Is this lifting program okay? Gymcels GTFIH

Deleted member 3259

Deleted member 3259

Sep 22, 2019
As a beginner btw.

Monday (lift):
5x5 OHP
5x5 chin ups
5x5 bench
3x5 leg press
3x10 facepulls

Tuesday (cardio):


- Distance running
- HIIT training
- Sleds

Wednesday (lift):
5x5 OHP
5x5 chin ups
5x5 bench
3x4 deadlift
3x10 facepulls

Thursday (cardio):


- Distance running
- HIIT training
- Sleds

Friday (lift):
5x5 OHP
5x5 chin ups
5x5 bench
3x3 leg press
3x10 facepulls

Before anyone asks why there aren't any squats... I have a knee problem which prevents me from doing it, and I don't feel like risking it. I am just wondering if this is a fine workout program though, or if there is something I should switch up?
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@KingOfRome @Tellem--t
It kinda sucks

squats, barbell row, pull ups 404

Full body is fine if you're a beginner, PPL is far superior though

Way too much cardio, you don't need a separate day for cardio, just do some cardio to warm up before your workout

You say you're a beginner just unironically run Stronglifts 5x5 it's decent. After some time get a PPL routine.
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It kinda sucks

squats, barbell row, pull ups 404

Full body is fine if you're a beginner, PPL is far superior though

Way too much cardio, you don't need a separate day for cardio, just do some cardio to warm up before your workout

You say you're a beginner just unironically run Stronglifts 5x5 it's decent. After some time get a PPL routine.
i don’t like the 5x5 chin ups thingy IMO things like pull ups and Push ups should just be trained till failure that’s how the muscle becomes bigger
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It kinda sucks

squats, barbell row, pull ups 404

Full body is fine if you're a beginner, PPL is far superior though

Way too much cardio, you don't need a separate day for cardio, just do some cardio to warm up before your workout

You say you're a beginner just unironically run Stronglifts 5x5 it's decent. After some time get a PPL routine.
U need cardio if u want to live long.
If you're a new gymcel
I would advice GZCLP as this is made for beginners but enough variety to not get boring some weeks in
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It kinda sucks

squats, barbell row, pull ups 404

Full body is fine if you're a beginner, PPL is far superior though

Way too much cardio, you don't need a separate day for cardio, just do some cardio to warm up before your workout

You say you're a beginner just unironically run Stronglifts 5x5 it's decent. After some time get a PPL routine.

I looked up 5x5 stronglifts now. Is it just 3 different kinds of lifts per day?
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i don’t like the 5x5 chin ups thingy IMO things like pull ups and Push ups should just be trained till failure that’s how the muscle becomes bigger
0649F8FC 9C74 4596 9AEE D6B0DF5F3781
32D6C149 3B1A 4521 B957 5549F1E9B275

If he's a beginner this will be more than enough.

COMPOUND LIFTS are crucial
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U need cardio if u want to live long.
Yes you can do about 10 minutes of running before your workout to warm up. You don't need a whole day dedicated to cardio.
Overhead press stunts growth.
what the fuck?
I looked up 5x5 stronglifts now. Is it just 3 different kinds of lifts per day?

These are the most important lifts and ALL you need as a beginner.

These are the compound lifts.
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Yes you can do about 10 minutes of running before your workout to warm up. You don't need a whole day dedicated to cardio.

what the fuck?


These are the most important lifts and ALL you need as a beginner.

These are the compound lifts.

Okay, but was it fine to switch out squats for leg press? The reason I had to switch them out was because I have even been told by my doctor, prior to starting all this up, that I can not do squats due to issues with my knee. Thats why I took it off the first program that I posted as well.
Okay, but was it fine to switch out squats for leg press? The reason I had to switch them out was because I have even been told by my doctor, prior to starting all this up, that I can not do squats due to issues with my knee. Thats why I took it off the first program that I posted as well.
Well I suppose that leg press is an acceptable substitute for squat

As far as I'm concerned leg press actually has a greater risk of getting injured than squat. Also not to mention that squat is more effective.

But yes, leg press can be used instead
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Well I suppose that leg press is an acceptable substitute for squat

As far as I'm concerned leg press actually has a greater risk of getting injured than squat. Also not to mention that squat is more effective.

But yes, leg press can be used instead

It's not so much about injury. I have knock knees, which makes squats impossible lol
Listen to @6ft1 he high IQ regarding this

But honestly u gotta find a program u like so u will keep going
Might not be the most optimal program but staying consistent is important
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In that case do leg press instead

Ok great. So since it just says week 1 and week 2, then I am assuming this means that I am supposed to go 3 times a week and then just switch inbetween those two each week that I go, like back and forth for a few months?
Ok great. So since it just says week 1 and week 2, then I am assuming this means that I am supposed to go 3 times a week and then just switch inbetween those two each week that I go, like back and forth for a few months?

