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To my amusement, I saw some users here virtue signaling about not wanting to do anything degen in bed (stuff like assjobs, feet and armpit fucking) with a girl that happens to be a virgin. But even those who act holier-than-thou on cuckeddit deep down are “misogynists” and “homophobes” just like us. Because why else would they use demeaning insults like “gargling on his cum” to people they disagree with when there are so many other options? Simple. They also see women as something to be conquered and gays as people to be skeptical around.
As much as I want to scoff at the sentiment that “virgins should be left alone”, I also once had this “wholesome” view of not wanting to sexualize a woman I saw as pure and untainted (or any woman I foolishly thought was virgin). I already brought up the virgin oneitis I had in my previous threads, but a detail I never mentioned was that I never actually jerked off to the thought of her. Sure there were still times when I was tempted to but I just couldn’t. It wasn’t because of her looks but because she treated me with such unconditional care (in a manner that is nurturing, motherly and modest) even when I was in my rotting doomer phase. That alone gave me a warm fuzzy feeling that made me refrain from jerking off to her. I suppose it was a strong case Madonna-Whore complex I had back then. Although this all changed when she ghosted me and got close with another guy who acted all degen and as a result, she got “corrupted”.
“If you don’t do it, somebody else will”
I've been called "barbaric" and "perverse" because of how I would be willing to treat a virgin woman in bed. But I actually think it's a "necessary evil" from a self-preservation POV as a man. I am only a “degen pervert” because I realize that there’s a possibility that even a virgin woman would leave me one day no matter how much I’ve done for her (or just low body count because apparently expecting a virgin is “unrealistic” nowadays). This is assuming that all women will eventually leave you given an infinite amount of time (Infinite monkey theorem). Expressing fetishes I think is one of the strongest ways one can truly bond with a woman at the most intimate level despite it being "degen" and "unholy". It's the intent behind the actions rather than the action itself that matters more. Sure you can be all sweet and gentle during the talking stages if it doesn’t work against you (good luck tho lmao). I'm not entirely against a virgin woman wanting to wait till marriage either. But trying to be holier-than-thou when you're finally making love to a woman, virgin or not IMO is an act of self-sabotage. I’d go as far as saying that it infantilizes women and dangerously underestimates the amount of degeneracy they can subconsciously absorb regardless. If you don’t indulge in some degen fetishes with the girl and “corrupt” her, then somebody else will if you ever break up. Just like how even if Jews didn’t control the western world, then somebody else will. You either conquer or be conquered.
This will sound batshit schizo, but one of the reasons I’d be willing to do degen stuff to a virgin woman is perhaps a subconscious need to also “protect” them from being corrupted by something that is even more degen than I am. Perhaps it’s a twisted version of genuine care that now manifests as extremely possessive and "selfish" behaviour after I got brutally blackpilled. I am far from being morally perfect and do not intend to strive to be. Moral perfection doesn’t exist. Even if I am far from being morally perfect, you’d be utterly delusional to say that I’m more of a degenerate than the ones who are responsible for the proliferation of feminism, “there are more than two genders”, illegal immigration and sexual degeneracy in general across the world just because I’m willing to indulge in my sexual fetishes with a virgin. I see such willingness as a symbolic act of resisting the Jews. Being a prude in bed with a virgin while only reserving degen stuff for whores, you might as well be playing their "game".
To reiterate, if you’re not willing to do degen stuff with a virgin to bond with her as strongly as possible, then somebody else will. A virgin can only be virgin for so long until another man gets to her. I’m only following my self-preservation instinct as a man and it’d be comical to put a “good” and “evil” label on that. Being a “degen perv” is a necessary evil to diminish the potential cuckening you have to potentially endure. Not only that, but I believe that you have to be possessive and jealous as a man and “conquer” a woman (your gf/wife) as much as you can before you can love and care for them from a place of strength and security. Otherwise you might as well just love them the same way you love your sister. What I’m saying has a similar sentimental to a quote which I cannot quite remember, but to paraphrase, you have to be a misogynist to truly love a woman. A man has to satisfy their ego first before they can start giving without expecting much in return. You cannot truly love and feel compassion healthily when it’s from a compromised position.
Women are constantly “under attack” wherever they are
What I think is really important to point out is that in today’s world, you’re not only competing with other men to live in a woman’s head rent-free but also with degen Jewish psyop. It is something that is as inescapable as gravity as long as you're on this earth. They’re all competing for a woman’s attention and where they expend their mental energy towards. Even if you are “degen”, you still won’t be as degen as the people who run the world behind the scenes. They’re the greatest source of debauchery and I’d argue that a lot of our degeneracy as men is merely an imitation that acts as a self-preservation instinct.
Sex is no longer seen as something sacred but almost turned into something communal. You see all these slangs behind thrown around such as “gyatt” and “thicc”. Even the lowest class subhuman thugs can use these slangs to describe even the most pious virgin women, almost as a way to “possess” them beforehand. Chances are even the most pious virgin women are frequently exposed to such slang nowadays. It’s not a stretch that such exposure to such slang and culture makes them more likely to objectify themselves before any man gets to them. That’s why I think it’s pure naivety to hold back in bed with a woman and treat them like a kitten that needs to be protected. One of the greatest tragedies in modern era is that the solemnity and sanctity of virgin women is often made a mockery of. But maybe the blacks have a point and that all women deep down are indeed thots and “bitches ain’t shit”. Sometimes a woman that shows a bit of skin might turn out to be a virgin. But paradoxically a woman that is covered from head to toe might turn out to be the biggest whore in town.
