Is looks for males objective or sex appeal?



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Oct 16, 2018
For example, when a girl sees a guy with a perfect jawline, is she instinctively attractive or does she think oh this is a high status guy.

Same with gandy eyes, they look model esque and high status but is it an attraction.

If that's the case then surely bone strucutre like young johnny depp is all there is too looks. And also colouring. It's all about looking high status
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Attraction is an end in itself. If girls only liked jawlines because they were a sign of high status, then they wouldn't be attracted to pictures of hot guys.
looks is sex appeal
Attraction is an end in itself. If girls only liked jawlines because they were a sign of high status, then they wouldn't be attracted to pictures of hot guys.
Yeah but if you can physically see that you have a very prominent jawline and wide cheekbones are you definitely attractive
if it was about status then being rich would be the only thing needed to get a girl

aesthetics and sex appeal matter
A woman's body reacts when she's attracted, her vagina gets itchy. They're physically attracted to men and sex is an instict both men and women have, so when they say they won't sleep with a guy until they meet the man of their life they're lying.

They aren't asexual.
It’s both because you know subconsciously that looks give status.

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