Running this program you will notice rapid strength gains. You can very efficiently run this for at least a few months, half a year or even a full year. After that just switch to PPL.

Running this program you will notice rapid strength gains. You can very efficiently run this for at least a few months, half a year or even a full year. After that just switch to PPL.
On the 2 off days, could i introduce HIIT such as running? Since I am 5'10 and 195 lbs which is like 25% bodyfat, not really looking to recomp and I kind of just want to cut down to like 15% before I do anything else. I know the argument can be made then that you lose muscle mass maybe by cutting instantly, but newbie gains are still gonna pull through even if I instantly cut down right?
On the 2 off days, could i introduce HIIT such as running? Since I am 5'10 and 195 lbs which is like 25% bodyfat, not really looking to recomp and I kind of just want to cut down to like 15% before I do anything else. I know the argument can be made then that you lose muscle mass maybe by cutting instantly, but newbie gains are still gonna pull through even if I instantly cut down right?
If you have the energy for it, sure

Just remember that RECOVERY is CRUCIAL

The secret of dropping body fat is not in CARDIO but in DIET
If you have the energy for it, sure

Just remember that RECOVERY is CRUCIAL

The secret of dropping body fat is not in CARDIO but in DIET
Yeah yeah, that I do know. Regardless of my current weight, the whole diet part I actually know about. I know the calorie intake I am supposed to have, the amount of protein I need and all that other shit. I am not really gonna go on a bro diet of chicken rice and veggies everyday, but I will most likely just do IF and then count calories and keep track of protein intake.

If you were in my position, even if you wouldn't add cardio on the 2 off days, would you still start off by cutting to 15% regardless? Or would you just try to recomp
As a beginner btw.

Monday (lift):
5x5 OHP
5x5 chin ups
5x5 bench
3x5 leg press
3x10 facepulls

Tuesday (cardio):


- Distance running
- HIIT training
- Sleds

Wednesday (lift):
5x5 OHP
5x5 chin ups
5x5 bench
3x4 deadlift
3x10 facepulls

Thursday (cardio):


- Distance running
- HIIT training
- Sleds

Friday (lift):
5x5 OHP
5x5 chin ups
5x5 bench
3x3 leg press
3x10 facepulls

Before anyone asks why there aren't any squats... I have a knee problem which prevents me from doing it, and I don't feel like risking it. I am just wondering if this is a fine workout program though, or if there is something I should switch up?
I would exchange the leg press for barbell squats. Everything else looks okay as long as you're willing to add weight to your chin-ups. You'll also want a row or some other horizontal pulling motion.

I know 6ft1 is recommending Stronglifts, but it has the same problem as Starting Strength in that there's too much lower body volume and too little upper body volume. You'll end up with thicc thighs and skinny arms. I'd recommend Phrak's Greyskull LP instead.

If you were in my position, even if you wouldn't add cardio on the 2 off days, would you still start off by cutting to 15% regardless? Or would you just try to recomp
Yes, please cut to 15% at the absolute fattest. Recomping always has been and always will be a wild goose chase. If the bulky "bearmode" look is your goal and appeals to you, you can bulk and cut between 15% and 20% body fat. If you want the leaner more "aesthetic" look, 15-20% won't cut it, your range needs to be 10-15% or even 8-12%.
Yes, please cut to 15% at the absolute fattest. Recomping always has been and always will be a wild goose chase. If the bulky "bearmode" look is your goal and appeals to you, you can bulk and cut between 15% and 20% body fat. If you want the leaner more "aesthetic" look, 15-20% won't cut it, your range needs to be 10-15% or even 8-12%.