You should assume that women are just as degen if not more degen than you are. Most men seem to fall for their coy nature and assume they don’t know any better. Since women are more generally more hive-minded than men, I’d argue they’re more receptive to absorbing degeneracy and goyslop ideologies. Hence it’s a logical assumption that they generally have a greater disposition towards degeneracy than men. On a unrelated note, engaging in any form of sexual interaction with women is also a power struggle in which you should intend to “outdegen” them. After all, women often outlast a man in bed. You should be the type of guy who wants to keep going even if it no longer gives you physical pleasure just to one-up them (unless pumping n dumping). Few things feel more cucked than being outlasted by a woman in bed. Even if things don’t work out, I’d rather be dumped for being too much of a degen perv than end up being a cuck that was too soft and gentle.
P.S. No longer greycel rep wise yay. Makes me wonder why the creators of this site made user ranks sorted by post count instead of reps. Must be some DEI participation trophy rationale behind such choice JFL
TL;DR: Madonna-Whore Complex is rather common on this site when users dichotomize virgins and the average thot. But I actually see such complex as something that is self-sabotaging. Theoretically given an infinite amount of time (Infinite monkey theorem), all women will eventually leave you, virgin or not. Since even a virgin will eventually leave you given enough time, being prude with them is self-sabotaging because they will eventually fall into the hands of someone who doesn’t hold back in bed. Being "selfish" in bed with a virgin to satisfy your fetishes first is a “necessary evil” to build a sense of spiritual strength and security so that you can care for them without expecting much in return. You should assume that women are just as degen if not more degen than you are since they are more hive-minded and receptive to absorbing degeneracy and goyslop. Even if you are soft-hearted, you should be a “gentleman in the streets, freak in the sheets” for your own benefit.
@TiktokUser @bloomercel @the_nextDavidLaid @Chadeep @Niko.
To my amusement, I saw some users here virtue signaling about not wanting to do anything degen in bed (stuff like assjobs, feet and armpit fucking) with a girl that happens to be a virgin. But even those who act holier-than-thou on cuckeddit deep down are “misogynists” and “homophobes” just like us. Because why else would they use demeaning insults like “gargling on his cum” to people they disagree with when there are so many other options? Simple. They also see women as something to be conquered and gays as people to be skeptical around.
As much as I want to scoff at the sentiment that “virgins should be left alone”, I also once had this “wholesome” view of not wanting to sexualize a woman I saw as pure and untainted (or any woman I foolishly thought was virgin). I already brought up the virgin oneitis I had in my previous threads, but a detail I never mentioned was that I never actually jerked off to the thought of her. Sure there were still times when I was tempted to but I just couldn’t. It wasn’t because of her looks but because she treated me with such unconditional care (in a manner that is nurturing, motherly and modest) even when I was in my rotting doomer phase. That alone gave me a warm fuzzy feeling that made me refrain from jerking off to her. I suppose it was a strong case Madonna-Whore complex I had back then. Although this all changed when she ghosted me and got close with another guy who acted all degen and as a result, she got “corrupted”.
“If you don’t do it, somebody else will”
I've been called "barbaric" and "perverse" because of how I would be willing to treat a virgin woman in bed. But I actually think it's a "necessary evil" from a self-preservation POV as a man. I am only a “degen pervert” because I realize that there’s a possibility that even a virgin woman would leave me one day no matter how much I’ve done for her (or just low body count because apparently expecting a virgin is “unrealistic” nowadays). This is assuming that all women will eventually leave you given an infinite amount of time (Infinite monkey theorem). Expressing fetishes I think is one of the strongest ways one can truly bond with a woman at the most intimate level despite it being "degen" and "unholy". It's the intent behind the actions rather than the action itself that matters more. Sure you can be all sweet and gentle during the talking stages if it doesn’t work against you (good luck tho lmao). I'm not entirely against a virgin woman wanting to wait till marriage either. But trying to be holier-than-thou when you're finally making love to a woman, virgin or not IMO is an act of self-sabotage. I’d go as far as saying that it infantilizes women and dangerously underestimates the amount of degeneracy they can subconsciously absorb regardless. If you don’t indulge in some degen fetishes with the girl and “corrupt” her, then somebody else will if you ever break up. Just like how even if Jews didn’t control the western world, then somebody else will. You either conquer or be conquered.

The significance of the “Just Be First (JBF)” theory
Intro Before the advent of fame, glory, arts and culture, a man that lived in prehistoric times only had two circumstances where they could immortalise themselves. First is by being the one to take a woman's virginity and imprint themselves on their sexual psyche (not just psychologically but...
