Is wageslaving no longer a viable way to actually get money?


Deleted member 6186

Apr 5, 2020
Lets face it, being a wagecuck sucks ass. Unless you're in something like High Finance, Biglaw, Medicine etc (Aka for the top 5% of people) you 're probably in a shitty job that doesn't compensate you enough compared to the hours and effort put into it. With constant rising expenses, increased rental and of course inflation, it seems like you are losing out more each year. Not to mention there are less and less jobs but more and more people. That means the workers bargaining power is getting squeezed out every year.

I was wondering why so many are trying to go intro Crypto, Robin Hood, Dropshipping, Streaming, IG-ing etc. I though its coz they were impatient fucks who felt like they were too good to get a job and wanted an easy way out.

But as I get older, I realized late capitalism doesn't fucking work. Doing stuff the "right" way is no longer viable. Look how many people are having dead end jobs and still can't even pay their fucking rent. How many rich people actually got rich by working anyway? If I bought BTC 10 years ago and held on, I would be able to retire already. Thats right, I don't contribute any damn value buying some internet coins but somehow I will have more money than 100 wageslaves combined. I will have my own house, own steady income from using the money to purchase dividends stock, own schedule etc. All of this defines the traditional way of thinking to work for my living. But I don't give a fuck. I don't wanna work. I wanna actually have money!!!!

Realistically I don't expect to be like that. But I can see why people still try these methods. Because its a great source of additional income on the side especially if you are sucessful with it. I think in today's world, you have to go to these sort of things just to even get a comfortable living.

Most people still try the traditional way because they are scared stuff that isn't "traditional" will blow up in their face. I thought the same but like I said, in today's world I can't even see the traditional way working alone.

@TheMewingBBC Thoughts?
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I agree, i have nothing in my life so im going to careermaxx, but ive already picked the tech/IT industry and its not looking good. Ive got no idea what jobs actually pay (if any). It seems to me the only way is to create some retarded startup and get lucky.
You are just a cog in the machine
Untilll the elites active the Ai machine and exterminate alll "non ESSENTIAL " people its coming
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Lets face it, being a wagecuck sucks ass. Unless you're in something like High Finance, Biglaw, Medicine etc (Aka for the top 5% of people) you 're probably in a shitty job that doesn't compensate you enough compared to the hours and effort put into it. With constant rising expenses, increased rental and of course inflation, it seems like you are losing out more each year. Not to mention there are less and less jobs but more and more people. That means the workers bargaining power is getting squeezed out every year.

I was wondering why so many are trying to go intro Crypto, Robin Hood, Dropshipping, Streaming, IG-ing etc. I though its coz they were impatient fucks who felt like they were too good to get a job and wanted an easy way out.

But as I get older, I realized late capitalism doesn't fucking work. Doing stuff the "right" way is no longer viable. Look how many people are having dead end jobs and still can't even pay their fucking rent. How many rich people actually got rich by working anyway? If I bought BTC 10 years ago and held on, I would be able to retire already. Thats right, I don't contribute any damn value buying some internet coins but somehow I will have more money than 100 wageslaves combined. I will have my own house, own steady income from using the money to purchase dividends stock, own schedule etc. All of this defines the traditional way of thinking to work for my living. But I don't give a fuck. I don't wanna work. I wanna actually have money!!!!

Realistically I don't expect to be like that. But I can see why people still try these methods. Because its a great source of additional income on the side especially if you are sucessful with it. I think in today's world, you have to go to these sort of things just to even get a comfortable living.

Most people still try the traditional way because they are scared stuff that isn't "traditional" will blow up in their face. I thought the same but like I said, in today's world I can't even see the traditional way working alone.

@TheMewingBBC Thoughts?

The system requires wage cucks to exist. Who will pay the taxes , who will pay the rents, who will buy consumer goods etc.

You are trained and brainwashed as a child to be a wage cuck I.e. school and to remain as one untill you are dead.


