

skye's guy
May 1, 2024


  • JFL
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Reactions: Tabula Rasa, twinkceluwu, StarvedEpi and 1 other person
Copy and paste it here nigga isn’t reading that small ass text
  • +1
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Reactions: iblamechico, Framemogger69, StarvedEpi and 2 others
I will not read all that
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: FacialStructure404, TheLookInYourEyes, StarvedEpi and 2 others
holy shit sort by new this dude is manic and writing whole novels in the comments
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: StarvedEpi and WhoTookVendetta
Copy and paste it here nigga isn’t reading that small ass text
I will not read all that
just because i’ve recovered and i’m in the best mental state of my life i’ve ever been in and the happiest i’ve ever been in my life my eyes have finally opened doesn’t mean you all need to hate and be jealous of me because i sacrificed and took almost two years of the remaining teenage years i had left and used it for good to finally get professional help get sane and get my life back together look at where a lot of you still are in the same place or if not worse than you were when i decided to get myself back on my feet i finally decided to reject every single thing that i had ever known and been taught by every teacher and mentor i’ve had in my life and finally developed a mind of my own and learned how to tell right from wrong and i raised myself without guidance from anything but my higher intuition my heart and the universe i questioned everything for years i had all the time in the world to develop a solution to every single problem of mine every single philosophical question every single existential problem down to my very own minuscule existence and i realized i am just a small idiot high on life living on the planet earth a planet so far ignored and unknown to the rest so lost in darkness and deceit but even then you and i and this entire god forsaken joke of a world still has a purpose and people are so stuck trying to find their own purpose not even realizing the purpose is right in front of your very own eyes the purpose of life is life itself the purpose is living laughing and loving everything has a reason no matter how obscure strange or abstract it all adds up and plays a part for the cosmic play and the physical reality of a movie that unveils before our very eyes how much longer will most of you live in suffering before you decide to make a change and do something different that’s your first problem is doing the same thing over and over again never trying anything new or taking adventurous risks in life and being afraid of everything because your ego is afraid it will die i live by the fact that i will do whatever i want and use sheer willpower to do so even if i die for what i believe in or if i die doing what i love and do best living i don’t care and i will gladly die for the purpose of life itself no one ever really dies though it’s just a new chapter of life and the cycle of reincarnation and consciousness continues somewhere somewhat in some form shape or way out there lift all of this pain from your body and realize that it was never really there to begin with and that there really was nothing to worry about stop taking this life so seriously and live for yourself and just be and live in the moment for we are always in the good times every moment of our life when we are children we want to be adults so bad but when we are adults we want to be kids again and then when we’re 30 we’ll miss being 20 when we’re 80 we’ll say that our 70’s were the good old days and so it will be until our very last breath in this body there is nothing to fear i will be smiling and laughing on my death bed excited for what awaits me you and i have already died before many many many times so what is there to fear it’s just another experience we’ve already been through in another way like many of the great gurus would die and be full of glee and bliss regardless if their temporary physical form was fading away why would you want to stay alive forever and keep watching the same repeating movie over and over again what would be the point it would get boring after a while like Guru Shankar explained to us something along those linesBottom line is if you don’t decide to make a change for yourself then no one will do it for you can’t expect anyone to come or a knight in shining armor to come and save you from the hole you’ve been dug into regardless of the environmental circumstances i am physical proof you can go to hell and back survive and come back in one peace better than ever full of life and love i walk down the street now and am told by everyone how i sound so much better look better how i used to look like a vampire and now i look so rejuvenated and full of life because they can sense my positive energy and the love within my soul and i have so much love to spread and share around to everyone everyone can sense when you’re genuine authentic and real fakes cheats and liars are so easy to spot like a needle in a haystack want something done better do it yourself i learned that the hard way being in a dozen bands since age eleven gotta learn to do everything yourself can’t rely on no one we come and are born into this life ourselves guided by teachers who were taught before us and them and they show us the world as they know it then we grow up and are catapulted into adulthood expected to know and do everything the school of hard knocks but what does anyone really know i’ve met wise old people and i’ve met old people dumber than a box of rocks so what does it all equate to nothing or everything all or nothing better make it count and live a fulfilling life full of fun happiness and positive memories before it’s too late and you look at the date and realize it’s too late and you’ve gone and come too far to go back and fix