İslam Does Not Allow Child Marriage (Read This)



Jan 13, 2025
The first thing that needs to be reminded to those who attack our Prophet by using the age of Hazrat Aisha as an excuse and claim that child marriage is allowed in the Quran is that the provisions will only be learned from the Quran and that they should not give credit to sources that are not in agreement with the Quran. Allah says, "We have not left anything out in the book..." (Surah An'am, 38). In the Quran, which is complete, of course, the time of an important issue such as marriage is also mentioned.

Try the orphans until they reach the age of marriage; If you see any maturity in them, give them their property immediately. .. (Surah Nisa, 6)

“Do not approach the orphan's property - except in the most beautiful (way) - until he reaches the age of puberty…” (Surah An'am, 152)

If you read the verses carefully, it says to try the orphans "until they reach the age of marriage". If you see "maturity" in them, give them their property, he says. In the second verse, it is said not to touch the orphan's property except in the most beautiful way "until he reaches the age of maturity when he can control his property." A small child does not know the concept of money. He does not know what savings are, what is affordable shopping, and in which area he can increase his money by investing it. If you give the child money, he will either buy candy or chocolate with it. Therefore, the age at which he will control his property is not the age of physical maturity, but the age of mental maturity. Likewise, the age at which they will reach marriage is not the adolescence period when they reach physical maturity, but the adolescence/youth period when they reach mental maturity and can control their property.

The word "rushden" is used in the verse. It means that men and women must be "of age".

“Rushd: The ability to find the right path
Rashid: The person who shows the right path to others.
Rashid: A person who has the capacity to come to the right path.
Murshid: "The one who guides, educates and enlightens"

Mehir is the money or property that a man gives to a woman when he marries in Islamic Law. Mehir is given directly to the woman, not to the woman's family. According to the above verses, the age at which goods are delivered to their owner is the age at which that person can control his property. Therefore, the woman who receives dower must be of an age where she can control this property or money.

Claims that Hazrat Aisha married at the age of 6-9 do not comply with the age specified for marriage in the Quran. The marriage age indicated in the Quran is fully compatible with the age limit in our current Civil Code. Also Hz. Bukhari, the addressee of the sources where Aysha's age is narrated, lived 238 years after our prophet, Muslim 243 years, Tirmidhi 260 years, Abu Dawud 256 years, Nasai 238 years, Ibn Maja 263 years. Hz. Ayşe's age is reported as 6 in some sources, 9 in some sources, and 18 in some sources. In general, the reference for marriage age is the Quran. The Quran marks the age of mental maturity for marriage.
However, ignoring this clear evidence, some atheists claim that the phrase "not menstruating" in verse 4 of Surah Talak refers to a small child.

“If you hesitate about the iddah of those among your women who have stopped menstruating (entering menopause), their iddah period is three months. The periods of those who do not menstruate are also like this. The iddah of pregnant women ends when they give birth to their children. "Whoever fears God and protects himself from disobeying Him, God will make it easy for him in his work." (Talak, 4)

The waiting period for women who have stopped menstruating, that is, who have entered the menopause period, is 3 months. Why wait 3 months? To find out if you are pregnant. Can a child who does not menstruate become pregnant? No. Then there is no need to wait 3 months. A woman who becomes pregnant does not menstruate. However, it takes time to realize that you are pregnant. For women in this situation, the waiting period is 3 months. Those who are certain of pregnancy wait until birth.

The expression 'vellai lem yahidne', which is translated as girls who have not menstruated in the translations, is the condition called "secondary amenorrhea" medically. In other words, it refers to women who do not menstruate because their menstrual cycle is disrupted (who normally menstruate but do not menstruate for a period of 3 months or more for various reasons).

In verse 4 of Surah Talak, the expression "not yet menstruated" is not mentioned in some translations. In order to say that she has not yet menstruated, the word "ellaaiii lemma yahidne" must be mentioned.

Lem: It means that it will never happen, or it has never happened.

Lemma: It means that it has not happened yet but will happen.

The word "Nisa" in the verse is a word used for adult women. If the person who did not menstruate was a child, then the words "Vildan, Veled, Benat..." should have been mentioned. However, the word "Nisa", which describes adult women, is mentioned in the verse.