1. just own the means of production be it a business or assets.
2.Understand economics so you can be 10 steps ahead of everyone else. 95% "investors" have no fucking clue about economics.
3. understand financing so you can access capital to leverage your assets to buy more assets.

All three steps are critical.
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Didn't read your thread, but based on the title I think it's absolutely true. Depends a bit on the country though. But now with 50% of the population gettnig degrees, a lot of them going into STEM, medicine, law, finance etc. It's getting increasingly hard to get into the top 10% of income, and even if you get there, the difference between a top 10% income and an average one isn't that big (especially in Europe). I'd still recommend becoming a stemcel though, because it's the best option tbh.
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If you are a teen without living expenses it can be an amazing way to save for surgeries.

As an adult it depends on your job. If you are at subsistence level you are kind of fucked and are going to have to gamble. If you make more than that you can take advantage of compounding or save for surgeries.
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I agree, i have nothing in my life so im going to careermaxx, but ive already picked the tech/IT industry and its not looking good. Ive got no idea what jobs actually pay (if any). It seems to me the only way is to create some retarded startup and get lucky.
TBH if you want to get rich by having a career in CS, your only option is fintech/FAANG and for that you will have to train over and over on algorithms and data structure. I'm personally not gonna go this way but just go for a normal job and do my own thing on the side
mfw i'm in high finance :chad: you're basically selling your life to the career though and people underestimate how draining it is to have your life consist of nothing but long work-days and defeating dead-lines

if i could choose again it would go into computer or data science. gives you a way better work life balance and also a great income

also good post. everything you said is true. but you can still make tons of money if you go into the traits. yes it's physical labour, yes it isn't perceived as high-class in society but you can't get automated and there will always be a demand, meaning you can charge good prices
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mfw i'm in high finance :chad: you're basically selling your life to the career though and people underestimate how draining it is to have your life consist of nothing but long work-days and defeating dead-lines

if i could choose again it would go into computer or data science. give you a way better work life balance and also a great income

also good post. everything is you said is true. but you can still make tons of money if you go into the traits. yes it's physical labour, yes it isn't perceived as high-class in society but you can't get automated and there will always be a demand, meaning you can charge good prices
Masquerade bluecel is in high finance :oops:
mfw i'm in high finance :chad: you're basically selling your life to the career though and people underestimate how draining it is to have your life consist of nothing but long work-days and defeating dead-lines

if i could choose again it would go into computer or data science. gives you a way better work life balance and also a great income

also good post. everything you said is true. but you can still make tons of money if you go into the traits. yes it's physical labour, yes it isn't perceived as high-class in society but you can't get automated and there will always be a demand, meaning you can charge good prices
Lifefuel for my low IQ jfl.
I somehow managed to get on HAVO level, if im correct the German equivalent of that is Realschule
Lifefuel for my low IQ jfl.
I somehow managed to get on HAVO level, if im correct the German equivalent of that is Realschule
smart frog, as always.
but i also went to a realschule first and only got my abitur after i already finished what would be your HAVO level.

i also have a friend who first went to the lowest school we have in germany, then to realschule then did his abitur and now got a computer science degree from a good university.

there's hope for everyone
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smart frog, as always.
but also went to a realschule first and only got my abitur after i already finished what would be your HAVO level.

i also have a friend who first went to the lowest school we have in germany, then to realschule then did his abitur and now got a computer science degree from a good university.

there's hope for everyone
Yeah, i kinda need to figure out what degree i'll be studying since after these 6 weeks of summer break im in my last 6/7 montha of school.

