JB was making fun that I am norwooding. I am starting Finasteride (with blood work)



May 11, 2019
Yesterday, this JB that I am fucking noticed that I am norwooding and started joking around yesterday, she said I am grandpa or something in Russian. I told her we can do roleplay: incestmaxx grandpa and granddaughter, then I gagged my cock down her throat.

But anyway back to more serious things.

Since my Finasteride anyway arrived few days ago, I've decided to initiate phase to of my hair loss protocol.

I've decided to take action and stop the norwood reaper from capitalizing on my hair.

1 month ago I've started microneedling with dermapen + minoxidil 2 times a day.

Yesterday I've started 0.25-0.5mg (it's hard to measure because I have 5mg pills and they are pretty small) of Finasteride every day.
So far so good, had sex few times successfully since yesterday.

I know that there are not very many people that report their blood work levels before and after starting Finasteride, or any hair protocol in general that might influence your hormones.

These are my blood work results prior to starting anything related to hair restoration:
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) - 5.16 µIU/mL (0.27 - 4.2)
  • Human growth hormone (HGH) - 0.584 ng/mL (up to 3.0)
  • Free Thyroxine (T4 free) - 1.55 ng/dL (0.93 - 1.7)
  • Free Triiodthyronine (T3 free) - 3.01 pg/mL (2.0 - 4.4)
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH) - 8.48 mIU/mL (1.7 - 8.6)
  • Prolactin - 14 ng/mL (4.04 - 15.2)
  • Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) - 42.6 nmol/L (18.3 - 54.1)
  • Total Testosterone (T total, serum) - 27.7 nmol/L (8.64 - 29.0)
  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) - 3.25 mIU/mL (1.5-12.4)
  • Estradiol (E2) - 28.5 pg/mL ( 11.3- 43.2 )
  • Albumin - 49.8 g/L (35.0 - 52.0)
  • Free Testosterone (T free, serum) - 14.74 pg/mL (1.88 - 21.48)
  • Dihydrotestosterone 476 pg/mL (250.0 - 990.0)

It's good to have a baseline of your main hormones, so if anything goes wrong, I can easily understand which hormone went out of place and try to fix that, instead of blindly trying to guess hat is wrong.

I will give it 3-4 more days and then I will redo the blood work, I will not do all the tests again, only the ones that are relevant to this situation:
  • DHT (this is the main hormone that should get nuked by Finasteride)
  • Total Testosterone (this might get higher, since there will be less DHT converted from Testosteron)
  • Free Testosterone (this might get higher, since there will be less DHT converted from Testosteron)
  • Estradiol (E2) (might be higher since there will be more Testosterone)
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH) (mightbe lower sinxe there will be more Testosterone and Estrogen)
  • Prolactin (because I've taken also Cabergoline since it was kind of elevated on the above results)
I know that people on this forum don't support taking Finasteride, but I guess it depends from person to person, more exactly your base hormones when you start and also your androgen receptors.
Both testosterone and DHT have androgenic effect in the body, but DHT is few times more androgenic than Testosterone.

But I think if you have pretty high testosterone before starting Finasteride and + the Testosterone boost that you get from Finasteride, that should be enough to maintain all the functions in the body (libido, facial and body hair growth etc) that are dependent on androgens.

Now this extra boost of testosterone is a double edged sword, since if your hair follicles have a high affinity of binding to testosterone, it can actually have the same effect as the DHT had before on your hair.

Anyway, in the end I will try it and see what happens, but I would be glad to hear and other opinions of people that tried Finasteride/Dutasteride.
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  • JFL
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Wish you well mate, make sure you don't get PFS
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Good luck
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You got dis
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Yesterday, this JB that I am fucking noticed that I am norwooding and started joking around yesterday, she said I am grandpa or something in Russian. I told her we can do roleplay: incestmaxx grandpa and granddaughter, then I gagged my cock down her throat.

But anyway back to more serious things.

Since my Finasteride anyway arrived few days ago, I've decided to initiate phase to of my hair loss protocol.

I've decided to take action and stop the norwood reaper from capitalizing on my hair.

1 month ago I've started microneedling with dermapen + minoxidil 2 times a day.

Yesterday I've started 0.25-0.5mg (it's hard to measure because I have 5mg pills and they are pretty small) of Finasteride every day.
So far so good, had sex few times successfully since yesterday.

I know that there are not very many people that report their blood work levels before and after starting Finasteride, or any hair protocol in general that might influence your hormones.

