Is there a way to grow jaw at 20?

shahid khan

shahid khan

Mar 1, 2023
The last time i asked this was at 17.
No surgeries by the way and my jaw has become significantly narrower and smaller after I suffered a fracture to my jaw and since then i have been seening no improvement yet just lose in my jaw especially gonions where i suffered the fractured.
I doubt your jaw shrank. Everytime somebody says something like this, after posting before and after photos there is never a negative change like they believe.

As far as growing your jaw, do mewing for proper tongue posture for a while, which can have a bit of a change over time, but to really change ur jaw you either need to take lots of HGH or roids which will change your facial structure (not recommended) or get surgery. The first option is unhealthy especially if you take testosterone substances. HGH will grow your facial bones for sure but again there are health risk associated with it in pretty sure. You'll have to research that long term and get it prescribed so a doctor can monitor your health, but the best option would be just to not worry about your jaw and focus on the parts of your looks you can change, and getting a good personality.
I doubt your jaw shrank. Everytime somebody says something like this, after posting before and after photos there is never a negative change like they believe.

As far as growing your jaw, do mewing for proper tongue posture for a while, which can have a bit of a change over time, but to really change ur jaw you either need to take lots of HGH or roids which will change your facial structure (not recommended) or get surgery. The first option is unhealthy especially if you take testosterone substances. HGH will grow your facial bones for sure but again there are health risk associated with it in pretty sure. You'll have to research that long term and get it prescribed so a doctor can monitor your health, but the best option would be just to not worry about your jaw and focus on the parts of your looks you can change, and getting a good personality.
Got myself a girl. A proper stacy undoubtedly. She finds me more hot when i used to have a big ass jaw. Now even tho it doesn’t make sense even to me that why my jaw looks half the size it was and i lost significant amount of gonion width and jaw height and size, comparing it to before i indeed can say this is happening. If my massesters had atrophied i wouldn’t be so different. Everyone i saw after months told me that my face has gotten smaller and my nose looks bigger. For a whole 40 days i breathed through my nose and was mewing and shit and i know that shit doesn’t work but idk what the fuck is going on with my jaw. I need to atleast grow it back to its original state.
I doubt your jaw shrank. Everytime somebody says something like this, after posting before and after photos there is never a negative change like they believe.

As far as growing your jaw, do mewing for proper tongue posture for a while, which can have a bit of a change over time, but to really change ur jaw you either need to take lots of HGH or roids which will change your facial structure (not recommended) or get surgery. The first option is unhealthy especially if you take testosterone substances. HGH will grow your facial bones for sure but again there are health risk associated with it in pretty sure. You'll have to research that long term and get it prescribed so a doctor can monitor your health, but the best option would be just to not worry about your jaw and focus on the parts of your looks you can change, and getting a good personality.
Ohh btw. My maxillofacial surgeon said that my growth plates have most surely closed and that there is no chance for my jaw to grow but at the same time i have encountered multiple people who’s jaw grew at 19 or 20 and that too by a visible amount roughly 3-7mm. If i could even get 5mm of growth i would look a shit load better than i do right now because i have seen my morphs and it’s like that. Everyone says i look like the gigachad meme but i literally have a 85 bigonial width with a round chin and not much of jaw height. Idk what the fuck they see in me that i dont.

So asking would there be a chance to have growth at 20 that too of 3-7mm? Total size of the jaw speaking out. Injecting hgh to the tmj area could cause severe bloated massesters forever and will elongate my philtrum and grow my nose and ears which is a sign of aging so that doesn’t stands a chance and jaw implants makes you feel fake forever
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Ohh btw. My maxillofacial surgeon said that my growth plates have most surely closed and that there is no chance for my jaw to grow but at the same time i have encountered multiple people who’s jaw grew at 19 or 20 and that too by a visible amount roughly 3-7mm. If i could even get 5mm of growth i would look a shit load better than i do right now because i have seen my morphs and it’s like that. Everyone says i look like the gigachad meme but i literally have a 85 bigonial width with a round chin and not much of jaw height. Idk what the fuck they see in me that i dont.

So asking would there be a chance to have growth at 20 that too of 3-7mm? Total size of the jaw speaking out. Injecting hgh to the tmj area could cause severe bloated massesters forever and will elongate my philtrum and grow my nose and ears which is a sign of aging so that doesn’t stands a chance and jaw implants makes you feel fake forever
I would just forget about it. If you don't have a great jaw at 20, you could grow it a little more with mewing and other means, but you won't ever have a "very good" jaw if you don't already have a good jaw at 20. It's not a big deal though and plenty of men without big sharp jaws do well in every area of life. I'd say focus on lifting and playing into your strengths. Id only worry if it's flat out recessed.

Also , again I very much doubt it changed. You would have to literally break your whole face into pieces somehow. Id bet you money it's in your head. Your friends telling you that you look worse are just energy vampires most likely. If it did truly change , your friends still suck .
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