Oh yeah, tanning lotion came in today, so far after applying it and biking in the sun is see a veeery tine change i color, and thats on the first day so im hyped to see where im at next week!
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Most people want a relatively easy, comfortable life that they can just kinda plod along in - which the traditional 'get a good job and save' advice is still sufficient for

It all depends on what your definition of 'getting money' is. I can tell you though there is no way to make serious money without working hard or being very lucky ie your bitcoin example
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Do real estate investing, (start with wholesaling contracts and then from there with experience, connect with some home flippers and shadow them and in couple of weeks you can start home flipping from the money you earned from wholesaling or property finding for renters and sellers).

All the education is online and you don't have to pay for any real estate class.
Income tax, paying for the healthcare of dying boomers through forced healthcare plans, paying for boomer pensions, paying for NEETs and rapefugees, paying for bullshit climate-change plans, paying for education of kids that aren't yours, paying for single moms, and so on.

The average worker drone is getting scammed so hard it's not even funny. I will never work full-time in the netherlands.
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I ain't a communist. But holy shit is modern capitalism rigged against most of us.

No wonder many people are trying to "Hustle" these days. Why the fuck would you try playing a game thats so rigged against you?
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I ain't a communist. But holy shit is modern capitalism rigged against most of us.

No wonder many people are trying to "Hustle" these days. Why the fuck would you try playing a game thats so rigged against you?
Most people will have to fucking work till the day they fucking die. Thats capitalism and theres nothing you can do to change that, you just gotta grind ma nigga.
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all i know is that if i wage slave my whole life and it looks like i will have no chance to have low effort income i’ll just give up. i can’t do that i would rather rope
mfw i'm in high finance :chad: you're basically selling your life to the career though and people underestimate how draining it is to have your life consist of nothing but long work-days and defeating dead-lines

if i could choose again it would go into computer or data science. gives you a way better work life balance and also a great income

also good post. everything you said is true. but you can still make tons of money if you go into the traits. yes it's physical labour, yes it isn't perceived as high-class in society but you can't get automated and there will always be a demand, meaning you can charge good prices
wdym it wont get automated? my family says jobs like carpenter are already mostly automated are they bullshitting me?
wdym it wont get automated? my family says jobs like carpenter are already mostly automated are they bullshitting me?
It is already almost fully automated
wdym it wont get automated? my family says jobs like carpenter are already mostly automated are they bullshitting me?
by traits i mean stuff like plumbers, electricians, painters, roofers etc.

sell your work, not your product. of course no ones is going to buy your $1000 table if you can buy one from ikea for $200.
Most people will have to fucking work till the day they fucking die. Thats capitalism and theres nothing you can do to change that, you just gotta grind ma nigga.

No its not Capitalism, its the bullshit so
I ain't a communist. But holy shit is modern capitalism rigged against most of us.

No wonder many people are trying to "Hustle" these days. Why the fuck would you try playing a game thats so rigged against you?

Its not Captialism

Its the FUCKING JEWS, Jews fuck up the education system ( muh communism goyim ), brainwash everyone with their propaganda machine ( MSM ), and constantly get us into endless wars, mass illegal immagration, feminism ( 50% more workers in the workforce, single moms, divorce courts ), the welfare state

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No its not Capitalism, its the bullshit so

Its not Captialism

Its the FUCKING JEWS, Jews fuck up the education system ( muh communism goyim ), brainwash everyone with their propaganda machine ( MSM ), and constantly get us into endless wars, mass illegal immagration, feminism ( 50% more workers in the workforce, single moms, divorce courts ), the welfare state

View attachment 522088
mostly the last point. the jews don't really make a big difference because they are so few in numbers but doubling the work-force makes it near impossible for a single earner household to make ends meet. and having automation take over doesn't help others but the tech billionairs who accumulate all the money they save by not having to pay workers
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mostly the last point. the jews don't really make because they are so few in numbers but doubling the work-force makes it near impossible for a single earner household to make ends meet
Jews control society thru the media and politcal bribes

Jews also always help each other out, they are the biggest parasites in every country they ever visited