everything now is the time to act and sieze the day carpe diem i got it tatted on me do what you love and what makes you feel best aware okay and think for yourself don’t let anyone convince you anything don’t even always listen to me or take my advice as biblical prophecy because i’m just a stupid human being just like all of you except we have a very divine spiritual energy inside of us and we are so much more than the temporary shell we inhabit but rather a more eternal essence waiting to break out of its hidey hole moral of the story we all are born we all live and we all die then we live again so what are you waiting for go achieve your dream want to become the best painter go do it want to become the best rockstar pop star or artist go do it and help as many people along the way with your words and music want to be an astronaut a firefighter a police officer a volunteer at an animal shelter go do whatever you want to do you have the power to achieve so much with these hands and you can do so much good with them we have built and constructed so much architecture with these beautiful hands we can achieve so much the potential is limitless all the houses castles ships cars pyramids buildings and skyscrapers go do that thing you’ve always wanted to do and achieve your dreams no matter how delusional you may think they are it’s not and don’t listen to people who are negative and tell you that you can’t do something they’re just jealous i typed more than this but my iphone undid it all so just forget it i will talk more about stuff soon if you all need but i am just an ignorant stupid foolish immature and impulsive kid i am learning everyday and getting better at this life thing thank you all so much for all the support for those who truly do it will forever stick with me and don’t hesitate if you need to talk about literally anything i am here for the ones who truly seek and i can refer you to great resources thank you so much love love
i was told by everyone growing up that i couldn’t do this and that some of my family and almost all of my peers doubted me said i couldn’t sing couldn’t do this i’d never do this and that and 2-3 years later i got a viral song made bands got millions of streams and it’s still relevant even to this day regardless of the risk i took with the lyrical content and mental state i was in i did it all at 15-17 being mentally ill and not there or myself it all just happened so fast and i was being controlled by something else far more sinister but i am happy to have gotten through this dark depressive and scary nightmare no one thought i would do it either but i did and i’m at my best self right now even though i cannot sleep i cannot eat i throw everything up i’m sick at the moment with a terrible lung infection and i’m going through horrible withdrawals and even going through that i’m still the best i’ve ever been mentally and i’m on heavy antibiotics right now it’s possible to get through hard times blissfully as a matter of fact Guru Shankar made a video about it and I suggest you all go watch it if it hasn’t been taken down already because greedy fools take the knowledge of the Guru without paying anything back and even being broke with no more than a few dollars to my name I still gave back to the guru for all the eternal knowledge and infinite wisdom the guru gave me I was selfless and the universe rewarded me subsequently with gold riches and an amazing loving sweet caring beautiful and serene wife who loves me and who i love the universe works in strange ways and i have rejected the toxic masculinity i was raised upon and the ego about wanting to be the best and be better than others being greedy selfish and only thinking about myself led me no where but to my own downfall now i just want to see others have their spotlight and shine i don’t really care about myself or being known or wanting to be remembered i just want to uplift and spread joy see other people in their moment and limelight and i will get mine as well from time to time we all will now i love accepting myself for who i am i may not be the best looking i may not be a tall man i may not be this and that whatever who cares honestly i wish i was shorter than 5’9” then i could live my dream being a small femboy i love being a feminine man i love being a girl sometimes acting girly i love pretty nails hair and makeup i love nice sparkly things but i don’t care i am more of a man than any of you because i can fully accept myself for who and what i am and the person i’ve always been i’m not this tough scary masculine demon i’m a soft spoken feminine wholesome nurturing and loving boy i am more man than the ones who won’t admit to who they are and hide behind a mask and a persona i don’t care who calls me gay or trans because i am none of that i love the people who are and there is absolutely zero no issue with being anything you want to be even though i am attracted to women and will always identify as a man i still like looking cute occasionally and embracing my feminine side and i can be myself without fear of judgement from anyone or anything because it’s really just god judging itself and being insecure of its own beautiful creation and afraid of challenging social and gender norms i like being free and showing my freedom in many ways and i do not care who says what i’m not a fighter i don’t like cars sports or politics that much i choose peace and would avoid any conflict at all cost and will always try to make things right with everyone now i don’t have to hide anymore or run away from anything i’ve fully embraced myself for who i am and that is beautiful i’ve become the person i always secretly wanted to be and i’m so free and happier than ever I could care less if i’m shunned or looked down upon i don’t want to even be looked at by certain individuals who don’t accept me i don’t need their acceptance and neither do you or anyone else sorry to all of