As a result, the Quran does not allow child marriage. Only societies far from the Quran practice this type of wrong practice. Due to wrong and deliberate translations, atheists and bigots claim that Islam allows child marriage. Children are beings that need compassion, no one can find evidence from the Quran for their perverted views.
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Dnr fuck islam
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The first thing that needs to be reminded to those who attack our Prophet by using the age of Hazrat Aisha as an excuse and claim that child marriage is allowed in the Quran is that the provisions will only be learned from the Quran and that they should not give credit to sources that are not in agreement with the Quran. Allah says, "We have not left anything out in the book..." (Surah An'am, 38). In the Quran, which is complete, of course, the time of an important issue such as marriage is also mentioned.

Try the orphans until they reach the age of marriage; If you see any maturity in them, give them their property immediately. .. (Surah Nisa, 6)

“Do not approach the orphan's property - except in the most beautiful (way) - until he reaches the age of puberty…” (Surah An'am, 152)

If you read the verses carefully, it says to try the orphans "until they reach the age of marriage". If you see "maturity" in them, give them their property, he says. In the second verse, it is said not to touch the orphan's property except in the most beautiful way "until he reaches the age of maturity when he can control his property." A small child does not know the concept of money. He does not know what savings are, what is affordable shopping, and in which area he can increase his money by investing it. If you give the child money, he will either buy candy or chocolate with it. Therefore, the age at which he will control his property is not the age of physical maturity, but the age of mental maturity. Likewise, the age at which they will reach marriage is not the adolescence period when they reach physical maturity, but the adolescence/youth period when they reach mental maturity and can control their property.

The word "rushden" is used in the verse. It means that men and women must be "of age".

“Rushd: The ability to find the right path
Rashid: The person who shows the right path to others.
Rashid: A person who has the capacity to come to the right path.
Murshid: "The one who guides, educates and enlightens"

Mehir is the money or property that a man gives to a woman when he marries in Islamic Law. Mehir is given directly to the woman, not to the woman's family. According to the above verses, the age at which goods are delivered to their owner is the age at which that person can control his property. Therefore, the woman who receives dower must be of an age where she can control this property or money.

Claims that Hazrat Aisha married at the age of 6-9 do not comply with the age specified for marriage in the Quran. The marriage age indicated in the Quran is fully compatible with the age limit in our current Civil Code. Also Hz. Bukhari, the addressee of the sources where Aysha's age is narrated, lived 238 years after our prophet, Muslim 243 years, Tirmidhi 260 years, Abu Dawud 256 years, Nasai 238 years, Ibn Maja 263 years. Hz. Ayşe's age is reported as 6 in some sources, 9 in some sources, and 18 in some sources. In general, the reference for marriage age is the Quran. The Quran marks the age of mental maturity for marriage.
However, ignoring this clear evidence, some atheists claim that the phrase "not menstruating" in verse 4 of Surah Talak refers to a small child.

“If you hesitate about the iddah of those among your women who have stopped menstruating (entering menopause), their iddah period is three months. The periods of those who do not menstruate are also like this. The iddah of pregnant women ends when they give birth to their children. "Whoever fears God and protects himself from disobeying Him, God will make it easy for him in his work." (Talak, 4)

The waiting period for women who have stopped menstruating, that is, who have entered the menopause period, is 3 months. Why wait 3 months? To find out if you are pregnant. Can a child who does not menstruate become pregnant? No. Then there is no need to wait 3 months. A woman who becomes pregnant does not menstruate. However, it takes time to realize that you are pregnant. For women in this situation, the waiting period is 3 months. Those who are certain of pregnancy wait until birth.

The expression 'vellai lem yahidne', which is translated as girls who have not menstruated in the translations, is the condition called "secondary amenorrhea" medically. In other words, it refers to women who do not menstruate because their menstrual cycle is disrupted (who normally menstruate but do not menstruate for a period of 3 months or more for various reasons).

In verse 4 of Surah Talak, the expression "not yet menstruated" is not mentioned in some translations. In order to say that she has not yet menstruated, the word "ellaaiii lemma yahidne" must be mentioned.

Lem: It means that it will never happen, or it has never happened.

Lemma: It means that it has not happened yet but will happen.

The word "Nisa" in the verse is a word used for adult women. If the person who did not menstruate was a child, then the words "Vildan, Veled, Benat..." should have been mentioned. However, the word "Nisa", which describes adult women, is mentioned in the verse.