These are my blood work results prior to starting anything related to hair restoration:
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) - 5.16 µIU/mL (0.27 - 4.2)
  • Human growth hormone (HGH) - 0.584 ng/mL (up to 3.0)
  • Free Thyroxine (T4 free) - 1.55 ng/dL (0.93 - 1.7)
  • Free Triiodthyronine (T3 free) - 3.01 pg/mL (2.0 - 4.4)
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH) - 8.48 mIU/mL (1.7 - 8.6)
  • Prolactin - 14 ng/mL (4.04 - 15.2)
  • Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) - 42.6 nmol/L (18.3 - 54.1)
  • Total Testosterone (T total, serum) - 27.7 nmol/L (8.64 - 29.0)
  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) - 3.25 mIU/mL (1.5-12.4)
  • Estradiol (E2) - 28.5 pg/mL ( 11.3- 43.2 )
  • Albumin - 49.8 g/L (35.0 - 52.0)
  • Free Testosterone (T free, serum) - 14.74 pg/mL (1.88 - 21.48)
  • Dihydrotestosterone 476 pg/mL (250.0 - 990.0)

It's good to have a baseline of your main hormones, so if anything goes wrong, I can easily understand which hormone went out of place and try to fix that, instead of blindly trying to guess hat is wrong.

I will give it 3-4 more days and then I will redo the blood work, I will not do all the tests again, only the ones that are relevant to this situation:
  • DHT (this is the main hormone that should get nuked by Finasteride)
  • Total Testosterone (this might get higher, since there will be less DHT converted from Testosteron)
  • Free Testosterone (this might get higher, since there will be less DHT converted from Testosteron)
  • Estradiol (E2) (might be higher since there will be more Testosterone)
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH) (mightbe lower sinxe there will be more Testosterone and Estrogen)
  • Prolactin (because I've taken also Cabergoline since it was kind of elevated on the above results)
I know that people on this forum don't support taking Finasteride, but I guess it depends from person to person, more exactly your base hormones when you start and also your androgen receptors.
Both testosterone and DHT have androgenic effect in the body, but DHT is few times more androgenic than Testosterone.

But I think if you have pretty high testosterone before starting Finasteride and + the Testosterone boost that you get from Finasteride, that should be enough to maintain all the functions in the body (libido, facial and body hair growth etc) that are dependent on androgens.

Now this extra boost of testosterone is a double edged sword, since if your hair follicles have a high affinity of binding to testosterone, it can actually have the same effect as the DHT had before on your hair.

Anyway, in the end I will try it and see what happens, but I would be glad to hear and other opinions of people that tried Finasteride/Dutasteride.
Post your hairline
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You should get your free t4, free t3, and thyroid antibodied checked out. Your tsh is above the normal range.
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You should get your free t4, free t3, and thyroid antibodied checked out. Your tsh is above the normal range.
I posted my Free T3 and T4 above, they are both in range, I didn't check my thyroid antibodies, I will check that next time, thanks.
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Ok so my blood work came after 1 week on Finasteride, and my DHT is basically the same:

It came back 465 ng/dl, before was 476 pg/m, so I will stop taking Finasteride, since it doesn't seem to have any effect on my serum DHT levels.
  • WTF
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I know that people on this forum don't support taking Finasteride

because most of the userbase is comprised of highschoolers lol

Ok so my blood work came after 1 week on Finasteride, and my DHT is basically the same:

DHT testing is notoriously inaccurate (weren't you Romanian, remember you from .net; shitty labs = inaccurate results), you should go by observational studies to gauge efficacy of finasteride - it works in a huge percentage of people.

you have giga minor recession for someone who is 31, I'd wager you'll keep your hair well into your 50s.
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I did a photo now, I will be 31 y old in few months.
you look good for a 31 year old slavcel
most guys here look like alcoholics by the age of 30
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because most of the userbase is comprised of highschoolers lol

DHT testing is notoriously inaccurate (weren't you Romanian, remember you from .net; shitty labs = inaccurate results), you should go by observational studies to gauge efficacy of finasteride - it works in a huge percentage of people.

you have giga minor recession for someone who is 31, I'd wager you'll keep your hair well into your 50s.
haha yes from ROmania.

Yes DHT tests tests are not the most accurate, but still, I've did over 6-7 hormonal bood tests in the past few months and for example when I took DHEA (which is known for raising your Testosterone), my DHT was 1000 ng/dl (which was expected) from ~450 ng/dl since my Testosterone was also 1200 ng/dl, from 800 ng/dl.

So I think if Finasteride would work for me, my blood levels should show somewhere <100 ng/dl.

