Isn't the media more powerful in dictating preferences and beliefs that generally believed on here? (High iq only)



Aug 25, 2024
I saw people saying on here media isn't all that powerfull on dictating one racial preference but I have to disagree. To make you understand i'll make an example; even now i can't understand how else the number of lgbt individuals has grown so much if not because of media indoctrination. Feeling attraction only to the same sex is extremly unnatural as it goes against the biological need to reproduce and gays, not lesbians since rape exsist, would have already disappeared by now as this kind of individuals would in theory never pass on their genes. Taking in account the possibility that some "lgtb genes" even exist and they got passed down it sound crazy that almost 20% of my generation got them. If the media can make people fall in love with a same gender person how come it couldnt heavly dictate one's racial or basic physical preferences? I believe with enough manipulation they could rise almost anyones smv (except abos and other subhumans inbred races though).
I saw people saying on here media isn't all that powerfull on dictating one racial preference but I have to disagree. To make you understand i'll make an example; even now i can't understand how else the number of lgbt individuals has grown so much if not because of media indoctrination. Feeling attraction only to the same sex is extremly unnatural as it goes against the biological need to reproduce and gays, not lesbians since rape exsist, would have already disappeared by now as this kind of individuals would in theory never pass on their genes. Taking in account the possibility that some "lgtb genes" even exist and they got passed down it sound crazy that almost 20% of my generation got them. If the media can make people fall in love with a same gender person how come it couldnt heavly dictate one's racial or basic physical preferences? I believe with enough manipulation they could rise almost anyones smv (except abos and other subhumans inbred races though).
Yes media is extremely powerful. Although less so than before, due to internet/independent media. Used to be a few channels to watch now there are thousands of content creators and media outlets. Unfortunately at the end of the day left or right politics is a fucjing joke because we know both are sides of the same coin and operate in the same manner with same agendas
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