“Jews” are not human they are from another land/dimension



15 year old neet
Jul 7, 2023
They are also not the same Jews that were a long time ago. They are a different species and came to do their plan which will enslave the human race. They could also be demons.

They’re not from another planet but they worship Saturn which is a fallen angel which appears as a “planet” at night. I think they might be demons or come beyond the ice wall. They also might control other lands the same way they control our continents

And Jesus needs to come back to save us

And Jesus isn’t part of those “Jews”

These “Jews” aren’t Gods chosen people

They believe in correcting the world which makes them have a god complex

"The divine fell to the corporeal level and it remains with us, this is why we are superior in every way; we will disseminate a correction to the world, it is our spiritual decree"

And it’s normal to hate these Jews as they are anti human
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  • JFL
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You're 15.
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The cabal are definitely influenced or directed by something else, satan ? Reptillians ?

Or not ….
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I heard Benjamin Netanyahu’s son posted an unusual meme a while back… be what that may…
Either two options is possible

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  • JFL
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I heard Benjamin Netanyahu’s son posted an unusual meme a while back… be what that may…

View attachment 3041592
My mom shook hands with George soros , I’m trying to find the picture

She isn’t affiliated but she doesn’t want to know the truth

It’s because Soros was funding the Jurnalism learning center in my country
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They can have sex with humans and have babies therefore they are humans
  • JFL
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They can have sex with humans and have babies therefore they are humans
-Orcas and Dolphins can mix and produce viable offspring.
-Polar bears and shitskin bears can mix and produce viable offspring.
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  • +1
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Technically speaking you're partly correct.

1.) Jews from Alternate dimension

The so called Jews are Edomites as per the bible and per the Jewish Almanac (1985) and Jewish Encyclopedia (1925). Edomites come from Esau and Esau married the Canaanites. Canaanites come from Ham, Ham married a Nephilim and the Nephilim are half breeds where Angels (From an alternate dimension that materialized in this physical realm as watchers). These Angels bred with the daughters of men and created these Giants. This is why there were Giants post flood.

Jesus says in the book of Revelations and St John that the Jews are not Jews (claimed to be Judeans the same tribe as Jesus) they are the seed of the devil and the synagogue of Satan.

Cain has a separate Genealogy from Adam because his line comes from the seed of the devil aka the serpent. Then his seed stops at a female (the only female in the seed line ever listed in the bible. This is because this is when the fallen angels took over Cain's seed line and mixed with his great granddaughters.

2.) Ethnicity of Jesus
Jesus is an Israelite of the tribe of Judah and a Nazarene. These are the current so called Caucasians of today which I have provided the evidence for this in this thread. It's a long read but it provides sufficient proof qithout question to clearly see the Cuacasians of today are the Israelites per the Christian Bible. Technically he's God as he had no male seed and the virgin Mary was blessed with the holy Ghost.

3.) Edomite Jeqs Are Anti-Human:

If you read the Jewish Talmud which consists of hundreds of books created by these half breeds. Without going into too much depth, you'll find quickly that they basically believe they can do anything they qant to humans they call Goy (kill, rape, steal, lie, cheat, etc) and that gives them reqards. They believe they'll each have 1,000 Goy slaves in end times. They believe they are immune to any destructive things they do to the earth because they're the chosen ones. Their Massiah is the anti-Christ (Trump) their God is the devil. This is qhy they practice what they preach (start every major war, kill billions of people with medications, legalize abortions, death vaccinations aka mark of the beast CV19, black magic Pharmacia medication/drugs, spray chemicals in the skies qith billions of gallons of chemicals/metals via Geoengineering to fight fake global warming, chemicals and GMO foods for taste and for starvation (lol), fluoride and chemicals in water supply to help your teeth (bhahahahah), and set up the Corporations for every government to be run as a cooperation that they run and operate and control the IMF fiat Ponzi scheme that runs all the central banks on earth which is a scheme that makes us all debt/wage slaves and is time theft and theft of our property eventually combined with the extortion aka IRS taxes/property taxes.

So overall the 15 year old kid qas basically correct but may not have provided the information in an eloquent manner to convey the message but instead used catchy shock value Title to draq attention qhich did it's job.
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as a Jewish man i can say your right.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Htobrother, zurzolo and gigell
Technically speaking you're partly correct.

1.) Jews from Alternate dimension

The so called Jews are Edomites as per the bible and per the Jewish Almanac (1985) and Jewish Encyclopedia (1925). Edomites come from Esau and Esau married the Canaanites. Canaanites come from Ham, Ham married a Nephilim and the Nephilim are half breeds where Angels (From an alternate dimension that materialized in this physical realm as watchers). These Angels bred with the daughters of men and created these Giants. This is why there were Giants post flood.

