Is there any point in looksmaxxing when you barely get interest from women?



Aug 8, 2020
A lot of the people here are white, 6 ft+ with decent faces etc and get IOIs from decent women pretty frequently. They have something to work with so that they can looksmax to above HTN. But what about dudes like this:


Though there's obvious room for improvement in his case, he is severely handicapped by his dogshit pheno and his awful eye area. And don't tell me eye surgeries can make his eye area normal. They barely have much of an impact in most cases or end up making you look uncanny if they do. Dudes like this are pretty much fucked if they want a decent dating life. He has never had a foid into him and may only get unattractive women with effort. If he posted here, he would be told to looksmax but for what? He would still look like shit even if he got lots of invasive surgeries. So why should he even bother looksmaxxing.
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That entire continent should be burned to wipe out these poor abominations. That's what you get when human garbage decide they need to reproduce
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Only IOI is when foids climb on you to kiss you or get drunk because of you.

This guy could ascend hard, anyone can ascend. Would he fuck hot young white stacies after that? No, he wouldn't, but it doesn't mean that he shouldn't improve.
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That entire continent should be burned to wipe out these poor abominations. That's what you get when human garbage decide they need to reproduce
The dude I posted still lifemogs many of the people here. Has friends and shit. He is :bluepill:-ed of course and it is good that he is. The :blackpill: would just destroy him.
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Only IOI is when foids climb on you to kiss you or get drunk because of you.

This guy could ascend hard, anyone can ascend. Would he fuck hot young white stacies after that? No, he wouldn't, but it doesn't mean that he shouldn't improve.
What do you mean by ascend hard? His pheno is trash tier and he has truecel eye area. He also has a bad frame. In the eyes of western women, he is like 2 PSL. And maybe his max potential is like 3 PSL after doing everything. Not to mention, he'd just become extremely depressed after putting in colossal amounts of effort just to get rejected by landwhales.
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The dude I posted still lifemogs many of the people here. Has friends and shit. He is :bluepill: of course and it is good that he is. The :blackpill: would just destroy him.
If he's happy I'm happy. Fortunately the ugly people have very good internal defense mechanisms preventing them from internalizing the blackpill
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Problem is just by looking at this retard, even if he got the chance with an average foid hes way too braindead to seal the deal.
You can just tell hes never spoken to a girl about anything other than homework in his life

should rope
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Problem is just by looking at this retard, even if he got the chance with an average foid hes way too braindead to seal the deal.

should rope
Nah. He's pretty high IQ. Top debater. Would destroy many of the people here in an argument. And he's pretty social and has many female friends. He's just too ugly to progress beyond that.
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Nah. He's pretty high IQ. Top debater. Would destroy many of the people here in an argument.
yeah cos high IQ = success with women

nice take retard
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wow, and I thought my asymmetry was bad!

this dude’s eyes are on different latitudes
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I sometimes go for walks and I see women smile at me, not sure if that counts tho
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I sometimes go for walks and I see women smile at me, not sure if that counts tho.
You look decent so there's hope for you. Approach does women who smile at you next time.
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What do you mean by ascend hard? His pheno is trash tier and he has truecel eye area. He also has a bad frame. In the eyes of western women, he is like 2 PSL. And maybe his max potential is like 3 PSL after doing everything. Not to mention, he'd just become extremely depressed after putting in colossal amounts of effort just to get rejected by landwhales.

Some fillers, rhino, mouth widening, minox and neck training and he is much better now

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he can ascend by losing Bodyfat, whitening skin and injecting roids:Comfy: brutal eyes tho
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A lot of the people here are white, 6 ft+ with decent faces etc and get IOIs from decent women pretty frequently. They have something to work with so that they can looksmax to above HTN. But what about dudes like this:

View attachment 1424678

Though there's obvious room for improvement in his case, he is severely handicapped by his dogshit pheno and his awful eye area. And don't tell me eye surgeries can make his eye area normal. They barely have much of an impact in most cases or end up making you look uncanny if they do. Dudes like this are pretty much fucked if they want a decent dating life. He has never had a foid into him and may only get unattractive women with effort. If he posted here, he would be told to looksmax but for what? He would still look like shit even if he got lots of invasive surgeries. So why should he even bother looksmaxxing.
as long as he is decent height there is a chance for him. Its slim to nothing but there is a chance with enough money and time
Some fillers, rhino, mouth widening, minox and neck training and he is much better now

