Is there a way to hack your subconscious to feel you are less of an incel?



Nov 29, 2023
I got inspired by a DREAM I had today where I got validation from an old crush. She was clingy, was in my face (the closest distance I've been to a woman in a year is the cashiers next to the self checkout), held eye contact with me, hands, kissing, hugs. Overall a really good experience and it made me feel less shitty today.

Idk, just getting more dreams like this would be cool. Shit like lucid dreaming is possible and I know you can make dreams more vivid/ longer and increase their frequency by writing in a journal. Does anyone know a way to influence specifically what you will dream about (does not need to be lucid)? Or any experience with lucid dreams in general. I noticed that if I remind myself of some old crushes I had, I dream about them soon. That and the journal thing is all I know for now.

I will also try to be less in TikTok and this site while waiting for random shit like in the toilet, bus, breaks between classes, etc. I will day dream about having a girlfriend and maybe that can trick my mind to feel better and less lonely?

Kinda sad that my own brain is literally causing me to delulumaxx intimacy with a woman, but it is what it is.
Yes Bhai, now go buy $100 Walmart gift card and tell me pin on back ma’am

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