My hairline is not the worse, but it's receding every year little by little, I will continue with Minoxidil and will order also RU.
you look good for a 31 year old slavcel
most guys here look like alcoholics by the age of 30

Yes I guess it has to do with late puberty + healthy lifestyle during my 20s.
Where do you meet 15 year olds at your age? Just cold approach?
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Ok so my blood work came after 1 week on Finasteride, and my DHT is basically the same:

It came back 465 ng/dl, before was 476 pg/m, so I will stop taking Finasteride, since it doesn't seem to have any effect on my serum DHT levels.
???????? there is close to 0% chance that it wont have an effect. 1 week is kind of early to judge keep taking it for at least 2 months. testing might be flawed as well but you definitely need to wait a little longer.
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Where do you meet 15 year olds at your age? Just cold approach?
online game, I have many girls following me on Instagram from local area.
???????? there is close to 0% chance that it wont have an effect. 1 week is kind of early to judge keep taking it for at least 2 months. testing might be flawed as well but you definitely need to wait a little longer.
Yes I will give it 1 month maybe and repeat the test, but so far I didn't see any change in mood, libido etc.
On the other hand Cabergoline seems to be working, my Prolactin is down to 3.43 ng/dl from 14 ng/dl.
You should get your free t4, free t3, and thyroid antibodied checked out. Your tsh is above the normal range.
I did the Thyroid peroxidase, antibodies (ATPO) blood work test and it came back super high.
95.7 IU/mL ( up to 34.0 IU/mL)

Next I will do the Reverse T3, but I didn't find any lab in Ukraine that has this test, but I might have a start of Hashimoto disease I am thinking.

I am thinking that if my rT3 is high, then it would render the free T3 unusable.
online game, I have many girls following me on Instagram from local area.

Nice.You're my hero, man!

If I was you, i'd bang the shit out of myJB neighour!

  • +1
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1 week is too early especially at 0.25mg. Pay attention to any weird sensation in your nipple area as many guys get gyno.
Nice.You're my hero, man!

If I was you, i'd bang the shit out of myJB neighour!

View attachment 505942
she looks too thick for me tbh

1 week is too early especially at 0.25mg. Pay attention to any weird sensation in your nipple area as many guys get gyno.
I think I took like 0.5mg, because I have 5mg pills, and it's hard to divide it in 20 peaces, the are already super small out of the box.

Gyno is side effect of increased estrogen or prolatin, both of them are low in my case, just did the blood work yesterday, my estrogen is around 28 and Prolactin is 3.
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she looks too thick for me tbh
In that case if you don't want her, you pull her for me using your instagram. Pretend to be visiting the UK.
Tell her to wear a blindfold when she comes over to meet 'you'. Tell her it's your kink. Then, when she meets 'you' (at my address) i'll be able to impregnate her, pretending to be you.
  • JFL
Reactions: Mouthbreath, goat2x, Deleted member 4416 and 2 others
In that case if you don't want her, you pull her for me using your instagram. Pretend to be visiting the UK.
Tell her to wear a blindfold when she comes over to meet 'you'. Tell her it's your kink. Then, when she meets 'you' (at my address) i'll be able to impregnate her, pretending to be you.
subhuman fantasy
  • JFL
Reactions: Mouthbreath, bimaximum, hairyballscel and 2 others
Finasteride will cuck u hard, DHT is 5 times stronger than T and has a lot of roles in the brain, libido, fat burning, male dimorphism
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Please keep us updated! I thinking about starting finasteride too, sadly im kind of low t (600 ng/dl)

Also report if you notice some regrowth
In that case if you don't want her, you pull her for me using your instagram. Pretend to be visiting the UK.
Tell her to wear a blindfold when she comes over to meet 'you'. Tell her it's your kink. Then, when she meets 'you' (at my address) i'll be able to impregnate her, pretending to be you.
we may as well, pm me her instagram jfl
Finasteride will cuck u hard, DHT is 5 times stronger than T and has a lot of roles in the brain, libido, fat burning, male dimorphism
Yes androgenic wise DHT is around 4 times stronger than Testosterone, but not anabolic wise. Imo once you become adult you don't need that much androgens to support your sexual functions in the body and other male characteristics, it's more crucial during puberty to have high androgens.

But in the end it depends from individual to individual, I think that if you have high T from the start + the extra boost of T that you get from cutting the DHT conversion, should be enough to sustain your sexual functions etc, but of course it depends also on your androgenic receptors affinity to Testosterone.

In my case I just wanted to take Finasteride as trial test and see how my body reacts to it and also make blood test to have the full picture in front of me, but so far I didn't feel anything, and my blood test also revealed that nothing changed in my body hormonal wise.

My friend also took Dutasteride for 2 months, and his DHT came 900 ng/dl lol, he also didn't feel any change from it, so maybe I am also a non responder to it.

