Israelite ramblings


Deleted member 25198

Jan 1, 2023
Lamentations 5:10 👉Our skin was black👈 like an oven because of the terrible famine.

Lamentations 4:8 👉Their 👉visage is blacker than a coal👈; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.

Visage: An appearance; form.

So it’s talking about their skin color and 👉the only people who’s 👉skin turns black during a famine (starvation) are so-called Negroes and so-called Africans. When the so-called Jewish people faced a famine in nazi-Germany their skin turned red👈. There’s many other scriptures but here’s some historical evidence to help you out as well.

Allen H. Godbey says: “In the Wargla oasis of 👉Algeria, 350 miles from the Mediterranean, is a colony of 👉Jews as black as Negroes👈.” Source: The Lost Tribes A Myth.

Nahum Slouschz says: “👉A black-skinned population which some call the Felici and which are generally known among the Tauregs as the Krit. They observe the Sabbath and are known to be of 👉Jewish origin👈.” Source: Travels in North Africa.

“There is an island near the southeastern coast of Africa called Malagasy Republic; the old name for this island was Madagascar. 👉Near the eastern part of this island on the isle of St. Marie, there exists a group of 👉black Jews who call themselves Zafin Ibrahim, “descendants of Abraham👈.” Professor Allen H. Godbey says that the same alphabetic writing that was present in Palestine about 650 B.C appeared at the same time in Malaysia. Moreover, he says, since the Hovas of Madagascar are members of the Malaysian family who probably immigrated from Cambodia, this indicates the historical connection with the Jews of Madagascar. Like the Jews of Ethiopia, Uganda, and Wasabara, there are a multiplicity of Jewish cultural survivals, complexes, patterns, and traits found functioning among the Jews of Madagascar such as the following: the day counted from sunset to sunset, many fast days, the eating of beef, the New Year festival, the making of a small fire on the first evening of the feast; they have rituals of the purification of the people; they sprinkle blood of the New Year’s ritual upon the doorposts. The latter ritual could be reminiscent of the Passover ceremony which is observed in the month of Abiv; this month is the first month of the Jewish civil New Year. In this month the Kings of Israel were inaugurated.

👉There are black Jews among in southern Nigeria who are called the “Emo Yo Quaim” or “Strange People,” by the native Africans, but these black Jews call themselves by the Hebrew name “B’nai Ephraim” or “sons of Ephraim👈.” 👉These Jews claim their ancestors immigrated from Morocco, a fact which Godbey says is “👉supported by their language, a mixture of Maghrebi Arabic and local Negro speech. Thus abu (“father”) has become yaba, umm (“mother”); Hebrew em is ima👈.” Nevertheless their language is similar to the black Yorubas around them. The Yorubas have influenced these Jews to a great extent in their external social life; it is said that the crocodile is the sacred animal for all; the customary sacrifices of the Yorubas appear to be the same for the Jews.

The assertion of these Yoruba Jews is that their ancestors were driven from locality to locality by Moslem persecution; they did not find rest even when they arrived at Timbuktu. Surely the prophecy has been fulfilled: “And among these nations shall thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy feet gave rest: but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart and and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind.” These Yoruba Jews lived in the Ondo district when Godbey wrote in 1939: this district is nine hundred miles southeast of Timbuktu.

👉Pertaining to the Hebrew political structure and culture, 👉they have seven hereditary heads of the community; their leadership is that of a priesthood. They are known to have copies of portions of the Torah (Old Testament) preserved in a “most holy place👈.” Source: From Babylon To Timbuktu pages 82 and 131-132.

R.H.M Elwes gives a graphic description of the Portuguese Jew, Baruch Spinoza. He says: “Middle-sized, good features, 👉skin somewhat 👉black, black curly hair, long eyebrows of the same color, so that one might know by his looks that he was a descendant from Portuguese Jews👈.” Source: Work of Spinoza.

Allen H. Godbey says this about the so-called Negroes in America: “These facts have peculiar significance when the presence of Judaism among American Negroes is to be considered. 👉Hundreds of thousands of slaves were brought to America from this Western Africa during the days of the traffic, beginning nearly four hundred years ago. How much more of Judaism survived among West African Negroes in that earlier time? As persecuted communities, 👉they were rather in more danger than other Negroes of being raided by war-parties and sold as slaves👈.”

Roman historian Tacitus: “👉Many assure us that 👉the Jews are descended from those Ethiopians👈 who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king.”