As a result, the Quran does not allow child marriage. Only societies far from the Quran practice this type of wrong practice. Due to wrong and deliberate translations, atheists and bigots claim that Islam allows child marriage. Children are beings that need compassion, no one can find evidence from the Quran for their perverted views.
I think u know that nobody will read it
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Dnr everyone knows islam is retarded
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The first thing that needs to be reminded to those who attack our Prophet by using the age of Hazrat Aisha as an excuse and claim that child marriage is allowed in the Quran is that the provisions will only be learned from the Quran and that they should not give credit to sources that are not in agreement with the Quran. Allah says, "We have not left anything out in the book..." (Surah An'am, 38). In the Quran, which is complete, of course, the time of an important issue such as marriage is also mentioned.

Try the orphans until they reach the age of marriage; If you see any maturity in them, give them their property immediately. .. (Surah Nisa, 6)

“Do not approach the orphan's property - except in the most beautiful (way) - until he reaches the age of puberty…” (Surah An'am, 152)

If you read the verses carefully, it says to try the orphans "until they reach the age of marriage". If you see "maturity" in them, give them their property, he says. In the second verse, it is said not to touch the orphan's property except in the most beautiful way "until he reaches the age of maturity when he can control his property." A small child does not know the concept of money. He does not know what savings are, what is affordable shopping, and in which area he can increase his money by investing it. If you give the child money, he will either buy candy or chocolate with it. Therefore, the age at which he will control his property is not the age of physical maturity, but the age of mental maturity. Likewise, the age at which they will reach marriage is not the adolescence period when they reach physical maturity, but the adolescence/youth period when they reach mental maturity and can control their property.

The word "rushden" is used in the verse. It means that men and women must be "of age".

“Rushd: The ability to find the right path
Rashid: The person who shows the right path to others.
Rashid: A person who has the capacity to come to the right path.
Murshid: "The one who guides, educates and enlightens"

Mehir is the money or property that a man gives to a woman when he marries in Islamic Law. Mehir is given directly to the woman, not to the woman's family. According to the above verses, the age at which goods are delivered to their owner is the age at which that person can control his property. Therefore, the woman who receives dower must be of an age where she can control this property or money.

Claims that Hazrat Aisha married at the age of 6-9 do not comply with the age specified for marriage in the Quran. The marriage age indicated in the Quran is fully compatible with the age limit in our current Civil Code. Also Hz. Bukhari, the addressee of the sources where Aysha's age is narrated, lived 238 years after our prophet, Muslim 243 years, Tirmidhi 260 years, Abu Dawud 256 years, Nasai 238 years, Ibn Maja 263 years. Hz. Ayşe's age is reported as 6 in some sources, 9 in some sources, and 18 in some sources. In general, the reference for marriage age is the Quran. The Quran marks the age of mental maturity for marriage.
However, ignoring this clear evidence, some atheists claim that the phrase "not menstruating" in verse 4 of Surah Talak refers to a small child.

“If you hesitate about the iddah of those among your women who have stopped menstruating (entering menopause), their iddah period is three months. The periods of those who do not menstruate are also like this. The iddah of pregnant women ends when they give birth to their children. "Whoever fears God and protects himself from disobeying Him, God will make it easy for him in his work." (Talak, 4)

The waiting period for women who have stopped menstruating, that is, who have entered the menopause period, is 3 months. Why wait 3 months? To find out if you are pregnant. Can a child who does not menstruate become pregnant? No. Then there is no need to wait 3 months. A woman who becomes pregnant does not menstruate. However, it takes time to realize that you are pregnant. For women in this situation, the waiting period is 3 months. Those who are certain of pregnancy wait until birth.

The expression 'vellai lem yahidne', which is translated as girls who have not menstruated in the translations, is the condition called "secondary amenorrhea" medically. In other words, it refers to women who do not menstruate because their menstrual cycle is disrupted (who normally menstruate but do not menstruate for a period of 3 months or more for various reasons).

In verse 4 of Surah Talak, the expression "not yet menstruated" is not mentioned in some translations. In order to say that she has not yet menstruated, the word "ellaaiii lemma yahidne" must be mentioned.

Lem: It means that it will never happen, or it has never happened.

Lemma: It means that it has not happened yet but will happen.

The word "Nisa" in the verse is a word used for adult women. If the person who did not menstruate was a child, then the words "Vildan, Veled, Benat..." should have been mentioned. However, the word "Nisa", which describes adult women, is mentioned in the verse.

As a result, the Quran does not allow child marriage. Only societies far from the Quran practice this type of wrong practice. Due to wrong and deliberate translations, atheists and bigots claim that Islam allows child marriage. Children are beings that need compassion, no one can find evidence from the Quran for their perverted views.
Most of these people are retarded SFcels who don’t think for themselves but I will read soon, bookmarked
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