Jesus says in the book of Revelations and St John that the Jews are not Jews (claimed to be Judeans the same tribe as Jesus) they are the seed of the devil and the synagogue of Satan.

Cain has a separate Genealogy from Adam because his line comes from the seed of the devil aka the serpent. Then his seed stops at a female (the only female in the seed line ever listed in the bible. This is because this is when the fallen angels took over Cain's seed line and mixed with his great granddaughters.

2.) Ethnicity of Jesus
Jesus is an Israelite of the tribe of Judah and a Nazarene. These are the current so called Caucasians of today which I have provided the evidence for this in this thread. It's a long read but it provides sufficient proof qithout question to clearly see the Cuacasians of today are the Israelites per the Christian Bible. Technically he's God as he had no male seed and the virgin Mary was blessed with the holy Ghost.

3.) Edomite Jeqs Are Anti-Human:

If you read the Jewish Talmud which consists of hundreds of books created by these half breeds. Without going into too much depth, you'll find quickly that they basically believe they can do anything they qant to humans they call Goy (kill, rape, steal, lie, cheat, etc) and that gives them reqards. They believe they'll each have 1,000 Goy slaves in end times. They believe they are immune to any destructive things they do to the earth because they're the chosen ones. Their Massiah is the anti-Christ (Trump) their God is the devil. This is qhy they practice what they preach (start every major war, kill billions of people with medications, legalize abortions, death vaccinations aka mark of the beast CV19, black magic Pharmacia medication/drugs, spray chemicals in the skies qith billions of gallons of chemicals/metals via Geoengineering to fight fake global warming, chemicals and GMO foods for taste and for starvation (lol), fluoride and chemicals in water supply to help your teeth (bhahahahah), and set up the Corporations for every government to be run as a cooperation that they run and operate and control the IMF fiat Ponzi scheme that runs all the central banks on earth which is a scheme that makes us all debt/wage slaves and is time theft and theft of our property eventually combined with the extortion aka IRS taxes/property taxes.

So overall the 15 year old kid qas basically correct but may not have provided the information in an eloquent manner to convey the message but instead used catchy shock value Title to draq attention qhich did it's job.
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Retarded theory but yes Jews are superior, not all Jews but the ones that have their mindsets aligned with their ancestors
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fucking Nazi cope
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Reactions: geenk worg, XtrovertNTnormalfag and zurzolo
Technically speaking you're partly correct.

1.) Jews from Alternate dimension

The so called Jews are Edomites as per the bible and per the Jewish Almanac (1985) and Jewish Encyclopedia (1925). Edomites come from Esau and Esau married the Canaanites. Canaanites come from Ham, Ham married a Nephilim and the Nephilim are half breeds where Angels (From an alternate dimension that materialized in this physical realm as watchers). These Angels bred with the daughters of men and created these Giants. This is why there were Giants post flood.

Jesus says in the book of Revelations and St John that the Jews are not Jews (claimed to be Judeans the same tribe as Jesus) they are the seed of the devil and the synagogue of Satan.

Cain has a separate Genealogy from Adam because his line comes from the seed of the devil aka the serpent. Then his seed stops at a female (the only female in the seed line ever listed in the bible. This is because this is when the fallen angels took over Cain's seed line and mixed with his great granddaughters.

2.) Ethnicity of Jesus
Jesus is an Israelite of the tribe of Judah and a Nazarene. These are the current so called Caucasians of today which I have provided the evidence for this in this thread. It's a long read but it provides sufficient proof qithout question to clearly see the Cuacasians of today are the Israelites per the Christian Bible. Technically he's God as he had no male seed and the virgin Mary was blessed with the holy Ghost.

3.) Edomite Jeqs Are Anti-Human:

If you read the Jewish Talmud which consists of hundreds of books created by these half breeds. Without going into too much depth, you'll find quickly that they basically believe they can do anything they qant to humans they call Goy (kill, rape, steal, lie, cheat, etc) and that gives them reqards. They believe they'll each have 1,000 Goy slaves in end times. They believe they are immune to any destructive things they do to the earth because they're the chosen ones. Their Massiah is the anti-Christ (Trump) their God is the devil. This is qhy they practice what they preach (start every major war, kill billions of people with medications, legalize abortions, death vaccinations aka mark of the beast CV19, black magic Pharmacia medication/drugs, spray chemicals in the skies qith billions of gallons of chemicals/metals via Geoengineering to fight fake global warming, chemicals and GMO foods for taste and for starvation (lol), fluoride and chemicals in water supply to help your teeth (bhahahahah), and set up the Corporations for every government to be run as a cooperation that they run and operate and control the IMF fiat Ponzi scheme that runs all the central banks on earth which is a scheme that makes us all debt/wage slaves and is time theft and theft of our property eventually combined with the extortion aka IRS taxes/property taxes.