those who miss my old eras of hard drugs psychosis and evil satanic music sorry but it’s not coming back at least not ever like that i don’t support any of that and i never will again i actually have a life now and way prefer it over being a walking joke and a living meth pipe with all i’ve been through you’d think i’d be a vegetable especially having my sexual innocence stolen from me by the older people who failed me from 5-7 i was never ever an incel i was just caught up in bad circumstances wrong place wrong time i never believed what i was saying I was just mentally ill I always got female attention in every avenue of my life an abundance of it at that i never struggled with it i always just struggled with my mental issues and i finally woke up i opened my eyes to it all i suggest you all do the same in a perfect world what id like each and every single one of you to do is to forget about all your hardships it was a blessing in disguise more than you know it was the greatest life lesson of all use it and continue in with your life and better yourself through means of self help and the resources and people that are there who want to help you but i know most of you won’t do that and will continue to rot your life away until you’re old and have wasted everything but even then it’s never too late to wakeup and do something at least humans are naturally stubborn and refuse to listen to someone who’s been through hell and back been in their shoes and got out of it. it will take actual hardship pain and possibly trauma for you all to wakeup like i did because i was the same way not accepting help but it is there for you and always will be whenever you’re ready to take the leap of faith and reach the next step so i am done giving advice about these stupid labels and pills that people take on here it is meaningless and weightless to identify with someone else’s way of life be yourself and be original or don’t you don’t have to listen to me or anyone that’s why i don’t criticize or try to help incels anymore because they refuse my advice and take their less limited experience then mine as the complete ultimate truth and even i don’t have that no one truly does just some of us have it figured out a little more than others i just let these people be as they are and do what it is they want to do and i focus on myself ignore all of it and it doesn’t effect me because i don’t let it and i never will ever again because it doesn’t concern me i’ve lived that life and if you all want to continue doing it that’s on y’all but ima keep continuing to be me and be as i am thank you all and i hope you all will wakeup soon it is possible and any single one of you can do it i know it so go out there and chase your goals dreams aspirations and hopes you got this i will be off this for a while now go do that thing you’ve always wanted to do goodbye and thank you i love all of you

I can safely say that a lot of this comment section has not contributed to a restored faith in humanity so much hatred anger ego sadness and upset negative feelings around here it is absolutely insane and crazy how mindless fools think they have the knowledge to talk about someone else they most likely have never met and will speak and make up lies about something or someone they actually literally know nothing about as if they are currently living the experience of the one they are talking about when in actuality they know nothing at all and they were a blank slate before coming into this life any chance of you experiencing my life or anyone else’s life and remembering is slim to none because you made the karmic agreement before coming into this life to have little to no recollection of anything so thus learning a lifetime of earthly lessons to gain infinite wisdom surpassing and transcending this plane of existence a lot of ego and courage from the masses just not a lot of evidence or true proof of anything. only you or i will truly know what we have seen and experienced no one else can speak or say anything for you. it is like saying that the weather man or woman is all knowing and is never wrong and knows everything about the weather when in reality they are usually wrong and almost never spot on or correct most of the time. i am done and will not be spending my time discussing anything more about this addressing or giving foolish people the attention they crave and want because they get none from anyone else because they refuse to go outside make healthy relationships grow and become interesting people. thank you allyou can read my replies in some of the most recent comments for updates. all these people with their own version and perception of what makes me me and I am not an old wise man yet and haven’t even written my own autobiography hahahahaha spreading nothing but the highest and most pure peaceful blissful love there can be thanks for the ones who actually care and want to listen you all have a special place in my heart and you shall be forever rewarded with praise and knowledge not by me but within you I know nothing but the guru cleanses all I recommend to check out Guruji Josiah Brahman or Guruji Shankar KalaBhairava Maharaj my guru that I have spoken with and been fortunate enough to be guided by personally as well as his guru he learned from Sage Siddharameshwar. Spirituality can be freeing but it can also be very draining tiring snd suck you into a world full of false prophets and false teachers who want to preach a false sense of spirituality for financial gain and fame be careful who you are listening to listen to your heart always and your instincts do what feels right always and be as you are don’t let fools tell you to be something you don’t want to be and are not just to appeal to a certain community audience or to please a certain individual just be with the I am

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  • JFL
