I've Decided to Self-Improve, Even If It's Cope



Nov 14, 2018




Smartmaxxing (im actually low IQ but i give off the impression of a high IQ for whatever reason)

I'm not even going to bother working out since I know my shitty frame would never let me look decent. But these might be my escape from inceldom, to quote Mugabe:
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Reactions: FatmanO, kobecel and badromance
How old are you




Smartmaxxing (im actually low IQ but i give off the impression of a high IQ for whatever reason)

I'm not even going to bother working out since I know my shitty frame would never let me look decent. But these might be my escape from inceldom, to quote Mugabe:
View attachment 26079
i will link u a skin lightening cream to look less curry when i come back home, u ok with that?
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Smartmaxxing (im actually low IQ but i give off the impression of a high IQ for whatever reason)

I'm not even going to bother working out since I know my shitty frame would never let me look decent. But these might be my escape from inceldom, to quote Mugabe:
View attachment 26079
Yeah gym is cope anyway
Yeah gym is cope anyway

When will you understand that gym is not the reason you aren't as ugly as before, but the fact you dropped body fat? It's not muscle hypertrophy that helped, but your fat cells reducing. When you were "skinny" you still werent skinny as you had very high body fat. Low weight =/= low bodyfat. You had underdeveloped muscles along with a lot of fat. Then you started bulking like a retard making sure you actually retain those fat cells. You also believe cutting will atrophy your muscles when your in the beginner stage of working out. At this point you could even water fast for weeks and still retain your muscles. Your body is not retarded, it doesnt want to get rid of its basic functional amount of muscle. The amount you cope with gym is actually incredible at this point. You could've gone running 1.5h every day and look "better", eg. higher SMV in shorter period of time. That would still he the smartest play as of right now but your not smart enough to realise that. Your face looks way more fat in motion compared to your angle frauded pictures. I know you know it. I know you know you are fat, but you keep deluding yourself to this permavirgin "bearmode" autistuc alphadestiny mindset.
  • +1
Reactions: adrianolm, kobecel and androidcel
When will you understand that gym is not the reason you aren't as ugly as before, but the fact you dropped body fat? It's not muscle hypertrophy that helped, but your fat cells reducing. When you were "skinny" you still werent skinny as you had very high body fat. Low weight =/= low bodyfat. You had underdeveloped muscles along with a lot of fat. Then you started bulking like a retard making sure you actually retain those fat cells. You also believe cutting will atrophy your muscles when your in the beginner stage of working out. At this point you could even water fast for weeks and still retain your muscles. Your body is not retarded, it doesnt want to get rid of its basic functional amount of muscle. The amount you cope with gym is actually incredible at this point. You could've gone running 1.5h every day and look "better", eg. higher SMV in shorter period of time. That would still he the smartest play as of right now but your not smart enough to realise that. Your face looks way more fat in motion compared to your angle frauded pictures. I know you know it. I know you know you are fat, but you keep deluding yourself to this permavirgin "bearmode" autistuc alphadestiny mindset.

reminder that this is what @FatmanO thinks.
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel and FatmanO
Gonna check it out for sure
Read the curriculum and overview first
also check out his youtube before buying it
  • +1
Reactions: Sc22
Read the curriculum and overview first
also check out his youtube before buying it
Well it seems legit from what i can see. Gonna check it all out thats for sure. Prob will end up buying it.
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View attachment 26087
reminder that this is what @FatmanO thinks.
I like to larp to
When will you understand that gym is not the reason you aren't as ugly as before, but the fact you dropped body fat? It's not muscle hypertrophy that helped, but your fat cells reducing. When you were "skinny" you still werent skinny as you had very high body fat. Low weight =/= low bodyfat. You had underdeveloped muscles along with a lot of fat. Then you started bulking like a retard making sure you actually retain those fat cells. You also believe cutting will atrophy your muscles when your in the beginner stage of working out. At this point you could even water fast for weeks and still retain your muscles. Your body is not retarded, it doesnt want to get rid of its basic functional amount of muscle. The amount you cope with gym is actually incredible at this point. You could've gone running 1.5h every day and look "better", eg. higher SMV in shorter period of time. That would still he the smartest play as of right now but your not smart enough to realise that. Your face looks way more fat in motion compared to your angle frauded pictures. I know you know it. I know you know you are fat, but you keep deluding yourself to this permavirgin "bearmode" autistuc alphadestiny mindset.
Tbh Im gonna start cutting this year I think I need more muscles and ill be good, so I wont be same as low weight as b4
I like to larp to

