Is travelling overrated?


Deleted member 4310

Dec 11, 2019
I've been to many european countries but I feel like it's only exciting the first few times when you get to experience a new culture to get some perspective but after that you realize that every Place on earth is the same, filled with normies and life just carries on as usual there. When you're an adult you can't really relax and forget about your problems and live in the moment so flying to the other side of the planet won't help you cope. Travelling is only worth it if it will give you a unique experience that you can't get at home and you will remember for the rest of your Life.

Foids will complain about "muh climate change" and then hop on a plane to Asia for instagram Pictures and become "spiritual" by riding enslaved elephants and practice some weird Asian yoga.
Instagram killed it
Everyone just want to show others how cool he is , taking cool photos from traveling, people are traveling with cellphones at their hands
Instagram killed it
Everyone just want to show others how cool he is , taking cool photos from traveling, people are traveling with cellphones at their hands
Yeah sometimes it feels like people only travel to places that will look good on their instagram. I wonder how much worldwide tourism would drop if instagram shut down for a month.
its fun with friends/gf

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