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Reactions: fluoride1337, Framemogger69, slavicpsycho and 1 other person
just because i’ve recovered and i’m in the best mental state of my life i’ve ever been in and the happiest i’ve ever been in my life my eyes have finally opened doesn’t mean you all need to hate and be jealous of me because i sacrificed and took almost two years of the remaining teenage years i had left and used it for good to finally get professional help get sane and get my life back together look at where a lot of you still are in the same place or if not worse than you were when i decided to get myself back on my feet i finally decided to reject every single thing that i had ever known and been taught by every teacher and mentor i’ve had in my life and finally developed a mind of my own and learned how to tell right from wrong and i raised myself without guidance from anything but my higher intuition my heart and the universe i questioned everything for years i had all the time in the world to develop a solution to every single problem of mine every single philosophical question every single existential problem down to my very own minuscule existence and i realized i am just a small idiot high on life living on the planet earth a planet so far ignored and unknown to the rest so lost in darkness and deceit but even then you and i and this entire god forsaken joke of a world still has a purpose and people are so stuck trying to find their own purpose not even realizing the purpose is right in front of your very own eyes the purpose of life is life itself the purpose is living laughing and loving everything has a reason no matter how obscure strange or abstract it all adds up and plays a part for the cosmic play and the physical reality of a movie that unveils before our very eyes how much longer will most of you live in suffering before you decide to make a change and do something different that’s your first problem is doing the same thing over and over again never trying anything new or taking adventurous risks in life and being afraid of everything because your ego is afraid it will die i live by the fact that i will do whatever i want and use sheer willpower to do so even if i die for what i believe in or if i die doing what i love and do best living i don’t care and i will gladly die for the purpose of life itself no one ever really dies though it’s just a new chapter of life and the cycle of reincarnation and consciousness continues somewhere somewhat in some form shape or way out there lift all of this pain from your body and realize that it was never really there to begin with and that there really was nothing to worry about stop taking this life so seriously and live for yourself and just be and live in the moment for we are always in the good times every moment of our life when we are children we want to be adults so bad but when we are adults we want to be kids again and then when we’re 30 we’ll miss being 20 when we’re 80 we’ll say that our 70’s were the good old days and so it will be until our very last breath in this body there is nothing to fear i will be smiling and laughing on my death bed excited for what awaits me you and i have already died before many many many times so what is there to fear it’s just another experience we’ve already been through in another way like many of the great gurus would die and be full of glee and bliss regardless if their temporary physical form was fading away why would you want to stay alive forever and keep watching the same repeating movie over and over again what would be the point it would get boring after a while like Guru Shankar explained to us something along those linesBottom line is if you don’t decide to make a change for yourself then no one will do it for you can’t expect anyone to come or a knight in shining armor to come and save you from the hole you’ve been dug into regardless of the environmental circumstances i am physical proof you can go to hell and back survive and come back in one peace better than ever full of life and love i walk down the street now and am told by everyone how i sound so much better look better how i used to look like a vampire and now i look so rejuvenated and full of life because they can sense my positive energy and the love within my soul and i have so much love to spread and share around to everyone everyone can sense when you’re genuine authentic and real fakes cheats and liars are so easy to spot like a needle in a haystack want something done better do it yourself i learned that the hard way being in a dozen bands since age eleven gotta learn to do everything yourself can’t rely on no one we come and are born into this life ourselves guided by teachers who were taught before us and them and they show us the world as they know it then we grow up and are catapulted into adulthood expected to know and do everything the school of hard knocks but what does anyone really know i’ve met wise old people and i’ve met old people dumber than a box of rocks so what does it all equate to nothing or everything all or nothing better make it count and live a fulfilling life full of fun happiness and positive memories before it’s too late and you look at the date and realize it’s too late and you’ve gone and come too far to go back and fix everything now is the time to act and sieze the day carpe diem i got it tatted on me do what you love and what makes you feel best aware okay and think for yourself don’t let anyone convince you anything don’t even always listen to me or take my advice as biblical prophecy because i’m just a stupid human being just like all of you except we have a very divine spiritual energy inside of us and we are so much more than the temporary shell we inhabit but rather a more eternal essence waiting to break out of its hidey hole moral of the story we all are born we all live and we all die then we live again so what are you waiting for go achieve your dream want