Tbh Im gonna start cutting this year I think I need more muscles and ill be good, so I wont be same as low weight as b4
you need test E
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 245 and kobecel
When will you understand that gym is not the reason you aren't as ugly as before, but the fact you dropped body fat? It's not muscle hypertrophy that helped, but your fat cells reducing. When you were "skinny" you still werent skinny as you had very high body fat. Low weight =/= low bodyfat. You had underdeveloped muscles along with a lot of fat. Then you started bulking like a retard making sure you actually retain those fat cells. You also believe cutting will atrophy your muscles when your in the beginner stage of working out. At this point you could even water fast for weeks and still retain your muscles. Your body is not retarded, it doesnt want to get rid of its basic functional amount of muscle. The amount you cope with gym is actually incredible at this point. You could've gone running 1.5h every day and look "better", eg. higher SMV in shorter period of time. That would still he the smartest play as of right now but your not smart enough to realise that. Your face looks way more fat in motion compared to your angle frauded pictures. I know you know it. I know you know you are fat, but you keep deluding yourself to this permavirgin "bearmode" autistuc alphadestiny mindset.
Also Im not fat, but Im not skinny either. Fat would be obvious in social interactions imo, and ofc my face looks way more fat on camera due to lens disortion

Its not that severe as you make it to be
He should make an account on incels.is tbh. Probably gets cucked by Tyrone while being nigger lady betabux
You can't deny the truth of what he's saying though.
You can't deny the truth of what he's saying though.
There's no truth dude. He's basically saying pay a girl to fuck you. Just lol if you think women can love an ugly melted abomination because he has money and power. They're just USING him bro
  • JFL
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Reactions: Ritalincel and androidcel
There's no truth dude. He's basically saying pay a girl to fuck you. Just lol if you think women can love an ugly melted abomination because he has money and power. They're just USING him bro
Men in power like him get a massive halo to their status and attractiveness. Like hitler: he was statusmaxxed and lost his virginity due to it. Status in the form of having a top position in society and making tons of money is an indicator of great genetics which may not be genetics when it comes to looks but other things like intelligence. Which is also working in favour of natural selection and is imprinted into the female brain to be attracted to. This is why status is about as powerful if not more powerful than looks. One may also argue that status itself will halo the face to be more attractive.
Men in power like him get a massive halo to their status and attractiveness. Like hitler: he was statusmaxxed and lost his virginity due to it. Status in the form of having a top position in society and making tons of money is an indicator of great genetics which may not be genetics when it comes to looks but other things like intelligence. Which is also working in favour of natural selection and is imprinted into the female brain to be attracted to. This is why status is about as powerful if not more powerful than looks. One may also argue that status itself will halo the face to be more attractive.
Lol you must not read divorce statistics. Jeff bizos or whatever the fuck his name is got divorce raped for BILLIONS of dollars, and he's relatively young and decent looking.
I mean seriously bro you'd be better off just taking roids and working on wall street instead of trying be some high ranking government official where all the people are hired based on connections to the jews
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Reactions: kobecel, androidcel and Ritalincel
There's no truth dude. He's basically saying pay a girl to fuck you. Just lol if you think women can love an ugly melted abomination because he has money and power. They're just USING him bro
yeah money and status is cope. The only thing you can be loved for is your looks. The sheer amount looks can get you in life is insane. Incels think women arent blackpilled aswell, fuck that, women know what they want and why they want it, they know looks are everything. The only blue pill copers are men who cant cope in a better way (looksmaxxing is a good form of coping), or soyboys.
Just be aspie theorald
A guy (but much less frequently, a girl) that has Asperger's Syndrome and has no clue as to how to be socially aware.

What's worse, an Aspergatron does NOT want to improve their social capabilities, simply thinking that it's somehow impossible to be both intelligent and social (false dichotomy, yay!).

Their aspergatronic circuitry doesn't seem to allow them the capacity to be a more well-rounded human being, and thus they get stuck in an infinite loop whereby they think that all that's required for success in life is raw intellect, thereby showing that they're not as intelligent as they thought they were and thus failing at life (and thus withdrawing further into obscure hobbies).
Linux Help Forum:

Regular IT guy: "Hey guys, would you happen to know how to do the following with the 'cut' command"?

Aspergatron: said in aspergatronic robot voice "CUT IS NOT EFFICIENT!"

Regular IT guy: "Oh wow, that's really not what I asked for..."

by LemurGuy January 14, 2013
A guy (but much less frequently, a girl) that has Asperger's Syndrome and has no clue as to how to be socially aware.

What's worse, an Aspergatron does NOT want to improve their social capabilities, simply thinking that it's somehow impossible to be both intelligent and social (false dichotomy, yay!).

Their aspergatronic circuitry doesn't seem to allow them the capacity to be a more well-rounded human being, and thus they get stuck in an infinite loop whereby they think that all that's required for success in life is raw intellect, thereby showing that they're not as intelligent as they thought they were and thus failing at life (and thus withdrawing further into obscure hobbies).
Linux Help Forum:

Regular IT guy: "Hey guys, would you happen to know how to do the following with the 'cut' command"?

Aspergatron: said in aspergatronic robot voice "CUT IS NOT EFFICIENT!"

Regular IT guy: "Oh wow, that's really not what I asked for..."

by LemurGuy January 14, 2013
I'm literally crying and shaking and pissing. You fuvning inksilk misogynistic REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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