So overall the 15 year old kid qas basically correct but may not have provided the information in an eloquent manner to convey the message but instead used catchy shock value Title to draq attention qhich did it's job.
I wish to make it more indef like your posts , but idk how. Maybe you can give me some tips ?
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: zurzolo and King Solomon
Retarded theory but yes Jews are superior, not all Jews but the ones that have their mindsets aligned with their ancestors
There is a video of a Jew elite saying they are from somewhere else
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They are from the chosen land.
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I wish to make it more indef like your posts , but idk how. Maybe you can give me some tips ?
Do you mean in depth posts?

I'd say find 10 topics that you find very interesting and you'd be willing to spend a good amount of time conduiting research. Then one at a time systematically knock out each topic. Take all the research you have and put into an easily digestible format. I add in numbers and letters and or Roman numerals for topics, paragraphs and sub topics and put in bold the major topics. Add in pictures, infographics, etc. If these topics not only interest you but you believe it can help others they should do fine. Plus after each one let people know you'd appreciate some feedback to improve your style, research, formatting, etc and eventually you'll get to a point where you don't have much to improve anymore.

Tips Summary:

1.) Topics that interest you because you won't be willing to spend a ton of time and effort on topics you don't care about.
2.) Topics that can potentially improve the lives of others.
3.) Start off with one page per topic then slowly build to a deep dive 10-20 page research project.
4.) Receive feedback to see how you can improve over time.
5.) As for sources for your research: basically almost any mainstream source is going to false overall but may have some pieces of truth. Try to find independent researchers that are not sponsored and deleted from mainstream social media and fact check their research. Once you find 2 to 4 solid independent researchers on one major topic that should be enough if this is their main focus for their life's work.
6.) Add in your own beliefs or opinions on things that you can't prove but let them know this part is an opinion and not a fact.
  • +1
Reactions: gigell and zurzolo
They are also not the same Jews that were a long time ago. They are a different species and came to do their plan which will enslave the human race. They could also be demons.

They’re not from another planet but they worship Saturn which is a fallen angel which appears as a “planet” at night. I think they might be demons or come beyond the ice wall. They also might control other lands the same way they control our continents

And Jesus needs to come back to save us

And Jesus isn’t part of those “Jews”

These “Jews” aren’t Gods chosen people

They believe in correcting the world which makes them have a god complex

"The divine fell to the corporeal level and it remains with us, this is why we are superior in every way; we will disseminate a correction to the world, it is our spiritual decree"

And it’s normal to hate these Jews as they are anti human
Hard to say everything becomes insane confusing i reached level where is imposible make logic things
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ashkenazi jews is nephilim
  • Hmm...
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I dont think the jews are the ones that run the world I think there is something above them
Do you mean in depth posts?

I'd say find 10 topics that you find very interesting and you'd be willing to spend a good amount of time conduiting research. Then one at a time systematically knock out each topic. Take all the research you have and put into an easily digestible format. I add in numbers and letters and or Roman numerals for topics, paragraphs and sub topics and put in bold the major topics. Add in pictures, infographics, etc. If these topics not only interest you but you believe it can help others they should do fine. Plus after each one let people know you'd appreciate some feedback to improve your style, research, formatting, etc and eventually you'll get to a point where you don't have much to improve anymore.

Tips Summary:

1.) Topics that interest you because you won't be willing to spend a ton of time and effort on topics you don't care about.
2.) Topics that can potentially improve the lives of others.
3.) Start off with one page per topic then slowly build to a deep dive 10-20 page research project.
4.) Receive feedback to see how you can improve over time.
5.) As for sources for your research: basically almost any mainstream source is going to false overall but may have some pieces of truth. Try to find independent researchers that are not sponsored and deleted from mainstream social media and fact check their research. Once you find 2 to 4 solid independent researchers on one major topic that should be enough if this is their main focus for their life's work.
6.) Add in your own beliefs or opinions on things that you can't prove but let them know this part is an opinion and not a fact.
Thank you for the advice I’ll try my best
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I dont think the jews are the ones that run the world I think there is something above them
Technically it's Lucifer at the top of the pyramid and his demons. The Edomites are just the leading pawns their agenda.

Demons are the spirits of the pre flood Nephilim.
  • +1
Reactions: Htobrother and gigell
Retarded theory but yes Jews are superior, not all Jews but the ones that have their mindsets aligned with their ancestors
They're inferior except in being immoral, tribal Longterm mindset and using nepotism to their advantage. The Edomites have been parasites in Israelite/Caucasian Nations for thousands of years because they need our genius to thrive.
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Entschuldigung and gigell
They are also not the same Jews that were a long time ago. They are a different species and came to do their plan which will enslave the human race. They could also be demons.

