Is StrongLifts 5x5 a good program?



Aug 15, 2020
I'm skinnyfat rn and gonna bulk up and then cut, is sl 5x5 a good program to start off with?
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Yea it’s ideal because women love bloated, bald men with much strength
8D701D30 E0CE 4F29 8B22 7AF0BE8910FF
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dont do a dirty bulk and cope with muh strongman, you'll turn into a fat fuck and regret it
eat clean in a 200-300 calorie surplus
focus on higher rep ranges like 8-12, better for hypertrophy
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i gave up trying to find what the fuck is a good program, there are too many and seems they're all memes :lul:
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The main problem with stronglifts is that it is not making you do enough effort to get stronger and more muscular.

The sets and reps are way too low and 5x5 doesn't work because if you do a maximum of 5 reps on your first set, then you won't be able to do 5 reps for 4 more sets, unless you were holding back on the first set. That means you aren't training to failure.

The most effective way to make progress in the gym is to train till failure (when you can't do more reps) and to do it in a high rep range for at least 3 sets per exercise, with at least one compound movement for each main muscle group.

Stronglifts restricts your exercise selection to Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Overhead Press and Pendlay Row.
The problem with that is that the pendlay row is not going to build your lats, it's only going to build your upper back, and most beginners never use proper form because it's easy to cheat.

And the program lacks isolation exercises for the arms, which means that in 1 year of training on Stronglifts, you will only grow:
Your chest
Your upper back
Your shoulders
Your quads
Your hamstrings

But in doing so, you will not train your lats, your neck, your triceps (2/3 of the arm), your biceps (1/3 of the arm) or your forearms.

Also, it took me a long time to realize it due to the lies that I had been fed by AlphaDestiny but compound movements are not enough if your goal is to look good to attract women. Doing just overhead press will not give you wide shoulders and even if you did all kinds of compound movements, your arms wouldn't grow much.

There is a reason why guys who do curls and tricep extensions for many years while neglecting the compound movements have arms that are bigger than their chest, it's not because they are arm dominant, it's because muscles grow over a long period of time, and the ones that you prioritize are the ones that will look the best, and if you train everything, you'll just be a master of none, but if you neglect your legs too much, you will not look your best when naked or when wearing shorts.

So, the way I see it, the most effective way to train as a bodybuilder is to prioritize in this manner:

1 - Triceps
2 - Forearms (underrated and more important than biceps because there is higher muscular potential)
3 - Biceps
4 - Chest
5 - Lats
6 - Shoulders
7 - Upper Back
8 - Hamstrings and Glutes
9 - Quads

Most programs like starting strength and stronglifts tell you to do the opposite by focusing on squats instead but the thing is that quads are not going to make you more attractive, they will just make you look more narrow by replacing your V taper by an X taper, a wide back looks wider with smaller legs than with huge tree trunk legs.

The most important muscle group in your lower body for looking good naked is the glutes. However, women care more about our upper body than our lower body, because it's a symbol of masculinity, but the glutes still matter to a certain extent.

So a good program to get a body that attracts women would be something like a push, pull, legs with a high exercise selection. High exercise selection means you do as many exercises as possible while still being able to progress. The reason why the PPL program is the best is because it allows you to prioritize the upper body because you get 2 days for upper body and only 1 day for lower body, so you don't neglect the legs but you don't do too much leg training either.

However, there is one modification that I would recommend for Push Pull Legs, you should do bench press and overhead press on separate days because they conflict with each other, because they train similar muscle groups, so every time, the second lift in the list will be negatively affected by the first and you won't be able to lift as much. So if you have bench press on push day, put overhead press on pull day. Also, if you can't do lots of chin ups, do lat pulldowns instead because higher volume leads to more muscle growth and more strength gain. Doing 5 chin ups every day at 100% effort is less effective than doing 30 lat pulldowns 2 times per week at 100% effort.

Also, the exercises chosen depend on what you have access to. You can find info on making your own program here:

Instead of squatting 3 times per week, you'd be better off doing bench press 3 times per week, it's just difficult to program because if you do that, it means your shoulder training will suffer, but when squatting 3 times per week, it's a similar tradeoff because your deadlift suffers. That is because the squat and deadlift train muscles that are close to each other, while the bench press and overhead press also train muscles close to each other.

People on here laugh at me every time I make a post on bodybuilding but I never claimed to be the expert on the topic, I just know a lot about it and I have a lot of experience but I am still learning more about it. In fact, not too long ago, I thought that the lower body was as important as the upper body, but then I realized that many guys who were gymmaxxed and slaying because of it often had small legs with a big upper body, so the upper body is more important.
I used to only recommend stronglifts and starting strength to people but now I know that those programs are very bad from a black pill standpoint because they focus on muscles that women don't care much about.

The reason why this post is very long is because it will be my new definitive guide on gymmaxxing that I will give to those who want to know how to get a physique that women will be attracted to, since this is an important subject for me and essential to those who want to hookup a lot who don't have a Chad face.
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dont do a dirty bulk and cope with muh strongman, you'll turn into a fat fuck and regret it
eat clean in a 200-300 calorie surplus
focus on higher rep ranges like 8-12, better for hypertrophy
yep, i'm not planning on dirty bulking, im gonna do a lean bulk (200-300 cals like u said) and see how it goes
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I'm skinnyfat rn and gonna bulk up and then cut, is sl 5x5 a good program to start off with?
5x5 is a good program just don’t over do the bulk
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