It is so sad many men are blue pilled

Deleted member 12344

Deleted member 12344

Coping manlets hate me - Manlet killer
Feb 7, 2021
Just think about it %95 of world either lives in 3rd world shithole countries or copes with religion(even in west).And the rest have shitty leftist believes (mostly smart and educated people sadly) Just 1-2 milion people at best aware of blackpill. And the saddest thing is vast majority of incels dont know their condition and they are leftists (reddit lol). Think about like 3 billion men in the world, they would have wagecuck lifes and they will marry used foids their money will go abortion for chads baby and they are not aware of that. I know carling for everyone is mega low t but we need a new jesus or mohamed ngl.
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  • So Sad
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, mogstar, Lihito and 2 others
less competition dude
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Be_ConfidentBro, MentalistKebab and 3 others
Bluepill men are happier than blackpilled men
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Reactions: HighIQcel, mogstar and Lihito
Bluepill men are happier than blackpilled men
Being happy means nothing if you are a cuck many people can confirm here
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Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro and Deleted member 5048
Just think about it %95 of world either lives in 3rd world shithole countries or copes with religion(even in west).And the rest have shitty leftist believes (mostly smart and educated people sadly) Just 1-2 milion people at best aware of blackpill. And the saddest thing is vast majority of incels dont know their condition and they are leftists (reddit lol). Think about like 3 billion men in the world, they would have wagecuck lifes and they will marry used foids their money will go abortion for chads baby and they are not aware of that. I know carling for everyone is mega low t but we need a new jesus or mohamed ngl.
(((They))) made it that way so The working bees dont revolt and destroy SOYciety
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Reactions: Warlow, Deleted member 2632 and Deleted member 12344
Yeah back then they used religion now they just use remorse of people revolution now
(((They))) made it that way so The working bees dont revolt and destroy SOYciety
Yeah back then they used religion now they just use remorse of people revolution now
Well religion isnt a cope, religion understands human nature better than anybody, it was designed to make normies behave

Cant have a civilized society without religion, just blackpilling people about their situation wont solve anything, they need to beg for religious values to come back
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Reactions: Deleted member 12344 and IdiAmin
Well religion isnt a cope, religion understands human nature better than anybody, it was designed to make normies behave

Cant have a civilized society without religion, just blackpilling people about their situation wont solve anything, they need to beg for religious values to come back
Christianity ultimately caused modern day cuckoldry with their slave morals. Lol jews really behind everything even if they dont plan it. They cucked 8 billion people with abrahamic religions.
Why do you care lmao
Well religion isnt a cope, religion understands human nature better than anybody, it was designed to make normies behave

Cant have a civilized society without religion, just blackpilling people about their situation wont solve anything, they need to beg for religious values to come back
Also i think the guy you like named Hitler hated christianity secretly. He should like islam though since it is better for his ideology. Wanna proof ? His favorite philisopher was Nietzsche who is famous for shitting on christianity because slave morality.
Trust me I would much rather be happy than being miserable, the blackpill is for life
Blackpill isnt being miserable if you market it that way it will become a new bluepill for lazycels
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Reactions: mogstar
Trust me I would much rather be happy than being miserable, the blackpill is for life
Blackpill is opposite of being miserable tbh %95 of incel population (reddit) is so bluepilled but they are way more miserable than userbase of this site users here at least some self respect for improving themselvs
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Reactions: mogstar
It is so sad many words were not read

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