

Nov 18, 2018
what choice do subhumans have to be the center of the attention? or to be at least relevant?

chad is silent and boring but his face and physical presence is enough to be the center of every party and conversation

but what options do ugly people have?

- the clown? making jokes after joke? trading self respect for relevancy?
- the loud guy? getting into a lot of (verbal) fights, hated by females and half of the men...very exhausting

what else?
The rapist. Dehumanising people, enjoying it, and becoming relevant.
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the hypersocial neurotypical low inhib loud guy
hated by half the females and half the males, tolerated by forty percent, friends with the remaining ten percent of other neurotypical low inhib loud guys. ppl that tolerate him will still want to be around him bcs he is always at the center.
extremely hard to pull off but once you are able to do it very rewarding
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- the clown? making jokes after joke? trading self respect for relevancy?
I tried that once. I do not recommended.

You make a fool out of yourself for others amusement. No one will take you seriously and no girl will want to be with you.

Everything Chad does is funny to foids. He’s a perfect angel that can do no wrong so it’s okay for him.
the hypersocial neurotypical low inhib loud guy
hated by half the females and half the males, tolerated by forty percent, friends with the remaining ten percent of other neurotypical low inhib loud guys. ppl that tolerate him will still want to be around him bcs he is always at the center.
extremely hard to pull off but once you are able to do it very rewarding

legit tbh...extremely ntness and mental strength is needed for this though

people will talk shit about you

you must be ready for verbal fights all the time because people will make comments (since you do them aswell) which demands a high lvl of quick wittiness and high selfesteem

nothing for people with a high degree of neuroticism, narcissim and a fragile ego i assume which probably includes 90% of the people here who crave validation like a bitch crave the bbc and want to be loved 24/7
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legit tbh...extremely ntness and mental strength is needed for this though

people will talk shit about you

you must be ready for verbal fights all the time because people will make comments (since you do them aswell) which demands a high lvl of quick wittiness and high selfesteem

nothing for people with a high degree of neuroticism, narcissim and a fragile ego i assume which probably includes 90% of the people here who crave validation like a bitch crave the bbc and want to be loved 24/7
yeah i doubt its a transformation thats even makeable tbh
srs the way these guys look at the world its insane tbh, mirin that mental fortitude, mental rewarding system and mostly the raw energy needed to pull this off and enjoy it. for ugly people, no doubt its the best way to live though. bit of halfway is probably what most incels should strife for
yeah i doubt its a transformation thats even makeable tbh
srs the way these guys look at the world its insane tbh, mirin that mental fortitude, mental rewarding system and mostly the raw energy needed to pull this off and enjoy it. for ugly people, no doubt its the best way to live though. bit of halfway is probably what most incels should strife for

often those people are like roly poly toys too..cant be knocked matter what happened the next day they are back on their feed again

ideal dopamin system tbh...very important to be successful
often those people are like roly poly toys too..cant be knocked matter what happened the next day they are back on their feed again

ideal dopamin system tbh...very important to be successful
yeah my new job is full of those people with insane dopamine reward systems its very inspirational to see
people that enjoy literally every second of being around people, always trying to get the most out of every social interaction and trying to get the most out of every person to meet. not only do they try to make the situation ejoyable by being fun and active and shit, they actively try to make you the most fun person you can be (making you feel happy, relaxed enough to open yourself up, guaranteeing you you dont get hit when you slip up, holding your back, giving you full space to be funny, giving you the amount of attention you need etc) (extremely important slayer treat). its insane the social awareness and the decisionmaking skills these people seems to have, and on top of that the endless amount of energy for social activites. theyre not the obnoxious guys but the hypernts btw
yeah my new job is full of those people with insane dopamine reward systems its very inspirational to see
people that enjoy literally every second of being around people, always trying to get the most out of every social interaction and trying to get the most out of every person to meet. not only do they try to make the situation ejoyable by being fun and active and shit, they actively try to make you the most fun person you can be (making you feel happy, relaxed enough to open yourself up, guaranteeing you you dont get hit when you slip up, holding your back, giving you full space to be funny, giving you the amount of attention you need etc) (extremely important slayer treat). its insane the social awareness and the decisionmaking skills these people seems to have, and on top of that the endless amount of energy for social activites. theyre not the obnoxious guys but the hypernts btw