They’re not from another planet but they worship Saturn which is a fallen angel which appears as a “planet” at night. I think they might be demons or come beyond the ice wall. They also might control other lands the same way they control our continents

And Jesus needs to come back to save us

And Jesus isn’t part of those “Jews”

These “Jews” aren’t Gods chosen people

They believe in correcting the world which makes them have a god complex

"The divine fell to the corporeal level and it remains with us, this is why we are superior in every way; we will disseminate a correction to the world, it is our spiritual decree"

And it’s normal to hate these Jews as they are anti human
Picsart 24 07 07 00 38 33 111
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They're inferior except in being immoral, tribal Longterm mindset and using nepotism to their advantage. The Edomites have been parasites in Israelite/Caucasian Nations for thousands of years because they need our genius to thrive.
What a giant cope
  • JFL
Reactions: King Solomon
The Edomites have been parasites in Israelite/Caucasian Nations for thousands of years because they need our genius to thrive.
and then they became heckin jews
Screenshot 2024 07 20 160420

it all makes sense now they are the fake jews! fellow BBC ISRAELITES RISE UP!
Master praying
  • JFL
Reactions: Htobrother
What a giant cope
It's the plain and simple truth and it's a giant cope to believe anything else than this truth. They have inferior athleticism and strength. They lack the creative genius as nearly all the major inventions go to the Caucasians, The Asians are excellent at optimization of the Caucasian inventions.

They do have a major advantage in tribalism, long term planning and pure evil/immorality and of course their top dogs channel demons and lucifer himself for their orders to carry out. These half breeds either higher their own even if they're underqualified or they'll use Zionist shills through blackmail or immoral bribery and or both. They've kept the same gameplan for thousands of years. Their bribery and assassinating Abe Lincoln is how the eventually got the central bank in America.
and then they became heckin jews
View attachment 3042383
it all makes sense now they are the fake jews! fellow BBC ISRAELITES RISE UP!
View attachment 3042385
Hamites/Cushite's dwelled in the swamps of southern Africa right where God wanted them.

Yes Esau aka Edomites (Ashkenazi Jews) converted to Judaism in 150 AD by force by the Judeans aka Israelites aka Irish/Scotts.
  • +1
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Jews got to EVERYONE

they are overpowered beyond humanity
Ashkenazi Jew just like Hitler by blood a Rothchild Ashkenazi Jew and a Rothchild agent aka controlled opposition. Accept the Jew world order and bend the knee. Obey, Comply or die
I agree Hitler was a self hating Jew
JFL at nazi rats who support him
Jews got to EVERYONE

they are overpowered beyond humanity
It's over for a vast majority of the masses as 80% have been vaxxed, 90% are 99.9999% are using Edomite fiat ponzi scheme currency. You basically have to live like the Amish and completely off grid, self sufficient and a changed political status to be free in this reality.
  • +1
Reactions: Donkeyballs and try2beme
True. Kinda

Dr. Grifasi leads me to believe the true problem is ethereal, even if affecting the jews

BTW a session with him is like 2-300, good price and they responded fast but I'm not doing mine yet

One of his vids was hilarious as well about a martian entity i can't find it tho 🤣
It's over for a vast majority of the masses as 80% have been vaxxed, 90% are 99.9999% are using Edomite fiat ponzi scheme currency. You basically have to live like the Amish and completely off grid, self sufficient and a changed political status to be free in this reality.
I got bullied for not taking vacces and pressured daily during the pandemic
  • +1
Reactions: Donkeyballs
I agree Hitler was a self hating Jew
JFL at nazi rats who support him
He didn't hate the Jews. That was an act. Without Hitler there is no fake Israel. NAZIs are a creation of the Edomites and Albert Pike the Edomite created them as you can see in the Albert Pike letters of the 3 world Qars 40+ years before the 1rst war.
  • JFL
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He didn't hate the Jews. That was an act. Without Hitler there is no fake Israel. NAZIs are a creation of the Edomites and Albert Pike the Edomite created them as you can see in the Albert Pike letters of the 3 world Qars 40+ years before the 1rst war.
you sound like a schizo
Joseph Arthur de Gobineau created this destructive ideology
you sound like a schizo
Joseph Arthur de Gobineau created this destructive ideology
I just do basic research and I have no idea qho that guy is. if the truth is schizo to you then so be it. Trumpy Bear is a modern day controlled opposition like Hitler and Napolean before him but Trumpy Bear is open about his support of Israel since most NPC's are blue pilled about the Edomite Jews since they control the mainstream media, indoctrination camps, social media, etc.

The JQ is my test to see if a person is an NPC brainwashed beta male cuck or if they actually have a brain, use it and not afraid to speak truth.
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