a long story
As a young kid I got a lot of social validation. Leader of my friend group, considered very smart (was asked to skip grade, won competitions in math, etc). The problem is that I still felt like an outcast on the inside and like I hadn't met my true 'ideal' friend yet. I didn't relate to anyone at all.
This became stronger and as I aged (and blackpill and other things became more relevant) I became more of an outcast and loner. Around middle school age and later. The validation at a young age gave me some confidence, but I was just completely isolated at this time.
I started to become more 'NT' towards the end of high school, and I could make conversation with normies that seemingly liked me. They enjoyed being around me, and I didn't have any problem with them, most were perfectly nice to me and all that. Yet I just felt like an alien and every conversation sort of felt hollow and forced. I think I was just generally depressed and I tried to think of what would satisfy my life, quotidian joys like friendship and romance did not stick out to me there. I felt like it was just more of the boredom I had already experienced.
At this point, I tried to talk to girls, a lot of girls. I never found myself fulfilled with any of those. Girls of varying looks levels, personalities, a lot were attracted to me and wanted relationships and/or sex. None of it satisfied me.
I realized that what I had desired from a young age was just some sort of immortalization. To create or be part of something genuinely great. Impact the world in a major way.
That's what my focus is what it is now. I can't lie and say that I'm fully stone cold or I have no desire for other people. Obviously I enjoy interaction, hence why I'm on this forum, but I simply realized that the emotional aspect of it will never be satiated.
The reality of whatever those relationships are is just mundane. Whatever I wanted, and whatever people on here want, is mostly just a fantasy.
I imagine that most of us are bored of life. We find it mundane, repetitive, and we don't have the normie dopamine circuits to find joy in small things as much. We're malfunctions. Like car tanks that are never full no matter how much fuel you pour in.
But to dedicate your life to the creation of something great, or to be great yourself perhaps, to make something that transcends yourself and everything around you, is a respite from that. It's the only way for someone like me to be satisfied. At least, that's what I think for now.
Cage at me writing my life story on an incel forum
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Isn't that basically what monks do?

Idk about you, cause you seem to have had Chad social life for a good amount of time, but I have actually been mostly lonely for quite some time, to the point where I actually feel that people disturb my peace.
I really don't need friends, if I can get my social needs fullfiled on forums like this.
And at this point I don't know if I have enough energy to start dating again.

There is such thing as too blackpilled, it's kinda hard to get along with people when you understand how transactional human relationships really are.
Cool stuff. Music, coding, chilling with gaming/anime/nature. Sounds like a chill life.

I have a creative mind myself, yet I have never really committed myself into something in terms of creativity. I think my standards are too high where I feel like I need success/fame from whatever I do otherwise I consider it a waste of time/effort. And then you never get into it.
That's literally me wtf.
I live for art.
I love drawing, painting, singing, playing the guitar, and basically creating anything.

But many times my perfectionism kicks me in the ass, im like "what's this gonna give me?".
It's like we are too smart for our own good, we overthink shit too much.

But I blame my parents for this, they have always been jealous of my artistic abilities, and ever since I was little, they would try to make me believe I wasn't talented and I couldn't do shit. :feelsrope:
not narcy whatsoever, I have been tested for this personality disorder 3 months ago officially and didn't score much at all in 'narcy'.
Not enough to induce further testing, let alone diagnose me of a narcy personality disorder.

I am not saying I don't have personality flaws or mental issues, but they have nothing to do with narcissism.

I have been tested for every single personality disorder, autism, IQ, everything. They do a lot of testing at the ward.

Autism: No.
IQ: 128
Personality disorders: None, except that I do have Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD).

Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a mental health condition that involves chronic feelings of inadequacy and extreme sensitivity to criticism. People with AVPD would like to interact with others, but they tend to avoid social interactions due to their intense fear of rejection.

Avoidant personality disorder and social anxiety disorder(SAD) share similar behaviors. But they’re distinct conditions.
Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) happens when you have an intense and ongoing fear of being judged by others. This leads people with SAD to avoid social situations.
People with AVPD also avoid social situations and relationships. But it has to do with their low self-esteem, not anxiety.
You just want chad treatment from top girls and can't get it. It's not a personality disorder.

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