what kind of job is this tiggy

also funny how they give you the feel to be respected, being important and relevant "giving you the amount of attention you need " ... isnt it
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Ogre for irrelevantcels
what kind of job is this tiggy

also funny how they give you the feel to be respected, being important and relevant "giving you the amount of attention you need " ... isnt it
door-to-door shit so its to be expected

yes expect they do this not by giving compliments or taking me super seriously but by doing the exact opposite of what the book recs. ie bantering all the time and having a conversation that could go on for ages without my input, they are allowing me to participate in their fun, allowing me to enjoy their strong sense of personality and their wittiness, putting zero pressure on me to be fun or to carry the conversation (you actually think people dont notice that you let them talk all the time?). they have developed themselves extremely well and allow everyone to be sucked into their world of endless fun and "no wrongs", the book is about giving other people the feeling that they are the ones that are on top. its the exact opposite, they make themselves the center while the book makes everyone else the center.
The rapist. Dehumanising people, enjoying it, and becoming relevant.

this. Nathan Larson was right.
legit tbh...extremely ntness and mental strength is needed for this though

people will talk shit about you

you must be ready for verbal fights all the time because people will make comments (since you do them aswell) which demands a high lvl of quick wittiness and high selfesteem

nothing for people with a high degree of neuroticism, narcissim and a fragile ego i assume which probably includes 90% of the people here who crave validation like a bitch crave the bbc and want to be loved 24/7

I already have the quick wit down, but I'm also neurotic and narcissitic.
door-to-door shit so its to be expected

yes expect they do this not by giving compliments or taking me super seriously but by doing the exact opposite of what the book recs. ie bantering all the time and having a conversation that could go on for ages without my input, they are allowing me to participate in their fun, allowing me to enjoy their strong sense of personality and their wittiness, putting zero pressure on me to be fun or to carry the conversation (you actually think people dont notice that you let them talk all the time?). they have developed themselves extremely well and allow everyone to be sucked into their world of endless fun and "no wrongs", the book is about giving other people the feeling that they are the ones that are on top. its the exact opposite, they make themselves the center while the book makes everyone else the center.

means door to door .. sells?

lmao, unironically slayer job.
im unfortunately in accounting and i hate the people who do this

i have to disagree to the rest though..why?

-imho your mindset dont represent themindset of the majority
-most people love to feel important, most people love when you pretend you care about them or that they opinon matters, most people love to get honest compliments
-thus giving them this impression is legit and makes the interaction with them easier
- dont see the book as a dogmatic rule, there is always the need for personal interpretation and reflection.

eg if i understand you correctly you said the book stated that you should let other people talk (and dont talk yourself at all) - well thats not really correct even though if you only the read the tldr part that you find in every summary or at the end of every chapter this is might the impression you can get. however this book was written in the 1930 and had examples like this: husband works all day, comes home, complaints to his wife over the household and only talks about themself. after he visited a seminar he started to ask her wife how her day was, gave her compliments ad didnt critizise her 24/7...result his life gets better...the tldr at this chapter is let people talk and pretend to care or whatever

so what does this mean? does it mean you should only listen to people 100%, not talking about yourself? ofc not. but 60% listening, pretending to care what others people have to say, 40% say talking about yourself is legit in many social relationships.

imho tbh ngl gandy norwood 0 asap
Chad genes can go both ways.

They either become caring, nice to everyone and highly charismatic as an effect of everyone being nice to them and percieving them well and as attractive

Or they they become super narzisistic and feel superior to everyone else and becoming quiet but confident acting super alpha and douchy all the time, because they know they can get away with being like that because of their mug.

First one will do better in life
Chad genes can go both ways.

They either become caring, nice to everyone and highly charismatic as an effect of everyone being nice to them and percieving them well and as attractive

Or they they become super narzisistic and feel superior to everyone else and becoming quiet but confident acting super alpha and douchy all the time, because they know they can get away with being like that because of their mug.