This will sound batshit schizo, but one of the reasons I’d be willing to do degen stuff to a virgin woman is perhaps a subconscious need to also “protect” them from being corrupted by something that is even more degen than I am. Perhaps it’s a twisted version of genuine care that now manifests as extremely possessive and "selfish" behaviour after I got brutally blackpilled. I am far from being morally perfect and do not intend to strive to be. Moral perfection doesn’t exist. Even if I am far from being morally perfect, you’d be utterly delusional to say that I’m more of a degenerate than the ones who are responsible for the proliferation of feminism, “there are more than two genders”, illegal immigration and sexual degeneracy in general across the world just because I’m willing to indulge in my sexual fetishes with a virgin. I see such willingness as a symbolic act of resisting the Jews. Being a prude in bed with a virgin while only reserving degen stuff for whores, you might as well be playing their "game".
To reiterate, if you’re not willing to do degen stuff with a virgin to bond with her as strongly as possible, then somebody else will. A virgin can only be virgin for so long until another man gets to her. I’m only following my self-preservation instinct as a man and it’d be comical to put a “good” and “evil” label on that. Being a “degen perv” is a necessary evil to diminish the potential cuckening you have to potentially endure. Not only that, but I believe that you have to be possessive and jealous as a man and “conquer” a woman (your gf/wife) as much as you can before you can love and care for them from a place of strength and security. Otherwise you might as well just love them the same way you love your sister. What I’m saying has a similar sentimental to a quote which I cannot quite remember, but to paraphrase, you have to be a misogynist to truly love a woman. A man has to satisfy their ego first before they can start giving without expecting much in return. You cannot truly love and feel compassion healthily when it’s from a compromised position.

Having to “perform” in bed sounds like feminist propaganda directed towards sub-chads
A male’s penis is basically a "paintbrush" and they are natural artists of nature. While a woman is the "canvas" for the artist to express themselves on. The masculine imperative is to find a “canvas” to express themselves on. I think being allowed to fully express oneself sexually to one’s...
Women are constantly “under attack” wherever they are
What I think is really important to point out is that in today’s world, you’re not only competing with other men to live in a woman’s head rent-free but also with degen Jewish psyop. It is something that is as inescapable as gravity as long as you're on this earth. They’re all competing for a woman’s attention and where they expend their mental energy towards. Even if you are “degen”, you still won’t be as degen as the people who run the world behind the scenes. They’re the greatest source of debauchery and I’d argue that a lot of our degeneracy as men is merely an imitation that acts as a self-preservation instinct.
Sex is no longer seen as something sacred but almost turned into something communal. You see all these slangs behind thrown around such as “gyatt” and “thicc”. Even the lowest class subhuman thugs can use these slangs to describe even the most pious virgin women, almost as a way to “possess” them beforehand. Chances are even the most pious virgin women are frequently exposed to such slang nowadays. It’s not a stretch that such exposure to such slang and culture makes them more likely to objectify themselves before any man gets to them. That’s why I think it’s pure naivety to hold back in bed with a woman and treat them like a kitten that needs to be protected. One of the greatest tragedies in modern era is that the solemnity and sanctity of virgin women is often made a mockery of. But maybe the blacks have a point and that all women deep down are indeed thots and “bitches ain’t shit”. Sometimes a woman that shows a bit of skin might turn out to be a virgin. But paradoxically a woman that is covered from head to toe might turn out to be the biggest whore in town.
You should assume that women are just as degen if not more degen than you are. Most men seem to fall for their coy nature and assume they don’t know any better. Since women are more generally more hive-minded than men, I’d argue they’re more receptive to absorbing degeneracy and goyslop ideologies. Hence it’s a logical assumption that they generally have a greater disposition towards degeneracy than men. On a unrelated note, engaging in any form of sexual interaction with women is also a power struggle in which you should intend to “outdegen” them. After all, women often outlast a man in bed. You should be the type of guy who wants to keep going even if it no longer gives you physical pleasure just to one-up them (unless pumping n dumping). Few things feel more cucked than being outlasted by a woman in bed. Even if things don’t work out, I’d rather be dumped for being too much of a degen perv than end up being a cuck that was too soft and gentle.
P.S. No longer greycel rep wise yay. Makes me wonder why the creators of this site made user ranks sorted by post count instead of reps. Must be some DEI participation trophy rationale behind such choice JFL
TL;DR: Madonna-Whore Complex is rather common on this site when users dichotomize virgins and the average thot. But I actually see such complex as something that is self-sabotaging. Theoretically given an infinite amount of time (Infinite monkey theorem), all women will eventually leave you, virgin or not. Since even a virgin will eventually leave you given enough time, being prude with them is self-sabotaging because they will eventually fall into the hands of someone who doesn’t hold back in bed. Being "selfish" in bed with a virgin to satisfy your fetishes first is a “necessary evil” to build a sense of spiritual strength and security so that you can care for them without expecting much in return. You should assume that women are just as degen if not more degen than you are since they are more hive-minded and receptive to absorbing degeneracy and goyslop. Even if you are soft-hearted, you should be a “gentleman in the streets, freak in the sheets” for your own benefit.
@TiktokUser @bloomercel @the_nextDavidLaid @Chadeep @Niko.