Kicked out of 109 countires for a reason

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mostly the last point. the jews don't really make a big difference because they are so few in numbers but doubling the work-force makes it near impossible for a single earner household to make ends meet
Females shouldn't be allowed to work, period. That just makes their hypergamy worse.
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Females shouldn't be allowed to work, period. That just makes their hypergamy worse.
so true, would solve low real wages and fix hypergamy in the same blow. good old times when they weren't as free to choose as they are today
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so true, would solve low real wages and fix hypergamy in the same blow. good old times when they weren't as free to choose as they are today
Would only make it better for betabuxxers tbh, Chad doesn't have to have money to fuck foids. lol However, it would still be better than currently.
You are just a cog in the machine
Untilll the elites active the Ai machine and exterminate alll "non ESSENTIAL " people its coming
Someone saw Westworld
no way this is nibba. @Dutcher confirm it
This is some butthurt nibba level looking to blame players.
You either kill the elite players (Nazis) or kill the system (commie scum)
This is some butthurt nibba level looking to blame players.
You either kill the elite players (Nazis) or kill the system (commie scum)
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Jews invented communism
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if i wasn't to repelled to working till i die i would support communism.

the blind hate for it is indoctrinated into every westerner nowadays. yes, a jew came up with it, but look at the modern communist countries and another look at the western capitalist countries. which are run by jews?
Look at my reply above. Its evil to its core. Ask anyone who ever lived in a communist land. Nothing comes close to that feeling when you hear a knock at 1 pm and the KGB has come to collect
So fuck him and fuck anyone who ever touched that evil idea. Same az nazism burn them all
huh? did your ancestors get sent to the gulag for revolting or what are you so salty about?
and jews hold power in all western capitalist countries now and basically none in the communist countries. that's a bad argument
Communisy countries have no economy for Jews to steal from

I believe the Nazi Party is the only answer to our situation:
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huh? did your ancestors get sent to the gulag for revolting or what are you so salty about?
Ye my ancestors were part of the russian noble class. You can imagine what happened them
Communisy countries have no economy for Jews to steal from

I believe the Nazi Party is the only answer to our situation:

cope. they prospered even though they were under heavy international pressure and turned a mostly dumb, poor country to a nuclear power within 30 years
Communisy countries have no economy for Jews to steal from

I believe the Nazi Party is the only answer to our situation:

Enjoy being sacrificed like a dumbass for dear leader for "muh motherland". Go ask the 3 million dead german teenagers whos bones still rot in eastern Europe
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Ye my ancestors were part of the russian noble class. You can imagine what happened them
shouldn't have revolted. and basically every nobel back in the days did also do repelling things to their underlings
shouldn't have revolted. and that's the difference between Leninism and communism
They didnt revolt
My great grandfather waa killed 20 years after the revoultion since they finaly found him hiding in Ukraine
They didnt revolt
My great grandfather waa killed 20 years after the revoultion since they finaly found him hiding in Ukraine
based, how close were you to nicholas? did you have a legitimate claim to the throne? couldn't explain it otherwise
Enjoy being sacrificed like a dumbass for dear leader for "muh motherland". Go ask the 3 million dead german teenagers whos bones still rot in eastern Europe
Oh wow it only took the U.S., most of England, and Russia to take down Germany

If U.S. hadnt joined the war you would be Aryan master race instead of subhuman wage slave on this site
based, how close were you to nicholas? did you have a legitimate claim to the throne?
Lmao no. My great grandmather was part of the court but my great grandfather came from a line of priests that were close to the nobel class
cope. they prospered even though they were under heavy international pressure and turned a mostly dumb, poor country to a nuclear power within 30 years
When was the last time Putin said 1 bad thing about Israel ????????
Oh wow it only took the U.S., most of England, and Russia to take down Germany

If U.S. hadnt joined the war you would be Aryan master race instead of subhuman wage slave on this site
Bro you act very low IQ educate yourself for real and dont let this world put you down with faux shit ideologies. Look after yo self
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