Is this chick giving me IOIs or am i just being delusional?



Hello Friend. This Only Works If You Let Go, Too
Nov 16, 2024
This girl in my class is at least stacylite, and whenever I watch a television show or something in the middle of class, she always asks what I'm watching or shows interest in what I'm doing. When I miss school for a few days, she always snaps me, asking if I'm coming tomorrow. The hey always has three or four y's in it, but I should mention that I'm the loner kid type shit, and she might be doing this out of pity
Should i make a move bros if i do make a move and fail literally everyone in my school will know since she is kind of popular
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Just start talking to her more and more and build up and then ask her out
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Make a move if u fail go ER
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She wants you no bs
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you need to do something, if you don't you will regret it
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its quite common
foids are vermin pieces of shit
no girl tries to imitate something with no meaning especially on social media
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no girl tries to imitate something with no meaning especially on social media
nah they do trust me
why do u think they will match but flake u
its for the ego boost
they love it
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She is just being nice.

Ask yourself, ''Am I handsome and attractive for real?''
If you are indeed handsome, then she is probably interested.

It could go wrong as you said since she is popular, so be honest with yourself, does she have any reason to be attracted to you and your body?
  • JFL
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She is just being nice.

Ask yourself, ''Am I handsome and attractive for real?''
If you are indeed handsome, then she is probably interested.
If you are not, it's dellusion.

nah they do trust me
why do u think they will match but flake u
its for the ego boost
they love it
IMG 5537

Don’t listen to them
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nah they do trust me
why do u think they will match but flake u
its for the ego boost
they love it
Except he knows her irl and she initiates convos with him
  • JFL
Reactions: Jova and Suns9999
Except he knows her irl and she initiates convos with him
muh irl doesnt change anything
if they will do it online they would do it irl
im just saying its a possibility anyway
u urself cant be so sure of what will happen buddy
  • JFL
Reactions: Jova and Suns9999
She is just being nice.

Ask yourself, ''Am I handsome and attractive for real?''
If you are indeed handsome, then she is probably interested.

It could go wrong as you said since she is popular, so be honest with yourself, does she have any reason to be attracted to you and your body?
Listen to this before doing anything.
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Send your face to see what you can do
IMG 20241227 213715
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Im 16 and 6'1 with shoes on i know im probably MTN at best but comp in eastern europe is low also i don't have a buzz anymore that is an old photo
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Except he knows her irl and she initiates convos with him
That's what people do when they are being nice. That doesn't mean she is attracted to him. She will only be attracted if he is handsome
  • JFL
Reactions: Jova and Suns9999
This girl in my class is at least stacylite, and whenever I watch a television show or something in the middle of class, she always asks what I'm watching or shows interest in what I'm doing. When I miss school for a few days, she always snaps me, asking if I'm coming tomorrow. The hey always has three or four y's in it, but I should mention that I'm the loner kid type shit, and she might be doing this out of pity
Should i make a move bros if i do make a move and fail literally everyone in my school will know since she is kind of popular
If you're at least 5'10 and high mtn then they are probably IOIs, if you're 6'+ and at least htn they're definitely IOIs (and you know deep down how good you look so don't cope)

If you really do fit the previous requirements make sure to keep on acting like you don't care, or at least care about her less than she cares about you, but still put in some effort to maintain the relationship

Also give it time, like at the very least a month or two before shooting your shot even if after 2 weeks you can tell she likes you, (by shooting your shot i don't mean asking her out thats lowkey a turn off)
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Yh high mtn imo you're around the same tier as me. Ngl i doubt she's stacylite probably high mtb-low htb but go for it
Yeah she is more of a htb with eye colour halo
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Yeah she is more of a htb with eye colour halo
lucky ass nigga yh go for it before it's too late. im telling you as hmtn you ain't gonna get a chance like this again (unless you fully softmax)
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Yeah bro be emotional, not logical. Make him believe she is interested in him even if he is an ugly below average guy.
Nigga a ltn can get in a relationship by being NT dumbass
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lucky ass nigga yh go for it before it's too late. im telling you as hmtn you ain't gonna get a chance like this again (unless you fully softmax)
Didn't I tell you were cl
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