is there even a point in living when my hyoid is low at 16bf?



300 iq mastermind sociopath manipulator demi-god
Sep 4, 2019
people be like 'my hyoid started looking much better when i hit 20bf' and they have chiseled defined faces at 17bf, meanwhile my face is fucking fat and low hyoid at 16bf. will this change if i lower bodyfat? or is everyone a fruading fucking retarded nigger?, having abs at fucking 17bf?
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Yeah my face still looks fat but it was due to drinking protein shakes from a comment I read.
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Put your whole tongue on the roof and it will raise up
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just suciton hold mew brotha
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i cant live my entire life manually raising my hyoid
Fighting with one hand behind your back if you are not mewing + clenching 24/7
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i cant live my entire life manually raising my hyoid

Yes you can, it becomes your new normal, it’s a resting position, just because you're engaging a muscle doesn’t mean it can’t become natural for you, standing involves the use of several muscles but I bet it comes naturally to you. You don’t even think about flexing your quads, hamstrings calves and glutes to counter the slight shits in your balance that happen constantly while you’re standing up. As a child you had to learn that, it was once a position strain that required conscious effort for you, and now it’s not. Eventually the same thing will happen with the position of your hyoid bone, I used to have the exact same problem as you, I was around he same body fat percentage with a low hyoid bone, now I’m 30% body fat and my submental region is tighter than it ever was when I had poor oral posture.
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lol if u believe in mewing
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Photos or we can't help. Show side profile and people can tell if low hyoid is the issue or not.
Yes you can, it becomes your new normal, it’s a resting position, just because you're engaging a muscle doesn’t mean it can’t become natural for you, standing involves the use of several muscles but I bet it comes naturally to you. You don’t even think about flexing your quads, hamstrings calves and glutes to counter the slight shits in your balance that happen constantly while you’re standing up. As a child you had to learn that, it was once a position strain that required conscious effort for you, and now it’s not. Eventually the same thing will happen with the position of your hyoid bone, I used to have the exact same problem as you, I was around he same body fat percentage with a low hyoid bone, now I’m 30% body fat and my submental region is tighter than it ever was when I had poor oral posture.
yeah i see, makes sense
it is a little tiring though, isnt it? just simply moving my tongue upwards doesnt do shit to my hyoid, i have to manually raise the hyoid bone (took me few months to figure out how to do that)
Tongue posture which requires a properly aligned bite and wide enough dental arch
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yeah i see, makes sense
it is a little tiring though, isnt it? just simply moving my tongue upwards doesnt do shit to my hyoid, i have to manually raise the hyoid bone (took me few months to figure out how to do that)

I unintentionally learnt it from an Astro sky video. I was in the same position as you and I didn’t even realise it was under my conscience control.

You can tighten your sub-mental region a lot, but it won’t be perfect unless you have an excellently formed air way that won’t be blocked by your tongue. Your muscles will get stronger as you get used to correct oral posture until it won’t be a problem for you anymore, it’s just like standing.

Like standing, it does require the conscious decision to raise your hyoid bone, but I wouldn’t describe either as particularly taxing and your muscles will get stronger over time. Mike talks about how function changes posture, body builders have a natural resting posture where their arms rest far away from their body’s, as if they were carrying invisible water melons. That’s the product of function changing their posture at rest, before they lifted weights it would have required conscious effort to stand that way.

I just took a photo of myself now with my hyoid I an a very relaxed position and my submental region is way tighter than it used to be, despite having almost double the volume of fat in my body now compared to before.
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I unintentionally learnt it from an Astro sky video. I was in the same position as you and I didn’t even realise it was under my conscience control.

You can tighten your sub-mental region a lot, but it won’t be perfect unless you have an excellently formed air way that won’t be blocked by your tongue. Your muscles will get stronger as you get used to correct oral posture until it won’t be a problem for you anymore, it’s just like standing.

Like standing, it does require the conscious decision to raise your hyoid bone, but I wouldn’t describe either as particularly taxing and your muscles will get stronger over time. Mike talks about how function changes posture, body builders have a natural resting posture where their arms rest far away from their body’s, as if they were carrying invisible water melons. That’s the product of function changing their posture at rest, before they lifted weights it would have required conscious effort to stand that way.

I just took a photo of myself now with my hyoid I an a very relaxed position and my submental region is way tighter than it used to be, despite having almost double the volume of fat in my body now compared to before.
so you are tightening your hyoid 24/7 i see, not only in public
how much time did you need to get used to that?
so you are tightening your hyoid 24/7 i see, not only in public
how much time did you need to get used to that?

Yes I’m tightening it all the time now but it’s not conscious anymore, It’s become my new resting position. It’s just locked into my muscle memory now. I do however, tighten my submental region harder in order to hard mew, so I focus on it then, but other wise I’ve just changed my resting position.

How long did it take? I don’t know, I’m not sure when exactly I learnt how to raise my hyoid bone but it must have been somewhere between 20-6 month ago.

When you wake up and find that you’ve mewed all through the night that’s an indication that your new posture has become subconscious. How long that will take is not something I’m sure of.
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Good oral posture helps keep the hyoid in a good position. It's probably the only benefit of mewing.
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Good oral posture helps keep the hyoid in a good position. It's probably the only benefit of mewing.
yeah, raising my hyoid makes me side profile go from subhuman to human
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Try mew
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you should get more lean but this might interest you.

"Our results demonstrated that high-speed jaw-opening exercise resulted in increased elevation velocity of the hyoid bone during swallowing, indicating its role in effectively strengthening the fast-twitch muscle fibers of suprahyoid muscles. Furthermore, since the rest position of the hyoid bone appeared to have improved"

Doubt it will have much effect on you but worth a shot. hyoid is suspended solely by muscle if I am not mistaken, so you actually might be able to improve it's position by training and tightening those muscles.
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you should get more lean but this might interest you.

"Our results demonstrated that high-speed jaw-opening exercise resulted in increased elevation velocity of the hyoid bone during swallowing, indicating its role in effectively strengthening the fast-twitch muscle fibers of suprahyoid muscles. Furthermore, since the rest position of the hyoid bone appeared to have improved"

Doubt it will have much effect on you but worth a shot. hyoid is suspended solely by muscle if I am not mistaken, so you actually might be able to improve it's position by training and tightening those muscles.
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