View attachment 1424681
No difference IRL. Still looks like shit. Horrid pheno and truecel eye area. You are coping hard if you think he's salvageable.
as long as he is decent height there is a chance for him. Its slim to nothing but there is a chance with enough money and time
5'8" in germany. Average young white german dude is what? 6 ft average?
No difference IRL. Still looks like shit. Horrid pheno and truecel eye area. You are coping hard if you think he's salvageable.
Half population of the curryland look like that
as long as he is decent height there is a chance for him. Its slim to nothing but there is a chance with enough money and time
He's better off just forgetting about women completely or just settling for an ugly girl.
Half population of the curryland look like that
Stereotype. He's below average where I live. There are many dudes who look like this too:

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A lot of the people here are white, 6 ft+ with decent faces etc and get IOIs from decent women pretty frequently. They have something to work with so that they can looksmax to above HTN. But what about dudes like this:

View attachment 1424678

Though there's obvious room for improvement in his case, he is severely handicapped by his dogshit pheno and his awful eye area. And don't tell me eye surgeries can make his eye area normal. They barely have much of an impact in most cases or end up making you look uncanny if they do. Dudes like this are pretty much fucked if they want a decent dating life. He has never had a foid into him and may only get unattractive women with effort. If he posted here, he would be told to looksmax but for what? He would still look like shit even if he got lots of invasive surgeries. So why should he even bother looksmaxxing.
I'd tell that guy to escortmaxx and be done with it.
There is no way his eyes are normally like that, like they're on completely different latitudes. How is that even possible or is the camera really that fucked?
Never began for him with his pheno
There are some people with an indomitable will to achieve the best life they possibly can for themselves. These people looksmax.

That's not you. Go ahead and be lazy. It will catch up with you.
There are some people with an indomitable will to achieve the best life they possibly can for themselves. These people looksmax.

That's not you. Go ahead and be lazy. It will catch up with you.
But is looksmaxxing the best route to that for truecels? I have noticed people over here are very delusional about potential gains from looksmaxxing. That's not to say that you can not improve. And in some specific circumstances, like say a dude is very fat or has a fixable deformity, drastic change is possible. But a lot of people are held back by shit they can hardly do anything about. The dude I shared can looksmax all he want, but chances are he will remain ugly no matter what he does. Is there really a point in looksmaxxing for him? Getting lots of surgeries, aggressive dieting etc just to go from ugly to ugly? I am not talking about the above average users here. For them, it sort of makes sense. Truecels are better off LDARing imo. Will be happier that way anyway.
No, just focus on other pursuits like money/interests etc
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I used to be so ugly that even at my height of 6 foot 4, women didn't notice me.
Then, I got a double jaw surgery and women finally started to notice me.

When I finally finish gymmaxxing and leanmaxxing in 1-2 years, women will be extremely attracted to me.

That is how you should see it.

Also, even though you have indian skin color, you can still looksmax. Here is what I would do if i was you:

1 - Replace glasses with contact lenses or get surgery to correct eyesight

2 - Lose weight and reduce your waist size to 32 inches. Greg Doucette on youtube has great advice on how to lose weight.

3 - Build muscle over the course of 1-2 years while staying lean

4 - Dress better, get some tattoos to look more dark triad, and wear clothes that show off your muscles

5 - Go out to bars and clubs and use online dating to get laid

It is literally that simple. But it's not easy because it requires time and patience, but using your starting point as an excuse is truly pathetic because when I started, I was way uglier than you.
I used to be so ugly that even at my height of 6 foot 4, women didn't notice me.
Then, I got a double jaw surgery and women finally started to notice me.

When I finally finish gymmaxxing and leanmaxxing in 1-2 years, women will be extremely attracted to me.

That is how you should see it.

Also, even though you have indian skin color, you can still looksmax. Here is what I would do if i was you:

1 - Replace glasses with contact lenses or get surgery to correct eyesight

2 - Lose weight and reduce your waist size to 32 inches. Greg Doucette on youtube has great advice on how to lose weight.

3 - Build muscle over the course of 1-2 years while staying lean

4 - Dress better, get some tattoos to look more dark triad, and wear clothes that show off your muscles

5 - Go out to bars and clubs and use online dating to get laid

It is literally that simple. But it's not easy because it requires time and patience, but using your starting point as an excuse is truly pathetic because when I started, I was way uglier than you.
I have seen you. You may not be a chad by the autistic standards of this forum but you have a good pheno and you are 6'4". The dude I posted isn't me but I am roughly as fucked as him . Not entirely due to pheno though it is still pretty shit. But my whole skull shape, orbitals etc are fucked. Plus, I am 5'5". We are not even remotely comparable bro. I am going to need multiple surgeries just to hit LTN facially but I'll still be a short curry.