For example I also tried Cabergoline, and there I saw immediate changes, my Prolactin went from 14 to 3 ng/dl in couple of days based on my blood work, and my sexual drive went up.

Please keep us updated! I thinking about starting finasteride too, sadly im kind of low t (600 ng/dl)

Also report if you notice some regrowth
But what are your Free Testosterone levels?

Well as long as my DHT levels don't drop down, I don't see how this would help with my hairloss.
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Is free testosterone more important?

I will for sure make a big blood test like you before starting fin
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The Norwood reaper is a worthy opponent but I have faith you will slay it.

Good luck warrior.
  • +1
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Is free testosterone more important?

I will for sure make a big blood test like you before starting fin
yes the tissues can use mostly only free testosterone or bioavailable test
  • +1
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Yesterday, this JB that I am fucking noticed that I am norwooding and started joking around yesterday, she said I am grandpa or something in Russian. I told her we can do roleplay: incestmaxx grandpa and granddaughter, then I gagged my cock down her throat.

But anyway back to more serious things.

Since my Finasteride anyway arrived few days ago, I've decided to initiate phase to of my hair loss protocol.

I've decided to take action and stop the norwood reaper from capitalizing on my hair.

1 month ago I've started microneedling with dermapen + minoxidil 2 times a day.

Yesterday I've started 0.25-0.5mg (it's hard to measure because I have 5mg pills and they are pretty small) of Finasteride every day.
So far so good, had sex few times successfully since yesterday.

I know that there are not very many people that report their blood work levels before and after starting Finasteride, or any hair protocol in general that might influence your hormones.

These are my blood work results prior to starting anything related to hair restoration:
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) - 5.16 µIU/mL (0.27 - 4.2)
  • Human growth hormone (HGH) - 0.584 ng/mL (up to 3.0)
  • Free Thyroxine (T4 free) - 1.55 ng/dL (0.93 - 1.7)
  • Free Triiodthyronine (T3 free) - 3.01 pg/mL (2.0 - 4.4)
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH) - 8.48 mIU/mL (1.7 - 8.6)
  • Prolactin - 14 ng/mL (4.04 - 15.2)
  • Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) - 42.6 nmol/L (18.3 - 54.1)
  • Total Testosterone (T total, serum) - 27.7 nmol/L (8.64 - 29.0)
  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) - 3.25 mIU/mL (1.5-12.4)
  • Estradiol (E2) - 28.5 pg/mL ( 11.3- 43.2 )
  • Albumin - 49.8 g/L (35.0 - 52.0)
  • Free Testosterone (T free, serum) - 14.74 pg/mL (1.88 - 21.48)
  • Dihydrotestosterone 476 pg/mL (250.0 - 990.0)

It's good to have a baseline of your main hormones, so if anything goes wrong, I can easily understand which hormone went out of place and try to fix that, instead of blindly trying to guess hat is wrong.

I will give it 3-4 more days and then I will redo the blood work, I will not do all the tests again, only the ones that are relevant to this situation:
  • DHT (this is the main hormone that should get nuked by Finasteride)
  • Total Testosterone (this might get higher, since there will be less DHT converted from Testosteron)
  • Free Testosterone (this might get higher, since there will be less DHT converted from Testosteron)
  • Estradiol (E2) (might be higher since there will be more Testosterone)
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH) (mightbe lower sinxe there will be more Testosterone and Estrogen)
  • Prolactin (because I've taken also Cabergoline since it was kind of elevated on the above results)
I know that people on this forum don't support taking Finasteride, but I guess it depends from person to person, more exactly your base hormones when you start and also your androgen receptors.
Both testosterone and DHT have androgenic effect in the body, but DHT is few times more androgenic than Testosterone.

But I think if you have pretty high testosterone before starting Finasteride and + the Testosterone boost that you get from Finasteride, that should be enough to maintain all the functions in the body (libido, facial and body hair growth etc) that are dependent on androgens.

Now this extra boost of testosterone is a double edged sword, since if your hair follicles have a high affinity of binding to testosterone, it can actually have the same effect as the DHT had before on your hair.

Anyway, in the end I will try it and see what happens, but I would be glad to hear and other opinions of people that tried Finasteride/Dutasteride.
You should have scalped her and danced around with it on
  • +1
Reactions: razerftw
On the other hand Cabergoline seems to be working, my Prolactin is down to 3.43 ng/dl from 14 ng/dl.

I did the Thyroid peroxidase, antibodies (ATPO) blood work test and it came back super high.
95.7 IU/mL ( up to 34.0 IU/mL)

Next I will do the Reverse T3, but I didn't find any lab in Ukraine that has this test, but I might have a start of Hashimoto disease I am thinking.

