Is the quality of men decreasing?



The Giantslayer
Jun 23, 2020
Sup bois,

this discussion often comes up and there needs to be a verdict on it. Generally I feel like it's true. It's proven that Testosterone levels are dropping at an alarming rate amongst modern men, plus looking at pictures of our grandfathers with their friends, we can often tell that even normies had quite a few redeeming, high T features back then. Along with all everyday products being loaded with Estrogen, it's no surprise that men are declining rapidly.

Nearly every dude back then also did hard physical work for 8 hours a day, now most of us spend that time sitting in front of a screen.
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Sup bois,

this discussion often comes up and there needs to be a verdict on it. Generally I feel like it's true. It's proven that Testosterone levels are dropping at an alarming rate amongst modern men, plus looking at pictures of our grandfathers with their friends, we can often tell that even normies had quite a few redeeming, high T features back then. Along with all everyday products being loaded with Estrogen, it's no surprise that men are declining rapidly.

Nearly every dude back then also did hard physical work for 8 hours a day, now most of us spend that time sitting in front of a screen.
probably my dad mogs the fuck out of me
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Yes 100%, most people live sedentary lives in front of a screen all day, getting little exercise, not socialisng as much as we used to etc...

Malocclusion is a relatively recent phenomenon, and its due to mouthbreathing and soft diets, our lifestyles really fucked up our craniofacial development and our hormonal profile
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Yes 100%, most people live sedentary lives in front of a screen all day, getting little exercise, not socialisng as much as we used to etc...

Malocclusion is a relatively recent phenomenon, and its due to mouthbreathing and soft diets, our lifestyles really fucked up our craniofacial development and our hormonal profile

I would say most problems can be linked to the lack of prenatal Testosterone. It's no surprise BBCs lead the masculinity aspect nowadays, their mothers are active af during pregnancy, lots of them even get into fights probably ngl.
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Depends what kind of quality. The modern man is the ideal slave, very high value and quality to those at the top. There's more ultra-rich billionaires than ever before.

Work 40hours/week in some highly specialized field, while the owner of the business makes 3-4 times as much money from your productivity. Afer that you pay 60% taxes to the government, which provides you with almost nothing in return in this modern life. There are no barbarians or outside threats the government protects us from, nothing.

And at the same time us men, modern slaves, think we are free. The best slave is he who thinks he is free.
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Depends what kind of quality. The modern man is the ideal slave, very high value and quality to those at the top. There's more ultra-rich billionaires than ever before.

Work 40hours/week in some highly specialized field, while the owner of the business makes 3-4 times as much money from your productivity. Afer that you pay 60% taxes to the government, which provides you with almost nothing in return in this modern life. There are no barbarians or outside threats the government protects us from, nothing.

And at the same time us men, modern slaves, think we are free. The best slave is he who thinks he is free.

Well I meant physically mostly. I've also observed that firstborn sons usually mog the fuck out of their younger brothers, anyone with confirmation of this?
Men have always looked shit well apart from the ones that lived in tribes same with women history has always portrayed the average person as ugly
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Automation might have something to do with it idk.Also our ancestors did more extreme manual labour in their time than we do today,which like i said before,men today dont have to,because of automation/technology,things like uber eats,processed foods etc etc the list goes on.Society is being dumbed down.Not sure if any of you guys have ever heard of him,but there's a guy called Steve Hoca who goes really in depth about this.Should def check him out.Sometimes he also appears as a guest on Incelmatics podcast.
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Due to diet etc most men look like shit nowadays.
And no man ever gets "pushed" so to speak to improve since every normie shits on them for wanting to improve.
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The average man looks like shit if you Google average men
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I would say most problems can be linked to the lack of prenatal Testosterone. It's no surprise BBCs lead the masculinity aspect nowadays, their mothers are active af during pregnancy, lots of them even get into fights probably ngl.
lmao i guess my mum was an outlier, a lot of problems are linked to prenatal T but i think diet, oral posture, body/neck posture etc.. will have a bigger impact on craniofacial development

but they all matter ofc and in todays developed society we're fucked up in everything
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The average man looks like shit if you Google average men

For sure. Legit feels like we have gone down miles though, I have a pic of grandfather with his amateur football team and while they're not necessarily chads they're all PSL 6 or more and naturally muscular.
lmao i guess my mum was an outlier, a lot of problems are linked to prenatal T but i think diet, oral posture, body/neck posture etc.. will have a bigger impact on craniofacial development

but they all matter ofc and in todays developed society we're fucked up in everything

Doesn't Testosterone also affect craniofacial development? Would explain why dudes with low T usually have so many bad traits lumped together.
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Doesn't Testosterone also affect craniofacial development? Would explain why dudes with low T usually have so many bad traits lumped together.
yh it does:

craniofacial development is influenced by testosterone, hgh, diet, oral posture, neck posture, the way you sleep etc...

there are probably way more factors that we don't know about yet
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Doesn't Testosterone also affect craniofacial development? Would explain why dudes with low T usually have so many bad traits lumped together.
No, higher T and DHT usually means more sexual dimorphism.That doesn't per se mean a more attractive man, with that you could very well get some ugly ogre
No, higher T and DHT usually means more sexual dimorphism.That doesn't per se mean a more attractive man, with that you could very well get some ugly ogre

True, T is underrated though imo. You'd have to be ridiculously high on it (Cain Velasquez) to truly get that ogre look.


