

May 1, 2024

@looserie awwww brings a tear to my eye but i’m not that special hahaha even though this video just released not too long ago I have recovered from my final spiritual awakening I was in a very sudden tense stage of it and I felt the need to make a video and share but spirituality / enlightenment is only a piece of the puzzle for me at least it’s only a fragment of my personality out of all of the other things that interest me i don’t wanna make it my whole thing or shtick cuz it’s not honestly me getting everything out of it I needed completely just ended my quarter mid life crisis and I can finally live now being free happy full of life love and laughter i’d only really talk about this stuff if someone asked me or wanted to have a deep meaningful conversation over a meal a smoke or just in general but even then i’m not that guy for this i’m just someone who likes to spread positivity and good vibes spirituality and enlightenment can be a dark rabbit hole and really hook and reel u in if u ain’t careful it’s best to just live listen to your heart and your instincts and it’s okay to look up to people and get value out of the words they’re saying but when I worshipped and put others on a pedestal instead of realizing that we’re all human and going through a unique experience just on a different wavelength everything just changed for me and I got everything that I needed out of any of this I’m not the psychedelic guy like I said in this video I’m not Hindu or any religion I’m just myself and finally happy that’s all that matters and what life is all about.I prefer listening rather than talking or speaking I want to take in everything and learn as much as I can and hear other people’s perspectives and what their life has taught them instead of me talking, and my listening skills and preferring to hear others out has become life changing for me since this video when I just wanted to talk everybody’s ear off because God had channeled their Mighty Divine All Knowing All Powerful Spirit in me You should’ve seen the night it happened I talked for 5 and a half straight hours wasn’t even in my body but I heard stories from the people who were around me and they told me some pretty crazy cool stuff and yeah it was just insane True Divine Intervention regardless though at the end of it all there’s no need to look up to any mere mortal being as being all wise or all knowing that’s just superiority complex there’s no need to keep researching and being in a constant endless loop of spirituality that is barely better or worse subjectively than black pill communities I got all that I needed from spirituality communities thanked them have nothing bad to say about them and will always be thankful and grateful that I got to be where I did and learn what I did while it happened and now I can just live my life full of bliss and joy as well as spreading it to others and making them feel just as alive if not more and giving so much love to everyone as much as possible without being weird or seeming like a crazy religious person. The movies not supposed to be spoiled it’s uncertain what happens after you know everyone has their own version of it but why spoil the movie I have no reason want or need to know when the time comes it’ll come and it’ll be loving accepting and it’ll be an easing sweet nice peaceful transference of consciousness I’m sure but I can’t say for sure I have died many times in this life in different ways and then almost physically died many times and even then I couldn’t tell ya because I’m still alive my friends and cousins who have done Ayahuasca like no one really truly knows on this side of heaven but I guess we’ll find out one day when we all get there regardless I’m not worried I could die tomorrow and accept it or die right now I have achieved everything I ever wanted in my whole life which was pure acceptance of the world everyone else myself and true genuine happiness from the heart so my forever wish has come true but I’d still like to do more and enjoy the newfound life that I’ve been blessed with by God but if it gets cut short oh well hahaha I’m not worried about anything why would I want to spend the rest of my life after this worrying about death the existential and whatever else this lifetime is so short I wanna live it and get everything that I can out of it enjoy it embrace it and really get to live in the moment like I never really have in a long time literally who cares about all this spirituality enlightenment psychedelic stuff I mean it’s cool and all for a deep talk but not for my everyday life it’s great and amazing but I have too much life to live right now to worry about this and that and cater and serve a community a teacher a topic or a religion I’m just myself living as pure as I am and loving it I have not much religious views or any spiritual advice to give I have it deep down in me in my heart but I have accepted that maybe I won’t always know the answer and that’s okay nothing ever seems to be 100% definite and I’m totally fine with that and wouldn’t want it any other way I was too caught up trying to figure everything out and think about what happened before this life and what comes after that I forgot about actually living it to get to the next chapter in whatever comes next after this like I’m sure if I’m here the I must have come from somewhere so after this I must be transferred somewhere else but I could be wrong who knows I’m not gonna be some counselor therapist guru guy or monk like dude we’re all human what more does someone who knows more or is more specialized in something have that I don’t except that knowledge why does that person deity place or thing (nouns lol) have to be put on such a high level celebritized or worship if others won’t claim to be equals or won’t treat others as such then I will and at least I’ll be another contributing to the good in this world I’m not throwing any hate to the sages in this video or any of that I’m sure there are people out there for them who follow them and stuff but that’s simply not me and it’s up to you whether or not you wanna do that or not I have no place to tell you whether or not you should try it because I genuinely have gotten a lot of good out of hearing good words from them but also from every other spiritual teacher or counselor that I’ve ever had and like I abide by the saying follow the words not the person saying them it took me a long time to realize that and I am so grateful for it like nobody is God or maybe they are but I’ll treat them like the person that they are for their personality unique characteristics and strengths and I’ll love that for them and not want them any other way but I’m not going to attribute everything to something spiritual I’m sure everything happens for a reason but I genuinely couldn’t say I know I said I liked listening more than talking and that’s true I do but I wanted to type this just if anyone sees this and is wondering where I’m at with my life and journey right now I don’t care if this is full of ego or is this and that if it is materialistic or earthly and not spiritual or enlightening I really don’t care I have wished to be this way forever and now I’m finally happy for the first time in my whole life whatever anyone wants to say I am proud of the way that I am now and there is literally not a single person who could make me think otherwise no matter if they say something insulting and act mature or speak very wise and tell me everything in fancy words it all just means nothing to me because I know in my heart what I’m doing is right how I feel is real even if it’s just real to me I’ll just appreciate each day that I get on this Earth and enjoy it happily till my very last day even if it’s considered ignorant bliss but I consider it my purpose to live laugh love as mainstream corny cringe or overused that saying is it’s everything to me and I couldn’t change it even if I wanted to (I don’t btw) and everyone loves the way that I am now I will forever feel accomplished for the past 18 years of experience I’ve had to go through to finally get a taste of satisfied content happy life and living anyways all love sending so much to u and everyone else
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