I am thinking that if my rT3 is high, then it would render the free T3 unusable.
Dont worry about reverse t3, it doesnt do anything.

I think youre right, youre in the beginning stages of hashimotos thyroiditis. You have subclinical hypothyroidism right now.
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  • +1
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The Norwood reaper is a worthy opponent but I have faith you will slay it.

Good luck warrior.
Dont worry about reverse t3, it doesnt do anything.

I think youre right, youre in the beginning stages of hashimotos thyroiditis. You have subclinical hypothyroidism right now.
yes thanks for the recommendation, I wouldn't have included this test in my blood work panel otherwise.
You should have scalped her and danced around with it on
haha should I?


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  • JFL
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is it even possible to cut 5mg pills in 8 pieces?
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any updates?
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How's foid maxxing gone?
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Remember to say goodbye to your dick, and erections
  • JFL
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is it even possible to cut 5mg pills in 8 pieces?
I just cut it in half and then I use my teeth to bite a small portion of it, seems to work fine for me.
any updates?

Since I've last posted here, I've continued religiously doing my protocol (finasteride 0.5mg/day, dermapen 1x week, minoxidil 5% 2x day, nizoral 3x week).

- I've noticed more density in the front, and also I have to style my hair less to cover the patches.
- I see more terminal hairs in the front and new baby hairs sprouting.

Side Effects:
- Puffy eyes in the morning that goes after 1-2 hours after I wake up
- Little more pronounced dark circles
- I didn't notice any changes in sex drive (I had normal sex experiences, morning woods, and can masturbate few times a day).
How's foid maxxing gone?

Now I am in Romania for few weeks and I am focusing on maxing stuff ( hair, gym, business, dick). But soon I will go to Belarus, Ukraine.

I did some photos now with my current hair.


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Since I've last posted here, I've continued religiously doing my protocol (finasteride 0.5mg/day, dermapen 1x week, minoxidil 5% 2x day, nizoral 3x week).

- I've noticed more density in the front, and also I have to style my hair less to cover the patches.
- I see more terminal hairs in the front and new baby hairs sprouting.

Side Effects:
- Puffy eyes in the morning that goes after 1-2 hours after I wake up
- Little more pronounced dark circles
- I didn't notice any changes in sex drive (I had normal sex experiences, morning woods, and can masturbate few times a day).

Now I am in Romania for few weeks and I am focusing on maxing stuff ( hair, gym, business, dick). But soon I will go to Belarus, Ukraine.

I did some photos now with my current hair.
Damn son! I can barely see the Norwood!

I am very very happy for you :)
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Damn son! I can barely see the Norwood!

I am very very happy for you :)
Yes I am really excited to see how it will look in few more months.

I also want to order RU58841 and add it to my protocol and do a little bit of everything.

I feel little bad that I didn't start doing this few years ago when I first noticed losing hair.
  • +1
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Thanks for reminding me to post here, and for keeping this thread alive.

1. My RU58841 is on the way, should arrive here in 1 week.

2. I've continue with my protocol, I was on holiday for 1 week with this 17 year old, and my libido was higher than ever.

I will post some photos in the next days, I've cut my hair in the meantime, there might be some marginal improvements since my last set of photos.
  • +1
Reactions: lasthope
Thanks for reminding me to post here, and for keeping this thread alive.

1. My RU58841 is on the way, should arrive here in 1 week.

2. I've continue with my protocol, I was on holiday for 1 week with this 17 year old, and my libido was higher than ever.

I will post some photos in the next days, I've cut my hair in the meantime, there might be some marginal improvements since my last set of photos.
thanks for update boyo life fuel for me
I think I will start fin too
  • +1
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My RU arrived today from USA (took 8 days to be delivered to EU, pretty fast) and I already started applying it.


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My RU arrived today from USA (took 8 days to be delivered to EU, pretty fast) and I already started applying it.
gl Ru58841 works very good for me
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mirin your jb game tbh
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Here are some photos from today (don't mind the beard, I will shave it):


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So far no side effects from the RU, I've applied 3 times.
I will come back with another update in 1 month, hopefully my hair will be much better than now.

In 2 days I am going to Minsk, I will JBmaxx and Virginmaxx, maybe I will report here some lays. That if I don't get beaten with the baton by OMON lol.


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she looks too thick for me tbh

you are limiting yourself, you need to go for what a chad goes for. Your genes are saying "shes out of your league" not that shes too thick. That girl is a fucking 10 if you wouldn't stick it in you are probably intimidated by her. Ascend mentally.
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