Is there any advantage to being a guy over being a girl?


blackpilled I lost

Jun 6, 2022
I can't think of one advantage a guy has over a girl if I compare 10/10 (successful too) vs 10/10 or an average vs average.
yes there are you can rape
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Men can take cold showers and put in the work
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No advantages at all

Being a man is shit

Even if you are giga moneymaxxed and status maxxed a false accusation will ruin you

See Benjamin mendy
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No advantages at all

Being a man is shit

Even if you are giga moneymaxxed and status maxxed a false accusation will ruin you

See Benjamin mendy
far from 10/10 don't you think so?
if I compare 10/10 (successful too) vs 10/10
So Stacy vs Chad. That depends on what you want. Stacy will be admired more than Chad for simply existing, however Chad will most likely be rarer and probably have more financial success too.

Stacy will have ugly men hitting on her, and Chad will have ugly women (and some men) hitting on him too, but as this 10/10 Chad is probably also 6ft 3+ 90KGs 12% bodyfat, there is significantly less physical threat to Chad (although there is obviously still some).

If it's a rich / famous Stacy and regular Chad then Stacy wins, but seeing as it's meant to be the same level I think overall it's pretty equal or even favoring Chad slightly (Chad is bigger, no periods, stronger, although has a bit less social benefit).

10/10 or an average vs average
Average vs average will also be dependent. The woman will have higher risk higher reward (again, periods, creepy guys etc), but will get a lot more social validation, easier to make friends, can find romantic interests in and above her league (whether it be looks or money) easily. Her job will most likely be less physical and more "middle class".

The man will probably have to get a shit job, has little prospects, ugly to women (and other guys tbh), most likely will find it harder to make friends, will be naturally bluepilled and a little too trusting of the government (although I find working class / poorer men are usually more skeptical of the government, but middle class men more trusting). Your purpose in life is to be used and discarded unless, which is why family is so important for these guys, because it means what they're working for has meaning, and why they always talk about their wife or kids.

Obviously there are a lot of men below this average (low IQ, autistic, really ugly) and many of them (including myself) are on here posting essays on looksmax.
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far from 10/10 don't you think so?
I said he’s moneymaxxed and statusmaxxed

He’s gl for a black and 6ft1

Makes more in a day than most western men make in a year

All because he can kick and run after a ball better than almost everyone
no child birth no periods and you can drive
Women aren’t forced to have kids

Most 30 year old women don’t have kids, rich foids are paying for surrogates these days too (Ronaldos gf)

Most women don’t have periods since they only happen from around puberty to menopause , foids will live till abt 90 in this generation (estimate)

Plus periods can’t be that bad, if every foid ends up getting them

Thanks to the jab manifold have been missing them

Foids can drive too, even Saudi allowed it

And if they couldn’t they would just get a slave (man) , who is their husband, boyfriend, Uber driver etc

Some Women orgasm from childbirth too, supposedly
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Higher intelligence, higher physical strength. And male friendships are much stronger and real than female friendships
I can't think of one advantage a guy has over a girl if I compare 10/10 (successful too) vs 10/10 or an average vs average.
More designed to complete tasks efficiently + stronger faster
I can't think of one advantage a guy has over a girl if I compare 10/10 (successful too) vs 10/10 or an average vs average.
More intelligent in everything other than emotional intelligence
Chad easy, autogynephiles need not apply. Chad is rarer than Stacy, doesn't have risk of pregnancy. Stacy lives life on tutorial mode, but she will never be the main character.
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Stacy lives life on tutorial mode, but she will never be the main character.
this is the biggest advantage men have over women. OP can you name at least 1 remarkable woman be it in science or in athletics? I cant.
The only people who ever went on to achieve great things and be remembered for generations to come are men
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I was literally talking about this with my brother yesterday,he’s a redpill coper who thinks men have it way easier and was saying how basically men can just become chads by putting in effort,

In any social setting only the top 1 % of guys are attractive and valued,the rest are less than invisible,meanwhile pretty much every women is desired and high status (atleast compared to the men)

Chad is probably the only point we’re it’s better than the female counterpart
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Ignore the cope, the real answer is no. Men have zero advantage over women in modern society. Exceptions do not make the rule and 99% of men will never be exceptional meanwhile women are exceptional just for existing. Society automatically safeguards women against all their weakness, and form of physical, emotional or verbal violence is illegal against them but not against men, their lack of physical and mental ability is supplemented by inclusion quotas and bias yet no such thing exists for men. The modern world is designed to prop all women up at the expense of all men, even the most successful men on the planet do not have as much of the world available to them nor does it protect them to the extent of the average woman. Men have the advantage in nature but thats not where we live anymore
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Plenty if you're chad
Only if you are a top tier male
I can't think of one advantage a guy has over a girl if I compare 10/10 (successful too) vs 10/10 or an average vs average.
Being more physically capable + dominant and not having to worry about being attacked,

Paid more,

No periods.

Thinking objectively no, except for things you only care about because you ARE a male. But for this reason, talking about this subject is instinctually repulsive to men because of transgenderism/identity issues that can only be overcome if someone is in abused dog/victim mode

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