It's so over, might rope.



Certified KHHV
Jun 1, 2024
Fuck this life is useless if your heritage isn't good, recently my life has been going downhill constantly, and I can't deal with this fucking retarded ass online academy that my mom admitted me in for some reason, i don't have any knowledge of any of the shit in there + there's barely any traffic there at all, and my mom's talking about getting some certificate or some shit, fuck that I'm not doing that shit, she also bought a computer for me to do some 3d shit, to make money or to simply get portfolio so that later on I can get some shit job because of it, but all I do is play videogames and waste my time listening to music on there 👺
And tmrw I have to do this "test" from that fucking online shit academy that only me and my brother is in, fuck all of this shit
I have no friends no social life no academic life I'm MTN at best and it's getting worse everyday, I can't perform for shit and I might seriously have autism, I have no interest in real life and if it were up to me I'd just play games all day, I'm such a fucking disappointment to my bloodline I might actually end it, I don't even value life anymore, I don't care if someone outside of my family dies, and I have no empathy for random people that just happen to exist on this planet, if I only I wasn't fucking homeschooled ☹️😡
Anyway as soon as I get my hands on any sort of armory or any handgun I'm seriously going to end it, I wish some mentally retarded fuck just shot me dead in broad daylight, what an escape to this world that would be.
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Klasik616, glizzygnasher68 and 3 others
I might just end it too
I'm a manlet, there's no point in living as one anyway
  • So Sad
Reactions: Zelenskyiv and nathan
don't do it you have abs
  • So Sad
Reactions: Mkhzee
Fuck this life is useless if your heritage isn't good, recently my life has been going downhill constantly, and I can't deal with this fucking retarded ass online academy that my mom admitted me in for some reason, i don't have any knowledge of any of the shit in there + there's barely any traffic there at all, and my mom's talking about getting some certificate or some shit, fuck that I'm not doing that shit, she also bought a computer for me to do some 3d shit, to make money or to simply get portfolio so that later on I can get some shit job because of it, but all I do is play videogames and waste my time listening to music on there 👺
And tmrw I have to do this "test" from that fucking online shit academy that only me and my brother is in, fuck all of this shit
I have no friends no social life no academic life I'm MTN at best and it's getting worse everyday, I can't perform for shit and I might seriously have autism, I have no interest in real life and if it were up to me I'd just play games all day, I'm such a fucking disappointment to my bloodline I might actually end it, I don't even value life anymore, I don't care if someone outside of my family dies, and I have no empathy for random people that just happen to exist on this planet, if I only I wasn't fucking homeschooled ☹️😡
Anyway as soon as I get my hands on any sort of armory or any handgun I'm seriously going to end it, I wish some mentally retarded fuck just shot me dead in broad daylight, what an escape to this world that would be.
Dnrd but don't rope nga Ur a w user
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Mkhzee and nathan
Chill the fuck out, bro. Go jerk off or something. Don't say these things.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, ZachS, mike21 and 2 others
Chill the fuck out, bro. Go jerk off or something. Don't say these things.
I can't even jerk off in this fucking heated ass environment, I already ranted about how rough my skin is, the last thing I wanna do is stroke my roughed out stone bone
  • JFL
Reactions: TechnoBoss
Dnrd but don't rope nga Ur a w user
Getting called a W user in org is ultra ropefuel, I need to find someone who's willing to go out with me


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  • JFL
Reactions: Sub5kang
Fuck no that shit is disgusting and I hate stepping into my dirty ass bathroom
Nigga I have a bathroom that has missing walls and I’m happy to take a shit
You can achieve greater , find the true reason of the life gifted. Now I can see you curently work on the lower chakras , that are linked to the world more. Activitate your higher chakras and you will expand your consciousness and be closer to God. Humans could be much more than animals
Go to the hood and play gta irl
Fuck no that shit is disgusting and I hate stepping into my dirty ass bathroom
Dont end it bro ur just a kid. Survive these next couple of years. Get jacked save money for surgery hardmaxx move out of your house to some place near the beach work in some restaurant there or sum shitt fuck bitches go beach in the morning and club at night. It would be stupid to end it! You havent reached your full potential yet
  • WTF
Reactions: Mkhzee
Dont end it bro ur just a kid. Survive these next couple of years. Get jacked save money for surgery hardmaxx move out of your house to some place near the beach work in some restaurant there or sum shitt fuck bitches go beach in the morning and club at night. It would be stupid to end it! You havent reached your full potential yet
It's already over, last time I genuinely enjoyed life was like 10 months ago when I was at a pool, all alone, now I have to worry about my academic status so much it pisses me off, fuck this shit we need more mass shooters, I pray for the day that I get to be a victim of some mass shooting, it'd be better if a bunch of terrorists immediately ended my life without me feeling much pain, I'd be considered a martyr and would hopefully go to gandy heaven, I can't imagine how different things would've been if I wasn't homeschooled, had friends, had good academic status, and lived in a happy environment, I'll wait a few years and hopefully shit gets better.

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