Thing is that I want the more leaner aesthetic look, but the thing is that everytime I post on here about this, people tell me that if I were to cut from my current weight, when I get down to the "aesthetic" bodyfat, that basically I am just going to be a skeleton, regardless of the newbie gains that I get along the way.
Thing is that I want the more leaner aesthetic look, but the thing is that everytime I post on here about this, people tell me that if I were to cut from my current weight, when I get down to the "aesthetic" bodyfat, that basically I am just going to be a skeleton, regardless of the newbie gains that I get along the way.
They're right, you are going to look like a skeleton. Whether you choose to get that lean right away depends on whether you're more comfortable being smaller than you'd like, or fatter than you'd like. Going from 15-20% temporarily until you gain a respectable amount of lean mass will work, but so will going to 10% right away. A problem you might get with putting off cutting is you're going to have a longer cut ahead of you, and you might be disappointed with how small you still are underneath the fat once you're finished.
They're right, you are going to look like a skeleton. Whether you choose to get that lean right away depends on whether you're more comfortable being smaller than you'd like, or fatter than you'd like. Going from 15-20% temporarily until you gain a respectable amount of lean mass will work, but so will going to 10% right away. A problem you might get with putting off cutting is you're going to have a longer cut ahead of you, and you might be disappointed with how small you still are underneath the fat once you're finished.
So can you tell me exactly what should be done from my end? Would you instantly cut down to 10%?
So can you tell me exactly what should be done from my end? Would you instantly cut down to 10%?
If I were to go back in time and coach my old skinny-fat self, I'd make him cut to 10%. Your body deals with surplus calories more efficiently when you're leaner, and you'll be able to see your muscle gains much sooner than you would have if you'd put off cutting until later.
If I were to go back in time and coach my old skinny-fat self, I'd make him cut to 10%. Your body deals with surplus calories more efficiently when you're leaner, and you'll be able to see your muscle gains much sooner than you would have if you'd put off cutting until later.

Awesome. So I cut to 10%, then bulk up to like 15, then cut again and you always sort of keep it between those two numbers or?
Awesome. So I cut to 10%, then bulk up to like 15, then cut again and you always sort of keep it between those two numbers or?
That's exactly it, yes. Until you hit a wall where bulking naturally doesn't give you any more muscle, which will happen within about three years. Then you either maintain 10%, or turn in your natty card and keep going.
That's exactly it, yes. Until you hit a wall where bulking naturally doesn't give you any more muscle, which will happen within about three years. Then you either maintain 10%, or turn in your natty card and keep going.

Another thing I am curious about, idk if you know. If I am 195 lbs currently and I guess what would be 25% bodyfat, idk if more or less. By the time I hit 10% bodyfat, what do you estimate my weight to be?
Ur a real one for helping me out. Are you gymmaxxed?
I was more or less maxxed out on my natty limit last November and was pretty lean and aesthetic. Then I had surgery and lost 10-15 pounds in recovery. Almost as soon as I could lift again, I started taking steroids and bloatmaxxing. So right now I'm a smidge above my natty limit in terms of lean mass, but I'm also a bit chunky and need to go on a diet if I want to get lean again...
I was more or less maxxed out on my natty limit last November and was pretty lean and aesthetic. Then I had surgery and lost 10-15 pounds in recovery. Almost as soon as I could lift again, I started taking steroids and bloatmaxxing. So right now I'm a smidge above my natty limit in terms of lean mass, but I'm also a bit chunky and need to go on a diet if I want to get lean again...
I am excited to see how my face will change, have always been fatcel jfl. Since I am like 25% now, when do you think I notice face changes? Does it usually start at like 15%?
I am excited to see how my face will change, have always been fatcel jfl. Since I am like 25% now, when do you think I notice face changes? Does it usually start at like 15%?
It could start as high as 20% depending on your genetics, but going down to 10-12% is going to make a night and day difference. Even at 15%, your face will look more chiseled and very different from 25%.
It could start as high as 20% depending on your genetics, but going down to 10-12% is going to make a night and day difference. Even at 15%, your face will look more chiseled and very different from 25%.

Also do you think I actually am 25%? Sry for all questions btw lol. Like I am assuming I am 25%. I have never gone to the gym so I dont really have any muscle mass and I am 195 lbs at 5'10. Some people in here said that I am most likely even more lol
Also do you think I actually am 25%? Sry for all questions btw lol. Like I am assuming I am 25%. I have never gone to the gym so I dont really have any muscle mass and I am 195 lbs at 5'10. Some people in here said that I am most likely even more lol
If this is just by visual estimation, you're probably underestimating your body fat by at least 5%. Try to get a good estimate with skinfold calipers or a waist circumference formula if you haven't already. 195 lbs at 5'10 as a non-lifter is quite fat and I wouldn't be shocked if you were actually 35% body fat.
If this is just by visual estimation, you're probably underestimating your body fat by at least 5%. Try to get a good estimate with skinfold calipers or a waist circumference formula if you haven't already. 195 lbs at 5'10 as a non-lifter is quite fat and I wouldn't be shocked if you were actually 35% body fat.
Thanks for all the advice man. Ur a real nigga
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As a professional lifter I'm gonna have to say no
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