First one will do better in life

agree tbh

if you really look good your behavior doesnt matter (at least when it comes to mating)

that is the mistake the people make who fall for the nice men finish last meme
means door to door .. sells?

lmao, unironically slayer job.
im unfortunately in accounting and i hate the people who do this

i have to disagree to the rest though..why?

-imho your mindset dont represent themindset of the majority
-most people love to feel important, most people love when you pretend you care about them or that they opinon matters, most people love to get honest compliments
-thus giving them this impression is legit and makes the interaction with them easier
- dont see the book as a dogmatic rule, there is always the need for personal interpretation and reflection.

eg if i understand you correctly you said the book stated that you should let other people talk (and dont talk yourself at all) - well thats not really correct even though if you only the read the tldr part that you find in every summary or at the end of every chapter this is might the impression you can get. however this book was written in the 1930 and had examples like this: husband works all day, comes home, complaints to his wife over the household and only talks about themself. after he visited a seminar he started to ask her wife how her day was, gave her compliments ad didnt critizise her 24/7...result his life gets better...the tldr at this chapter is let people talk and pretend to care or whatever

so what does this mean? does it mean you should only listen to people 100%, not talking about yourself? ofc not. but 60% listening, pretending to care what others people have to say, 40% say talking about yourself is legit in many social relationships.

imho tbh ngl gandy norwood 0 asap
yeah door to door sales

tbh theres no point in going on like this its just going to be yes no yes no yes no, i will though dw, i dont even disagree with you that much tbh chad cares about others more than anyone else he just does so while dominating every social setting. the way i see it people want to spend time around leaders, the dominant guys that are always in the center of things, always deliver fun to themselves and suck everyone around them into that. the shycel that is not at the center of things from the start should strive to be more of a center himself, to be fun and present and easygoing, not a guy that makes others feel like they are the center and the shycel is the one they drag into that. people should want to be around you because they like being around you, like being a part of your world. imo you dont want others to like 'having you around', you being a part of their amazing world, a little follower that is always wanting to hear your uninteresting bullshit and validates you on command. irl i sometimes meet ppl trying the approach your book goes for (though i only read half tbh), always asking questions, always saying "nice", always recieving things positively, etc, theyre creeps, no one even likes having this around. ive had plently of girls tell me they were weirded out by some encounter where a guy "interviewed her".
your book might be good if in a normal encounter you do 80% of talking (and its uninteresting talking, not fun joke after fun joke after fun joke), i suppose this is what this book is aimed at tbh considering examples in the beginning and during the chapters. not if your eugene and youre an incel and a shutin with no outward personality or aura and you normally do 15% of talking, book might even take that down to 10% tbh. way i see it every incel should be talking more, dont focus on making converstion fun for him, focus on making conversation fun. one way streets are unenjoyable for both. building personality should be what most incels should focus on in ntmaxx (this involves a lot of talking), this book implies the opposite --> take conversation away from you, make it about them. i dont like that
i did actually read all the content btw, not just the principle summaries
- the clown? making jokes after joke? trading self respect for relevancy?
I hate to be the clown. I cant do anything about it though because people wont take me serious anyway

ive had plently of girls tell me they were weirded out by some encounter where a guy "interviewed her".

tbh this happens in 99% of situations where the guy is trying but the girl is physically not attracted

if chad would do the same he would be mysterious and a good listener

so holding this against the book isnt fair imho

also this book isnt written for slaying (even though universal parts like the honest compliment part should also work in that field and some other tipps are very useful for ltr maxxing) but for general interaction which means its legit for for many situations but not for every situation

but i agree ... you have a different opinion and i respect this. still a good talk bc it was reminder for me to see that you can make people feel valuable and important in different ways.

i still recommend everyone to read the book and make his own opinion. even if you disagree its a good oportunity to reflect your own behavior
It doesn't work, man. I used to thugmaxx back in middle school while at the same time being the "witty joke guy". Sure, I made a name for myself and was the butt of many jokes, but never among foids. I simply looked too subhuman at that point in time to make any inroads with them at all

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