Even Alistair Overeem was quite gl when he was younger, before he really started abusing every roid under the sun.
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True, T is underrated though imo. You'd have to be ridiculously high on it (Cain Velasquez) to truly get that ogre look.


Even Alistair Overeem was quite gl when he was younger, before he really started abusing every roid under the sun.
Yes very true.
However roid wise i dont agree with people who think they can "Do one cycle and ascend during puberty!"
Unless you're extremely Estrogen dominant or like you said abuse every roid for a long time, you'll see facial gains. Most of the gains probably losing fat there.
I would say most problems can be linked to the lack of prenatal Testosterone. It's no surprise BBCs lead the masculinity aspect nowadays, their mothers are active af during pregnancy, lots of them even get into fights probably ngl.
Its a factor but it's not everything
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Incels are getting more Incel looking with each single day, while Chads get more Chad looking too. The gap keeps increasing
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Fathers finger size is almost double of mine tbh.
I guess sitting infront of a screen for most of my life wasnt a good idea,combine that with meh tier diet and low social contact and you get me
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People look the best today and whoever says otherwise is retarded
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Fathers finger size is almost double of mine tbh.
I guess sitting infront of a screen for most of my life wasnt a good idea,combine that with meh tier diet and low social contact and you get me

Yea my father fingermogs me brutally too.
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People look the best today and whoever says otherwise is retarded
Good looking people do. Ugly ones looks as hideous as always, although females can hide it really well through Fake up
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Overbites are genetic - not caused by chewing.
Tbh its my main flaw. I never even noticed until i found blackpill. Still I've done okay regardless though. All my other features are high T. So I feel getting this fixed will be main focus.
Also it's mostly culture that emphasises whites as cucks - due to slave theory. I agree most modern men are weak and apathetic.
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Yes, and it is good for our selfish sakes. The worse men get the more we stand out.
Obviously yeah

Unless a guy has a blackpilled former jock dad, he's most likely not gonna be a masculine dark triad man

Single mother crisis + Shit nutrition due to food pyramid propaganda (Main food should be meat and vegetables not factory made bread lmfao) + Global emasculation of men + Rising estrogen makes girls hotter and guys uglier + Countless other things
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Both men and women are becoming more feminine. High school aged girls look developed enought to be 20, and I see an alarming number of young """men""" walking around with high bodyfat, wide hips, narrow shoulders, no facial hair and gynecomastia (not to mention behavioral changes). All are symptoms of high estrogen and low T. Many common chemicals have been shown to lower testosterone and 17% of the female population is pissing birth control (estrogens) into the water supply. You do the math.
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Both men and women are becoming more feminine. High school aged girls look developed enought to be 20, and I see an alarming number of young """men""" walking around with high bodyfat, wide hips, narrow shoulders, no facial hair and gynecomastia (not to mention behavioral changes). All are symptoms of high estrogen and low T. Many common chemicals have been shown to lower testosterone and 17% of the female population is pissing birth control (estrogens) into the water supply. You do the math.

This is actually so depressing, the amount of shit that we dont even know is affecting worldwide T levels, shit in waters n foods etc aka the stuff we consume the most, along with sitting infront of screens not exercising. We know parts of it but im assuming not the complete long term picture.
Yes everyone is soy twinks and I love it and I hope the quality of men keeps decreasing so I can keep mogging
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A man should be broad, tall and strong. His facial morphology should be forward grown and his facial adiposity low. He should be confident and not afflicted by the mental issues that plague modern society. The testosterone-deprived generation coming up are not men but boys...

We can't blame women for rejecting us when we are subhumans...
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This is actually so depressing, the amount of shit that we dont even know is affecting worldwide T levels, shit in waters n foods etc aka the stuff we consume the most, along with sitting infront of screens not exercising. We know parts of it but im assuming not the complete long term picture.
Take control. This 40 minute presentation (just watch it, it's worth it) explains the problem very well and how to defend yourself.
Also, there are supplements you can take to boost it. Do some research on zinc vitamin D and boron, they all boost test significantly.
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Yes everyone is soy twinks and I love it and I hope the quality of men keeps decreasing so I can keep mogging
same tbh

95% of white guys look like soyboys and i both love & hate it. So easy to mog and cuck them, BUT seeing soyboys 24/7 is disgusting and you just wanna beat them up
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Take control. This 40 minute presentation (just watch it, it's worth it) explains the problem very well and how to defend yourself.

About 1/4 through, fuck that's brutal. And we still have spergs on this forum saying Testosterone is cope or low T is entirely genetic. :lul:
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Also, there are supplements you can take to boost it. Do some research on zinc vitamin D and boron, they all boost test significantly.
Taking it all right now, and thanks for the link
Well I meant physically mostly. I've also observed that firstborn sons usually mog the fuck out of their younger brothers, anyone with confirmation of this?
I've never think about it but now I realize that this happens super often, I just can think one example of the opposite thing

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