islam is a limiting, dumb religion



Jun 30, 2024
(mods, this isn't racebait or trying to start arguments, it's a genuine discussion about how limiting islam is. plz dont delete)

islam is genuinely an idiotic religion. islam promotes limiting yourself to such an extreme degree that life is barely enjoyable.

you want to draw? no, allah says that's haram because you're trying to imitate the creation of a human.

you want to listen to music? nope, allah says it's haram because it guides you away from allah's path.

you want to enjoy a beer with your friend? think twice bud, that's haram too because 'intoxicants are the work of satan'.

you want to own a statue? straight to hell, because you're idolizing someone and that's haram.

you want to pet a cute dog? too bad, they're filthy and haram.

what's the point of living like this? why limit your experiences to such an extreme degree just because there could be a non 0 chance of allah existing? it's crazy to me that people voluntarily live like this.
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Drawing aint haram. Beer is shit and unhealthy.. You can pet a dog. Its not haram. Also all these rules comes from Hadiths which are not always very accurate. You can take them with grain of salt.
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  • JFL
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even smoking is fucking forbidden in islam

its even forbidden to fuck your wife in the ass, no joke


what a joke religion
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you know whats NOT forbidden islam?

Pedophilia. See Mohammed with his Aisha 6-9yo.
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I think you can pet a dog, just cannot come into contact with saliva according to my friend

Alcohol is toxic
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  • JFL
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even smoking is fucking forbidden in islam

its even forbidden to fuck your wife in the ass, no joke


what a joke religion
Nigga its not haram. Haditsh or QURAN DOEs not say anything about it. 70% fucking muslim smoke. Its just bad HABIT because u are killing u body.

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I think you can pet a dog, just cannot come into contact with saliva according to my friend

Alcohol is toxic
Dont fucking listen to your friend.. DO research and make your own conclusion.
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  • JFL
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all desert religions are slavers

They were made to coerce chaotic populations on the one hand, and to mentally and emotionally enslave others.
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"Limiting yourself"

Alr bro, go ahead and drink and eat bad things that spike your estrogen

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-Draw: You can draw anything you want as long as it is not a face of a living being. Judaism and Christianity also forbid this.
In Exodus 20:4 it says: “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below."

-Music: Vast majority of instruments are haram. Music is one of the main sources of degeneracy in the world that opens the door for worse things, mainly used as a tool by the elites since the oldest centuries to spread immorality, as shown by the disgraceful lyrics in the current era and naked videos of woman dancing which were not prevalent in the past, and used music as a means to normalize it. Not a big sin however, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving.

-Beer: Alcohol is one of the biggest cancers in the world. More than 3 million people die directly because of Alcohol anually, meaning that every 10 years more people die because of alcohol than the ones who died in World War 1. Way more people died last year because of alcohol than because of all the wars in the world combined. Islam is the only religion that properly deals with it

-Statues: Statues are made to idolize something other than God. Usually the people who want statues tend to be tyrants and people who want to be praised. Islam cuts the evil from the root. The Bible also forbids statues clearly in one of the 10 commandments: "Thou shall not maketh any graven image"

Pets: You can have pets of all kinds. Cats are preferred and dogs can be only had as guardians because of their tendency to spread sicknesses, among other things. However, good treatment is enjoyed upon the creation of Allah. Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A prostitute had once been forgiven. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Thirst had nearly killed him, so she took off her sock, tied it to her veil, and drew up some water. Allah forgave her for that.

The only thing this thread proves is that the only religion that folloes that which the prophets practiced is Islam, and it will FOREVER defend it, while others have abandoned all sanctities because of mere whims and desires.

Allah, in His Majesty revealed (Interpretation of the meaning): This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islām as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allāh is Forgiving and Merciful.
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  • JFL
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Drawing aint haram. Beer is shit and unhealthy.. You can pet a dog. Its not haram. Also all these rules comes from Hadiths which are not always very accurate. You can take them with grain of salt.
drawing is quite literally considered haram (or at least drawing humans with visible eyes). beer is unhealthy if you binge but. binging & lack of self control should be considered haram, not beer itself. owning a pet dog is haram + just becaise they're hadiths doesn't mean they're not widely practiced
Nigga its not haram. Haditsh or QURAN DOEs not say anything about it. 70% fucking muslim smoke. Its just bad HABIT because u are killing u body.

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just because the quran doesn't state it's haram doesn't mean muslims dont look down upon it en masse though. tell almost any muslim you smoke cigs or weed & theyll act like you are scum. the ones who don't are usually westernized muslims who don't follow the quran thourougly
just because the quran doesn't state it's haram doesn't mean muslims dont look down upon it en masse though. tell almost any muslim you smoke cigs or weed & theyll act like you are scum. the ones who don't are usually westernized muslims who don't follow the quran thourougly
who cares what other muslims looks down upon u? Who told them they were perfect?
drawing is quite literally considered haram (or at least drawing humans with visible eyes). beer is unhealthy if you binge but. binging & lack of self control should be considered haram, not beer itself. owning a pet dog is haram + just becaise they're hadiths doesn't mean they're not widely practiced
Drawing is not haram in the Quran and thats what matters. The other are grain of salt material.
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There are many things to do other than drawing naked whores, listening to degenerate music, drinking disgusting beer, making statues is literally idolizing.

Petting dogs isn't haram.

Limiting ourselves is basically what makes us humans.
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