to become the best painter go do it want to become the best rockstar pop star or artist go do it and help as many people along the way with your words and music want to be an astronaut a firefighter a police officer a volunteer at an animal shelter go do whatever you want to do you have the power to achieve so much with these hands and you can do so much good with them we have built and constructed so much architecture with these beautiful hands we can achieve so much the potential is limitless all the houses castles ships cars pyramids buildings and skyscrapers go do that thing you’ve always wanted to do and achieve your dreams no matter how delusional you may think they are it’s not and don’t listen to people who are negative and tell you that you can’t do something they’re just jealous i typed more than this but my iphone undid it all so just forget it i will talk more about stuff soon if you all need but i am just an ignorant stupid foolish immature and impulsive kid i am learning everyday and getting better at this life thing thank you all so much for all the support for those who truly do it will forever stick with me and don’t hesitate if you need to talk about literally anything i am here for the ones who truly seek and i can refer you to great resources thank you so much love love
i was told by everyone growing up that i couldn’t do this and that some of my family and almost all of my peers doubted me said i couldn’t sing couldn’t do this i’d never do this and that and 2-3 years later i got a viral song made bands got millions of streams and it’s still relevant even to this day regardless of the risk i took with the lyrical content and mental state i was in i did it all at 15-17 being mentally ill and not there or myself it all just happened so fast and i was being controlled by something else far more sinister but i am happy to have gotten through this dark depressive and scary nightmare no one thought i would do it either but i did and i’m at my best self right now even though i cannot sleep i cannot eat i throw everything up i’m sick at the moment with a terrible lung infection and i’m going through horrible withdrawals and even going through that i’m still the best i’ve ever been mentally and i’m on heavy antibiotics right now it’s possible to get through hard times blissfully as a matter of fact Guru Shankar made a video about it and I suggest you all go watch it if it hasn’t been taken down already because greedy fools take the knowledge of the Guru without paying anything back and even being broke with no more than a few dollars to my name I still gave back to the guru for all the eternal knowledge and infinite wisdom the guru gave me I was selfless and the universe rewarded me subsequently with gold riches and an amazing loving sweet caring beautiful and serene wife who loves me and who i love the universe works in strange ways and i have rejected the toxic masculinity i was raised upon and the ego about wanting to be the best and be better than others being greedy selfish and only thinking about myself led me no where but to my own downfall now i just want to see others have their spotlight and shine i don’t really care about myself or being known or wanting to be remembered i just want to uplift and spread joy see other people in their moment and limelight and i will get mine as well from time to time we all will now i love accepting myself for who i am i may not be the best looking i may not be a tall man i may not be this and that whatever who cares honestly i wish i was shorter than 5’9” then i could live my dream being a small femboy i love being a feminine man i love being a girl sometimes acting girly i love pretty nails hair and makeup i love nice sparkly things but i don’t care i am more of a man than any of you because i can fully accept myself for who and what i am and the person i’ve always been i’m not this tough scary masculine demon i’m a soft spoken feminine wholesome nurturing and loving boy i am more man than the ones who won’t admit to who they are and hide behind a mask and a persona i don’t care who calls me gay or trans because i am none of that i love the people who are and there is absolutely zero no issue with being anything you want to be even though i am attracted to women and will always identify as a man i still like looking cute occasionally and embracing my feminine side and i can be myself without fear of judgement from anyone or anything because it’s really just god judging itself and being insecure of its own beautiful creation and afraid of challenging social and gender norms i like being free and showing my freedom in many ways and i do not care who says what i’m not a fighter i don’t like cars sports or politics that much i choose peace and would avoid any conflict at all cost and will always try to make things right with everyone now i don’t have to hide anymore or run away from anything i’ve fully embraced myself for who i am and that is beautiful i’ve become the person i always secretly wanted to be and i’m so free and happier than ever I could care less if i’m shunned or looked down upon i don’t want to even be looked at by certain individuals who don’t accept me i don’t need their acceptance and neither do you or anyone else sorry to all of those who miss my old eras of hard drugs psychosis and evil satanic music sorry but it’s not coming back at least not ever like that i don’t support any of that and i never will again i actually have a life now and way prefer it over being a walking joke and a living meth pipe with all i’ve been through you’d think i’d be a vegetable especially having my sexual innocence stolen from me by the older people who failed me from 5-7 i was never ever an incel i was just caught up in bad circumstances wrong place wrong time i never believed what i was saying I was just mentally ill I always got female attention in every avenue of my life an abundance of it at