Yeah Israelite slaves, baboon looking Phutite (so-called Somali) man 😂.

Allen H. Godbey says this about the so-called Negroes in America: “These facts have peculiar significance when the presence of Judaism among American Negroes is to be considered. 👉Hundreds of thousands of slaves were brought to America from this Western Africa during the days of the traffic, beginning nearly four hundred years ago. How much more of Judaism survived among West African Negroes in that earlier time? As persecuted communities, 👉they were rather in more danger than other Negroes of being raided by war-parties and sold as slaves👈.”

👉There are black Jews among in southern Nigeria who are called the “Emo Yo Quaim” or “Strange People,” by the native Africans, but these black Jews call themselves by the Hebrew name “B’nai Ephraim” or “sons of Ephraim👈.” 👉These Jews claim their ancestors immigrated from Morocco, a fact which Godbey says is “👉supported by their language, a mixture of Maghrebi Arabic and local Negro speech. Thus abu (“father”) has become yaba, umm (“mother”); Hebrew em is ima👈.” Nevertheless their language is similar to the black Yorubas around them. The Yorubas have influenced these Jews to a great extent in their external social life; it is said that the crocodile is the sacred animal for all; the customary sacrifices of the Yorubas appear to be the same for the Jews.

The assertion of these Yoruba Jews is that their ancestors were driven from locality to locality by Moslem persecution; they did not find rest even when they arrived at Timbuktu. Surely the prophecy has been fulfilled: “And among these nations shall thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy feet gave rest: but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart and and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind.” These Yoruba Jews lived in the Ondo district when Godbey wrote in 1939: this district is nine hundred miles southeast of Timbuktu.

👉Pertaining to the Hebrew political structure and culture, 👉they have seven hereditary heads of the community; their leadership is that of a priesthood. They are known to have copies of portions of the Torah (Old Testament) preserved in a “most holy place👈.” Source: From Babylon To Timbuktu pages

You should be worried about that big forehead and your Ishmaelite (so-called Arab) slave masters enslaving your ugly Phutite family currently 😆.

I love your coping mechanisms though make sure you come with facts next time because my whole bloodline are Israelites, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 😂.

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Pathetic redcel wants to be drawn into his own insecurities :LOL:

👉👈The word Edom means "red" and is probably a reference to the colors of the Seir mountains east of the Wadi al-Araba. That the name was already used for a recognizable political unit in the Bronze Age, can be deduced from Egyptian texts. A document that has been quoted to prove this, is the fourteenth-century Amarna letter #256, which indeed refers to an URUÚ-du-mu. The identification with Edom, however, is almost certainly incorrect; the town of Udumu appears to have been east of Lake Galilee. There is less doubt about the reference to "the Šasu nomads from Edom" who, during the reign of Merenptah (r.1213-1203), were allowed to enter the kingdom of the Nile.note These nomads are mentioned in several other texts, which do not specifically connect them to Edom.

👉👈Nevertheless, the Šasu from Edom are interesting, because they not only illustrate that in the Late Bronze Age, there were nomadic Edomites, but also that there was nomadic exchange from the eastern to the western Sinai desert. The stories about Moses and the wandering Hebrews are situated against this background. It was only in the ninth and eighth centuries that the Edomites became, partly, sedentary.

Also black is a crayon colour

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@King Solomon
Pathetic redcel wants to be drawn into his own insecurities :LOL:

👉👈The word Edom means "red" and is probably a reference to the colors of the Seir mountains east of the Wadi al-Araba. That the name was already used for a recognizable political unit in the Bronze Age, can be deduced from Egyptian texts. A document that has been quoted to prove this, is the fourteenth-century Amarna letter #256, which indeed refers to an URUÚ-du-mu. The identification with Edom, however, is almost certainly incorrect; the town of Udumu appears to have been east of Lake Galilee. There is less doubt about the reference to "the Šasu nomads from Edom" who, during the reign of Merenptah (r.1213-1203), were allowed to enter the kingdom of the Nile.note These nomads are mentioned in several other texts, which do not specifically connect them to Edom.

👉👈Nevertheless, the Šasu from Edom are interesting, because they not only illustrate that in the Late Bronze Age, there were nomadic Edomites, but also that there was nomadic exchange from the eastern to the western Sinai desert. The stories about Moses and the wandering Hebrews are situated against this background. It was only in the ninth and eighth centuries that the Edomites became, partly, sedentary.

Also black is a crayon colour

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