And jfl at you telling a trucel to go to a bar and use online dating. Would just be suifuel for him. Sometimes, giving up is better. Besides, he can still have interests/hobbies/friends (they will be losers too though) and escortcel from time to time.
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I used to be so ugly that even at my height of 6 foot 4, women didn't notice me.
Then, I got a double jaw surgery and women finally started to notice me.

When I finally finish gymmaxxing and leanmaxxing in 1-2 years, women will be extremely attracted to me.

That is how you should see it.

Also, even though you have indian skin color, you can still looksmax. Here is what I would do if i was you:

1 - Replace glasses with contact lenses or get surgery to correct eyesight

2 - Lose weight and reduce your waist size to 32 inches. Greg Doucette on youtube has great advice on how to lose weight.

3 - Build muscle over the course of 1-2 years while staying lean

4 - Dress better, get some tattoos to look more dark triad, and wear clothes that show off your muscles

5 - Go out to bars and clubs and use online dating to get laid

It is literally that simple. But it's not easy because it requires time and patience, but using your starting point as an excuse is truly pathetic because when I started, I was way uglier than you.
do you think lifting even matters for getting laid?
do you think lifting even matters for getting laid?
It works if you are at least decent facially. Not when you are legit ugly.
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Guys like that could move back to curryland and get coochie there but instead they rant about having to compete with muh tall gl white guys in western countries

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I have seen you. You may not be a chad by the autistic standards of this forum but you have a good pheno and you are 6'4". The dude I posted isn't me but I am roughly as fucked as him . Not entirely due to pheno though it is still pretty shit. But my whole skull shape, orbitals etc are fucked. Plus, I am 5'5". We are not even remotely comparable bro. I am going to need multiple surgeries just to hit LTN facially but I'll still be a short curry.

And jfl at you telling a trucel to go to a bar and use online dating. Would just be suifuel for him. Sometimes, giving up is better. Besides, he can still have interests/hobbies/friends (they will be losers too though) and escortcel from time to time.
Your problem is that you're too black pilled. I took the black pill in early 2018, but used it to my advantage, I used to be ugly before my surgery, that is what you don't understand. And back then, even with my height, I was an incel.

You envy me but you have no idea what my life is like, I am no Chad, otherwise I wouldn't be on here.

That was me at 18, I am 23 now, I look way better but I am still not near where I want to be. I need another 2-3 years to fully ascend. But that takes work, which you aren't willing to put in. You're not a truecel, you're just lazy, admit it.
Your problem is that you're too black pilled. I took the black pill in early 2018, but used it to my advantage, I used to be ugly before my surgery, that is what you don't understand. And back then, even with my height, I was an incel.

You envy me but you have no idea what my life is like, I am no Chad, otherwise I wouldn't be on here.

That was me at 18, I am 23 now, I look way better but I am still not near where I want to be. I need another 2-3 years to fully ascend. But that takes work, which you aren't willing to put in. You're not a truecel, you're just lazy, admit it.

being too blackpilled is an actual problem and holds a lot of guys back from lifting because they its red pill or something. what do you look like now?
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The best route for truecels is prostitutes and finding other copes in life. When he is pushing 50... he'll marry a roastie having never experienced affection in his life.

The worst thing for at truecel to do though, is to obsess with the blackpill. The battle was already lost on that front when he was brought into this world. He needs to accept his situation and find other outlets.
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The best route for truecels is prostitutes and finding other copes in life. When he is pushing 50... he'll marry a roastie having never experienced affection in his life.

The worst thing for at truecel to do though, is to obsess with the blackpill. The battle was already lost on that front when he was brought into this world. He needs to accept his situation and find other outlets.
Legit. It's over for me:

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Legit. It's over for me:

View attachment 1425681
if that is you, at the very least you're not actually a deformed subhuman like the guy in the first post. 5'5 will hamper your chances extremely hard, but at least you have a looksmaxable base. gymcelling, LL and cosmetic surgeries may still be able to help you ascend a tier or two, but this guy?

2625306 Truecel

its unironically over for him

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