that i never struggled with it i always just struggled with my mental issues and i finally woke up i opened my eyes to it all i suggest you all do the same in a perfect world what id like each and every single one of you to do is to forget about all your hardships it was a blessing in disguise more than you know it was the greatest life lesson of all use it and continue in with your life and better yourself through means of self help and the resources and people that are there who want to help you but i know most of you won’t do that and will continue to rot your life away until you’re old and have wasted everything but even then it’s never too late to wakeup and do something at least humans are naturally stubborn and refuse to listen to someone who’s been through hell and back been in their shoes and got out of it. it will take actual hardship pain and possibly trauma for you all to wakeup like i did because i was the same way not accepting help but it is there for you and always will be whenever you’re ready to take the leap of faith and reach the next step so i am done giving advice about these stupid labels and pills that people take on here it is meaningless and weightless to identify with someone else’s way of life be yourself and be original or don’t you don’t have to listen to me or anyone that’s why i don’t criticize or try to help incels anymore because they refuse my advice and take their less limited experience then mine as the complete ultimate truth and even i don’t have that no one truly does just some of us have it figured out a little more than others i just let these people be as they are and do what it is they want to do and i focus on myself ignore all of it and it doesn’t effect me because i don’t let it and i never will ever again because it doesn’t concern me i’ve lived that life and if you all want to continue doing it that’s on y’all but ima keep continuing to be me and be as i am thank you all and i hope you all will wakeup soon it is possible and any single one of you can do it i know it so go out there and chase your goals dreams aspirations and hopes you got this i will be off this for a while now go do that thing you’ve always wanted to do goodbye and thank you i love all of you

I can safely say that a lot of this comment section has not contributed to a restored faith in humanity so much hatred anger ego sadness and upset negative feelings around here it is absolutely insane and crazy how mindless fools think they have the knowledge to talk about someone else they most likely have never met and will speak and make up lies about something or someone they actually literally know nothing about as if they are currently living the experience of the one they are talking about when in actuality they know nothing at all and they were a blank slate before coming into this life any chance of you experiencing my life or anyone else’s life and remembering is slim to none because you made the karmic agreement before coming into this life to have little to no recollection of anything so thus learning a lifetime of earthly lessons to gain infinite wisdom surpassing and transcending this plane of existence a lot of ego and courage from the masses just not a lot of evidence or true proof of anything. only you or i will truly know what we have seen and experienced no one else can speak or say anything for you. it is like saying that the weather man or woman is all knowing and is never wrong and knows everything about the weather when in reality they are usually wrong and almost never spot on or correct most of the time. i am done and will not be spending my time discussing anything more about this addressing or giving foolish people the attention they crave and want because they get none from anyone else because they refuse to go outside make healthy relationships grow and become interesting people. thank you allyou can read my replies in some of the most recent comments for updates. all these people with their own version and perception of what makes me me and I am not an old wise man yet and haven’t even written my own autobiography hahahahaha spreading nothing but the highest and most pure peaceful blissful love there can be thanks for the ones who actually care and want to listen you all have a special place in my heart and you shall be forever rewarded with praise and knowledge not by me but within you I know nothing but the guru cleanses all I recommend to check out Guruji Josiah Brahman or Guruji Shankar KalaBhairava Maharaj my guru that I have spoken with and been fortunate enough to be guided by personally as well as his guru he learned from Sage Siddharameshwar. Spirituality can be freeing but it can also be very draining tiring snd suck you into a world full of false prophets and false teachers who want to preach a false sense of spirituality for financial gain and fame be careful who you are listening to listen to your heart always and your instincts do what feels right always and be as you are don’t let fools tell you to be something you don’t want to be and are not just to appeal to a certain community audience or to please a certain individual just be with the I am

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femboymaxxing is based and high IQ
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buddy is yapping, he coulda said what he needed in 4 sentences or less
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Reactions: HighTierSubhuman, WhoTookVendetta and ey88
Brutal he became a curry
  • JFL
Reactions: Tabula Rasa
lol he became a new age hippie
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  • Woah
Reactions: counterintuitive and WhoTookVendetta
James saphire surpassed the entire forum. He looksmaxed past the maximum looksmax and discovered there's more to life than looking really really good.

He's wise, but I'm not reading all that shit.
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